Today I Will ______________



  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Today I did my run/walk for 30 minutes and the ab challenge.

    Good luck in the race today Lisa! The bonfire sounds fun, enjoy!

    8km - that's awesome! I hope to get there some day!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    I took a rest day yesterday and today did my weights. Bought some new weights and went up to 15 lb dumbbells. I'm kinda surprised I made it through all of my exercises with them. I've been using eight and meant to go up to 10 but bought a set of adjustable ones that didn't include the option for 10 lbs. I will have to add some more plate sizes to make them more usable.

    Lisa have fun in your race today! Maureen you are amazing. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to run the day after a killer thighs workout (I probably would have trouble just walking!)
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone! My run last night was ok. I did not get a personal best, but it was better then last year. I am actually happy because I had worked & shopped & got over 8000 steps even before going to the race. My daughter ran/walked/skipped with me the majority of the time until she sprinted the last half kilometre so that no one knew & so she could beat me. Lol. We did end up having a bonfire, it was a good night.

    Today once the rain stops I will go for a run. My husband thinks I am crazy, but Sunday is my long run day & I feel mostly ok today. I have some catching up to do this month because I took last Sunday off!

    Have a great day!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Great job on the race yesterday Lisa! I usually take Sunday off from workouts except for a little yoga, but today I feel like going for a run, so will probably do that this afternoon.

    Have a great day!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    It is Monday! I went for a run instead of weights this morning, because my mom isn't feeling great. It was the slowest run in a long time. Yesterday I did nothing... Took an afternoon nap & went to bed 7:30. Hope I am not coming down with something! It might just be allergies.

    Have a great day!
  • iwannabinnarnia
    iwannabinnarnia Posts: 179 Member
    Today I will try to not stress eat... I had an emotional and draining week last week and my emotional eating kicked back in I guess... though it was mostly 'drinking' (Cinnamon Chai, not alcohol.. but 4 in 5 days)... I gained 3 lbs from last Monday's weigh in. I have not exercised in over a week (except for a little hula hooping here and there). So today is a new week and a fresh start (though I do have another Cinnamon Chai on my desk.. sigh)....
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Today I will do my weights. Yesterday (didn't make it on here) I did W3D2 of C25K.

    Lisa, hope your mom gets to feeling better and that you aren't coming down with something!

    Brenda, I'm starting to get the feeling that I want to run more. Yesterday I did my walk/run early in the morning, and I kept feeling like I wanted to go again last night. I'm hoping to find that running is addictive for me!

    iwannabinnarn, hope you get back on track today. Don't beat yourself up about last week, just get moving this week. I've started diets/exercise many times over the past couple of years, and then let myself get down when I "messed up." I think we have to realize that we will have days where we are overwhelmed and won't keep focused. Sometimes it is just impossible to keep all the balls in the air. However, I'm making a commitment to myself this time to make me and my well being a priority.
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning! Today I will get in my Saturday workout and today's workout so I can stay on track with my P90x3 program.

    Had a very non-active weekend at the in-laws for a graduation. Had a couple drinks on Saturday (hey, I was at the in-laws!!) and cake that was extremely good. Went over my target by a bit under 500 calories so just ate up all my deficit. Sunday was better with going over only a couple hundred. Not too worried about it because my target is the typical 1,200 net of MFP which I think is too low. Anyway, glad to be back at it today and looking forward to my workouts!
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    Today I did JMBR p3w10 and the ab challenge. Tomorrow I get to run - woohoo!! I'm going to have to time how long I actually run (I do the run/walk thing, only running when zombies are attacking). It always seems like a long time, but it's probably only a minute or so! Can't imagine running 1.5 hours - way to go Lisa! I hope to get there, but it may be a while.

    Have a great Friday!

    I'm considering taking up running just so I can try that zombie app! LOL. Went to the in-laws this weekend and seen they had a zombie mud run on Saturday which sounded like so much fun. I've never done any type of run but I kinda feel like I'm getting the bug!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    I don't think I posted yesterday. Almost didn't do anything yesterday, then just before supper I decided to do a 5K run. I did some more mulching in my flower beds and think I'm pretty much done. I have four bags left (of 32) and might open up one last one to fill in a few thinner areas. Feels so good to have that done. I hope it helps with the weeds!

    Anyway, today just got back from my run - 8Km. I did a few lunges while I'm still in my running clothes but legs are feeling tired. Lol Time to get some lunch going, will be a garden salad with egg and some rice pudding.

    bhox3 - great job on the 30 minute run :)

    Emy - my son recently bought some 15 lb dumbells....and I am use to 8 lbs too. good for you getting through all your exercises with them! He also bought some 10's and they will seems so much heavier then then 8 lbs. I usually do 3 sets of 8 of whatever exericse I'm doing. And yep, it sounds to me like you are getting the running bug!! :)

    Lisa - glad that your run went ok, and good that you took a rest day, sounds like you probably needed it. Hopefully you are not getting something :)

    iwannabinnarn - you can do it.....just got to get your head back in the right place today and be in control. I find it really is a head thing for me. After I get a couple of good days in and I'm feeling seems to get easier.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Today I will get back on track with my eating. I think this is when it all gets to me. I am tired from working a lot, I have no time or energy to cook, meal plan or get groceries because of soccer, work & fatigue. Throw DH's birthday in there and it is a free for all! I have had restaurant food 4/4 days for supper since Friday. AAACCCCKKK!

    Goals for today.

    1. Short run, gotta get those steps in
    2. Drink 3 litres of water to flush the crap out of my system
    3. Eat 7 servings of veggies
    4. Meal plan for the rest of the week

    I will still be eating leftover broasted chicken for supper & lunch (restaurant food!) but I will take the skin off & only eat the chicken, with salad. I won't eat the leftover fries or anything else that is saved in the fridge. I will skip the leftover cake if I do not have the calories for it.

    Gotta get moving to get my run in! Have a great day!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Today I will do my best to get my walk/run in (w3D3). It's supposed to be storming here by this afternoon. As long as there is only rain (no thunder, lightening, wind, etc.), I'm planning to do it. Otherwise I will make today my rest day and go out tomorrow evening.

    Maureen, I bet those flower beds are going to be beautiful this summer! I used to love gardening, but I got out of the habit when I had my back surgery 10 years ago.

    Lisa, hope you have some time to get in that meal planning. I started using an app called menuplanner at the first of the year. I like it a lot. I can import recipes I find on the web and then have easy access to them. This past weekend, I did a trial run of freezer cooking. I made about up about 5 things to put in the freezer for this week. It took a lot of prep time - making lists, grocery shopping, and then the cooking, but I feel like it was worth it. Going to try to keep doing it.

    This weekend will likely be tough for me as I'm tentatively planning to go home to visit my dad for Father's Day. My step mom is a great, country cook! She knows my favorite meal is roast, rice and gravy, butterbeans, and homemade biscuits! If I go, I'm going to have to give her the heads up on my diet, and somehow I have to survive the weekend without too much negative impact on my diet.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • JetWan
    JetWan Posts: 204 Member
    Today I will

    Stay within my eating plan
    Get at least a total of 60 minutes of exercise, including cardio and strength training
    Drink at least 10 cups of water
    Get at least 7 hours of sleep (This is the hardest one)
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Today I will

    Stay within my eating plan
    Get at least a total of 60 minutes of exercise, including cardio and strength training
    Drink at least 10 cups of water
    Get at least 7 hours of sleep (This is the hardest one)


    Getting enough sleep is tough! It's so important though when trying to workout. I didn't sleep well last week while my husband was out of town, and now I'm catching up. I feel so much better!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Today, my plan is to go to an exercise class that I haven't been to in a few months. Its a mix of strength and cardio. One thing I don't like about the class is that you never know what its going to be, sometimes its more cardio...all strength...etc etc. I like the strength part as I get plenty of cardio on my own. So tonight I'm going to go and see how it goes. Its an hour class right after supper so might have to eat a bit early.
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Today I did JMBR p3w10. I walked over 6000 steps today. That's a first for me on a work day!

    Emy, I'll have to give that app a try. I've attempted to plan meals but can't seem to get organized. Stay strong this weekend if you go to your Dad's!

    Hope everyone had a good day!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning everyone! It is going to be a long day for me since I woke up at 3:45 & could not fall back to sleep!

    Yesterday I managed to get over 10 000 steps & my run, but my eating & meal planning left A LOT to be desired. Oh well, today is a new day! I may have to go on a more restrictive diet for a few days if I can't get this eating under control. I had the munchies really bad last night, and nothing satisfied them. I probably should have just gone to bed! I think it is partly because when I have restaurant food, the portions are smaller & the calories are higher, so I don't really feel like I have eaten.

    Today I will meal plan, do heavy lifting, and try to get those 10 000 steps in. I will also eat my fruits & veggies & cook supper tonight.

    @Emy: I will take a look at that app. I am usually really good at menu planning & getting groceries, just seem to have run out of steam last weekend. I will do better!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Today I will do my weights and continue on with my eating plan. Tomorrow is the last day of cycle one for me on the 17 day diet, and Friday I will start cycle 2. I'm pretty happy so far with the diet and how I feel. The first week or so I was pretty hungry, but I took Cindy's advice and made sure to have ready sources of protein available for snacks. I feel great and I'm now loving my two servings of fruit and yogurt every morning. I started added vanilla whey protein to my first yogurt of the day, and I think it is helping as well.

    Lisa and Brenda, I found that app on some list of the best apps for mom. I do use it a lot, mainly just to keep track of the recipes I find. It will make a grocery list from your menu for the week (or whatever frequency you would like). I used it for the first couple of weeks, but because I never really spent the time to set up my pantry in the app I stopped used the grocery list option.

    I've found it successful for using to help out the husband as well. If I know I won't be home in time to get started on dinner, I just leave my ipad set to the recipe I was planning for that day for him to get started on.

    Lisa, I'm the same way with eating out. I enjoy it and feel full while eating, but I always feel hungry a short time later. Who knows why!
  • JetWan
    JetWan Posts: 204 Member
    Today I will

    Stick to my eating plan
    Get at least an hour of cardio
    Strength train for at least 30 mins
    Drink at least 10 cups of water
    Sleep for at least 6 hours
  • JetWan
    JetWan Posts: 204 Member
    Today I will

    Stay within my eating plan
    Get at least a total of 60 minutes of exercise, including cardio and strength training
    Drink at least 10 cups of water
    Get at least 7 hours of sleep (This is the hardest one)


    Getting enough sleep is tough! It's so important though when trying to workout. I didn't sleep well last week while my husband was out of town, and now I'm catching up. I feel so much better!

    I heard it's harder to lose weight when you don't get enough sleep, but most of our lives are so busy. I've been sleeping on average only 4 hours per night and I know it's unhealthy. I'm trying very hard to make sleep a priority like I do my workouts.