Did you swim today?



  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Are you training for anything in particular @emmab0902 ? That's a helluva lot of training for one day!

    Lost lots of fitness and need to build up for world games. New schedule will be gym Monday and Thursday, and swim Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday and Saturday. Hopefully run Thursday Sunday but might take Sunday as a rest day!
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    3500 yards @ 70 minutes.
  • nuffer
    nuffer Posts: 402 Member
    One 3600y set in 83 minutes. Achievement unlocked!
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @gentlygently Glad to hear you have been cleared to get wet again.
    @emmab0902 Wowsers that is a lot of Training - Take the rest days when ever you feel you need it. Based on my experience Training for a Sprint Tri-Athlon some times I would drop the Run, other weeks it would be the Bike or Swim. My rule became if it was still a Slog after 10 mins then I changed from Training mode to Leisure mode.

    A short splash at noon today. 1000m of mixed strokes. Really just counted to 40 lengths and called it good. Had intended to swim in the morning but when I got up there was 10cm of fresh snow so I shovelled my driveway to prevent it from becoming an Ice Covered Skating Rink.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    3100m solo swim with new programme.

    200 warmup

    16x50 on 1.10 as
    1-4 pull
    5-8 kick
    9-10 sprint first 15m
    11-16 descend by 50

    2x50 free as sprint first 15m then moderate
    200 free moderate
    2x50 free as sprint first 20m then moderate
    200 free moderate
    2x50 free as sprint first 25m then moderate
    200 free moderate

    4x50 fly on 2.00 best pace (kill me now!)
    100 free
    3x50 back on 1.30 best pace
    150 free
    2x50 br best pace
    200 free
    1x50 free max
    250 free
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    3500 yards @ 69 minutes

    Did my first 500 yard straight with a time. It is a starting point. Only need to take off a minute forty to make Master's nationals entry time.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    4 mile wake up.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited November 2016
    Adult Swim Club. 1975m
    200m Warm-up; 100 Fr, 50 Ch Kick, 50 Ch Drill

    A very unique Set - Rock the Clock Fwd Challenge
    Everything happens in 60 second interval
    RI increases by 1 sec per 25m completed = Available SI Decreases

    Leave on the 60/0 - 25m swim; RI until 01
    Leave on the 01 - 25m swim; RI until 02
    Leave on the 02 - 25m Swim; RI until 03
    Etc, Etc.
    Leave on the 33 - 25m Swim; RI until 34
    Leave on the 34 - 25m Swim; RI until 35
    Leave on the 35 - 25m Swim; Didn't make it back before the clock crossed the 60/0 mark :/
    I made it all the way to a 34 second RI = 26 sec 25m swim - which for me after completing that many lengths ( 875m ) was surprising. B) ( This was Fun )

    So I was out of the Challenge. The RI keeps getting Longer and Longer so the SI has to get shorter and shorter, until you can no longer complete the 25m before the Clock Gets back to 60/0. So to stay in the challenge your Swim Time needs to stay very consistent and go into Negative Splits as you move through the Challenge.

    Can't be to hard on myself as out of 6 in the group I was 3rd - the 2 Super ladies were side by side in a lane and made it 4 more lengths 39 sec RI - 21 sec 25m swim before they could no longer beat the clock.

    Swimming Speed work.
    4 x 25m Push off-Dolphin & 3 strokes before Breathing ( at least 5-7m ) easy to the turn
    4 x 25m Easy Start & Middle - Last 10m Hard to the wall and Flip Turn.
    4 x 25m Fast Start - Easy Middle - Hard to the Wall and Flip Turn
    1 x 100m Start in the Middle of the Pool to get the Extra Flip turn and put it all together

    4 x 25m Back - Descending Stroke
    4 x 25m Breast - Descending Stroke
    4 x 25m Front - Descending Stroke - After the Rock the Clock this was a very hard 100m.

    4 x 25m Ch Kick. like most men my kick in Front Crawl is :s so that's what I did.
    It is frustrating when I am on Back Stroke with my ears buried in the water and I can hear the 2 super ladies go by kicking - the pop/plop sound I can hear just tells me they have so much power/strength/technique.

    100m Cool down choice.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    3000m solo swim as per new programme. It's all a blur - all I know is there was kick. So much kick.....
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Oh Thank You @emmab0902 ; I can really understand that comment
    "It's all a blur - all I know is there was kick. So much kick..... "

    One of our local Super Ladies ( I say that With Awe and Respect ) realized that her mans weakest link in his Tri-Athlon Training was his kick in swimming. I remember going for an Adult Swim club 60 minute session and any time I "snuck a peak" he was in the first lane of the pool ( even the so called deep end is only 4 feet in that lane ) far-far-far away kicking and kicking and kicking and ....... My personal opinion is that she is part Dolphin based on the way she swims. Tiny petite little thing but Crazy Strong and Amazing Technical skills. Would love to have her on a swim team - would hate to be coached by her- I think she would always manage to drag everyone into just " One more little tiny drill"..
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    3300m solo swim.

    Departed from the programme as my shoulder is feeling a bit niggly with the increased mileage. Used fins for most of session to take the load off it, and focused on technique.

    200 free 200 back

    400 kick

    800 free

    400 kick

    800 free

    200 kick

    300 free
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Final Session in this series for Adult swim club.
    200m warm up 50 kick, 50 fr, 50 kick, 50 Ch Drill

    60 strokes Distance trial. My old Avg was ~55m @ 1:12 ; 59m 1:07:5 4m further 4 seconds faster. :)
    50m kick Fr, Bk, Br
    100m Fr, Bk, Br
    8 x 50m repeats on 10s RI
    4 x 100m repeats on 10s RI

    A little fun to end.
    Waterslide Upstream Swim
    5, 10 & 15 lb Treading Water. Last year no way - nailed all 3 weights for 3 mins per
    5, 10 or 15 lb recovery from bottom of deep end. Got the 5 and 10 but not the 15

    Signed up for December and January sessions - I will miss some of January due to Half Marathon Training and Downhill ski trips.
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    @juliet3455 It sounds like you have fun with your Adult club! Your ambitions for January impress me immensely!

    3000 yards @ 58 minutes. I told myself all that mattered today was getting in the pool as I felt very sloth like. I wonder what swimming will be like once I get closer to my goal weight. I think people are surprised that someone who carries as much extra weight as I do, swims at the speed that I do. I am realizing that it is their problem and not mine and now can find some amusement in their surprise.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @Montepulciano There are 4 of us in our little community who are not the typical "Toothpick" Bodied swimmer who have surprised a few newbies-visitors. Sometimes it's not the sprint speed its the overall average speed/distance that buries these visitors. Two of them are darn good Tri-athletes as there performance in all 3 events is just a little better than the Average person so they sneak up the rankings
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    2500m with masters

    2x 100RIM

    8x50 alt free kick and br swim

    6x 75 pull

    3x (300 free steady + 2x50 free max)

    250 warmdown
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    0600 in the pool - along with 30 others - no rhythm - just to many people and drastically different paces. I tried - I really did - finally said *kitten* this and did 10 min sauna-10 min Hot Tub and called it a morning. Will try tonight 1800-1930 - when every one else is sitting down for the evening meal with the family.

    Fortunately the next session of Adult swim club starts tomorrow night. I freely admit one of the reasons I enjoy it is the guaranteed workout with people ( a limited number ) of approximately the same skills so much easier to get in a rhythm. Now to visit Calvin and Hobbes for a morning laugh.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    edited November 2016
    4 miles today and Saturday.
    Made a small change to my stroke after reading this article and seeing the video clip.
    Cut 5 seconds off my 100yd time. Held 1:45 100 for 2000 yards. Last week I could hold 1:50 for 2000. And my stroke count per length stayed the same.
    It is not a long read. And I'm sure the more seasoned and competitive swimmers are aware of this.
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    4000 yard @ 80 minutes.

    @fishgutzy Read the article and watched the video...I may play around with it, but it looks like a stroke technique drill that I do that helps me increase my efficiency, but it messes with my breathing rhythm. I am glad it helped you as that is a significant drop in time! Well done!
  • thelandis
    thelandis Posts: 1 Member
    I swam a mile today over lunch. I do this three to four times a week. Wish I had time for Maters again but I can't make the early morning classes.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @thelandis Welcome to the Group. I live in a very small community that does not have a Masters Swim Club. So we have created or Hi-Jacked the Adult Stroke Improvement Lesson/Sessions into an Adult Swim Club - Not quite Masters but more than Stroke Improvement.
    @fishgutzy Liked that Videolink you dropped. Will have to give it a try on my next swim session. Went back to the pool at 6pm and it was a zoo again so I went for a run instead. Twice in one day where it was jammed to the rafters with swimmers. You would think it was Jan 1 with all the New Years Resolution athletes.