Did you swim today?



  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Jumped back in for an early morning 6am splash. Just couldn't get into a rhythm.
    Suffering from a Right elbow burner right now, If I grab something and squeeze it hard or pull on things ( socks, gloves, door knobs etc) it screams at me, if I was squeezing hard I actually have to release my grip as it is nasty. Didn't notice it while swimming but could feel increase sensitivity afterwards. :/
    40 mixed lengths = 1000m. Will see how the elbow feels tomorrow night in swim club.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    54 laps in 72 minutes
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    @juliet3455 could it be from your neck? I get elbow pain and carpal tunnel symptoms when my neck is out.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @emmab0902 No pretty sure it is my elbow. It started in September after doing a maintenance job in the mountains where I was standing on a ladder with my arm fully extended to my maximum height to drill 8 mounting holes to replace a vandalized solar panel. So there was a lot of rotational and torsional pressure on the elbow from the drill. It's similar to what might be called Golfers Elbow/Tennis Elbow. I had a similar injury in my left elbow about 15 years ago. I call it the Phantom injury as there are no outward signs of anything wrong and then it just hits you. A little extra tender today as yesterday I replaced the Overhead door in my garage as it had a structural fault that could cause the door to break in half and fall on top my vehicle or anyone underneath it. So all the recovery I made from September to now has been lost. :(

    Nothing like being at 9000ft and still needing a ladder.
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    4000 yards 80 minutes.

    200/150 (stroke drills)/100/50 - warm up
    5 x 100 swim @ 1:45
    5 x 200 pull @ 3:30
    1000 kick with fins
    200 loosen up (stroke drills - catch up, extension and 1 arm butterfly)
    5 x 50 free @ 60
    5 x 50 backstroke @ 1:10
    300 warm down
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    4000 yards 80 minutes. 1000 kick with fins
    @Montepulciano That's just a wild bit of kick - even with fins. Impressive swim set.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    4 miles yesterday at a different Y.
    My Y has the main pool closed due to heater failure repair. I would have been quite happy to swim in water below 77 degrees. But their seems to be some sort of rule now about 77 degrees being the minimum allowed.
  • nuffer
    nuffer Posts: 402 Member
    Feeling your pain @fishgutzy -- just got email that our pool is closed tomorrow due to being 4 degrees too cold because the boilers can't deal with our just-freezing temps. This, while I'm trying to get my bucket list item of swimming in a snowstorm checked off! Last night I really had my hopes up but I did not get snow on my back...

    In other news, I timed at my #2 son's high school swim meet tonight. He took a couple of seconds off his backstroke time (his fave event) and I had a grand experience marveling at the speed of these young men, even the very young'uns who were clearly out of their element. It was a lot of fun, made even more so by the lack of divers. I don't mind good diving but our high school divers as a general rule are pretty terrible and pretty boring to watch. Unless you're into viewing painful/awkward water entry :smile:
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited December 2016
    Adult Swim Club - we have grown 8 members now. 2000m

    I am now in the habit of getting to the pool just a little earlier than the others and jumping into the 3rd lane. As one of the 4 faster swimmers in the group its so nice to not be against the wall where you get extra waves from the rebounds off the wall. Also as a guy with a monster whip kick I have been known to kick the rope or the wall when I am in an all out GoGo mode. Not sure which hurts more - the wall or the rope.

    200m warmup - 100 Fr, 50 kick, 50 Ch ( not saying I have a poor kick but the one lady completed her 50m kick in the time it took me to do 25m )

    1000m relay - 2 teams of 4 people. Each person would swim a 50m and tag off so we all swam 250m. 16:32 and 16:46 so a nice semi competitive set. One lady has a slight shoulder injury ( Airline seat induced cramp ) so all she can do is Breast stroke.

    3 x 50m Descending stroke Fr, Br, Bk (450m)

    3 x - 2x50m Kick & 2x50m Fr @ 80% (600m)

    25m Sprint
    50m Breast
    75m Ch Drill
    100m Fr Ascending Speed ( each 25m faster than the previous )
    75m Breast Easy-recovery
    50m Sprint
    25m Back (400m)

    Cool down Choice 100m minimum

    Its amazing how you can pile up 2000m of distance doing little drills and mini-sprints.
    A good group and good workout sets. She always has a few more drills written out on a 2nd white board.
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
  • nuffer
    nuffer Posts: 402 Member
    That's ^^ hilarious!

    Our pool is closed. Boiler can't keep up with the cold temps we've been having. It's only a little below freezing. I hope they get it sorted today.
  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    My pool is down for three weeks :/
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    And now with hearing about all the pool closures, I have no excuses to get my workouts done.
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    4000 yards @ 80 minutes. Not sure what is going on this week, but struggling a bit with just being tired. Made it through my workout but...it was a touch lackluster.
  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    Hey it's my first post in here! woo hooo :)

    300m freestyle
    300m breaststroke
    50m backstroke just to see if I knew how (I don't :D )

    But uh... I took little rests in between each length because I'm totally new and trying not to die. Next week I'll do little rests between each 50m instead of between each 25m.

    I'm totally new to swimming at all, much less laps and keeping track of laps and time. Still getting the hang of it.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Two more days of 4 miles in an alternate pool.
    But the pool at my Y could be open again later today so tomorrow back to normal. Hopefully.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    For you @juliet3455
    @Montepulciano You nailed it with that jpg.
    @nuffer & @Bruceapple Sorry to hear that your pools are down. Feel your pain - ours has a 3-4 week Maintenance Shut Down every fall.

    Adult Swim Club tonight.
    Packed my bag, drove to the pool, arrivied 15 mins early. Watched the Under 25 swimmers do a monster set of kicks. Went into the change room - WTF - 2 of everything except 0 Trunks.
    Drove home grabbed the 2 trunks neatly folded on the Bed and back to the pool- now late. That's how it started and it just seemed to put me out of sync for the whole set.

    200m warm up. 100 Fr, 50 Kick, 50 Pull

    3 x Front Crawl and BackStroke - 30 sec Treading water each time we were at the deep end
    25m - 8 kick per Stroke
    25m - Descending Stroke Count
    50m - Swim

    Breast Stroke
    50m Pull
    50m Whip Kick
    50m 2 Kick/Pull

    Broken 800m ; Personal Challenge; High Elbows, Clean Hand Entry, Flip Turns
    4 x 25m @ 40
    2 x 50m @ 1:20
    1 x 100m @ 2:00
    1 x 200m @ 3:30
    1 x 100m @ 2:00
    2 x 50m @ 1:20
    4 x 25m @ 40

    Cool down
    200m Choice

    1650m that just felt like a struggle.
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    @juliet3455 I really like that broken 800, I may have to borrow that one. :)
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @Montepulciano The broken 800 is one of my favorite drills,right behind 60 strokes Time & Distance. Basically a bunch of mini sprints stacked on top of each other. The times I posted were the lowest ones that our Coach/Instructor/Friend had posted on the workout board. As she said it allows for 5-10 seconds of rest at the end of each distance.
    I expect to get hit with a Double 800m before the end of this session.
    ie 200m Warmup, Broken 800m, Drill set 200m, 2nd Broken 800m, Cool down.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member
    @juliet3455 , I don't know how far you had to go to drive back home for trunks, but KUDOS!!! I've done that too. And showed up late. And it threw off my workout. But dang, you got it in. Thumbs up to you!
    My pool's closed. 2 snow days :blush: