Today I Will ______________



  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Ran 8km this morning. Then did some walking lunges with my 8lb weights. Will probably get my mat out tonight and do some floor exercises.

    I agree about the sleep, definitely important!
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    Today I will: Get in my P90x3 workout (already did actually!), take the dogs for a walk, and eat within 100 calories of my goal.

    (I'm giving myself a tiny bit of wiggle room with the calories because today's workout was a strength one and you don't burn many calories with those (at least not right away). And, I don't have time for another workout today.)
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Today I ran 3km. Doesn't seem like much compared to most other runners here, but I'll get there! Also got in a little over 3000 steps. Only two more weeks before I finish JMBR and then I can focus on running.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Today I ran 3km. Doesn't seem like much compared to most other runners here, but I'll get there! Also got in a little over 3000 steps. Only two more weeks before I finish JMBR and then I can focus on running.

    Good job on running. Any distance is an better then sitting on the couch.

    I personally love running 3km! (that's what I ran yesterday!) That is still my favourite distance. My son will sometimes run that with me. I can play with my speed if I feel up to it, do intervals or I can just take it at a nice slow pace & enjoy. That is the distance that I always have time for (even if I walk it) so no excuses.
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Yesterday I did my weights and today I will do W4D1 of C25K. A little nervous about the 5 minutes straight of running, but I'm optimistic I will get through it!

    Brenda, I am doing about 1.8 miles (which is close to 3K right?) when I do my C25K. I'm hoping that I will get faster and cover more distance as I get further along in the program, but I'm taking it slowly right now. I've read that there are a lot of people who complete C25K who aren't doing a full 5k in the time allotted, and I won't be upset if I'm one of them. I plan to find another app like B210K or C25K+ to try to increase my speed and distance after finishing C25K. Right now though I'm just happy I'm getting active and doing something, and I'm feeling so much better already!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Yesterday I did not quite get my 10 000 steps but I find that hard to do on lifting days because that takes a lot out of me. I had paper work to do that minimized my walking around.

    Today I will get those 10 000 steps. It is a running day, but I did not sleep very well last night & woke up late. I had to pee a zillion times, so I guess my body did not like the water it was retaining from the restaurant food. I don't have time to run this morning, but maybe I will be able to leave work early or go for a walk tonight.

    Emy & Brenda: I still do not finish 5km in 30 minutes. As I lose weight I am getting faster & faster. Also doing intervals has been helping. I think the point that you can run for 30 minutes is more important then the actual distance. In the 5km race last Saturday, there were lots of people around me going the same pace as me.
  • iwannabinnarnia
    iwannabinnarnia Posts: 179 Member
    Today I will try to eat at my calorie allotment. I will try to get on my treadmill and get in at least 15 minutes of running. I have a 5k on Saturday and it's a trail run, and I've not trained in about 2 weeks due to stuff going on in my life. So I will make the effort to at least get that 15 minutes in tonight. I got in my 100 squats this morning. I will also do my best to get my water in since I want to be fully hydrated for Saturday.
  • JetWan
    JetWan Posts: 204 Member
    Looking forward to getting to a point where I can run like you guys. I used to really love running before my back problems.

    Today I will

    Stay within my eating plan
    Get at least 1 hours of cardio
    Do my leg workout
    Drink at least 10 cups of water
    Sleep for at least 6.5 hours

    I finally got under 180 pounds after trying for almost 2 months, so I'm really pumped up today

    Have a great day everyone and happy running!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Looking forward to getting to a point where I can run like you guys. I used to really love running before my back problems.

    Today I will

    Stay within my eating plan
    Get at least 1 hours of cardio
    Do my leg workout
    Drink at least 10 cups of water
    Sleep for at least 6.5 hours

    I finally got under 180 pounds after trying for almost 2 months, so I'm really pumped up today

    Have a great day everyone and happy running!


    Congratulations on making one of your milestones! That's great! I can't wait until I get there too.

    I've always worried about running due to my back issues, but so far it hasn't bothered me. Of course, I'm still doing mostly walking, with intervals of running mixed in.
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Today I did JMBR p3w9. Forgot my fitbit at home today so not a clue how many steps I got in! Did grocery shopping so hopefully got at least 5000. Thank you Emy and Lisa - I do need to focus more on the fact that at least I'm running - not sitting on the couch!

    Congratulations Jetta!!

    Diane, 100 squats - that's awesome! Makes my thighs hurt just thinking about it!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning! I feel like I am just repeating myself over & over.. did not run yesterday, didn't even go for a walk, was exhausted when I got home. I did cook supper though, I made fajitas, with plenty of onions & peppers. Home cooked meals are so much more satisfying & yummier then restaurant food. I also feel so much better after eating them!

    Today I will do heavy lifting. I woke up at 4am, and couldn't fall back to sleep so it is going to be a long day! Should be another busy day at our store, at least that helps me get my steps in!

    My weight is coming down slowly but surely. I wish it was faster, but every 0.2lbs counts :)

    Have a great Friday!

    ETA: Change of plans my mom isn't feeling well, so I will go for a run. Happy to do that since I am behind on my mileage for this month :)
  • iwannabinnarnia
    iwannabinnarnia Posts: 179 Member
    Happy Friday all! Congrats to Jet for meeting her goal of getting under 180! Way to go! Bhox.. any movement is better than couch sitting.. so good job! Lpelt.. hope your mom gets to feeling better soon!
    I did not get on the treadmill last night.. but did get in 20 minutes hula hoop. I really need to get myself back on track and get my butt to the gym. The stress is easing up.. my aunt will be moved to a nursing home today is what we are being told.. so that is one less worry.. and the nursing home is just a hop and a skip from my house so visiting will be easier. I have a 5k tomorrow... a trail run... I will be walking most of it I believe. But it will still be calories burned.
    Soooo... today I will.... finish drinking the large cinnamon chai I bought and THEN watch my calories for the rest of the day :blushing: ....I did 125 squats this morning... will stay at that number for a few days then bump to 150... not sure about doing treadmill since I have the 5k tomorrow so I will try for 30 - 45 minutes of hula hooping... depends if I go to the nursing home to visit/check on my aunt.
    HOpe everyone has a great day and a wonderful weekend!
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    Looking forward to getting to a point where I can run like you guys. I used to really love running before my back problems.

    Today I will

    Stay within my eating plan
    Get at least 1 hours of cardio
    Do my leg workout
    Drink at least 10 cups of water
    Sleep for at least 6.5 hours

    I finally got under 180 pounds after trying for almost 2 months, so I'm really pumped up today

    Have a great day everyone and happy running!

    Congratulations on getting under 180!!

    Today I will get in today's P90x3 workout and tomorrow's because I'll be at the beach tomorrow all day. Today I will also drink more water!! My skin needs it!
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Tonight I will restart C2K5 from the beginning. I'm happy to be back to it.

    Question: Anyone deal with heel cracking from running? Noticed 2 weeks back when I was running and I wonder if the running caused it???
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Today I did JMBR p3w10. So far I've walked 3400 steps, but the day isn't over so hope to get to 4000.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Tonight I will restart C2K5 from the beginning. I'm happy to be back to it.

    Question: Anyone deal with heel cracking from running? Noticed 2 weeks back when I was running and I wonder if the running caused it???

    Glad to see you back! We gave missed you!

    I used to get that all of the time. I file my heels in the shower & coconut oil also helps. I do t think it is from running because I do not have cracked heels anymore
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Today I will get 10 000 steps. I am not sure how, yet, because I am tired & I have to make house cleaning & yard work a priority today, since I am not working. I will run if I get some really important things done, as I am behind on my mileage goal for the month, but I really have to get this house in order & get some meal planning/prepping done. I am afraid that if I run before doing the things I need to do I will just be a lump & not be able to do anything today.

    Have a great Saturday!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Today I ran 30 minutes and did half of the ab challenge. I'll complete the rest of the ab challenge as well as get in at least 5000 steps. I'll be cleaning house and doing laundry as well, so should be able to hit the 5000.

    I know what you mean, Lisa, by feeling like a lump after a run. I have that problem every Saturday because I don't work in town. So I sit down for breakfast after I run and then it's really hard to get moving again!

    Have a great day!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Today I will try to eat at my calorie allotment. I will try to get on my treadmill and get in at least 15 minutes of running. I have a 5k on Saturday and it's a trail run, and I've not trained in about 2 weeks due to stuff going on in my life. So I will make the effort to at least get that 15 minutes in tonight. I got in my 100 squats this morning. I will also do my best to get my water in since I want to be fully hydrated for Saturday.

    Hope your 5k trail run went well! Sounds like fun! I can't wait until I can do a 5k. Thinking about doing a twilight 5k on Auguat 16th.
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Good morning! I feel like I am just repeating myself over & over.. did not run yesterday, didn't even go for a walk, was exhausted when I got home. I did cook supper though, I made fajitas, with plenty of onions & peppers. Home cooked meals are so much more satisfying & yummier then restaurant food. I also feel so much better after eating them!

    Today I will do heavy lifting. I woke up at 4am, and couldn't fall back to sleep so it is going to be a long day! Should be another busy day at our store, at least that helps me get my steps in!

    My weight is coming down slowly but surely. I wish it was faster, but every 0.2lbs counts :)

    Have a great Friday!

    ETA: Change of plans my mom isn't feeling well, so I will go for a run. Happy to do that since I am behind on my mileage for this month :)


    I made a freeze ahead steak fajita recipe that turned out pretty well. The link to the recipe is here: It was pretty good. I just bought a bag of Trader Joes fire roasted peppers and onions (frozen), froze my sirloin steak with the marinade, and made sure to have all other ingredients on hand. My family enjoyed it and it was super easy and fast. I'm planning to do this again soon.