2014 MFP LeTour Signup/Discussion Thread



  • mdstamand
    mdstamand Posts: 169 Member
    Seriously mate... I feel bad enough about making the initial mistake, I'm happy to reconstruct all the prior postings for you... I did actually post something I. Here to that effect a few days ago... The spreadsheet even has a note saying you are on a "road trip" so nobody nuked your postings...

    Don't worry TBY. I wasn't hurt or insulted. What you do for us cyclists on this site is wonderful plus the knowledge and experience you share with us are outstanding. Your efforts at these challenges is nothing short of tremendous. Don't worry about recreating my input table unless it's needed for import to your spreadsheet.

    Regards and thanks,
  • Jakess1971
    Jakess1971 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Bike parts not in until Monday for the TCRs, it prompted me to try the old heavy crosser out but turnings just a tad too uncomfortable to be safe so gave it up as a bad job, my Le Tour is now definitely over and having a few days off the bike to do the sensible thing, I'm hopeful our team will still make that height, at last count including Grahams and Mikes ride in we've just hit 62,728m and only 75m away from hitting the full 62,803m, so I think one more ride from any team member will do it! :)
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Don't worry TBY. I wasn't hurt or insulted. What you do for us cyclists on this site is wonderful plus the knowledge and experience you share with us are outstanding. Your efforts at these challenges is nothing short of tremendous. Don't worry about recreating my input table unless it's needed for import to your spreadsheet.

    Regards and thanks,

    Mike, it's not a problem - I like the entries to be there for transparency more than anything - that way EVERYONE can go have a look at the strava links if they fancy it - plus, it's good to be able to look back on the thread somewhere down the line without necessarily having to find the link to the spreadsheet or whatever...

    Anyhow, the ride details are back already, and I'll drop the Strava links in after I've watched todays Stage of LeTour.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Bike parts not in until Monday for the TCRs, it prompted me to try the old heavy crosser out but turnings just a tad too uncomfortable to be safe so gave it up as a bad job, my Le Tour is now definitely over and having a few days off the bike to do the sensible thing, I'm hopeful our team will still make that height, at last count including Grahams and Mikes ride in we've just hit 62,728m and only 75m away from hitting the full 62,803m, so I think one more ride from any team member will do it! :)

    Sensible decision mate... and I'm sure someone in the team will make the 75m of ascent over the 13 undeclared rides remaining between now and the finish line.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Well - that's me for LeTour...

    Slightly disappointed, as I kind of wanted to get a final big ride in, and maybe hit the Strava Gran Fondo distance for July as well, but it wasn't to be... I've been riding through a bout of elbow problems, a regular thing I get, somewhat similar to Tennis Elbow - basically, treatment is rest and Diclofenac for 3 days and it's right as rain. Anyhoo - wasn't about to take 3 days off, so carried on riding, and this morning, it just got to the point that after 30km I was flinching every time I ran over anything larger than a matchstick... By 40km it was a case of rest the palm on the bar and don't even try to grip it, turn for home and get it rested.

    So , there we are, just over 80k for the last ride - around half of what I'd planned (and eaten a breakfast accordingly)...

    Makes me all in for LeTour with 1291.3km @ 24.01kph climbing 9,793 metres


    (wish I hadn't uploaded that 4km of walking on the rest day that shows in green!)
  • veloman21
    veloman21 Posts: 418 Member
    Well done Mark!! And thank you again for all the work you put in to make this the most enjoyable challenge I've ever taken part in. I completely surprised myself with the mileage and the climbing that I managed and know that I would never have achieved anything like that without the playful competition and camaraderie engendered by the challenge. Can't wait for the Vuelta!!! ...................... (but I am glad it doesn't start this week :-0
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Mark - That's pretty darn impressive! Thanks again for a great challenge. It was fun, inspiring and challenging. Thanks for doing all that. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Just remember, a good stout Ale will potentiate the Diclofenac and make the elbow heal faster. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    Thanks for another great challenge...I really enjoyed it. I ended with a fizzle. Weather was good, but I'm experiencing some vertigo with an ear infection that I have, so I decided to avoid risking a wreck. Been fun riding with all of you.
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    I just had to say i enjoyed this challenge. It was superbly run, supported by a vast array of inspirational people , and in good nature by all. If all races could be so, there would be a heck of a lot more people out there. :) *Hugs*

    On a personal note : OMG I cannot believe what i did. Ok, so I'm not going to get a jersey in any respect, ever, but for me???? In the last 3 weekends i did: #1 : My first "official" metric century (did the distance prior), #2 my first double long weekend ~ 50 hilly rainy miles + 40 the next and #3. My first century ever. 523 miles in the last 23 days...really....mmmeeeee? :noway: :bigsmile:

    Nothing to a ton of you, but for me I found the people here inspirational. Truly. Thank you :flowerforyou:


    I'd be up for the next one in a sec, but I already signed up for a HM in October. I should be fair and stay out as if i run it would take away from the bike. If my running knee problems arise and i end up needing to walk the HM,. i would be happy to come back earlier. You all SO rock!
  • sinker59
    sinker59 Posts: 130
    Well, this was big fun!

    I just logged in my final ride (another short one, because it was on trails not road) and immediately went to Strava and changed my preferences back to 'miles and pounds'!! :wink:
  • Jakess1971
    Jakess1971 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Amazing riding this tour everyone, give yourselves a pat on the back for a job well done :), every team achieved what was set out, Team 3 more then hit the distance, Team 4 consistently setting the bar high, Team 1 being clear winners in the end but I'm especially proud of Team 2 which not only made the distance but also the climbing too, I couldn't be happier.

    Nice one Mark for a wonderfully run tour again and nice one Frannybobs for her logging help :)
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Kudos to Mark for hosting another fantastic challenge. I know it takes a lot of time and a lot of effort and I'm sure everyone would agree that you really did an amazing job keeping all this stuff straight. Cheers to you! That was also an outstanding push you had the last week. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I really want everyone to know that I appreciate all the participants. Your efforts made me push a little harder than I might have otherwise. I hope everyone had as much fun as I did finding I could push further than I have before. I love the pictures everyone posted as well. I'm looking forward to next year when we can do this again. :drinker: :drinker:
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Thanks to everyone for all their kind words, but at the end of the day, the whole challenge is nothing without the people who go out and ride...

    So - all I can say is Well done everyone...


    Well - I say everyone...

    Not this guy obviously...

  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member

    Well - I say everyone...

    Not this guy obviously...


    Wow! That's an image that I could have done without. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Guess I'm not falling asleep on the nightshift now. :laugh: :laugh:

    On the plus side, as least we didn't have to see what it looks like from the back side like the riders had to. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    And on a semi-serious note - can everyone please check they've got all their rides in, or a DNS notice if they've not ridden.

    As well as the obvious 3 "Jersey" competitions - there's a "team award" for the highest distance ridden, and... a special one this time - the "combativity" prize... which I'd like to be by "peer voting" - sadly, there doesn't appear to be a facility for running polls on this crappy forum software, so best thing I can suggest is if everyone sends me a PM with their "nomination" and I'll award the "red dossard" to whoever gets the most mentions.
  • BigG59
    BigG59 Posts: 396 Member
    Many Thanks for organising this Mark.

    I've ended up with one of my best months (distance wise) since I got back o a bike 18 months ago.
  • CentralCaliCycling
    CentralCaliCycling Posts: 453 Member
    Thank you TBY for an enjoyable Tour - riding, working and watching the Tour until midnight or later will be in my memory for years to come. Having a riding partner this year for the challenges makes it even better so I also have to say thank you to my wife. I am afraid we may not be able to fully participate in the Vuelta this year since we are moving and have to do some tile work on the new house before we can move in starting the second week in September but will will be looking for whatever challenges are posted after that (and who knows - we might find time for some short and sweet rides).

    Again, thanks to all who participated in the Tour Challenge this year.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I know you said you wanted a personal message for voting on the red dossard but I thought some people deserved some recognition that really inspired me for the challenge.

    There are so many that did so many amazing things on this challenge. You had an amazing charge the last week. You rode every day. Jakes1971 carried his team with 1822 km That is an amazing amount of distance and a phenomenal effort to carry his team. Veloman21 did the same for his team. His 211 km ride makes my butt hurt. A couple of crashes from a couple of folks kept the end from being closer but KaktusJaque did the smart thing by resting to heal even though he would have made the final really close. He probably knows what Froome feels like right now. Four people on Team one went over 1000km. That's AMAZING! Coltsman, Harsky, TheBIgYin and myself were on fire.

    Not everyone can win the red dossard but I think everyone that did the challenge faced some obstacle and overcame it to make this a GREAT challenge. For that I think everyone deserves a hand! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Okay folks - the submissions thread has now closed - the spreadsheet is complete, and the provisional placings are established - I've just spent a couple of hours fixing Wendy's .FIT file (for the sake of 200m or something ridiculous, but it DID correct the average speeds) and now it's a matter of checking every little post on strava for the Jersey Competition's submission. (I check peoples posts on a "random sampling" basis, but at the end of the tour anyone in with a shout for the competiton gets the fine-tooth-comb treatment)

    Meanwhile - if there are any further nominations for the "Red Dossard" then by all means fire up the PM machine and drop me a line.

    One thing that is pretty much beyond doubt in this competition is the "Team Competiton"

  • veloman21
    veloman21 Posts: 418 Member
    Congrats to team 1 for a well deserved victory. A big shout out to my valiant team 4, we made it a close thing for the first two weeks but just fell a little short In the end.

    Special kudos to Jakes1971 for his consistently phenomenal riding, both distance and climbing, Jason chasing you for three weeks gave me great incentive and pushed me to record my best month ever on a bike. That feels great and is what the challenge is all about!!

    And of course, as we've all said many times, a huge thank you to TBY for organising the challenge and putting togetherand maintaining the fabulous spreadsheet (ably assisted by Frannybobs and Cloggsy) it was great to be able to see our progress.

    Can't wait for the Vuelta ????
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