Today I Will ______________



  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Sorry I'm not able to respond to each persons activities . .. been crazy trying to finish everything for work and then pack to be AWAY! Can't wait to relax, read and soak in the sun.

    I packed my jogging gear so there is no excuses.

    I am a little worried on the eating as I'm with my entire family (mom, brothers, sister in laws, nieces, nephews) so the food won't be so healthy, but i'm going to do my best to at least maintain where I am now.

    I'll be logging daily as that is a July goal -- and I'll catch up on chat as I am able.

    Have a great week all :)
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Cindy, have fun and get in plenty of relaxation!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good Morning all! Happy Friday! Holiday Friday for lots of you I think. The US holiday fall on a better day then Canada Day which was a Tuesday! I will take any day off I can get though :)

    Brenda: We have no idea what our son was allergic to. The only allergy that we know that he has is to sunscreen. The hotel we stayed at allows pets, so who knows who/what slept in the bed before him. We were all stuffed up, in that room. Probably the last time we will be staying there. It is a shame, because it is reasonably priced and a suite where the kids do not have to share a bed.

    Yesterday I worked really hard. After my run ( 5.7km) I felt that I ran most of the day at the store. Another busy day. We are very grateful.

    I should be going to the gym for heavy lifting, but my mom cancelled, so I am going to go for a run instead. I am sure that when I go next Friday I will have to put up with DOMS again, but I prefer to run when the weather is good. It is my favourite running temperature of 57F. Not sure if I will do 5 or 6.5km today. I have to work all weekend, so I won't get a long run in. I am up early so I should make the most of it, but who knows how I will feel when I get out there. There are May flies (fish flies) on our windows so they are yucky to run through.

    Thanks for the encouragement yesterday. My eating is off, but I get up early to get the exercise in. I was better on logging yesterday, & eating was better (except the Dr. Pepper licorice, sometimes it is hard to resist the candy part of our store!). Even if I don't lose weight during the summer I am better off then I was a year ago.

    Have a good weekend. I think quite a few of you are going away, so safe travels!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    To all those travelling this weekend, stay safe and have a great weekend. We will be enduring Hurricane Arthur sometime early tomorrow morning I guess...but its suppose to be a Tropical Storm by then. Still won't be a nice day. This makes me think that I will run today....since I won't be able to tomorrow. Typically I would probably do strength today, but maybe I'll just reverse things. I am glad that I went for my 5K run yesterday (as miserable as it was!) becuase my strength class did indeed get cancelled. She announced that she will be done til September now. Thats least I know.

    Lisa - hope you have a good run it 5k or 6.5K! I have never heard of Dr. Pepper big weakness I have are nibs licorice. Just love it!!

    Cindy - enjoy your vacation...and good for you to pack your running gear. Its hard when there are so many temptations, my family is the exact same.

    Brenda - I got mowed yesterday as well...but only takes one hour vs your five! lol Glad that you are enjoying the C25K program, what will you do once its finished?
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Happy 4th of July, for whoever celebrates same! :drinker:

    I'm on a day off as well, parental leave again. I have to say, I'm absolutely loving this 4-day working week, it makes such a difference. Raining here today, but the girls had gotten some money from their grandparents for their school reports,so we went to the toy shop. They're happily playing with their new stuff indoors. Suppose they've been so busy all week on their summer camp, playing inside is a nice change.

    Went for a lovely walk last night, no idea yet what I'll do tonight, a quick HIIT maybe. Weighed in as well this morning and had a teensy tiny loss, but considering TOM's her in all its glory, I'm certainly not complaining!

    Emy and Cindy hope you have a brilliant time! Pam, hope you have arrived safe at this stage!

    Lisa, you're one busy lady, where do you find the energy!

    RIght i''m off, have a 7 year old looking over my shoulder... :glasses:
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Happy Friday! Hope everyone has a safe and fun weekend. I'll be going to a family potluck tonight. Always so much good food, so will have to try really hard to be good!

    I did w3d2 of c25k today. Will try to get a walk in before we go too.

    Maureen, I'm not sure what my plan is after c25k. Haven't thought that far ahead yet!

    Lisa, what is Dr. Pepper licorice? Does it taste like the soda? I love Dr. Pepper. I cut out all soda except that one. I know diet pop isn't good for you, but that one's tough to give up!

    Have a great day!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Lisa, what is Dr. Pepper licorice? Does it taste like the soda? I love Dr. Pepper. I cut out all soda except that one. I know diet pop isn't good for you, but that one's tough to give up!

    Yes Brenda it does taste like the "pop" as we call it in Canada :) It is made from real Dr. Pepper. Very yummy! Maureen, I love all licorice, but usually I love chocolate, although taffy called my name today!

    I did not end up running this morning. Somehow my time just disappeared! I ran around and worked very hard today. I got my 10000 steps in just from work. I may not have been able to work if I had run as I thought I should. I will run tomorrow morning no matter what. I am going to work tomorrow but not the entire day. I have to get groceries and finish packing up the trailer. Just a few things, food & we are good to go. It will feel great to pull out of here & put our feet up once we arrive. We are camping, & I love it. the bugs are not bad, and I read the being in a forest or woods help to restore energy. We do a short camping trip twice during the summer so that we can continue to be pleasant to customers the rest of the time :)

    Siannah: I don't really have that much energy & I sigh & complain a lot :laugh: I am just doing what needs to be done because I do have a lot of free time after pools are closed, during the winter.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    I went out and ran 5 km this morning. I got it done! I think I might have ran my best 5km ever. The GPS on my phone was not working, but if I average out the same run, from my run logs, the distance varies by 0.06km. I am pretty sure that I did 5km under 40 minutes, just under (39:30) but that is a major accomplishment for me! I didn't think I would ever get into the 30s! I passed my mom on my 2nd km and she said I was running fast. I don't know I was running faster, but I gotta say it felt good today! I can't imagine how it will feel to run, or how fast I will run once I lose another 50-60lbs. I think I will give my son a run for his money!

    I have to work today & finish packing up to go camping.

    Have a great day!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    I think I'm going to take a day off today. Body just didn't feel like running, although I just read about Lisa having such a great run (awesome job!!) and now it makes me want to run!! Might end up on the treadmill yet today.

    I've been reading about Piyo - it's apparently like Pilates and yoga put together. Has anyone every tried it?

    Have a great Saturday!
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member

    Siannah: I don't really have that much energy & I sigh & complain a lot

    :laugh: :laugh:
    Enjoy the camping, hope he weather's good!

    I'm on my own since 11am today (4.30pm now), husband and children went into town, watching cricket and enjoying the sun.
    So, I did grocery shopping, bit of laundry, cycled 20k and now... I'm bored. So hopefully they'll be home soon (so I can moan that my peace is disturbed). Been at the biscuits and the winegums already, being bored is not good for my healthy diet!

    Have a great weekend all!
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Oh crosspost with Brenda! No, never hear of piyo, sounds very makey-uppey!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Today I ran. Felt pretty good after skipping yesterday. Finished week 3 of c25k.

    Siannah, you made me laugh with the "makey-uppey"! I've been reading up on it a little more. It's a 60 day program. It sounds challenging and I love a challenge!

    Have a great Sunday!
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    We went to Powerscourt Gardens today, a big big tourist attraction in Ireland, we heard lots of your fellow American accents! It's an amazing spot and there was a fairy hunt for the children. Spent about 3 hours there. I consider that my exercise for today!

    It's quite here on this thread, hope you all have a great weekend with your families!

    Wow 60 days Brenda, maybe not that makey-uppey after all then :laugh:
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    We are on the road to our favourite summer spot. Can't wait to get their an relax. Looks like some family will be joining us. My brother & DHs brother too. Should be a good relaxing time. I have packed running gear, bikes & healthy food. Wouldn't it be cool if I actually lost weight?

    Sorry to read about your apple tree Maureen, hopefully everything goes well with the clean up.

    Have a great Sunday!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Happy Monday!!

    wow what a weekend we had. 38 hours with no power, and my lovely apple tree lays on its side in my yard. How I loved that tree. but, I is only a tree. lol There are still plenty of places around here with no power so I am not complaining. I think the worse thing is not being able to use water moreso than the power.

    So my weekend was a bit off routine for me. lol Couldn't cook anything and nothing was open because basically no place around had power. If they did, they were so busy that you couldn't get in the door. So we had homemade subs for Saturday supper. It was my sons 19th not such a great day for that! lol

    Sunday was beautiful though, and I mustered up a 5K run. I expected to feel great having a day off of exercise but truth is I felt exhausted. I think the more you lay around (I spent a lot of the day on Saturday just laying on the couch reading/napping) the worse you feel.

    Not sure what I am going to do today. I'm trying to decide between a run and a exercise video.

    Lisa - enjoy your time away, sounds great!

    Siannah - sounds like a nice time at the Powerscourt Gardens :)

    Brenda - congrats on finishing week 3 of C25K!!

    To eveyone else...hope you have a wonderful start to the week!!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    I'm finally back home today! Had a great weekend with my family and stayed on track pretty well (drank more than a few beers with my sister but don't think I did too much damage!). I'm planning to do W7D3 of C25K this evening. Started off the morning with a big bang - TOM snuck up on me. Hopefully won't hurt my run too much this evening. Have a little back pain but nothing major.

    Lisa, congrats on your 5K PR! That's so wonderful! I'm slowly increasing my speed but it's going to take me a long time to get to under 40 minutes. First I have to be able to do the distance!

    Maureen, so sorry about your apple tree. No power for 3 days definitely makes for a miserable weekend.

    Siannah, I had to google Powerscourt Gardens. How beautiful! I hope one day I can visit Ireland!

    Brenda, I've never heard of PIYO either. I've always been interested in trying pilates, but never managed to do so. I did yoga for a couple of years and loved it! I found it very relaxing but I was never very good at it!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Today I did w4d1 - wow, that was a tough one. Wasn't sure I was going to make it through the last five minute jog, but pushed through it.

    Thanks for the link Siannah - I'll check it out! I had to google Powerscourt Gardens as well, but it looks amazing!

    Maureen, sorry to hear about your apple tree. We have (actually had) two apple trees, both doing very well, but the deer rubbed their antlers one too many times on one of them and it's now gone. The trees weren't very big - only planted them about three years ago so haven't even gotten any apples yet. Sad to have to start over though!

    Emy, glad you had a great weekend (and a few beers is always good once in a while!!).

    Happy Monday all!
  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    Hello ladies! I'm back from our lovely holiday weekend. The weather was SO cool, down to 55 each night, highs of 70 each day. The rhododendron trees were blooming too. I ate better than I normally would have, no bacon, I did my own breakfast two days, pretty healthy lunches, loads of exercise. I did overeat a couple meals and had that overfull feeling. And there was no logging of food the latter half of Sat and all day Sunday. But the BEST news is that I'm back and I've logged and I am hard at work again. I have a terrible problem falling off the wagon after a trip, not coming back to the groups or logging regularly. So I am super encouraged that I'm here.

    I hiked for 90 minutes on Friday, right up the backside of Grandfather. Hehehe, Never stops being funny. We were on the backside of Grandfather Mountain (named for the shape of a face along the ridge of the mountain) hiking along the Blue Ridge Parkway. It was spectacular! Then Saturday I rode my bike for 19.6 miles along the Blue Ridge. It was amazing and crazy hard, so many mountains. Climbing hills on the bike for over a mile at a time is a test of spirit, I tell ya! But the views and fresh air were worth it!

    I'll try to catch up on the news from all of you later today. Time to get to work on the laundry!
  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    Let me see if I remember how to post pics in here....


    My husband and boys on our July 4th hike in North Carolina.