Week 1 Chat (20-26 January)



  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    Hi all,

    Just come in for a break from the garden, it's so nice in SA today.

    Had a slice of pizza today for lunch, left overs from the kids lunch yesterday. Haven't had pizza for long as I'm more inclined to eat the sweet stuff. Anyway was pretty happy with my effort as I only had 1 slice and threw the rest out as nobody wanted it. Previously I would've just eaten the whole lot.

    Hope everyone else is having a good day with lots of positive moments.

    Hope your day is going well Candirose.

    Now off to get the kids to wash the car.

  • sweetysmum
    sweetysmum Posts: 102 Member
    Happy Australia day!!

    Candi hope you had a lovely day yesterday.

    Miffy well done on the 1 slice of pizza, im not a fan of pizza, but had a really nice piece last week when we were out for lunch, lucky it was shared between a few people or I would of eaten more.

    Skim hope you have a great day out today oh and I hope you survive the PT session.

    Emma well done with the Zumba, I have done it once and it was a good calorie burn I must get back into it.

    Mich enjoy your family visiting.

    Danielle hope you survived returning to work.

    Ok must go get ready for a day out, it doesn't happen very often so I'm off to enjoy it.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day - Happy Anniversary to all our married love birds :heart: Even if it isn't your anniversary, maybe pretend it is and have a romantic dinner.

    I'll be out and about today and tomorrow, so I'm going to set up the week 2 threads for tomorrow and will check in with everyone tomorrow afternoon/evening. I've got an all day/night picnic on, but have cut up vegetable sticks to go with my avocado dip, nuts, strawberries and yoghurt and also going to get some Oportos chicken. I'll be having a few wines, but am going to stay away from the bread and really focus on making good choices today.

    Yesterday I did a full body weights routine and did a PB on my squat, shoulder press and chest press. I was stoked!! Then had a 30 minute "conditioning" session with my BFF and our PT - OMG - it was SO hard!!! It revolved around the rower, intervals starting from 1000m then down to 750m, 500m, 250m. In between we did 100 lunges, ball throws, squat press and mountain climbs. My legs were SCREAMING at me to stop and I swear, I almost cried. I thought I would be in a world of DOMS pain today, but not. Hmm, weird, maybe tomorrow.

    I better get going - will set up the other threads and then need to jump in the shower, or I'll be here for hours!!

    Hope you all have a great Australia Day!!
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    Candirose, so sorry to hear about your family's sad news.
  • broncosbabe
    broncosbabe Posts: 50 Member
    Candi sorry to hear your sisters news. We just found out my cousin, who had been trying to fall pregnant through IVF miscarried at 14 weeks. Hope you all pull through together.

    My Friday ended up being quite binge-like. I love to bake and it's my therapy for when I'm feeling stressed or upset. Thing is, I'm usually quite good with limiting what I eat of my baking and sharing it around my workplace. Besides, I usually have a bit of a treat on a Friday anyway. This week was red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. They were fabulous. I ate one for breakfast, one for morning tea and one in the afternoon. Problem was, I skipped the gym and had ice cream with peanut butter instead. If I hadn't skipped the gym, I'd feel bad but not as bad. Weird thing is, my appetite has decreased in general. I am usually hungry ALL the time, and generally eat healthy to satisfy that. My husband noticed I'm not eating as much as normal.....I don't know exactly what's going on.

    Anyway, made up for my skipped gym session on Friday by doing Friday and Saturdays weights sessions last night. Are under my limit yesterday as well and am feeling good for today. So does walking between pubs and maybe dancing count for exercise today? I don't really plan on going overboard and will log it regardless, but I'm not stressing about it today :)

    I plan on having 6 weeks alcohol free after today, rewarding myself at the Stanthorpe Apple & Grape festival. I've got two triathlons in this time and some serious training for my Half Marathon on 23 March to do, so I want to focus.

    Hope you all have an awesome Australia Day!!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hi Mel, red velvet cupcakes are to die for!! I would have eaten the lot!! Good on you for doubling up on the weights sessions, the cupcakes would have given you good glycogen stores!

    TTTA chat continues on in Week 2: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1185759-week-2-chat-27-january-2-february
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