Today I Will ______________



  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Tonight I will restart C2K5 from the beginning. I'm happy to be back to it.

    Question: Anyone deal with heel cracking from running? Noticed 2 weeks back when I was running and I wonder if the running caused it???

    So glad to see you back, Cindy! I haven't had any heel cracking. I did not buy new shoes yet for funning, but my newest pair of tennis shoes seem to be doing a great job. Wonder if it could be your shoes?
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    I did w4d2 this morning. So happy and amazed that I can now jog for 5 minutes straight! I'm planning to get caught up on some housework and some cooking for next week today. I decided not to go to my dad's this weekend. He will probably not be happy with me, but I feel like I need to get more settled in my routine before leaving home for any length of time.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Today is Rest Day!

    I didn't think I was going to get any time to do anything yesterday, just had a ton of stuff to do. But, I managed to squeeze in a 6K run before supper. It turned out to be my best run in awhile. I felt really good and my time was better than in a long time. So....feeling pretty happy about that.

    We are soon off to town for supper. Not sure where we're going but its going to have to be somewhere where I can get something good.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Yesterday I was exhausted. I did end up cleaning my house & getting groceries, but by 7:30 I was trying to read in the hot tub & I am lucky that I didn't lose my book, because I felt like I was drifting off to sleep.

    I am happy that I got a better sleep last night (7 solid hours!!!), so I will head out for a long run shortly. I am going to run for 1 hour and 15 minutes & see where that brings me. Then I will work on cooking some chicken for the week & weeding my gardens. We are going to have supper at my step fathers, so I need the extra calories for tonight! :)

    I have spent some time this morning trying to figure out my bra size. Every bra that I have fits wrong, and is uncomfortable. It is because I am wearing the wrong band size, so of course the wrong cup size. I don't know where I am going to shop locally for the bra size that I seem to need 36G (I have been wearing 40D, and falling out the bottom!) . LOL I know people complain about their boobs shrinking, but at this point I would be happy for some shrinkage.

    Have a great Sunday!
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Morning ladies.

    Yesterday I didn't get C25K in, but I did walk my dog for 30 minutes and mow the lawn so there was definitely exercise involved. I also ate right and was under my calorie goal.

    Today I Will: Enjoy the sun! C25K. Eat right and start logging my foods again.
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Today is rest day for me. I really feel like my body needs it. I bumped up the weights in my workout Friday night and then did my run on Saturday morning. A part of me doesn't want to take the day off from exercising, but I know I should to prevent myself from getting too sore or perhaps injured.

    Lisa, saw you got in a nice long run this morning!

    Cindy, mowing the lawn should definitely count as a workout! Hope you enjoy getting back into c25k!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Today is usually a rest day, but I'm going to get in at least a half hour run. We will be having a DQ ice cream cake for dessert this evening so need to burn a few extra calories!
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313

    Today I was back in the swing; and it felt good! Took the dog for a walk this morning. Ate right and logged all day. Sat in the sun and read and did a little more of that :) Went for my C25K run tonight and it was nice!

    Have a great nite all!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Was pretty happy yesterday with my run, set out for 8K and ended up with 10K. So that will be my long run for this week. So far for June I have run 72K, where last month i had 88K. I should be able to break that seeing that it is only the middle of June.

    Today, I will go out for a short run, 5K or maybe 6K just depending on how my legs feel. I do plan to do some strength work too.

    Cindy - so glad that you're back with us and getting back into the swing of things :)

    Lisa - I had to laugh about you being careful not to lose your book in the bathtub, sounds just like me. lol Good luck with the bra hunt, it can be hard to figure out what size you are,I know some girls who went and had someone measure and figure it out for them.

    emy - I usually feel the same way about rest days, I know I need to but don't really want to. lol

    Brenda - that is the good thing about allows you to have those little treats and not feel so guilty! Enjoy the ice cream cake :)
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Yesterday was a good high energy day for me. After my run, which ended up about 10km with the warmup & cool down, I cut the grass, and shopped & got over 21000 steps in.

    I take rest days when I need to but I don't plan them anymore. I actually plan to exercise everyday for at least 30 minutes. Some days are more intense then others, I try not to take rest days 2 days in a row, max 2 days a week. Mixing up running with heavy lifting seems like a good fit for me. I don't get too tired or sore as long as I sleep well.

    Today I have already done my heavy lifting. I successfully squatted 5x5 115lbs, so I move on to 120lbs on Wednesday. I will focus on eating my veggies & drinking lots of water this week.

    Have a great day!

    ETA: I do take planned rest days before a race. I forgot about those ;)
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Today I have already done my heavy lifting. I successfully squatted 5x5 115lbs, so I move on to 120lbs on Wednesday. I will focus on eating my veggies & drinking lots of water this week.

    Have a great day!

    ETA: I do take planned rest days before a race. I forgot about those ;)

    Do you go to a gym to do this Lisa, or do you have the stuff at home? I am getting interested in doing this kind of thing too, but all i have at home are hand weights, highest is 15 lbs.
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Today I'm going to do my weight routine. I've curious to see how I do. I've been having this vague kind of twinge in my hip/lower back area since Saturday. I've thought it could be my imagination, but last night I realized it definitely isn't. I had to get an extra pillow to put between my legs in order to sleep on my left side. I've been thinking that I might have pushed myself a little too hard on Friday evening/Saturday morning. I increased my weight for a few of my exercises (went from 15 lbs to about 17.5). I really felt a good burn while working out at the end of several of my last reps, so I know that I was working harder than usual. Then I got up early Saturday morning and did w4d2 of C25K. I really thought the twinge would go away yesterday since I rested, but it hasn't. I'm wondering if I will notice it more this evening during my workout.

    Cindy, so glad you got back into the routine! It sounds like we have several readers here in the group. I love to read, but I have to limit myself. Once I start a book, I don't want to do anything else but read until I've finished the book. For that reason, I haven't gotten a new book since I started working out.

    Lisa, I am constantly amazed by your level of activity every day! I also would love to get into more heavy lifting. I've committed to doing this muscle primer workout for 12 weeks as kind of an introduction/beginner's routine to lifting. Then I'm going to move into a new routine, maybe strong curves or stronglifts or something.

    Maureen, I am primarily using 15 lb dumbbells now for my workout, but I bought adjustable dumbbells and I'm planning to add weights as I am able. I was thinking that I would eventually have to start going to the gym as I moved up, but I'm thinking more and more of just adding on to my home gym equipment. The Strong Curves book by Brett Contrares has a list of home equipment that would be needed for each stage of his workouts. He also has several different versions of each exercise so that you could switch them up based on what you had available.

    Brenda, I found out I dodged a bullet by not going to my dad's this weekend. They had homemade ice cream, my favorite!!! I would have eaten several bowls of it. We definitely need to treat ourselves sometimes, but I would have made a glutton of myself.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Today I have already done my heavy lifting. I successfully squatted 5x5 115lbs, so I move on to 120lbs on Wednesday. I will focus on eating my veggies & drinking lots of water this week.

    Have a great day!

    ETA: I do take planned rest days before a race. I forgot about those ;)

    Do you go to a gym to do this Lisa, or do you have the stuff at home? I am getting interested in doing this kind of thing too, but all i have at home are hand weights, highest is 15 lbs.

    I go to a gym. They have a squat rack & all of the free weights I could ever need. I really like the stronglifts 5x5 program.
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,795 Member
    Today I will eat clean all day because yesterday I certainly didnt. My calf is starting to feel better too so I did a light work out today and will take the dog for a walk later. It has been tough wanting to go at it heavy and not being able to because of my calf. This happens quite a bit as I tore my muscle a few years ago and I think it will always act up. Theres a lot you can do low impact though which is good.
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Sounds like everyone's had a pretty good day......awesome! Today I did JMBR p3w11. Wow.....that's a tough one, but only two weeks left before I complete the program. I WILL survive!

    I did pretty well last night with the ice cream cake, only having a small slice. It was awesome! I haven't splurged on treats like that since I started with MFP. I used to eat out a lot for lunch. Haven't done that either since starting MFP. I'm kind of afraid to actually. I would hope I would make a healthy choice if I did go out, but afraid I would weaken and order "my usual". Think I'll just continue to take my lunch to work for a while yet!

    Have a great day!
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Sounds like everyone's had a pretty good day......awesome! Today I did JMBR p3w11. Wow.....that's a tough one, but only two weeks left before I complete the program. I WILL survive!

    I did pretty well last night with the ice cream cake, only having a small slice. It was awesome! I haven't splurged on treats like that since I started with MFP. I used to eat out a lot for lunch. Haven't done that either since starting MFP. I'm kind of afraid to actually. I would hope I would make a healthy choice if I did go out, but afraid I would weaken and order "my usual". Think I'll just continue to take my lunch to work for a while yet!

    Have a great day!

    Glad you enjoyed the treat and kept it within reason. I'm the same on going out to eat, etc. I truly have little to no discipline if it's in front of me or I can order it. I've been better about this time I'm dieting, I think it's a combination of the group and also, I've changed my "I can't eat that" to: "I chose not to". Helps me feel a little more in control.
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    You are all amazing with the weights …. I really need to be building myself up. 8 lbs is barely doable to me right now. So, I guess on my off C25K days, I should be doing some weights to build up!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Good morning, ladies! I did my weights last night and did feel a twinge right where my ache has been. Still not sure if it is the weight lifting or the running that is causing it though. This morning, I have the same twinge but it has moved over to my left side now. Maybe that's good, just means it is soreness rather than some budding injury. I'm taking ibuprofin and bathing in epsom salts. I do not want to get sidelined! I've been doing my weight routing for 4 weeks now, and I feel so much stronger already. I feel like I'm even noticing a difference in the mirror. My back already looks so much slimmer and (maybe) more muscular!

    I plan to do w4d3 of C25K this evening. Won't go out until around 7:30. The summer is heating up here!

    I'm disappointed this morning because I forgot my vanilla whey powder to mix in my yogurt for this morning. I really love it! It's like a dessert to me. Oh well, hopefully that is the only thing I forgot this morning!

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Got in a 5Km run yesterday just before supper. It was super windy, so coming back on the turn around was kind of, but I guess made me work hard. Today I am going to go to my cardio/strength class tonight, and might do some of my own strength stuff during the day. I never like to do "too" much before this class because you never really know what its going to be.

    Emy - I am a reader too, spend lots of evenings with my nose in a book. I have a kobo. hope that twinge in your back doesn't amount to anything, take it easy!

    Cindy - I agree with you about everyone being awesome with the weights. I am getting very interested in starting something but have no idea where to start. I have no gyms in my area so it would have to be an at home routine.

    Brenda - I have always been interested in the JMBR, I have done her RI30 and 30DS videos and loved them. Are you following the eating plan as well?

    bizgirl - I can totally relate about the calf issue! I run a lot and about twice a year I have calf issues and have to stop running for a couple of weeks. I can usually manage to do other things, but its so hard not being able to do what you love! Hope yours gets better quickly.

    Lisa - great job on the weights....I want to do it too! :smile:

    Hoping to also get some yard work done today, and pay some bills! yuk. lol
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Looks like today will be a day of rest for me. I was awake from 2-5am, but slept until 7. I do not set an alarm on running days, but I usually wake up. Oh well, I will walk to DDs soccer game tonight even if my family drives, if it is not storming. It is not very far but we drive because we don't have the extra 10 minutes to walk. It won't matter to anyone if I miss the first few minutes of the game.

    Our house is a high stress place right now. DH is cranky working 7 days a week & kids are very argumentative. I am feeling the strain of being a business owner. Running keeps my stress level down in the chaos around me.