2014 MFP LeTour Signup/Discussion Thread



  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    I really had fun with this challenge this time. I'm still having some health issues but my riding was consistent and this makes me happy. I should finish July with around 550 miles which is the most I've ridden in a month in a year. But, it's been fun riding with all of you.

    I really enjoy the photo thread, as I'm a tourist in my blood. I've never been competitive, so racing isn't my game, but I am a wanderer. Someday, I hope to wander around some of these beautiful areas you all ride in on my Kona.
  • banshee1013
    banshee1013 Posts: 125 Member
    Apologies for not getting my last log in... the weather, games, and San Diego Comic Con got in the way of the "strong finish" I wanted to this year's Tour... but boy was it fun!

    Friday had temps in the 100s and humidity in the 80th percentile - would have to be in way better shape to be able to get a ride in with that nonsense going on. Saturday I actually did get a lot of riding in - but it was in fits and spurts while playing a game downtown, Guerrilla-style dodging and darting between stopped cars on the streets of downtown San Diego, a la bike messenger kind of stuff! All kinds of fun but the log would have made TBY cry :D

    Sunday I actually managed to get a badge into SDCC so spent my day walking the floor and spending money :)

    Sooo... see you all for the Vuelta, where there will be LOTS of riding (and hopefully a new bike!) while I train (and beg donations) for Pedal the Cause, a charity ride raising money for cancer research. If you're interested in what I'm doing and why, here's my Profile link: http://sandiego.pedalthecause.org/riders_profile.jsp?MemberID=6405
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,682 Member
    I've "unstickied" the LeTour files now, seeing as the challenge has been finished over a week ago - I'm sure anyone who competed has had chance to have look in there. Anyway - I think I may need to start the signups for the Vuelta by the end of this week - at which point I'll launch a new thread for the purpose.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,682 Member
    okay... this thread may as well close now, as I've started the one for LaVuelta over here - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1388638-mfp-lavuelta-signup-discussion-thread
This discussion has been closed.