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  • emilycat214
    emilycat214 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi! I have had T2 for years. After being controlled with diet and exercise, my A1c started to go up, and my doctor put me on Metformin, which I had to discontinue because of unpleasant side-effects. I'm in my 50s, and have been overweight with eating issues most of my life. Long story short: I felt I couldn't stay on a diet and couldn't deal with my doctor's disapproval of my weight, and I didn't see him for 3 years. I'm back on the wagon now, and have been trying to eat mindfully. The book, "Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat... with Diabetes" by Dr. Michelle May has been very helpful to me.

    I started with MFP a week ago to track my calories, and have already lost a few pounds. I've also joined the local YMCA, and exercise 5-6 days a week. Between that and the meds (Januvia and glyburide), my daily fasting BG has been on target for the past 8 days.

    I hope to learn a lot from this group.
  • nanabanana39
    nanabanana39 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello! I'm Anna. I was diagnosed Type 2 diabetic 9-26-15. I'm taking Metaformin . I was taking glipizide also but because of tight control I was going hypoglycemic and my doc took me off. Im hoping that with more weight loss and exercising I'll be able to stop the metaformin. It's awesome to be here! I hope to learn more about diabetes and health and look forward to being supportive. If anyone wants to be friends, please add me.

  • bschenck9664
    bschenck9664 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi my name is Barbara and I was told by my doctor I have type2 diabetes about two years ago . They did put me on Metformin and it made me very sick and had to go off of it because I needed my gallbladder removed due to stones . My A1c right now is 5.4 so I have been off of it and also had to have my para thryroid removed . I lost 30lbs so far and hit a block. The scale stopped moving . I hope myfitnesspal will help me get to my goal weight. Oh yea and my blood pressure I take medicine for that too 147/87 last time I checked .
  • AtomicCupcake1
    AtomicCupcake1 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi guys! I'm Ashley, 32, mom of 3 and 2 stepkids, from Arkansas. Just getting started and hoping to lose 43 lbs (lost 4 of that so far), and get my figure back. I'm tired of having a mom butt! Lol! I want to say I'll exercise, but I'll pretty much a couch potato, besides the usual chasing my 11 month old around and running errands all over town. Right now I'm taking it slow... Less eating, watching what I eat, and that's about it. I now have diabetes, as well as other health issues, so I'm just tired of this lifestyle and who I've become. Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • TraciBru
    TraciBru Posts: 15 Member
    Chrys, I'm not a profession but here's my 2 cents worth - If I was vegetarian and wanted to add calories, I would do it with nuts. I LOVE almonds and that is my go-to snack. They are good for you and are a healthy fat. Just my opinion, but I've never had them make my blood sugars spike. AND they have a good amount of calories. I usually limit myself to 6 or 7 (a serving). Walnuts and cashews would also be good.

    Hi i am traci looking for friends
  • TraciBru
    TraciBru Posts: 15 Member
    I am traci 43 feel free to add ne. Learning to eat right.
  • Keeblerelfkin
    Keeblerelfkin Posts: 24 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hello everyone I am new to the group. I was diagnosed as Type II January 3rd 2016 along with High BP and it was a complete shock since I have been losing weight like I am supposed to as of now I am 185 pounds lost (I at one point weight 489 lbs.) but a lot more to go (like150) I am hoping to find some help and motivation in this group. So far I have been quite successful using only the diabetes pills (Metformin & glyburide) and diet and I truly hope to keep it that way. Feel free to add me
  • lvadmama
    lvadmama Posts: 30 Member
    Hi. I'm Andrea, t2 diagnosis in 2000 following a diagnosis of congestive heart failure (secondary to pregnancy, also had gestational diabetes during that pregnancy) in 1997.
    I'm currently well controlled after making some major med adjustments following a heart surgery I had in August. My blood sugar went bananas following that! For diabetes I take Glimepiride 4 mg /day, Januvia 100mg/day (started in December) and Levomir 30u every night which I started using in late November.
    My carb count/allowance is 45 mg/meal and two 15 mg snacks per day. I'm almost always under those totals. Caloric intake for me right now is less than 1750 calories/day and low fat, low sodium, high protein and Yeah.
    I need to lose weight and keep my diabetes under control because I need a heart transplant. I've had a left ventricular assist device since May 2012, also known as an LVAD....Please Google it or read about it at It takes over for my left ventricle and without it,I would die within minutes.
    I'm literally in a battle for my life.
    I've got 5 kids, 3 biological..3 grandkids and I love life!
  • brettig
    brettig Posts: 9 Member
    I was just diagnosed the end of October.. i peetty young at 26 and actually had just lost 45lbs before i was diagnosed.. it runs very heavy on both sides of my family but i wont let that be the deciding factor. I am down anouther 35lbs now and have been doing it with low carb.
  • ellie_72
    ellie_72 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone, i'm here because my husband was diagnosed Type 2 on 16th January, was a bit of a shock, especially as gp failed to notice his HbA1c was 55 last July, but only rang us on 15th Jan. New HbA1c done has come back at 90. After discussions with his diabetic nurse, we have decided to try diet before meds, so both following low carb diets. I desperately need to lose weight (really surprised it wasn't me with the diabetes, i'm far more overweight than him). I'm in this with him, can't let him go it alone, and would welcome tips for meals, advice, support or friends really. We've experimented with foods over last 10 days and realise he can't tolerate oats, sent him soaring, but rye flour and lidl high protein rolls are great for him, bring his bg down :smile:
  • Jan93L
    Jan93L Posts: 178 Member
    Hi, I am Jan. Been T2 for 20+ years, recently started working on loosing weight again and eating more carefully and exercising. Exercise not easy due to neuropathy and arthritis in my feet. Recumbent bike seems to be working for now. I love MFP for keeping track of food intake and exercise. Makes it like a game.
  • shippan
    shippan Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, I'm Mary and new to MFP and am T-2. Diagnosed in 1990 and have been able to handle it on lowish doses of Glyburide. All of a sudden (after a colon cancer surgery) I seem to be shooting higher and somehow found this site to record and check what I am eating. My MD is a GP and threatens insulin. Due for a blood tests in April, would like to lower my A1C.
  • kitballard1
    kitballard1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, I'm Kit.
    I've been on MFP since the beginning of the year, I was diagnosed with Diabetes 1 week ago. I've had my "freak out" moment. My brother and sister both have had Diabetes for years. I Called yesterday to get schedule for the Basic class.. in 4 weeks! I'll finally see my Doctor tomorrow.
    In the mean time, I've been just keeping on with 1200 to 1500 calories. Trying to get more carbs into my diet, cause I always gravitate to the low carb meal plans.
    I have over 100 lbs of weight to lose and applied for Bariatric Surgery. So, I've really been trying.
    What I'm looking for in a group is ideas on how others deal with food and how the BG readings guide you to know what to eat or not.
  • mrtastybutt
    mrtastybutt Posts: 87 Member
    Hi. You can call me Mr.TB, even though I'm female. It's the nickname of my cat.

    I was dx'd w/T2 in 2009 at age 35. I was at the upper end of normal BMI. lol. I lost 30 lbs and it didn't help. So they put me on metformin. I gained weight. Had a heart attack in 2013, I was 38. I have 2 stents. I weighed 163 at the time.

    Anyway, ff to now. I've lost 35 lbs in 3.5 months. My most recent HBA1c is 5.4 and my morning BG runs between 70-105. My most common dilemma is my BG running too low during exercise. In the 40-50 range. That's after having my meds lowered.

    So yeah. Hi.
  • windogpup
    windogpup Posts: 3 Member
    Good morning! My name is Tanya. Yesterday I got the dreaded phone call from the doc's telling me that I'm now diabetic. After crying like a baby for a couple hours the fear set in. I have no idea what to do next. What do I eat? How can I figure all of this out? My doc's appt is next Friday so I still have a week to get through until then. If anyone has any good advice for me I'd be so grateful! Thanks in advance :)
  • judyvalentine512
    judyvalentine512 Posts: 927 Member
    windogpup wrote: »
    Good morning! My name is Tanya. Yesterday I got the dreaded phone call from the doc's telling me that I'm now diabetic. After crying like a baby for a couple hours the fear set in. I have no idea what to do next. What do I eat? How can I figure all of this out? My doc's appt is next Friday so I still have a week to get through until then. If anyone has any good advice for me I'd be so grateful! Thanks in advance :)

    I know that feeling. I was told on my birthday last year that I was diabetic. The best advice I can give you is contact your local Diabetes Association. I don't know if you're American or Canadian, but in Canada, they have tons of free help, from educators, dieticians and support groups. One on one counsellors.
    The biggest advice they gave me, my doctor as well, was it may take awhile for your blood sugars to normalize, so don't get too worried. And, cry if you want to.

  • sandyswanson94
    sandyswanson94 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Sandy from Michigan, using MyFitnessPal for 3 years now, and just diagnosed with T2D a few months ago. Not my first time around - I had gestational diabetes over 30 years ago, and with the family history of T2D in parents, grandmothers, aunts, cousins, & siblings, I knew it was just a matter of time!

    Just completed the diabetes education course (nutritionist and nurse) so it feels like I have good info to start.

    Taking Metformin, counting carbs and exercising 4-6 times a week so far. Nutritionist recommended that I could lose weight at 1500 cal. with 10 carb servings (around 150 g) a day. I have lost 10 lb. (15 more to go) and don't feel like I'm starving.

    My biggest concern is maintaining motivation - like, 3 months down, 30 years to go. Looking at my history in MFP, it looks like I've lost the same 10 lbs 3 times now - hit my goal, then slack off recording & exercising. So, looking for support to help me keep on track.
  • topathemorning
    topathemorning Posts: 346 Member
    edited March 2016
    Newbie here. I was just diagnosed at the end of Feb. Although I told a friend I have "baby diabetes" due to 6.7 A1C, and he told me, diabetes is like being pg-You're either diabetic or not. So although my acceptance rate is slow, I made a dramatic change in diet and exercise, and am just doing the beginning readings. So, please pass on those great book titles, podcasts, and weblinks. I'll plow through them all! My name is Moira, am 62, live in Arizona and am looking forward to losing weight, and getting those A1C numbers into the pre-diabetic and non diabetic range. Meanwhile, I've got a lot of learnin' to do!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Hi, I'm Sandy from Michigan, using MyFitnessPal for 3 years now, and just diagnosed with T2D a few months ago. ... So, looking for support to help me keep on track.
    Newbie here. I was just diagnosed at the end of Feb. ... My name is Moira, am 62, live in Arizona and am looking forward to losing weight, and getting those A1C numbers into the pre-diabetic and non diabetic range. Meanwhile, I've got a lot of learnin' to do!

    Hi Sandy and Moira ... I'm Niki, and I also have T2D, was diagnosed back in 2005 with it, probably had it or just plain insulin resistance for at least 10 yeats before then. I don't see a lot of activity on this group but am always happy to meet up with others who have the condition.

    I've been told, have read, and found out for myself that it's a progressive disease but manageable to the point of having normal sugar reading but that it takes continual watchdogging ... low carbs, moderate caloric meals, plenty of both aerobic and strength exercises. I've also seen the results of blood sugars not being well managed ... neuropathy, retinopathy, kidney disease, heart failure, amputations, loss of life, and so on.

    Good luck on your journey to stable blood sugars and better health.