Whats your workout today



  • shanespencer184
    shanespencer184 Posts: 27 Member
    I've got Decelerator again today. I have to say, block 3 is leaving me more sore and for longer than the other two blocks. My chest, arms and legs have been hurting for seven days straight!
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    It's my first day with Total Synergistics.

    I must say it was kind of a bummer and was only too glad that I had a run afterward. While it wasn't exactly easy, I think 30 minutes of P90X's Chest & Back or Legs & Back would have been a bigger challenge.

    Ah well, hopefully the rest of the week turns out to be more impressive.
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    Was definitely more impressed with Agility X, pushed my heart rate up to 92%, whee!!
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Complex lower done yesterday!!! Holy smokes that's a leg burner. Feeling it today. Excited for yoga to stretch out the soreness today
  • mollydollyk
    mollydollyk Posts: 11 Member
    I did Pilates X today for the first time. The breathing is hard to follow with all the movements. It's going to take a few rounds to figure it out. Any advice?
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    I did Pilates X today for the first time. The breathing is hard to follow with all the movements. It's going to take a few rounds to figure it out. Any advice?

    This kind of goes through pilates breathing concepts. I'm not sure how much Tony goes into it in the video, I have my first date with that one on Thursday - http://pilates.about.com/od/pilatesmat/a/LateralBreath.htm
  • mollydollyk
    mollydollyk Posts: 11 Member
    I did Pilates X today for the first time. The breathing is hard to follow with all the movements. It's going to take a few rounds to figure it out. Any advice?

    This kind of goes through pilates breathing concepts. I'm not sure how much Tony goes into it in the video, I have my first date with that one on Thursday - http://pilates.about.com/od/pilatesmat/a/LateralBreath.htm

  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    Looking back on my notes this week, I'm not sure I have the pilates breathing down. I was sore the next day but it was in my ribs more so than my abs. I'm not really sure it's something you can "get" with a video.

    There's one stretch I'm also kind of lost on that's in most of the warmups: knee-pull-pull. I understand why you pull twice but the actual movement doesn't stretch any part of my leg and is more of an arm and coordination warm-up for me. My husband says he feels it in the back of his leg. Where do you feel it?