Whats your workout today



  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Cvx yesterday- stuck it out with 8lb even though I wasn't feeling well. Yoga on tap today to wrap up transition week:) bring on block 3!!
  • jdelot
    jdelot Posts: 397 Member
    Agility - X this morning. Did the Coldstart first...I was a little creaky this morning.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Today was DECELERATOR and I must say I don't care that much for it! My balance is not the best due to a weak knee from a previous enjury & my low back is always stiff & sore from going through a windsheild of a vehicle many years ago! I ALWAYS have to have a hand out or on the floor for balance!
  • GaFez
    GaFez Posts: 25
    Week 13/Day 6 - One Fitness Test to go!! Great 90 days. This blog always kept me motivated to keep it up and not skip! Thanks to all and congrats on your success too.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Yesterday was AgilityX ( a good cal burner) & today was The Challenge plus I did extra reps along with the treadmill.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Today was to be YOGA X but I skipped it & did 4.75 on the treadmill along with reps!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Gosh where are ya all? I know you have not givin up!!!! come on & play!!!!
    To be honest I bonked today & rested!!!! I had gone 5 days in a row & was just plain tired!
  • jdelot
    jdelot Posts: 397 Member
    Block 1, Week 2...The wife and I did Warrior this evening. Felt a little better about it than last week. Skipped Dynamix last week...checked it out tonight. Looking forward to it tomorrow.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Triometrics today. Total synergystics tomorrow to wrap up week 9 of block 3
  • jdelot
    jdelot Posts: 397 Member
    Started week 3 of block 1 with Total Synergistics this morning.
  • shanespencer184
    shanespencer184 Posts: 27 Member
    Did MMX last night. Feeling it this morning, again - that's good, I guess!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    MMX has been my fave!!!!

    I have not done an X3 workout since last Tuesday! I have been involved in a couple of other challenges on MFP so I have been doing pull-ups, abs, squats, lunges, tons of UB reps plus miles! So it isn't like I'm sitting around not doing ANY fitness! I plan to get back at this tomorrow!!!
    Have a great week everybody!
  • jdelot
    jdelot Posts: 397 Member
    Yoga X today. Still feel like an oaf trying to do some of the balance moves.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    My day was a calorie burner! First off I unloaded & restocked the school food truck for 2 hrs, after work I then did MMX, ran 2.5 on the TM & did a 11 min HiiT along with abs & reps for my other challenge! Now it is time for a HOT soak in the tub!
  • jdelot
    jdelot Posts: 397 Member
    The Challenge tonight. Slowing increasing my pushup goal each week. Still using the bands for pullups. Someday I'll do real pullups.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    The Challenge tonight. Slowing increasing my pushup goal each week. Still using the bands for pullups. Someday I'll do real pullups.
    I bought the PULL-UP ASSIST band off Amazon & truly LOVE it!
  • jdelot
    jdelot Posts: 397 Member
    The Challenge tonight. Slowing increasing my pushup goal each week. Still using the bands for pullups. Someday I'll do real pullups.
    I bought the PULL-UP ASSIST band off Amazon & truly LOVE it!
    I bought one, too. I still can't do real pullups... :(

    Oh...Did Warrior this morning. Good workout. Looking forward to Dynamix and couple of miles on the trail tomorrow.
  • shanespencer184
    shanespencer184 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in block 2 transition week and doing CVX again tonight; haven't done that for a few weeks so I'm excited about doing it again!
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Day. 70 complete-eccentric lower:). Also did incinerator right after with my husband(he's doing mass schedule)
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I'll be honest and admilt I have NOT been following this last month to well! I am in a 13 week challenge & it require LOTS of pullups, abs, legs & glute along with HiT & cardio! Also it has 10 minutes of STRETCHING (so I use some of X3 yoga!) I am staying fit but just not under Tony's regime!!!