Today I Will ______________



  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    Peach Cobbler for everyone! And of course, it will have zero calories. Wink wink.

    Cindy, so jealous of those temps!

    Emy, I’ve never been good at batch cooking, so good for you! I do cook a lot and we rarely eat out or get take out (my boys are used to it). I always make enough for two nights of dinner though. I heart leftovers!

    Lisa, sorry you’re feeling puny. Some people around here have been complaining about terrible allergies right now. My oldest son got a summer cold, and the hubby and I have felt like we’re fighting it off. I have felt more tired this past couple days but I’ve been up early working out hard, so maybe that’s why. Good luck getting back to it and surviving until the allergy meds kick in.

    Diane, I hate to hear you’re feeling poorly too. Itching drives me crazy, and living in the south with all the mosquitos I do a lot of it. I just got over a couple sizable patches of poison ivy. Gardening in Georgia is sometimes no Bueno. I hope you bounce back quickly!

    Today I will keep eating clean and stick to my food log. I had another big bike ride this morning around Stone Mountain. I took the super-hilly route and it was rough. But it’s done and I torched some calories. I would have preferred to ride mid-week, my butt bones were still sore from my Saturday ride. But we’ve got lots of rain moving in and I figured I better get it in this morning. When I rode this weekend, I was hungry all day, so I’m hoping that I can roll with the hunger pangs today and not do any unplanned eating.
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    I love this group, only discovering it now! Mind if I jump in from here?

    I'm a 41 year old mam of two, married and working fulltime in an office. Lost the weight a while back and am maintaining in theory, but have been struggling quite badly over the last month or two. I'm only just about back on the wagon. I hope. Have done some gaining and am trying to lose 6lbs to be back to my ideal weight. The weekend was good and the bloat seems to have gone.
    Husband and I are in the horrors at the moment though, it's seriously bad. Feeling very stressed over it and haven't eaten much today. I'm such a "all or nothing" gal. :indifferent:

    Don't think I ever had peach cobbler, I like the idea of it though, especially your zero calories version. I made some banana muffins the other day, they came out lovely and the kids like them in their lunchboxes.

    Sorry to hear about the allergies girls, my youngest is suffering badly as well at the moment, back of her knees are red raw, even the hydro cortizone isn't doing much.
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Diane and Lisa, I'm sorry to hear y'all aren't feeling up to par. Hoping the next few days bring you some relief.Lisa, I really enjoyed reading your blog post about meeting a major milestone. Don't let the tiredness get you down! You are making so much progress!

    Siannah, peach cobbler is delicious as is blackberry, blueberry, apple, etc. Cobbler of all kinds is a major favorite for me. Banana muffins also are delicious to me! I have a serious bread/pastry issue!

    Pam, I'm seriously jealous of your bike route options. I'm sure I couldn't handle the hills but I know I would enjoy the scenery.

    Cindy, I'm also jealous of your weather! We are in the 90s here, but at least the humidity hasn't been too bad.

    Maureen, sounds like you are breaking all kinds of PRs these days with your runs. So inspiring for me as a beginner runner!

    Brenda, hope you had a good day today!

    Jetta and anyone I missed, hope y'all are keeping on keeping on as well!

    I did my weights tonight and looking forward to tomorrow's c25k challenge!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Yesterday I managed to get in over 11 000 steps between work, DSs soccer & watching the fireworks.

    Today I am finishing this post & going for a run. My allergies are still pretty bad, but I feel better today, more like myself. Maybe it was allergies & a cold. Who knows!

    I know that I made a mistake eating chinese food this week (& leftovers yesterday!) so I will be drinking LOTS of water for the rest of the week. Tomorrow I will be going out for dinner at a nice Italian restaurant with a supplier, there is always food & wine a'plenty.

    I will really need to concentrate for the next 2 weeks on no take out, more exercise & lots of water.
    Have a great day!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Lisa, glad you feel some better! The Italian restaurant with food/wine sounds great to me right now, ha!

    I think I must have experienced a whoosh this morning. I've been bouncing back between 199 and 197 over the past two weeks, with my Friday weigh in showing about 1 lb loss per week. Yesterday was finally below 197 and then this morning at 195.5. Hope the downward trend continues. Since I weigh every day now, I try not to get too focused on the daily numbers, but rather the trend. It is always nice to see a big drop though!

    Going to do w5d3 tonight. Looking forward to it.

  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Lisa, glad you feel some better! The Italian restaurant with food/wine sounds great to me right now, ha!

    I think I must have experienced a whoosh this morning. I've been bouncing back between 199 and 197 over the past two weeks, with my Friday weigh in showing about 1 lb loss per week. Yesterday was finally below 197 and then this morning at 195.5. Hope the downward trend continues. Since I weigh every day now, I try not to get too focused on the daily numbers, but rather the trend. It is always nice to see a big drop though!

    Going to do w5d3 tonight. Looking forward to it.


    Sweet change - enjoy that!!!!
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Lisa, Italian food - mmmmm, my main weakness in life! Good luck!!!! Treat yourself within limits and enjoy!

    All, Good Morning!

    Yesterday, I got to walks in which felt great to double up. If my work schedule permits I'll get a walk in during lunch today and then another C25K tonight. I go away in 2 weeks so I'm trying to do a boost before I leave. 1) to get another 1-2 lbs off 2) because I know during vacation I'll prob put that 1-2 lbs back on :)

    I definitely need to change my foods …. I get in a rut with the same items on a daily basis. Usually 5 of my days consists of the same foods. I think it will help if I can learn to change that up.

    Wishing you all a healthy, get back to me, skinny type of day!

  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    I love this group, only discovering it now! Mind if I jump in from here?

    Welcome - looking forward to your joining :)
  • iwannabinnarnia
    iwannabinnarnia Posts: 179 Member
    *sigh* Today I will..... go looking for my will power.... it seems to have gone MIA... cupcake and cinnamon chai on my desk.. well, the cinnamon chai still is.. the cupcake.. well, just the crumbs remain. Bad sleeping night last night... between the itchy legs, the husband who wasn't sleepy so stayed up past 2am watching tv (I'm a light sleeper so every noise is heard by me thus he kept me awake), and the doggies who wouldn't settle down to sleep either... so very little sleep.. which leads me to be moody and emotional. I did log everything already on my food diary and if I chose the right cupcake I will still be ok for the day.. though I didn't log the Chai cause I have no idea how many calories are in them.. so I count them as liquid.

    Hope everyone here has great days. I can't remember who it was now who mentioned biking around Stone Mountain.. I remember visiting Stone Mountain when I was a teenager.. such an awesome place/site! Lisa - enjoy the Italian food.. it's one of my big weaknesses! Spaghetti is a comfort food for me.. I'm actually part Italian. Cindy.. .. I know what you mean about a food rut.. I feel in one also.... same meals each week.. I actually brought a couple cookbooks with me to work today and will browse thru them for some new ideas... Emy.. congrats on the loss...I hope your trend keeps up for you!
  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    Welcome Siannah! I think that the fact that you’re only 6 lbs away from your goal weight may be related to the fact that you’ve never had peach cobbler, lol. Are you from across the pond?

    Lisa, I keep meaning to ask you about your store that you mention. What do you sell?

    Oh, Emy, those numbers sound dreamy to me! I am so looking forward to being back in the 190s. I know that sounds like a terrible place to be for most women, but I’m 6’0” and my goal weight is 190. Haven’t been there in 20 years. The lowest I got was 197 a few years ago.

    I’ve always weighed in daily when I’m tracking food and doing well, then I avoid the scale when I start falling off the wagon. This hasn’t done me any good these past couple years, so I started a once weekly scale date and even drew up a chart. It’s been so hard not to get on and check my daily progress, but it has really shown me how long a week is, and how important it is to put the whole week together to get a good weigh in. Of course I’m excited and nervous about stepping on the scale tomorrow, but I am so pleased with my consistency this week. I haven’t strung together seven days of tracking and exercise in a really long time. And even if the scale isn’t as supportive as I want it to be, just experiencing how much better my body feels to move in today vs. last week is a big NSV.

    Cindy, I hear you on the vacation prep. I wonder if I’ll ever go on a trip and not come home heavier? Why can’t I maintain my healthy ways for 2 meals/day? Anyway, glad you’re making plans for it ahead of time! Maybe we should start a thread for healthy and delicious meal ideas. I love to cook and create stuff that is healthy but not deprived of taste/healthy fats. I did a meal with chicken dinner sausage that I grilled, then a sauté of cubed sweet potatoes, onions, green peppers, cubed yellow squash, and baby kale. It was one of those meals I could eat 3 days/week!

    Diane, that was me biking around Stone Mountain. I’m glad you’ve seen it. I grew up a few miles west of the mountain and ended up moving from downtown Atlanta to east of the mountain about 12 years ago. I love being 10 minutes away, so much hiking and safe roads for running/walking/biking. It’s lovely! I hope you get your mojo back today, I know that feeling all too well. I had the craziest dreams all night last night, that alarm was not my friend this morning.
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Wow this thread goes fast, I like it! :happy:

    Yes Pam, I am. I'm Dutch actually but have been living in Ireland for about 15 years now and don't think I'll ever leave, love this country. Only 6 lbs from my goal weight is tiny of course, but nevertheless it annoys me that I let it slip again. I'm "in between" clothes sizes now, so pretty uncomfortable, wearing clothes that are just that little bit too tight. :frown:

    I just googled some images for peach cobbler. I shouldn't have! I. Want. One. Now.
    It's like an apple crumble/apple pie really isn't it, yum!

    Well done on the running Cindy, Lisa and Emy! I did c25k last year and even went on to do a 10k women's marathon, but lost interest after that. I actually get really bored after about 5k. Same for cycling, 20k max, after that I just die of boredom. I prefer hill walking and hiking really.

    Ooooh Italian food, winewinewine, Cinnamon Chai, cupcakes, stop!! I have this Chai tea at home, which is nice and calorie free, but not nearly as satisfying as the coffee! :noway:
    Haha, two more hours till my dinner time, and all I can think/write about at the moment is food!! :laugh:

    Pam I do the exact same, weighing myself daily as long as things are going well. Once I fall off I avoid the scales like the plague. I'm trying to do the weekly weigh-in here in the group, but did not do it last Friday as I had such a bad week. It's going well now though (I probably just jinxed that), so will be checking in on Friday.

    Right I better do a bit more work, another hour to go *sigh*
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Hello everyone! Didn't get a chance to do "Today I will" yesterday, but I did p3w11. Work is crazy this week and it's only Tuesday! Today I did p3w12.

    Lisa, so awesome how you get so many steps in in a day! I do good if I get 5000. Little jealous about the Italian restaurant. My husband is a "meat and potatoes" man and we have no Italian restaurants around here (unless you count pizza). Enjoy!! Glad your feeling better!

    Emy, hope your trend continues! I can't weigh myself daily, the fluctuation drives me nuts! I weigh three times a week, but not sure if that's any better.

    Cindy, I am with you on the vacation prep as well! I am on vacation all next week. We aren't going anywhere, but not having my regular routine always puts me out of sorts with eating.

    Diane, hang in there. I totally understand the willpower going MIA. Happened to me last week with the donuts!!

    Pam, the sautéed sweet potato dish sounds aweome - it's a must try!!

    Welcome Siannah! I'm only three pounds from goal (well this goal anyway - going to set a new one once I reach this one!). I'm at that "in between" stage as well with my clothes - it's frustrating! Either wear something too big or to small - which is worse, I'm not sure.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Well tonight I felt defeated… :( Will I really ever be able to jog? I still can barely do 1 min and it's been 4 weeks.

    But on a better note, I ate right, took a walk at lunch and made today count.

    Tomorrow I'm off of C25K so will put in a kettle bell workout.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning all!

    Yesterday I managed over 14 000 steps & had a good run. It was hot and humid outside, but it felt great to run after a week off.

    I woke up at 2:14am this morning, and could not go back to sleep. It is going to be a long, long day, especially with dinner out tonight. I should be heading to the gym for heavy lifting today, but I am going to take a short run instead. Heavy squats kill me , and I need some energy for the day. I will go for a short run, just to get increase my mileage & available calories for supper & wine tonight.

    Pam: We own a hot tub and pool store. This is our busiest time of the year. Every year I lose a little bit of weight during the winter & gain it back during the summer. I am hoping with the help of MFP this year (& this group) that I will continue losing weight this year!

    Cindy: Don't feel defeated. I felt EXACTLY how you felt when I was doing C25K. I think a lot of it is mental. Run slower if the 1 minute is too hard. You don't need to sprint it! Or just go for week 2. You will get there. If I can do it, really , anyone can!

    Brenda: I believe the fitbit has really got me moving. My paperwork is suffering a bit on days that I don't run because I need to get those steps in, but more things are getting done around the store. I hate being on the bottom of the leader board with fitbit friends.

    Siannah: Welcome! This is a fast moving thread, but I think it is great! I love checking in and seeing how everyone is doing!

    Emy: I weigh daily as well, and only log the losses on here. I belong to another site (since 2009) where I also log gains if they last longer then 2 days or they are caused by something (like a dinner out)

    The next couple of weeks will be trickier then I thought for me. We are going to away overnight next week to visit DHs parents & then we are camping for 4 days the following week. My family would much rather do take out and have junk while we are on the road. I am going to have to do some big time planning to avoid gaining weight & to get me work outs in.

    Have a great day!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Good morning! I did w5d3 last night! Jogged for 20 minutes straight! So happy with myself! Today I'm going to do my weights.

    Lisa: I hate when I wake up and can't go back to sleep! Sending you good thoughts today to help you make it through the day! The camping trip sounds like fun but I know what you mean about eating on the road. My family also loves to eat out when we are on a trip. In my younger, more naive days, I would try to pack healthier, less expensive food for trips, but usually I would be the only one eating it! I wonder if times like that, our goal should be maintenance calories (of course still hoping for a deficit). Only problem is, I can run a calculation to get my maintenance calories, but who knows how accurate it is. I've never counted calories before now, so I have no idea how much I would truly need to eat for maintenance.

    Cindy: I would say run slower. I am so slow! My husband went with me last night and he walked the entire way. I only pulled away from him in the last 3 minutes or so when I knew I was going to be able to make the 20 minutes. I read something a day or so ago that made me feel better about this. Someone said that jogging is a gait, not a speed. I'm just practicing the gait right now and building up my endurance. Speed can come later. My husband even asked why is this better than just fast walking. I don't really think it is at this point (in terms of calorie loss) but I'm building my endurance so that in the future I can run faster. To me, the most noticeable difference was when I went from 3 to 5 minutes. The week before, the 3 minute jog seemed so hard, every time I did it. The next week, the 3 minute interval seemed pretty easy, and the 5 minute nearly killed me, lol!

    Pam: I used to always avoid the scale as well. Someone gave us a scale as a wedding shower gift 23 years ago. It held up until about 7 or 8 years ago. I never bought a new one until last month. The last time I lost weight, I decided to ignore the scale because even at 160-170 I was fitting into size 10 and even some size 8 pants. Seeing the scale weight though would make me feel bad, even though I wasn't unhappy about how I looked and felt at that weight. I'm 5'6 1/2 and the smallest weight I have ever been as a teenager and adult was 140. I haven't been there since my mid 20s though. I remember at 140 thinking I weighed so much more than other people (and feeling bad about it!), but if I ignored the weight I was really happy with how I looked. Unfortunately, this method of not using a scale for so long has not worked so well. When I finally weighed myself last month, I was 207 and some change. What a shock! I decided then I have to get over this scale phobia of mine.

    Brenda and Siannah: I would love to be so close to my goal weight! Y'all are awesome getting there!

    Diane: Just take one step at a time and don't feel too bad about the willpower now. Again, I'm reminded of what I was told when I quit smoking. Focus on the cigs you don't smoke, not the ones you do. For getting healthy, remind yourself of the good things you are doing, not the times you aren't perfect. I don't know any of us that can be perfect all the time. For me, making sure I have healthy choices is really helping me deal with the cravings for the not so healthy choices.
  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    Quick stop by to shout my weekly weigh in from the rooftops! I lost 5.8 lbs. this week. :happy: This puts me at 225.0, which is where I was pre-birthday and pre-vacation. I'll come back by after breakfast and catch up on everyone's posts.
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Quick stop by to shout my weekly weigh in from the rooftops! I lost 5.8 lbs. this week. :happy: This puts me at 225.0, which is where I was pre-birthday and pre-vacation. I'll come back by after breakfast and catch up on everyone's posts.


    Congratulations!!!! That is wonderful! So happy for you!!!
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Pam - congrats!!!

    Lisa & Emy, thank you for the motivation. I definitely felt defeated last night, but woke up today, thinking 'new day', I'll try again on my C25K tomorrow. Your words are in my mind and I'll keep them at focus when jogging. Emy, I will try the slower, gaited approach and see if that helps. And Emy, 20 mins straight - AWESOME! Be Proud!

    Brenda 3 lbs to goal! Party time! I hope you have yourself a sweet reward (nice mani/pedi, shopping trip, massage - something awesome to reward yourself!)

    To all my other MFP friends, have a great day.

  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    A quickie from me at the moment, but I will try to come back later. I was kind of peeved yesterday, had planned all day to go to my strength/cardio class and then last minute she cancelled it. So....had to do a JM workout last night in the basement. Had I known I would have done it earlier. Oh well....I got something in!

    Today going to run. Its suppose to rain...drizzle...shower today so I should get out there before it starts. Doesn't look so nice out. I need to catch up with you guys, I missed posting yesterday.
  • iwannabinnarnia
    iwannabinnarnia Posts: 179 Member
    BLECH! Been up since 3am.. legs are BURNING and ITCHING! The rash is getting worse and spreading over the legs. Called and got a doctor appt.. but not until 2:45... don't know if I can hold on until then. I have spent at least $50 already on lotions and stuff to try to fix this and nothing has helped. I took an aveeno oatmeal bath last night and while in the tub it soothed it.. that soothe lasted for about half hour then it hit again. I'm wearing a skirt today.. I've not worn a skirt for a long long time.. but pants rubbed and irritated.. have no pantyhose on either so my bright white ugly legs are showing (at least white where they aren't red from the rash. I look stupid, and it's not helping anyway.. so probably should've worn the pants... Yesterday was not a good eating day at all.. caved and made italian for dinner since it was on my mind.. (thank you for that Lisa :wink: :tongue: ).. made chicken parmesan.
    Then after running to the drug store for the oatmeal bath stuff, and cleaning the tub so I could take the oatmeal bath I only had time for about 20 minutes of hula hooping. Wonder how many calories are burned by scratching?
    Congrats to you Pam on your loss! That is awesome!
    Eveyrone else.. please forgive me.. my mind is not focusing on what I'm reading really well since it's so obsessed with this itching!
    Hope eveyrone has great successful and wonderful days today!