Like Minded Lushes - April 2014



  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Gary said it perfectly. You are so amazing, Kat. I'm keeping you, kyle and your family in my thoughts. :heart:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    what they just said.

    I went to red lobster for lobster fest with a friend. I ate too much and I already feel all the sodium. I think I need a drink.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    um ...... Hello Lushes. Where are you?
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Kat, what a great way to honor your Lily. I am sure that she had a sweet, little soul and that you have chosen to honor it with the charity. I am glad to hear of all the love and support that you are surrounded with.

    I am back from Chicago. I had a lovely visit with my family and am happy to be back. My Dad has started a new chemo drug that will hopefully buy him some more time. He is going thru so many emotions that alternate between anger, sadness and hope. He is very weak and has lost about 25 lbs. very quickly. He is on day 6 of the medications and the side effects don't seem to be there.

    Of course, I have been lushy - but, I did work out with my sister on 2 of the days.

    Now to dinner with hubs....
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,172 Member
    Kim - Fingers crossed that the new chemo drug has positive effects on your dad.

    Kat - I agree that a charity in Lily's honor is lovely idea.

    Not much going on in my neck of the woods. Lushing it up on my second margarita tonight and it will be my last. I am trying to get rid of the four pounds I have somehow acquired by not being diligent. This healthy lifestyle *kitten* can bee a real pain in the *kitten*!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Kat that is a beautiful way to honor your baby girl. I am amazed by your strength right now.

    Kim- sending positive thoughts your way :flowerforyou:

    Monday- 5 oz of white at lunch, a 312 in the afternoon and 10 oz of white while watching shows (I had the day off)
    Thursday- 5 oz red
    Friday-312 and a vodka and diet tonic
    Saturday- a Stella at lunch and two 312s and 10oz of white in the evening
    Sunday- two 312s and another beer (cant remember the name) and about 10 oz red

    Failed big time with my goal of only drinking 3 days and went over my 3 drinks max 3 of the days. Although they were very spread out throughout the day and I don't think I ever even had a buzz. I am blaming it on the warm weather. This week is not going to be as nice, so I am going to try to do better.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I was lushy last week.

    M - 4
    T - 0
    W - 2
    R - 4
    F - 7
    S - 8
    S - 0

    I'm feeling it today. We had our wine tasting party and I got pretty trashed. I didn't eat a whole lot, which is always bad news. I also decided to get pretty drunk on Friday. I ended up being off work because my kiddo puked at day care. So I got a bonus day and it was nice and warm so I made a drink at 5 and proceeded to drink till about 11 or so. My goal is 19 driniks or less: 4 max during the week and 5 max on weekends and shooting to only drink 4 nights a week.... Geez I sound like a lush. It's getting cold in KY again so that should help.

    Kat, what a great way to honor your daughter. I agree, your strength is amazing. I'm still keeping you in thoughts and prayers.

    Kim, I hope the new drug helps your Dad. Hugs to you.

    All the other lushes, hope you had fun weekends.
  • bgrune131
    bgrune131 Posts: 703 Member
    Kat, I think that is such a beautiful way to honor Lily. :heart: You have such strength!

    This weekend...drank way too much from Thursday-Saturday night. Ugh. Nothing last night and will have nothing tonight...but tomorrow hubby & I are going to the Chevelle concert, so I'm sure we'll go out to dinner before hand and drink at the show. I'll keep it within reason though since I have to work on Wednesday. But it'll be fun nonetheless!
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    You have my sympathy and prayers, Kat!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Kim..been thinking of you and your dad. Keep us posted and I hope the chemo kicks that cancer's *kitten*.

    Kat...your strength amazes me.

    I'm plugging along. Had some bad days last week drinking wise and I'm still holding on to my vacation weight gain. Maybe this will be the week I can try to get some of it off since I only have 2 more weeks before I leave again. My dad's house is in escrow so hopefully that will go through and I've got a couple of loose ends to deal with re: my son as far as housing and other issues that if I could wrap up this week it would allow for me to focus on me. I really need to focus on me...have I mentioned that? lol

    Have a good week, lushes.
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Kat, like everyone else said, your strength is amazing and the charity is an amazing way to honor lily!

    Kim, wishing your dad all the luck with the chemo pills!!!!!

    We had a really great weekend. It felt long because we did something Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Sunday we walked to the movie tavern and got pretty sh!tty the rest of the day... it was more to help recover from the two days before. It was fun. I'm still out of sorts.... sleepy and a little cranky.
    Missed the gym this morning so I will force myself to do some yoga tonight. I'm looking forward to it, but not... cause I'm lazy!!!

    Not sure if I mentioned it but we found some termite swarmers in the basement so the exterminator is coming to drill holes in the ground and treat Thursday. I'll be working from home and then off Friday for good Friday, then we are hosting easter on Saturday. Only two work days left and I need a short week more than ever. I am currently at the car dealer for service....I'm bored!!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I had a much needed 0 last night. It's amazing what 24 hours will do. I feel about 100% better today than I did yesterday. I too forced myself to work out when I got home, and between that, eating sensibly and drinking a crap load of water, most of my lushy bloat is gone today. I may try for 0's till Thursday. Plus the weather is crap. There were actually some flurries when I left this morning.
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,172 Member
    I had a much needed 0 last night. It's amazing what 24 hours will do. I feel about 100% better today than I did yesterday. I too forced myself to work out when I got home, and between that, eating sensibly and drinking a crap load of water, most of my lushy bloat is gone today. I may try for 0's till Thursday. Plus the weather is crap. There were actually some flurries when I left this morning.

    I was checking out your new profile pic...your kid really rides in style:bigsmile:

    A 0 for me also last night...finally...
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Up six pounds from a few weeks ago. :grumble:

    I need to give myself a reboot in the behind and get serious logging again. My evenings are the worst where I eat everything in sight. Gotta get off this carb kick I have been on.

    Good to see so many of you doing well with the zeros. I could use some myself.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I had a much needed 0 last night. It's amazing what 24 hours will do. I feel about 100% better today than I did yesterday. I too forced myself to work out when I got home, and between that, eating sensibly and drinking a crap load of water, most of my lushy bloat is gone today. I may try for 0's till Thursday. Plus the weather is crap. There were actually some flurries when I left this morning.

    I was checking out your new profile pic...your kid really rides in style:bigsmile:

    A 0 for me also last night...finally...

    Craigslist! $75 and used about three times. She loves the "sickle".
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Went to the tulip festival yesterday. This is a Washington thing all month where you drive around an look at all the tulip, daffodil and iris fields in Skagit Valley (Northern Western Washington Farm country) The massive fields of color are amazing. We were going to go on Sunday but eveyone and their mother were too, so we decided to go after work yesterday. (we get off pretty early) It was georgeous. The weather was still nice. Stop at Buffalo Wild Wings on the way home and got wings to go and I proceeded to drink a bottle of white once we were home. It was fun and good to get out.

    Today is overcast and drizzly and I have a ton of errands to run. Getting ready for the big Florida vacay. I forgot to renew my car tabs so I am in a mad panic.

    Take care lushes.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hi Lushies...I've been so BAD!! WITH!! THE!! LUSHINESS!!

    Today will be my first zero in a long, long time. Of course, weight is up as well.:cry:

    We officially put our house on the market May 1st - only 2 weeks to pull it all together. We have all the new doors in the bedrooms and the boy's closet doors. Nearly 1/2 of the painting is down and now it's just time to keep de-cluttering and deep cleaning. I'll steam clean the carpets next week.

    I think if we sell this quickly enough that we will have to move to a temporary location while ours is being built...I certainly hope this all worth it in the end.
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Good luck with all the last minute stuff Kim!!!!!

    Wednesday-I'm planning on another
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Monday=3 drinks (split a bottle of Malbec at dinner, and a Coors Light later)
    Tuesday=0 drinks

    Tonight I will have a drink, I am going to a noodle house and they have a beer brewed especially for them, it uses the spices of the chinese food, sounds interesting...
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Moving/selling a house is a PITA. Good luck, Kim. So far my process has gone fairly smoothly but I still wake up in the middle of the night thinking about stuff I need to do. :grumble:

    I had a 0 last night. I really needed it.