June is Busting Out All Over



  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Snoozie / Susan...

    Great job on the water.... but since I drink so much I have 3 thermos water bottles and I fill each one off the fridge - over ice
    That way it's nice and cold - (and gives me 9 glasses of water since each is 24 oz):drinker:

    The only thing is that when I wear side zip pants... "can be an issue"... lol...:wink:

    Susan - great job on still getting in the exercise even when the instructor wasn't there and you were not feeling great...hope you feel better sooner rather than later

    Snoozie - I love that you did something when you thought it had to be "all or nothing".... I'll use that mantra when I go for a walk thru my town this weekend (traffic and crooked sidewalks don't seem like the smartest move)...

    Gail - when you and Mom are done, please come to Jersey....my home office needs your help...:laugh:

    This Friday I'll be working at my church - we have a thrift store - so the lady that runs it and I will be "organizing" and making room for more items to sell....(and allowing our Associate Pastor the ability to get to his office without tripping over everything) ...:smile: So I'll definitely be getting a calorie burn there...

    6 glasses down... and no soda today...:happy: but somehow cheetos found me...:laugh:

    See you ladies later

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Working on getting in the right amount of water...I may make it before bedtime. Babe's Aunt passed away yesterday, so I have been busy getting to the visitation, and finding something to wear to the funeral tomorrow, Seems like I only have Jeans....huh!! I have dresses, but don't feel like doing heels....oh well, something will come together.
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Gail- so sorry to hear about Babe's aunt :-(. Thoughts and prayers going your way .

    As far as the hydration challenge, so far so good for me, but it has been a challenge ,which makes me realize that I wasn't drinking enough water before, especially with this heat ! So hopefully , after a week of this , I can continue with it, making 8 glasses of water a regular part of my daily routine :smile:

    Happy Hydration Week Hump Day - we can do it!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Thank you, Susan. Yes ,with all that heat , you really need it. We are hot here, but we haven't reached the triple digits....not much over 90...so it is cool compared to your area. Remember to keep in side during the middle of the day if you can. I'm like a vampire in the summer...I only come out after dark! :bigsmile:

    Carol, leave the door un latched, we will swing by this weekend...I should let you know, I have no problem throwing way other people's things that they haven't used in a while...it's just my stuff, I can't part with:noway: ....cause "I'm gonna' do something with that!"

    Snoozie, you're back at work, I know, but we're seeing the empty bottles pile up, so we know you're doing well with your water..:drinker:
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Carol, leave the door un latched, we will swing by this weekend...I should let you know, I have no problem throwing way other people's things that they haven't used in a while...it's just my stuff, I can't part with ....cause "I'm gonna' do something with that!"


    The door is open, come on in - just watch out for my favorite PITA - start with him and we'll go from there...:bigsmile:
    As for my stuff... same thought process.....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I saw your note earlier... thoughts and prayers...


    Stay inside, drink your water:drinker: cause its :smokin: hot....:glasses:


    Don't float away...

    See you all soon...:flowerforyou:

  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member

    If you swing by mine and work on the rooms in the basement, I would have almost enough room for the Hatters! We could double bunk and have a pool/slumber party. We could have Rick grill ( he loves it) and bring us cocktails with little umbrellas....

    Ladies, So glad you are all still here! Been so busy lately and computer is broken at home. I have the app on my phone but my eyes won't let me read it:laugh:

    Grandson's have another tournament this weekend, thankfully its through the woods from the house so we can see every game. They are staying with us this weekend so I finally get to sit down with them and make their grocery list for our family trip in September. I hope they never get to "old" to want to go with me.

    Gotta run, Have a great day, and stay hydrated....I AM!

    PS~ I cut off the water by 5pm otherwise I am up Alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll night. They don't call me TT for nothing! (tiny tank)
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    I have been MIA a lot lately. Hoping to get my head on straight again and focus. In the meantime, I read this on Spark People and thought it fit nicely with this group. I believe it is definitely on track with what I have found... Does it Take a Village to Maintain Weight Loss? We all have heard that it takes a village to raise a child, but what about weight? Does it take a village to lose it? Does it take a village to maintain it? My answer is yes, absolutely. And you are my Village. How many people here have lost weight only to leave the village and lose their focus and gain it all back? And when they decide they have to start over, what happens? The village doesn't judge, they don't ask "How could you let this happen", they just open their arms and accept the person back. We have probably all been on that roller coaster of weight loss and weight gain. We have felt discouraged, frustrated, disgusted. We have let ourselves down. We sometimes don't think we can ever get to the end of the journey of weight loss, and you know what, the journey never ends. Each day you wake up, you get to make many choices for the day. What am I going to wear? What am I going to eat? How am I going to react to my family, my coworkers, my boss? Remember that you and only you are in charge of how you react. You are not in charge of other people and what they are going to do or say, so you have to choose how you are going to feel when you react to different situations. Don't let other people make choices for how you are going to eat. If you are upset, go for a 10 minute walk if you can. Don't walk to the kitchen and eat, we all know it won't make you feel better, it will only make you feel worse. And when the day comes that you have made it to goal weight, don't consider the journey over, don't leave our Village. Stay here and be part of the Village for the rest of your life. Stay for the support and the encouragement and for the friendship. Is it time-consuming or maybe annoying to always track, maybe, but in the whole scheme of things, it is a small thing we do to stay on track and stay focused on the journey. I am glad that this is my Village and my friends are here every day. So enjoy your Village and if you do decide to leave because you are bored with it, you know that we will always be here if you want to come home!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Car is loaded up and swinging by the basement...Whew!!, finished at Carol's .....you wouldn't believe the M& M wrappers that were stuffed in a certain office...not mentioning any names...:glasses:

    T...maybe you better empty any "Ta-key-ler" bottles..before I get there or we won't be cleaning...we'll be slacking....:drinker:
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Car is loaded up and swinging by the basement...Whew!!, finished at Carol's .....you wouldn't believe the M& M wrappers that were stuffed in a certain office...not mentioning any names...

    Right back at ya....:glasses: :laugh: :bigsmile:

    Tanya... quick send the liquor or swing by Jersey... we'll have a party with Gail....:drinker:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I have been MIA a lot lately. Hoping to get my head on straight again and focus. In the meantime, I read this on Spark People and thought it fit nicely with this group. I believe it is definitely on track with what I have found... Does it Take a Village to Maintain Weight Loss? We all have heard that it takes a village to raise a child, but what about weight? Does it take a village to lose it? Does it take a village to maintain it? My answer is yes, absolutely. And you are my Village. How many people here have lost weight only to leave the village and lose their focus and gain it all back? And when they decide they have to start over, what happens? The village doesn't judge, they don't ask "How could you let this happen", they just open their arms and accept the person back. We have probably all been on that roller coaster of weight loss and weight gain. We have felt discouraged, frustrated, disgusted. We have let ourselves down. We sometimes don't think we can ever get to the end of the journey of weight loss, and you know what, the journey never ends. Each day you wake up, you get to make many choices for the day. What am I going to wear? What am I going to eat? How am I going to react to my family, my coworkers, my boss? Remember that you and only you are in charge of how you react. You are not in charge of other people and what they are going to do or say, so you have to choose how you are going to feel when you react to different situations. Don't let other people make choices for how you are going to eat. If you are upset, go for a 10 minute walk if you can. Don't walk to the kitchen and eat, we all know it won't make you feel better, it will only make you feel worse. And when the day comes that you have made it to goal weight, don't consider the journey over, don't leave our Village. Stay here and be part of the Village for the rest of your life. Stay for the support and the encouragement and for the friendship. Is it time-consuming or maybe annoying to always track, maybe, but in the whole scheme of things, it is a small thing we do to stay on track and stay focused on the journey. I am glad that this is my Village and my friends are here every day. So enjoy your Village and if you do decide to leave because you are bored with it, you know that we will always be here if you want to come home!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Thanks for posting this Patrice... as you already know, I think its fabulous!!! :flowerforyou:
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Welcome home Patrice and Tonya!!!!

    Thanks for the words of wisdom and encouragement Patrice:smile:

    Gail- can you pretty please swing by AZ and we'll tackle the garage??? We can have some serious rafting in the pool time after:smile:

    How's everybody doing with their hydration goal? Man alive, I fell like I'm floating away!!!!! I didn't realize just how much 8 glasses of water really was- I feel like all I do is guzzle water!

    I'm glad I have been paying attention and drinking more of it, because I wasn't drinking enough and was getting feet cramps, but quite seriously, I think 7 glasses is plenty for me at this point, so gonna try sticking to that over the weekend.

    Hope you all are happy campers, staying hydrated and had a Fantastic Friday!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    I agree it is important to keep one's electrolytes balanced, which is why I drink Trader Joe's electrolyte enhanced bottled water. I also agree that we can get hydrated from other sources and that how much water is a personal thing, which is why we all set our own individual hydration goals and I tweaked mine to 7 glasses instead of eight. For many , including myself, it is still important to pay attention to staying hydrated, to avoid dehydration, and, for others, their goal may be to avoid over hydration. Balance is always the key.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    :bigsmile: Welcome to all our new friends in the group!! Just jump right in, with any thing you want to talk asbout. Snoozie :bigsmile: or one of us usually sets up a monthly post to post on..so come on over!!

    Ok, Susan, after we get through at Tonya's, we will need a bit of rest!! To many empty bottles..:drinker: :drinker: .Swinging by to pick up Snoozie, She better know we're not going out to Arizona with her,Carol or Tammy !! And any one else, just jump on when I come to a slow roll!! Oh, yea, my car is a bit small, so you better bring some of those stretch things to tie ya'll on....or duct tape!! it holds anything@!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'm not doing the best with the water...I usually get in 4 or 5. I agree with Purplelogic. It can be tricky getting in that much water. Some people don't expell it too quickly..either..it likes to hang around...

    Have a blessed day! I am at work for a few hours...then it's on to the ROAD TRIP!!:bigsmile:
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hi, Patrice, thanks for the post, it is so true!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    :sad: I'm not sure I get to go on the trip - I flunked the hydration challenge this week!!

    I tried, but I did not make my personal goal of the 4-5 bottles (8-10 cups) every day... but I did discover like Susan said, it made me realize just how dehydrated I really am!! I know when I saw that kineisiologist for those tests last year he told me then I was dehydrated and to up the water... sigh..... and this challenge proved I need to seriously make sure I get enough in me... I did increase my intake this week thanks to the challenge, but know I didn't make it at least 2 days so I get an "F" :sad:

    On the positive side, this challenge TOTALLY made me realize the importance of really working at this aspect of my health, so I will take that and RUN with it!! it appears I may be RUNNING alongside gails car - both for flunking and cause there's no room lolol...

    Did a longggggg walk along the lake this morning; beautiful day and i'm off to my sisters to continue packing then going to drive her to a friends surprise party - that way she can party hearty and i'll dogsit at her place til she's done and be th designated driver home again!! She has a lovely deck so me and my book and my CASE of WATER are gonna be with me lol

    have a great weekend everyone!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    :bigsmile: lmao @ the pic Susan!!! I don't think I could lift that thing... haa
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member

    Thanks for the words or wisdom. Like Susan's post at the beginning of the month I let my head get in the way of what I need to do. I do keep coming back and hopefully I can continue on the downward trend that I am on currently.

    Have a great week everyone and there is going to be a 4th of July party in Woodstock like no other! Bring your beverage of choice and if you don't mind sleeping on an air mattress or bed....which ever is available when you get here, we will have a grand time. Rick is firing up the grills and the smoker with lamb, chicken, pork and beef. We even have some shrimp and Mahi as well.
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Sounds like a fun fun fun 4 th of July is in store for you , Tonya! Sure wish I could come !

    Snooozie- LOVE you duck profile photo!!!!

    Gosh, it's the last week of June already - time sure does fly. I have enjoyed all the challenges this month- thanks much Snooozie for the focus. I think this last week I am going to put my effort into maintaining the last three weeks challenge goals of more healthy food choices , movement and hydration.

    Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend, Bob and I saw "Jersey Boys" - the Broadway play version - last night. It was great. Wish I could have seen it in New York with the original cast , but what the heck, I'll take whatever theater I can get here in sleepy Tucson lol.

    Wishing you all a Marvelous Monday and great new week :flowerforyou:
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Been busy the last couple of weeks but I would update from another post a made

    When I went to the doctor last week while I had lost 19 lbs. they said I had gained 1 1/2 lbs. of fat and they weren't sure, but it looked like I lost 5 or 6 lbs. of muscle. They are very insistent that I eat three complete meals a day, so I am trying to do that. They also said I only need to be riding my bike 2 miles 4 times a week. They suspect that for the amount of exercise I was doing that I was not eating enough. So I am only going to ride what they suggested this week and doing my 10,000 steps a day and see how the numbers look this month. They said I had a lot of fluid that first month is why they couldn't be sure about the muscle numbers, but that they will be able to tell more this month. Going to do their suggestions and see what happens.

    Hoping for better results, Tammy
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Made a couple of adjustments to my profile (check the about me top 2 paragraphs)... up to 184... UGH UGH UGH...:huh: :cry: :noway: :grumble:

    Need to remember tthat I'm usually thirsty or bored - not truely hungry... so water is always near me... lol... just got to make sure near a restroom, and not weaing the side zip pants ...:laugh: :wink: :drinker:

    My diary has too much chocolate and chips.... and other sweets... working on remembering that I'm thirsty not hungry.. my size 14s are too cute (as am I) giggles,:smokin: not a dog (so don't give me food as a reward / treat)... and a treat every day is no longer a treat... lol...

    See you soon.

    Carol:flowerforyou: :glasses: