Today I Will ______________



  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Lisa, have fun on your trip! I'm so sorry your son woke up sick. Allergies are terrible!!! Here's hoping he recovers quickly.

    Siannah, I'm sorry you are not feeling well. Only good thing is the TOM doesn't last the whole month. It will pass soon and you will be back to your happy self.

    Brenda, no high heels for me! I was wondering too but I checked out some pictures online and everyone (or at least most everyone) is wearing tennis shoes. You will get that JM dvd down pat soon, I'm sure.

    Cindy, great job on the weight loss! I just saw it on my newsfeed. That has to feel great!

    Pam, your mountain trip sounds so wonderful. Have you read Strong Curves? The author, Bret C., talks about glute activation bigtime. I'm thinking about trying one of his programs after I finish my 12 weeks of my current workout. And you are so right about the Hurricanes. Luckily I will be a lightweight and it won't take much for me. I have a hotel room booked in the Quarter, so it will be a short walk to my bed!

    Update on the boudin ball: I found a generic boudin ball on MFP. 387 calories for one! Wow! No wonder I've gained all of this weight. I can down three of them in a sitting! That wouldn't include the cream cheese either!
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Anybody want to take a guess as to how many calories are in one cream cheese and jalapeño stuffed boudin ball from Krotz Springs Louisiana? Here is a link with a picture if you are curious what they look like: They are a major weakness of mine and we have a friend who likes to bring us some every so often. Usually he brings 6 or 8 but today he dropped off only 2. Of course my sweet husband had to save me one. I first turned it down but he insisted! I have no idea how to log this. I may just pick a number and put it in. I don't feel too bad since I've been really good for about six weeks, but I'm going to hate trying to log this. I'm so glad there was only one for me to eat!

    YUM!!!! I would log as: cream cheese, oil, and pastry (or bread) … you could figure the measurements by how many you ate. Looks so good though! And rest up, when you see my log/post in a minute, you'll feel better :)
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Brenda, I love JM, but I’ve heard some of her DVDs aren’t as instructive/good so maybe it’s her =) You finished the 90 day so give yourself time on this one!! Would love your fresh fruits n veggies. I live in a country area so we have a lot of farm stands, but would love my own!!!

    Lisa, enjoy your trip. Hope your little guy feels better soon ☹

    Siannah; rest up …. Better to have TOM than be pregnant again ha ha

    Pam, yes I’ve got the hips and butt but no muscle or work in them. I’m hoping these apps make a difference, I’m sure within 2 weeks I’ll know. I’ll be in NC this week too – we are vacationing at Ocean Beach. But it sounds like you are on the other side of the state in NC. But let’s just remember what happens in NC, gets logged on MFP ☺

    Emy, glad you got a little treat for yourself.

    So today, I did great in eating. Then dinner came, not sure how it happened, but I had 2 york peppermint patties (the little ones) and ½ a bag of gummy watermelons. Yup; that was dinner. I paid for it during my C25K run 1) because I thought I would puke and 2) because I had no energy. I will say ½ way through the run I felt better and glad I was working off my stupidity. I ended up putting an extra 15 min walk in to help off-set some.

    Nite friends … stay cool. Exercise, eat right and remember YOU ARE DOING GREAT!
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Haha noooo, no more pregnancies for me thank you very much Cindy! TOM still not there, but feeling fine again. Normally doesn't bother me, very strange. Was fine again last night, had a 6k walk which I think helped as well.
    What are peppermint patties?

    And while I'm at it, what's a boudin ball Emy?

    Pam you really seem to be doing fantastic, your mindset really is wonderful! Bet you can't wait till tomorrow!

    I'm wearing clothes today that are completely out of my comfort zone and I'm nervous wearing them! I'm usually a dress wearer, but these are pants, kind of like pyjama pants, they're all the fashion here. But they're not fitted, so there's a very fine line between them being casual and just baggy and fattening! I'll try to find a picture...

    RIght, 8.30am here, time to head to summercamp and work! Have a good day!
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Sorry don't know how to size the picture!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Siannah, those pants look comfy and I bet you will pull off wearing them with style!

    Here's a definition/description of boudin ball from Wikipedia:
    Boudin ball: A Cajun variation on boudin blanc. Instead of the fillings being stuffed into pork casings, it is rolled into a ball, battered, and deep fried.[2]
    Boudin blanc: A white sausage made of pork without the blood. Pork liver and heart meat are typically included. In Cajun versions, the sausage is made from a pork rice dressing (much like dirty rice), which is stuffed into pork casings. Rice is always used in Cajun cuisine, whereas the French/Belgian version typically uses milk, and is therefore generally more delicate than the Cajun variety. In French/Belgian cuisine, the sausage is sauteed or grilled. The Louisiana version is normally simmered or braised, although coating with oil and slow grilling for tailgating is becoming a popular option in Lafayette, New Orleans, Houston, Beaumont, and Baton Rouge.

    Before I moved to Louisiana 20 something years ago, I never thought I would touch something like that! Ha! Now, boudin balls are better than any dessert to me! These are usually appetizers or a quick snack in Louisiana. You can get them at most local restaurants, cajun meat stores, and gas/convenience stations believe it or not! I typically try to avoid them except when our friend brings them to us from Krotz Springs. Those are the best I've ever had and I can't resist them!

    Cindy, sounds like you and I had a similar evening!!! Oh well, today is a new day, and one motivation for eating well is to fuel our exercise. And even though you felt horrible on your run, you pushed through! That's true dedication right there!

    Last night's run kicked my butt! Yesterday was the first day I really noticed the heat here being almost unbearable. I had some mental stuff going on as well, as the same sweet husband who saved the boudin ball for me made a few wisecracks about my speed when I told him I had signed up for the Red Dress Run and also I'm planning to do a fun run next week with a friend of ours. Something about me "jogging in place!" Then he had the nerve to want to go with me on my run last night and looked seriously offended when I told him he wasn't allowed. Sometimes they can be so wonderful and sometimes I wonder how we live with them!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good day everyone!

    i guess it is time for me to get my butt in gear and post an update...and what I will do today. We had a good weekend, dh did well in his race, he placed 2nd! It was a 4K swim, 180 bike and 21.1 run. I can't even fathom it. Long day for me too. haha I did pretty good eating, was up a bit on Monday but expected that, I always seem to be up on Monday. But, I weighed myself this morning and am 1/2 lb lower than I was before we left! So happy about that.

    I'm going to go for groceries this morning, yesterday was a holiday.....I would have gone yesterday - we are out of everything! Anyway, its not a great day here, but I want to run. I think its suppose to get a bit better as the day goes on. Oh! I actaully managed a 12K run on Monday. I didnt' expect at all to feel like running long after getting back from being gone all weekend, standing in the heat all day on Sunday....but I guess a few days off from any exercise helped. I was very pumped about that, I haven't done anything over 10K in quite some time.

    I have some reading to get caught up with you guys and I need to go and post my July goals. (and update my June results)

    PS....thanks for the nudge Emy!!!! :wink:
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Good morning to all!!!

    Siannah, those pants look so comfortable - and you will look great! Peppermint Patties are a thin layer of mint covered in chocolate. I had some in the freezer which makes them that much better!

    Emy, you made me laugh 'jogging in place'. Damn him! He's just talking trash as he knows you'll be out running him in no time :)

    Maureen, congrats to your husband - how exciting!

  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Good day everyone!

    i guess it is time for me to get my butt in gear and post an update...and what I will do today. We had a good weekend, dh did well in his race, he placed 2nd! It was a 4K swim, 180 bike and 21.1 run. I can't even fathom it. Long day for me too. haha I did pretty good eating, was up a bit on Monday but expected that, I always seem to be up on Monday. But, I weighed myself this morning and am 1/2 lb lower than I was before we left! So happy about that.

    I'm going to go for groceries this morning, yesterday was a holiday.....I would have gone yesterday - we are out of everything! Anyway, its not a great day here, but I want to run. I think its suppose to get a bit better as the day goes on. Oh! I actaully managed a 12K run on Monday. I didnt' expect at all to feel like running long after getting back from being gone all weekend, standing in the heat all day on Sunday....but I guess a few days off from any exercise helped. I was very pumped about that, I haven't done anything over 10K in quite some time.

    I have some reading to get caught up with you guys and I need to go and post my July goals. (and update my June results)

    PS....thanks for the nudge Emy!!!! :wink:


    Your husband did amazing! I can't even imagine!

    Great job on the 12K. I've been reading more and more about incorporating planned rest breaks into our exercise schedules. It certainly seemed to work for you!

  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good Morning all!

    We are back from our trip, arrived at midnight last night & everyone is still sleeping in my house. I think I will let them all sleep in & go get stuff for the store & the dog from the kennel before work.

    Thanks for the well wishes about DS yesterday. The poor kid! It didn't really bother him, but he looked horrible! It took all day for the swelling to go down. We did give him benedryl, but who knows what he was allergic to!

    My weight is a concern to me. I am gaining again. I know most of it is probably water retention, but I am getting worried. I am having a really hard time juggling work, summer & healthy eating. Everything I do seems to get me retaining water or gaining weight. *sigh* I know what to do, it is just really hard when I am really busy & overwhelmed.

    Today I will: cut up veggies (maybe buy a veggie tray), buy some groceries, and really honestly track what I eat.
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Good morning to all!!!

    Siannah, those pants look so comfortable - and you will look great! Peppermint Patties are a thin layer of mint covered in chocolate. I had some in the freezer which makes them that much better!

    Emy, you made me laugh 'jogging in place'. Damn him! He's just talking trash as he knows you'll be out running him in no time :)

    Maureen, congrats to your husband - how exciting!


    I know right! He tried to backpedal after he realized he had offended me, but how do you back pedal from that?!? He has been a sweetheart though and hasn't said "I told you so" about the calorie counting yet. He lost a lot of weight by counting calories a year or two ago, and he tried to convince me to do the same. My answer was always the same: calorie counting just doesn't work for me. Now, I'm having to eat my words! Been waiting for a smartass remark from him about that, but so far nothing! He's learned a little something after 20+ plus years of living with me, but obviously he still has more to learn, LOL!!!
  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    I weighed in this morning and was down 0.6 lbs. As I mentioned, I was expecting TOM today or tomorrow (it started this afternoon), so this is still a huge win for me. I also haven't logged everything for 16 days in a row in many years, so woohoo for me!

    I'm in busy packing mode, trying to do laundry and sort out what food to bring with me. I figured I'd take up as many healthy things as I could. I just know my step-mom will be making breakfast every morning. "Pam, do you want any bacon and grits?" Gah, must resist the fatty breakfast meats! I'll probably have it one day, but she'll fix it every dang day we're there. And I know there will be a bbq sandwich on a sourdough roll at the Hampton General Store. Maybe that day will be my bike riding day! I just have to be smart and keep track of it all.
  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    Emy – That little ball of delish deserves a Goodness Gracious! Boudine balls sound wonderful and calorific. I’ll have to check out the Strong Curves, sounds good! And you were spot on with your husband comment, lol!

    Cindy – Thanks for that reminder! We will be on opposite sides of one of my favorite states. I will raise my hand and solemnly swear to log, because vacation food counts when you’re trying to lose weight. I hope the tropical storm doesn’t mess up your beach vacation!

    Siannah - Now I’m just wanting to send you a care package of wicked mystery food from the States. Haha! Those pants look great. Isn’t it crazy how a new item of clothing can make us feel so weird all day? It makes me wonder how amazing I would feel if I wore fine designer clothes everyday. But as a stay-at-home mom, that isn’t likely to happen. Thanks for the compliments, I feel great now, but my real test will be coming back and checking in, logging food after my vacation. I get so tripped up sometimes after I go out of town.

    Maureen – Congrats to your husband! That is a HUGE triathlon distance. At least to me, I’ve only done sprints. I keep trying to work up to Olympic distance and I keep getting injured. Maybe next summer! And congrats to you on the weight loss and the looong run.

    Lisa – Glad you had a good trip. Don’t be too hard on yourself, you were just traveling and now that you’re back you have your head on straight. Get to work lady!
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    My weight is a concern to me. I am gaining again. I know most of it is probably water retention, but I am getting worried. I am having a really hard time juggling work, summer & healthy eating. Everything I do seems to get me retaining water or gaining weight. *sigh* I know what to do, it is just really hard when I am really busy & overwhelmed.

    Lisa, don't be discouraged … unfortunately, it happens :( Just take a good look at everything you are doing and see what can be switched up. Sometimes, even just changing your foods or removing sugar/carbs after 2:00 helps. And watch for inches too -- muscle does weigh more than fat. You've been doing great … and will continue to do great!
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    I weighed in this morning and was down 0.6 lbs. As I mentioned, I was expecting TOM today or tomorrow (it started this afternoon), so this is still a huge win for me. I also haven't logged everything for 16 days in a row in many years, so woohoo for me!

    I'm in busy packing mode, trying to do laundry and sort out what food to bring with me. I figured I'd take up as many healthy things as I could. I just know my step-mom will be making breakfast every morning. "Pam, do you want any bacon and grits?" Gah, must resist the fatty breakfast meats! I'll probably have it one day, but she'll fix it every dang day we're there. And I know there will be a bbq sandwich on a sourdough roll at the Hampton General Store. Maybe that day will be my bike riding day! I just have to be smart and keep track of it all.

    Enjoy it in moderation with exercise - it is vacation!!! Maybe just 1/2 of the roll, egg whites only, it will work! Enjoy NC :)
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Mmm those boudin balls sound good! Sounds a little like a scotch egg, sausage meat outside and a boiled (quails) egg on the inside. I'm not crazy about them though.

    TOM's here, so not sure what the weigh-in tomorrow's going to be, but fingers crossed it'll be like you Pam! Had a pretty good week, so shouldn't be too bad anyway.

    Lisa you sound like you have a crazy busy life. No wonder you find it hard to juggle it all. I think all you can do for now is focus on your calorie intake, more so than your exercise. I'm amazed at some of the threads here on MFP, people who get up at 4am to get a workout in because they're too busy otherwise. That's madness! I suppose I'm reasonably busy as well, with working fulltime and the family, but at least my girls are still quite young, they're usually in bed by 8pm, so that's when I will get a workout in. I either do a Fitnessblender or a DVD or I go for a walk/cycle. Usually 30-60 minutes total, so still time to relax after that.
    Hope your DS is better now.

    Maureen, wow, you and your husband are so sporty, I'm SO impressed! And even losing a little weight in the process... well done.

    Oh Emy, don't talk to me about husbands. We had the mother of all fights the weekend before last. I swear, we were so close of walking out of one another. If it wasn't for the children (and the mortgage) I probably would have done. But it's fine again now. Took a while though.

    Today I will.... mmm don't know really. I can feel my arms, my legs, my butt, my thighs, I've definitely worked all muscles over the course of the week. Maybe just a walk. Or pilates.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning all! The heat & humidity has finally lifted here, looks like a great day for a run. I plan to get out there and do 5km before the rain hits. Should make for a slower day at the store, giving us a chance to catch up on stuff.

    We are get getting a new gas line installed today, which means we will be getting a new BBQ. We have been without one for this entire season, because the one we have been using for years is unsafe. I often cook chicken on the BBQ before work so that it is ready before I leave for work so supper is quick and easy. I have missed that.

    Today I will log my food. I am kind of tired of doing it for some reason. Probably because I have not been the model of healthy eating. I will eat properly today, so that I feel better!

    Maureen: Awesome job running. Great July goals too! do you run with your husband?
    Siannah: love those pants. They look so comfy! I am all for clothes that feel like pjs for work :)
    Emy: sounds like I would love some Boudin balls.. I feel like I should plan a trip somewhere just to try them!
    Pam: We will have the same challenges for the next week. We are leaving on Sunday for a short trip. I can somewhat control the food we eat though, because we are camping. Although my family seems to need "vacation food" which includes things that are less then healthy & DH seems to need bacon & eggs & fried potatoes for breakfast every day. I will just be sure to run every day before we start to lounge at the beach!
    Cindy: Happy to hear you enjoyed C25K a little more. Keep at it, you will enjoy it more and more!

    Alright. I just wasted 20 minutes writing this post lol. Gotta get out there before the rain hits!

    Have a great Thursday! This week is FLYING!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Hmmmm....what to do today. The strength class that I go to has been getting cancelled a lot lately. This happens every summer, there aren't enough people going so she cancels it. Usually she just stops the class til September. So....if I dont' do anything today in hopes of going to class...and then she cancels, I have will have to do something tonight. Not sure what I want to do. We'll see.

    Yesterday I ran 6K and did my floor exercises in the evening.

    Siannah - those were nice looking pants, very comfy!

    Emy - yes, I definitely find that rest days help me out, sometimes my legs feel very heavy if I haven't taken one in awhile.

    Pam - 0.6 is great when TOM is around!

    Lisa - I agree with Cindy, I know its hard not to be discouraged but just keep pushing ahead. Log everything....and even if you don't' get in tons of exercise, stay within your calorie range. It will happen!

    Cindy - least you know what not to have for dinner again! really do feel it in your runs when you don't eat good (not you....I mean in I know how zapped I feel of energy if I haven't eaten great the day before. Good that you were able to get in the extra walking though.

    Have a great day all, I'll try to check back in later!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Lisa, glad you may have an easier day today due to the weather. You are doing great even if it doesn't always seem that way. Just think back to a week or two ago when you met a major milestone with your weight loss. I think we tend to judge our progress in the short term. We feel great one day and when things get tough the next, we tend to let the negatives outweigh the past positives. The way you describe your days and how you somehow manage to balance everything is an inspiration to me.

    Siannah, I haven't had scotch eggs but a couple of times, and I love them! Definitely similar, since boudin balls are primarily sausage. Crossing my fingers for you too on the weigh in tomorrow. On the husband front, we don't often have those knock down drag out fights anymore. I guess we've gotten too complacent after so long together, but we definitely used to! In our early years, I threatened to leave a couple of times, but my husband was wiser than me and calmed me down. His parents are still married after almost 50 years while my parents were divorced. It's been interesting seeing how we handle things differently sometimes based on our family backgrounds. The most I have learned is that my marriage seems to go through phases, just like my children did/do. Now I try to remember that if we are going through a bad phase, then there will be a good phase to follow if I can just be patient.

    Pam, you and I must have similar stepmoms. I'm going to my dad's house this weekend, and I am wondering how many times I will have to pass on the homemade biscuits! Enjoy your vacation!

    Cindy, Maureen, and Brenda (and other friends reading!), hope y'all are having an awesome day! I'm trying to survive work right now. Been a stressful past couple of weeks and I'm ready for the long weekend. I'm planning to do W7D1 of C25K tonight. I can't believe I'm almost finished with it!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Hello all! Missed checking in yesterday, took me most of the day to get the veggie garden weeded and then mowed the lawn (takes about five hours to mow everything). Was a beautiful day out though and is nice again today, so will be outside as much as possible. I've done c25k every day now and I'm loving it!! I'm thinking I should do some weight training as well, but for now am just going to enjoy the running while on vacation.

    Emy, those boudin balls sound very interesting - of course I'm in for trying anything that's stuffed with cream cheese!!

    Cindy, glad you are enjoying c25k as well - even after the peppermint patties:)

    Lisa, hope your son is feeling better. Did you figure out what he was allergic to? Hope your camping trip goes well - enjoy your time at the beach!!

    Siannah, the pants look very stylish and comfy - I like them!

    Maureen, nice job on the 12k and congrats to your husband!

    Pam, enjoy your vacation. I love bacon and would have a hard time resisting!

    Have a great day everyone!!