Did you swim today?



  • luv2eat2013
    luv2eat2013 Posts: 428 Member
    conniekat8 wrote: »
    well, so? Did you swim today?

    Check in below... I'm watching youuuu ;P

    I need few more days for my neck muscles to heal up from locking up to get back in the pool, and I'm antsy.

    Anyhow, I thought maybe we could use a check-in thread. Tell me about if you swam, where, how, share your workout or whatever keeps you motivated :)

    Tomorrow starts my 1st routine of h20 aqua class for 1 hr. It's been a while but after this next week I'm looking for a full 3x as week of exercise.this is prep week and slowdown on food intake. Be back in full force real soon. ☺
    yes 50 minutes of breaststroke, freestyle, backstroke, kickboard, 20 minutes of water running, and then some weight training and elliptical, love it

    Same here with style routine Beautiful. Trying to increase my stamina and get breathing back to par. Each week that's the amount of laps I do. SLOW AND STEADY WINS MY RACE

  • luv2eat2013
    luv2eat2013 Posts: 428 Member
    Thx Connie for check in thread. ..wishing you healing with your neck. DO TELL Me WHAT'S YOUR Routine Upon YOUR Return?
  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    Welcome to our group.
  • LauraRae2
    LauraRae2 Posts: 107 Member

    Pool closed on Aug 31 for maintenance and reopened on Sept 19, but I couldn't get in until today because of my schedule. Turns out they changed the evening lap swim times too, which actually makes it better for me.

    1 mile, all freestyle, 42 minutes 50 seconds. Slower than I was, but I've been off for 3+ weeks so it's to be expected. My swims will be a bit sporadic for a while, but I should be able to get 1 or 2 in a week at least.

    Oh! And something really cool happened. There were 3 of us in the locker room afterward showering. I made a comment about how sore I'll be tomorrow after my first swim in 3 weeks. One of the ladies said, "you were doing lap swim right? My husband was so impressed by you. He couldn't believe you didn't stop that whole time."
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    Awesome Laura! That is impressive!

    1000 30:33. Glacially slow for me, but I'm okay with that, as I'm quite stiff and sore from hitting the free weights for the first time in an embarassingly long time.
  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 945 Member
    edited September 2015
    Back after about 2 - 3 weeks.
    Was abit unwell one week followed immediately by something like a back/ neck injury.
    Then swam intermittently the next week though not been logging.
    This week swam Monday and Tuesday!
    Trying to get into some structured training with a coach on top of my long swims and sprints.
    Weird distances are because it was in a 33m long pool!

    Warm up: 1 x 528m
    Main Set: 2 x 528m free, 2 x 396m breaststroke
    2 x 132m freestyle kick, 2 x 132 breastroke kick
    132 - freestyle warmdown

    Total 3,036 m in 1:23 min
    First time to do kick sets since maybe high school. They were hard, especially the freestyle kick sets. Goes to show they are doing something!!!

  • mpeters1965
    mpeters1965 Posts: 370 Member
    Glad you're back AQ! We were worried about you.

    I woke up late and didn't want to swim but went anyway. Swam 1,000 yds. Got out, showered, headed for work and somebody pulled out in front of me. Wrecked my car. I'm a bit banged up but thank goodness for seat belts and airbags. Poor little car is wasted.

    This is the first time I can say that I regret making myself get up and go swim. :smile:

    I'm headed out of town for a week. No swimming. No driving. No worries.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member
    AQ!!! Welcome back!! So good to hear from you. We were getting worried!
    mpeters, thank goodness you're OK! But what an awful way to start your day :( I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope that your strong swimming body helps you recover more quickly :heart:

    I swam yesterday. Still pretty discombobulated. You life-long swimmers are quite fortunate for muscle memory. I feel like I am putting it all together for the first time again. It was a tough go, but I'll keep at it. I did my water fitness class though, and kicked butt :)
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    57 laps (my regular 54 + the 3 I missed on Monda. . .) -- including 3 X 25 butterfly, and 5 "wall sprint" lengths (where I sprint the last half length to the wall.)
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member

    First swim in five days so felt HORRIBLE!!

    8 x 50 2 each of fr br bk fly on 1.10
    6 x 200 alt fr/IM/back (20)
    10 x 50 kick alt fr/bk fins (20)
    8 × 25 fr sprints on 40 (held 16s)
    200 w/d

  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 945 Member
    Thanks guys!
    I hadn't read the older posts or logged in during my time away, or would definitely have given a shout to indicate I was still alive :smile:
    Yesterday, had short time till pool closed so did:
    1 x 200 freestyle
    2 x 500 alternating between free and breast on each length

    Last year I would do IMs each session. This year had only been swimming free. So I'm unexpectedly struggling through the breastroke which used to be almost my 'rest stroke'! My shoulders really struggling with the breastroke movement.
  • nuffer
    nuffer Posts: 402 Member
    Have been going regularly, churning out 2000 or so yards at my usual slow pace. Today I had my first visit to a massage therapist to help with a back injury from a car accident (sorry to hear about yours @mpeters1965 ) and thought I'd be even slower this evening. But my pace improved by five seconds/100y and although sore, it felt pretty good, loosened up things a bit.
  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    Yes, swam : 1 mile, all freestyle, 57 minutes
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    54 laps ~ 70 minutes- including 7 X 25 butterfly and 2 X 13 "wall sprints" (e.g., I sprint about half a length to the wall on the return length)
  • luv2eat2013
    luv2eat2013 Posts: 428 Member
    Not today...did alternate
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Tuesday I managed to hold a 1:45/100 pace for 600. Settled back to 1:50/100 for most of the remainder if the 6000 swim.
    This morning my shoulders were tight from over doing the weight room last night so I slept in. Swimming 4 miles after work though. Who know. Maybe I'll try for 5. A little penance for not getting up this morning :)
  • stephenrhinton
    stephenrhinton Posts: 522 Member
    I've been trying all week to do a timed front crawl swim to see what my total improvement is, but I keep getting sidetracked or interrupted. I got about 200m into it today when the water aerobics class took over the pool ...le sigh
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    54 laps in 72 minutes.
  • stephenrhinton
    stephenrhinton Posts: 522 Member
    finally got my timed swim in today ....43 minutes front crawl mile time, down from 47 minutes about 8 weeks ago ...2200m overall in 61 minutes, 21 sprint lengths ...

    this is a PB for me, but only incrementally better than a backstroke swim I had a couple of weeks ago. Mixed feelings about this. On one hand, so relieved to be below the 45 minute barrier. Because I've been trying to hit that milestone for about 3-4 months and felt like it was really overdue. On the other hand, I already kinda knew I was here because a couple of weeks ago I started seeing longer overall lengths in my hour and I've been doing the algebra to figure out what my mile time should be now. I was hoping that on a swim where I was purposefully timing, and trying to push, and doing all crawls instead of mixed strokes, and doing more sprint laps than normal, that all that would add up to a bigger gain for the timed swim.

    Now that I got this swim in I feel like its time to change up my routine to concentrate on back-to-back sprint lengths, so 50m instead of 25m that I have been doing

    Now that I've 'officially' beat the 45 minute barrier, next stretch goal is 2400m (1.5miles) in the hour.

    Also idly wondering how much 'drag' effect my t-shirt contributes. I haven't bought a new suit or shirt since I started so they fairly well drape me now. (Suit is 3XL, shirt is 4or5XL, I can now wear XL clothes). But I'm still a bit body conscious about swimming without a shirt. I'm still obese. And like many who've lost significant weight I have many body wrinkles ... at the least I'm getting new swim outfit this week.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Stephen, that's great! I understand the disappointment/conflict though. I haven't even had the courage to do a baseline timed mile. I only just figured out how to set my pace so that I can swim that long/far. I'm a complete pansy though. If I'm not "feeling it," I won't do the entire mile, even though I should push through. I really admire your commitment to your program. Your doc must be thoroughly impressed! As for the suit, if there is one thing swimmers understand, it's that not only the fit looking ones can keep it up. There are people much heavier than I am who swim circles around me (sometimes literally). It's not a great feeling for me, always being passed, but I also know that I'm there for my workout, they're there for their own :)