Daily check in



  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Oh you poor people who have lived without eating poutine :laugh:

    Ashley, that's so cool - it will be good to know exactly what your dealing with. I've been flirting with the idea of getting a rough bf % estimate over in Eat, Train, Progress but also don't really want to post underwear selfies on the internet..

    Kiwi, I'm sure it's just temporary - when I upped cals I shot up about 5 pounds for two weeks but it will go away :)

    Supposed to be going for a run before work but it's cold and I have a very cuddly dog pinning me down... that's a totally reasonable excuse, right? I'll be on my feet 8 hours anyway so I might just bump it to tomorrow
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Nice job staying in calories with no exercise Betty :) that is the hardest for me.

    Fries with gravy and cheese--sounds yummy and not good for a diet! Still, I think I'll just stick with ketchup on my fries...

    Good luck with your detailed weigh in Ashley. How do you get all that info? A trainer? Nice that you had cinnamon rolls and still stayed under! Nova Scotia sounds beautiful, I am jealous.

    Kiwi--good for you sticking with the new calories. It's the only way you can really know. Good luck with your weekend.

    Coady--a cuddly dog is a very good reason to skip the run :).

    I was done .8 pounds today from last week???? I am very happy because I was worried about getting too lazy after a big weight loss the week before. I do think I need to watch this week though because I have been doing too much nibbling and guessing.
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    It's so hard not just going back down to my old cals :(:( I'm sort of thinking I need to lose a bit more that I thought anyway, to get my BF to where I want it to be :/

    Well done, Dana!
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Kiwi, I guess you have to decide if your goal was to maintain or lose. I think you said you were planning to lose a bit more while you gradually up your calories? I never tried anything like that, but I think Coady said increasing calories worked well for her at some point? Whatever you decide, you are basically at or very close to your goal, so you should definitely be happy for your achievement ????

    I finished my sons cupcake at a birthday party yesterday and was slightly over, but I think I was still at a number where I will see good weight loss.
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    It's so hard not just going back down to my old cals :(:( I'm sort of thinking I need to lose a bit more that I thought anyway, to get my BF to where I want it to be :/

    Well done, Dana!

    Omg, so my typos!!!!!
  • ashleydawndill
    ashleydawndill Posts: 242 Member
    Happy Monday! (I say this with tired eyes and sluggish speech..)

    Coady-- a cuddly dog is always an acceptable excuse. How can you deny that?? I was supposed to go for a run yesterday too, but didn't.. and I had no excuse other than my bed. :P

    Dana-- I have a trainer, so she's doing all the weighing and such for me. Also, well done on the loss!
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    well done everyone on the weekend!!!

    My weekend was good food wise plus I had a 5k race so that went well :) i had a beer and lots of cheddar cheese popcorn after lol but I was still under!!!

    Lifted today and the day should be good food wise!

    And I can't believe some people live without poutine.. lol! Did you do a good job avoiding it this weekend Ashley?? :)
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Nice job on the 5k, Gen! Glad it went well - definitely a reason for beer and popcorn :)

    Forgot to check in over the weekend, but I was good. Did my run Sunday instead, today did my lifting and went for a walk. After a short shift tomorrow I'm off work until the weekend so I'll have to be good and do some walking.
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Did 51.5kg squats today! Woo :) Going to change it up a bit this week. More squats, less pump!
    Had to donate my cals I burned to monday, I ate too much yesterday :(((( So only sitting on 60cals burned today, so sad...

    I need to work my way back up to 5k, I was at it, but I stopped running for a bit. I did do 2.4ks in 16minutes the other day, I really want that to be 15minutes though... hmmm!!
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Gen--great job on the 5k! It's nice to be able to indulge and still be under calories.

    Glad you had a good weekend Coady, and good job on the exercising!

    Nice work with the squats kiwi! I know, I hate saving calories, I prefer to reward myself on the day I work out. But then I get days like yesterday --I didn't work out much and went over... You can work back up to a longer run Kiwi! Just run at least twice a week (preferably 3) and add about 10% to your time per week.

    I will run over 4 miles today so that will be good. I hope to not eat all my calories back so I can make up for yesterday...
  • ashleydawndill
    ashleydawndill Posts: 242 Member
    Gen-- Awesome job on the 5k!! I'd say you definitely earned that beer and popcorn! And yes, I managed to avoid the poutine... though I slipped and had a few slices of pizza instead.. haha. -___-

    Good job on the running and lifting Coady, sounds like you're doing pretty well!

    Awesome with the squats Kiwi! I'm starting slow with bodyweight/light weights for my squats with my trainer, but I hope to increase the weight soon. Your timing for your runs is still pretty good, keep it up! :)

    That's a pretty impressive run Dana! Not eating the calories back is always fun... ha.

    Ended up not getting my weight/bBF% done on Friday, since I was getting a new car and had to get it registered (yayyy!!!). Did an intense condensed workout though, and my butt was burning for two days! Embracing the burn! Yesterday I was supposed to go to the gym, but my boyfriend wanted to go out for dinner so I did that instead. I'll go today and try to burn two days worth of calories, wish me luck! Hopefully tomorrow I'll get those measurements done.
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Thanks ladies for the good words on my race!!! :flowerforyou:

    Coady: good job on running and lifting!

    kiwi: that's awesome time!! You can definitively do it in 15.

    Dana: enjoy your run!!

    Ashley: good job on not having poutine hahaha! Pizza is totally acceptable though. lol ! Can't wait to hear about your measurements. It's really fun to know all that. My scale has a BF% thingy on it but I hate it and I don't trust it. Sometimes it tells me 33% then 38% a few seconds later... :noway:

    Today i will definitively be OVER cals.. going to the restaurant with my husband and going to a movie afterwards. Leaving the kids to my parents' and I'm so thinking BURGER is on my menu. And fries. of course. :drinker:

    Enjoy the day everyone!!
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    @Dana Yeah, think I'm going to work on my runs for a few weeks. Work back up to 30minutes then worry about speed. This particular run was a Hiit run, I ran pretty fast, then really slow over and over.

    @ashley I send my photos to someone who apparently does pretty good % guesses. Still waiting to hear, but I'm excited! :)
    New Car?! Exciting :)

    @Gen Yep, I have two scales that both have BF, one says 24.5 the other 29.9... I was 30 as well when I was 50lbs heavier!!!
    I love burgers! So jelly :D

    Today went alright, 33cals over, no big deal! Only going to eat half my exercise cals tomorrow as Ive been a little on the high side the last few days. All under 100, but still, adds up big time.
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Ashley--congrats on the new car, and the butt workout :).

    Gen--hope you enjoyed the burger and fries!

    Kiwi--yes that was a good run time you had! I go on long runs--4-4.5 miles--but I am slow. I can't seem to get better than an 11.5 minute mile. Rarely I do 11 minute miles, and sometimes I am at 12 minutes. If I cut my run in half, I can to 10.5 minute miles, but with these long runs I am slow. I will say that it is very hilly where I run, so that is challenging!

    Bad day yesterday, I was way over even with a long run. I just had a really hungry day; on top of that my kids went to grandparents in the afternoon and I had some time to veg, which unfortunately made me want to indulge. I can't work out today, so that won't save me.
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    hey ladies :)

    The burger and fries were SO good!! although it threw me off almost 1000 cals over hahaha!! oh well. Worth it :)

    Dana: my "run forever" pace is around 12 min mile too. If I run any faster I just run out of gas really early. It's ok to have a hungry day. It happens!! Maybe your body needed for more repair than usual after your run.

    kiwi: damn BF scales!! they lie!! :)

    Today my goal will be to stay at cal goal to recover from the burger and the sodium that came with it. lol. And I am going for a lift session at the gym later this morning.

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Dana - I agree with Gen - if you're hungry you're hungry, and it's probably better to eat than drive yourself crazy trying to stay under once in a while. Hope the rest of the week goes better for you :)

    Gen - mmm, burger and fries sounds amazing

    Yesterday I ran Week 4 again - made the whole thing for the second time, yay! (I missed the last interval for the previous two runs). I'm going to repeat the week again until I feel comfortable and then move on the Week 5 hopefully next week.

    Also, I had a huge surprise when I got on the scale yesterday and was down a pound and a half - I figured it was partly dehydration since I did it after my run but today I was only up .4 to 127.9. This feels HUGE to me - I started trying to lose at 135 nearly 3 years ago, and the most I ever managed was 128.5 last August and have been bouncing between 130-131 since Christmas - I thought I would never break through!
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Coadymarie: OMG!! Awesome congrats!!! :flowerforyou: I'm so happy for you!!! *happy dance* And also go you on the running!! it's hard, but you can do it!!
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Coady that's awesome!!! Sometimes it does feel like you'll never see that damn thing move...

    So Jealous of the burger, I'm still thinking about it :P

    @dana, definitely eat it you feel you need to! Sometimes I think our bodies just need a refuel! Apparently it makes us burn more fat too if we have metabolism reset days! That's why so many people do a cheat once a week!

    My run today was 11.3 minute miles, so Im not fast either! LOL! But I'm trying to up my time spent running. Today is was 23minutes, and I'll work it back up to 30 then start going a bit fast ;) This is a comfortable speed for me, even though I get pretty tried, I can still talk etc, probably sing a bit...
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Thanks guys :) It's weird how that one half pound feels like such a hurdle - but now that I've gotten there I feel like I might actually make it.

    Now trying to decide whether to go for a run right away in case it starts raining earlier than expected or have breakfast and go later, because for some reason I woke up STARVING today.
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Sounds like we are all similar with the running speeds. And yes, 12 min mile is not bad, most important thing to me is calories are getting burned! Thanks everyone for the support over my hungry day, although it's been more of a bad week! However I have tried to stay good with tracking so I really know how over I am. I THINK I should still see either a small weight loss or a maintenance, which would be so much better than the yo-yo I've been for the past year. Let's hope I am right! I have another long run today so I am hoping to get back on track.

    Coady--congrats, so exciting to see some movement on the scale! I am in a similar situation. I hit 129 last September, gained over 5 pounds during Christmas. Then I went down a couple pounds right after the holidays but have been stuck in he low 130s since, I am finally seeing some movement again too and am back down to 129. Let's keep at it! Hope you have a good run and a good breakfast this morning :)