Daily check in



  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Good morning (or evening hee hee!) ladies!!

    Yesterday's goals were achieved yes!! I was under cals and I even had a small bag of Cheetos lol Today the goal will be to stay around cals goal too, no lifting but maybe a little run if its not too rainy tonight here.

    It's really awesome when your weight changes from the 160s to 150s and so on.. its definitively a win!! Enjoy your day everyone :flowerforyou:
  • ashleydawndill
    ashleydawndill Posts: 242 Member
    Hey y'all heeeeeey,

    Had a crap day yesterday in terms of mood, but my cals were still good. Binged (again) on some pizza for dinner, but I went to the gym and prepped myself for the calories. Haven't weighed myself in awhile, but it's that wonderful time of the month so I'd rather wait until the bloatiness is gone anyway. :P My trainer and I forgot AGAIN to do the weighing, we suck at this! Lol.

    Feeling good today, my water intake lately has been really good too. I used to hardly drink water at all, so it's a definite improvement. My running has improved a bit on the treadmill (used to hate that thing), and while I still can only run for like 3 minutes at a time, it's much better than the 30 seconds I started with. Push-ups are improving too, I can do 5 from my feet with one arm elevated (by that I mean one hand on the floor, one hand on a medicine ball)! Yay!

    Looking for low-carb breads.. Does such a thing exist? Do any of you opt for lower carb meals?

    Awesome job Coady, you're doing fantastic!
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    @Ashley Mmmm pizza! You're killing me :D
    I was doing pushups on my toes, but I'm not really allowed any more as my shoulder is getting aggravated, have to work on my technique first and then go back to them. :( such a drag...
    There are definitely low carb breads here in NZ. Don't know about elsewhere. I don't do low carb though :/

    I just got to the 120s (129), and have popped up again :( Might take 50cals off my cals... lol

    Had a massive lunch... not allowed food till dinner... :P
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Ashley - impressive pushups! As for low carb bread, I know it exists but no idea where to get it. I usually aim to hit protein goal first, which then naturally gets me to my fats goal, then just go to town on whatever - that usually gives me a pretty good balance.

    Kiwi - probably just have to give it a while to settle at the lower weight. I was right back to 130 today too, but having gotten down past that already I think it's just water etc.

    My running app tells me how many min per km and I keep meaning to convert it over.... keep forgetting. My intervals today were average 6.8 min/km. Mainly I'm just happy that I've gotten through the whole thing again and will worry about time later.

    The running store near me was having a sale so I finally went and got some proper kit today - I really want it to be running day again so I can wear my new things, haha.

    Skipping lifting tomorrow as my back muscle feels a bit twingy on one side. Going to do yoga instead - I really need to work on my flexibility.
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    kiwi: it usually takes a while to "settle" into the new number.. it took me a week or 2 to finally be under 150 all the time. It's normal :) Don't give up!! It's not necessarily that you have to lower your cals, could be hormones/water weight etc..

    ashley: wow those pushups!! I am jealous!! I'd have to try how many i can do on my toes.. i've been doing bench press lately so that probably helped!! Still not sure I could do 1 though lol

    coadymarie: I converted that 6.8min/km it's 10.9 min mile :flowerforyou: That's awesome! I totally get the wanting to wear your new stuff hahaha

    Today I will have a good day until dinner time lol we are ordering pizza and having wine. So screw that I'll be over but I'll try to keep track. Already pre-logged, I'm over by around 300 that's not too bad. I did plan the rest of my day around that anyways :)
  • ashleydawndill
    ashleydawndill Posts: 242 Member
    I see what you mean about the "settling", Gen. It took me forever to get below 140, and when I did I was high on life lol. Then I inched back up to 141... sigh. But you're close Kiwi, keep it up! :) I'm interested to hear how much of an effect the 50 cals have.

    Coady your time is great! New running stuff is always exciting too!

    Mmm pizza and wine sounds excellent Gen. Especially the wine.
    ... and the pizza.

    Was really low on calories yesterday, (around 1,100 by 8pm), so I snacked on some pita chips and hummus before I went to bed. I doubt that brought me high enough, but I didn't have the will to get out of bed by that point. Lifting session today, so that'll be fun.

    Happy Friday everyone! Going to a party tomorrow for a birthday, but I'm driving which means no drinking. Which means no empty calories! Then to the zoo on Sunday, which means extra cardio! This is working out in my favor. :P
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Gen--very happy for you that you are seeing the scale go down. QEnjoy your wine and pizza!

    Ashley: I focus mostly on calories. I don't try for low carbs, necessarily, but I try to meet my protein goals, and keep carbs in check that way. I am typically a little under on protein tho so I need to do better. Enjoy your party and the zoo!

    I'm with you kiwi and Coady--I've seen 129 several times since my son was born, but then I pop back to the 130s. My last weight in was 129' so I really hope to keep going down!

    Coady--I found that I enjoyed running so much more once I got proper clothes! That moisture wicking stuff feels so light and comfortable. Enjoy!

    So I was just a little over yesterday. I have been high all week, not good. Tonight is "date night" so will be eating at a restaurant and drinking wine--I really have not earned this this week... I did do a Jillian michaels video this morning (my 2 and 4 year old did it with me!) so that's something. I just hope I haven't bumped myself back into the 130s this week...
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Wooo got to 129.9 this morning :) haha, went over so much yesterday though... So I ignored some of it and burned the rest today. So freaking tired right now :)

    Miss 2 is a bit sick again today, :(
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Kiwi - that's awesome! Congratulations :)

    Dana - yeah I'm really excited for wicking - I've been wearing cheap cotton blend athletic stuff from Walmart and similar places and I'm always so sweaty and gross.

    Running time: holy! I thought I was as slow as a turtle, but I guess that's why it's taking me so long to progress through the weeks. Need to slow that down a bit! It's hard though - I feel like when I run slower I can't pick my feet up enough and end up shuffling along.

    Went over yesterday, but I logged the extra for today since I'm running and working. Not being able to lift made it tough but I went for a walk which helped. Also found a long yoga video for lower back and legs and I think I feel a bit looser today. I always find yoga/pilates/stretching sessions kind of boring but I'm going to try and do a 20-30 min video after my runs from now on.
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Kiwi--thats great you are under 130 again! Especially the morning after a day you went over calories. Hope your girl feels better soon :(.

    Coady--your running time is good, is it hilly where you run? If you are having trouble increasing your time I guess slowing down is smart. Maybe try to keep your strides long so you are not shuffling--just think long, easy strides.

    So I was way over yesterday, to be expected for date night. I have today to try to recover before weigh-in tomorrow.
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Im over today too :P Seems like we're all having a good weekend ;)
    But was even lower this morning, so not worried :)

  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Feeling **** about binging!
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Yesterday was a good day, but it was my first good day all week, and the scale has me back in the 130s this morning. It's a real bummer. I think I have to be strict with logging and not cheating this week.

    Good job Kiwi! One indulgent day obviously won't hurt :)
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Sometimes when I can't get the scale to move I just have one really low cal day (like 1200-1400 net, which is low for me ;) ). Then continue on my merry way as normal.
    It was lil 1000 cals over :( and now that I don't have much of a margin of error, I think that many cals can basically wipe a week of weight loss!
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Coady--your running time is good, is it hilly where you run? If you are having trouble increasing your time I guess slowing down is smart. Maybe try to keep your strides long so you are not shuffling--just think long, easy strides.

    Nope, it's flat flat flat. One of my problems is that I have short little legs so I'm a little shuffly anyways, and when I run properly, picking my feet up and leading with the chest, I end up going faster. It feels more natural this way so I think I'll just stick with it.
    It was lil 1000 cals over :( and now that I don't have much of a margin of error, I think that many cals can basically wipe a week of weight loss!

    I know the feeling - like all your hard work has been reversed. It's hard to get over that mental block and remember it's just a bit of a delay.

    Today was good and not good. I went over by a bit but not a lot, but my back is still twinging a bit in certain positions. I'm thinking of going to see a chiropractor or physio. So I'll be skipping my weights again tomorrow, or maybe try to find some alternate exercises that don't involve the back. Also considering eating at maintenance for a week for recovery purposes - I know it wouldn't hurt but the thought freaks me out a little.
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Daughter has a chest infection and was put on the nebuliser today for asthma from it. :( needless to say I didn't make it to the gym!!!!

    Made goal, no exercise, bummed because I wanted to do some catch up calories.
  • Bettyboag
    Bettyboag Posts: 218 Member
    Hi Kiwi you're poor little girl :flowerforyou: I hope her asthma improves soon
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Kiwi--I'm so sorry your little girl is sick, I hope this passes quickly. As for your bad day, I know how that feels, I have definitely had 1000 calorie over days. In the long run it's just a bump. I wouldn't worry about making it up--just try to get back on track ????

    Coady--I hope your back feels better soon. That's not a bad idea to do maintenance for a week -- could be good practice for hopefully going on maintenance long term one day!

    Yesterday was a good day--I was under my calorie goal. I won't get to work out today, but maybe I can use the little extra I saved yesterday.
  • ashleydawndill
    ashleydawndill Posts: 242 Member
    Sorry about your wee one, Kiwi, I hope she starts feeling better soon!

    Hopefully that twinge goes away soon Coady! Eating at maintenance scares me a little too, but recovery is important!

    Actually had what may have been the healthiest weekend in awhile, lol. No poutine or pizza!! Had a lot of coca-cola on Saturday though, since I was the designated driver and apparently they get free non-alcoholic beverages. Sunday at the zoo was fun, got a little bit of walking in, and ate pretty well.

    Finally did my weigh-in with my trainer on Friday, wasn't as happy with it as I'd hoped to be. BF% is 30, so I need to lose at least another 5%. I own a caliper and it told me I was around 25%, so I wasn't too thrilled about that reality check! Weight is at 141... again. UGH. We'll be doing weigh-ins every week now, so hopefully that decreases at a good rate.

    Didn't get much sleep over the weekend, so I'm exhausted. Looking forward to crawling in bed in 12 hours.
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Coady: I know what you mean about running slow.. it took me some time to adjust but it is true!! if you slow down a little you can go MUCH further!!! My run t'ill I drop pace is around 7:30min/km.. i can go on almost forever. it's also slow *kitten* but I got used to it and to enjoy the scenery!! As for the back, I saw a massage therapist when my back was really screwed up from the weights and it went away in a couple days after I have seen her. Might be worth looking into!!

    Kiwi: oh no!!! I hope she's ok soon. :flowerforyou:

    Ashley: at least you know and you can go towards making your goals now. Weigh-ins with the trainer will probably help too, make you want to be good so it shows on his scale :) Good luck!!

    As for me, the weekend was pretty bad. Lots of wine hence lots of food. lol oh well I know it's water retention it just takes a wee bit of time to come off. those last pounds are really a *****!!!

    Have a good Monday everyone!