Did you swim today?



  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    I.M. workout today: 250 free, 500 free, 1000 free, 7 x 200 I.M., 500 free, 3 x 200 I.M., 1000 free, 250 free in 98 minutes....

    Went to the pool REALLY not feeling it today, to the point that I thought I was going to have to bail on the I.M.'s & just do a freestyle workout today - especially after the 1st I.M. As I went through, they started feeling better so I decided to push a bit. My long term plan has been to get to 10 x 200 I.M.'s with no freestyle break in between. I've been doing 5 x 200 I.M.'s, a 500 free & 5 more 200 I.M.'s with the ultimate goal of pushing that 500 back further & further in the set until I'm at the 10 straight I.M.'s. Today was the 1st day I pushed, & I was able to do 7 of the I.M.'s before I needed the 500 free as a rest. The moral of the story, boys & girls, is feeling crappy at the start doesn't mean you're necessarily going to have a bad workout, ironically I find the opposite to be true - I get some of my best workouts done on the days I feel the crappiest going in.....
  • mpeters1965
    mpeters1965 Posts: 370 Member
    Way to stick with it Mac! I have also found that some of the best start off the worst.

    I've been swimming with this coach for several years now and she is a talker, not a listener and gets very defensive so I am just not going down that avenue again. We have lost enough folks so that I know it isn't just me. For the most part, she has stopped coaching those of us who have been there for a while even though we still need to improve. She has never been a great coach and is just too disorganized for my tastes. I'll take a break for a few months and I bet something else will come up. I'm an optimist! I swam on my own for 8 years before the Masters group came along and with the great advice I get from you guys :smile: , I should be fine for a while.
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    You'll definitely be fine, you have plenty of knowledge & experience that you can put into designing your own workouts....
  • Robertus
    Robertus Posts: 558 Member
    Macstraw wrote: »
    Robertus wrote: »
    Robertus wrote: »
    Swam two miles before work. Right elbow started hurting during my first 5-mile swim Monday and it was still hurting while swimming today. Lateral epicondylitis, I think. Can't see a sports medicine specialist till June 23rd, but I can see the nurse practitioner in a different orthopedic surgery/sports medicine office tomorrow. (The same NP that misdiagnosed my ankle injury that eventually ended my long-distance running carreer.) Hmmm.

    Oh no! The elbows got you too? I get them on and off! Laying off the swimming helps ease the pain, then as I get back they can become an issue. You may need to look at your technique! Check out my post on it:
    Thanks, AQ. Earlier today I happened upon the same thread (that you reference in your post) at TI Swimming. I had initially planned on swimming again at lunch time and after work to do 10k today and I really wanted to go back at lunch time to see if I could experiment with different catch and pull techniques to reduce the pain, but I thought better of getting back into the pool until I was seen by the NP. It may well be technique related, but I fear it is just too many miles and he's going to tell me to take a month off and re-evaluate.

    Rob, for what it's worth I think you're handling it the right way. Get it checked so that you're sure you're not going to cause or worsen anything. Hopefully, it'll just be a small tweak in technique & all will be well.....
    Just got back from the sports medicine guy. No swimming or weightlifting for at least 10 days, doing special wrist stretching exercises, and wearing an elbow strap. That 5-mile swim on Monday resulted in tennis & golfer's elbow (lateral and some medial epicondylitis). Biking OK. If pain gone after 10 days, I may have to abandon the faster freestyle stroke (bent elbow catch and pull, otherwise known as EVF: early vertical forearm). I'm sad, but don't want this to become a chronic injury.
  • stephenrhinton
    stephenrhinton Posts: 522 Member
    30 minute swim, then 60 minute water aerobics ...my swim got interrupted.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member
    45 min doing MsJ's workout. I dragged myself out of bed because I knew I'd miss tonight. It felt great. Just the right challenge. I was definitely working, but not so hard that it was discouraging. Thanks, MsJ! :)
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    Rob, I saw this on your feed & responded there. You'll figure ways to adapt your stroke & you'll stay well aware of any sign of it acting up. Not only are you doing the right thing by yourself, you're setting a good example to other people here about how to get on top of these things - thanks for that......
  • panhandle8
    panhandle8 Posts: 65 Member
    A quick 40ish minute swim tonight. I need to revamp my time of day swims. The kids are out of school for the summer but I dislike evening swims.... I need to figure this out asap.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Nice swim tonight - No one at the pool due to the "nice weather" so only 2 per lane. My lane mate was a serious triathlete. Nothing push's your pace like trying to keep on pace with someone who is faster.
    750 meters free in 18 minutes. Then another 750 meters of various strokes as a general workout.
    It's now the third time I have made it under 18 minutes for 750 meters.
  • Robertus
    Robertus Posts: 558 Member
    Macstraw wrote: »
    Rob, I saw this on your feed & responded there. You'll figure ways to adapt your stroke & you'll stay well aware of any sign of it acting up. Not only are you doing the right thing by yourself, you're setting a good example to other people here about how to get on top of these things - thanks for that......
    Thanks, Mac.

    No swimming today. Doing stretching exercises now. Helping my elbow heal. Yay!

  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    Juliet - great work, way to push yourself!!!

    Rob - hope the stretching helps....

    All freestyle workout today - 250, 500, 1000, 1500, 1500, 1000, 500, 250 yards in 114 minutes. I'll be out all next week, treatments Monday through Thursday & then I'm leaving Thursday afternoon for the Mountain Jam Music Festival, I'll be back home the following Monday & back in the pool that Tuesday. I will get a lot of walking in while I'm at the festival, plus we'll be doing a lot of playing ourselves at the condo we rent up there....
  • panhandle8
    panhandle8 Posts: 65 Member
    Last am swim for the summer. Sprints and kick work.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    55 minutes

    12x50 as
    3 free
    3 kick on right side
    3 kick on left side
    3 free

    10x75 as
    5 back on 75
    5 br on 90

    2x200 pull

    8x100 on 2.00 as (twice through)
    25 fly 50 free 25 br
    25 br 50 free 25 fly
    25 back 50 free 25 fly
    25 fly 50 free 25 back

    250 easy

    And my shoulder hurts!
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    emmab0902 wrote: »
    2800SCM 55 minutes Masters
    And my shoulder hurts!

    My shoulder's hurts reading your swim. My 1600m in 75 mins seems glacially slooow.

    50 free, 50 breast, 50 back = 150m warmup.
    No fins just a pool buoy and the small kickboard for all my drills.
    250m free - Bilateral breathing practise ( still weak on my left side ).
    250m breast.
    250m back.
    200m kick - back.
    200m kick - free.
    200m kick - breast.
    100m free - all left side breathing.
  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member
    Getting back into the grove after 2 weeks off (holidays, half term etc) by catching up on MFP. - I found I was mentally planning out my 'back to normal' week next week without allowing for swim sessions, urgghhh - it is so easy to get out of the habit.

    Anyway , now I am suitably jealous of all the good swimming you fishes have been up to and really looking forward to my Monday splash. Thanks!

    (A few aches and pains out there - so just a reminder you might want to check out Alexander Tecnhique based swimming technique (aims at reducing stresses on the body....) eg Google Steve Shaw and the Art of Swimming. No, I am not on commission just a really impressed pupil ! )
  • Robertus
    Robertus Posts: 558 Member
    edited May 2015
    (A few aches and pains out there - so just a reminder you might want to check out Alexander Tecnhique based swimming technique (aims at reducing stresses on the body....) eg Google Steve Shaw and the Art of Swimming. No, I am not on commission just a really impressed pupil ! )
    Thanks. I don't know much about his methods, but from a quick look it seems that my practical philosophy of swimming might be similar to his. Except when I'm sprinting, which I don't really enjoy anyway.

  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 945 Member
    edited May 2015
    Fate has conspired to ensure this week is another off/ rest week. Been unable to get to the pool most of the week. This weekend my wife and I are on a holiday retreat!
    The pool here is a strange shape, but I still planned on swimming, double checked to make sure all the swimming stuff was in there as we packed, including 2 swim trunks just in case, then got here and realised forgot googles. So any serious swim shall have to wait till Monday!
  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 945 Member
    edited May 2015
    Robertus wrote: »
    Macstraw wrote: »
    Robertus wrote: »
    Robertus wrote: »
    Swam two miles before work. Right elbow started hurting during my first 5-mile swim Monday and it was still hurting while swimming today. Lateral epicondylitis, I think. Can't see a sports medicine specialist till June 23rd, but I can see the nurse practitioner in a different orthopedic surgery/sports medicine office tomorrow. (The same NP that misdiagnosed my ankle injury that eventually ended my long-distance running carreer.) Hmmm.

    Oh no! The elbows got you too? I get them on and off! Laying off the swimming helps ease the pain, then as I get back they can become an issue. You may need to look at your technique! Check out my post on it:
    Thanks, AQ. Earlier today I happened upon the same thread (that you reference in your post) at TI Swimming. I had initially planned on swimming again at lunch time and after work to do 10k today and I really wanted to go back at lunch time to see if I could experiment with different catch and pull techniques to reduce the pain, but I thought better of getting back into the pool until I was seen by the NP. It may well be technique related, but I fear it is just too many miles and he's going to tell me to take a month off and re-evaluate.

    Rob, for what it's worth I think you're handling it the right way. Get it checked so that you're sure you're not going to cause or worsen anything. Hopefully, it'll just be a small tweak in technique & all will be well.....
    Just got back from the sports medicine guy. No swimming or weightlifting for at least 10 days, doing special wrist stretching exercises, and wearing an elbow strap. That 5-mile swim on Monday resulted in tennis & golfer's elbow (lateral and some medial epicondylitis). Biking OK. If pain gone after 10 days, I may have to abandon the faster freestyle stroke (bent elbow catch and pull, otherwise known as EVF: early vertical forearm). I'm sad, but don't want this to become a chronic injury.

    I will really be monitoring your updates on this one Robertus, given that I've been struggling with similar elbow issues!
    In the past all my struggles were with shoulder issues. Following changes in technique and a stretching regime, these went away, and now these elbow issues seem to have taken their place.

    Strange because even after my 10km December swim, I never had elbow pain, so I'm pretty sure it's an overuse injury linked to technique changes I've made since January rather than just the distance.

    Hoping technique changes/ tweaks can deal with the pain as they did with the debilitating shoulder pain I used to have.
    Not excited about the prospect of abandoning the high elbow catch yet, as I've worked on that a large part of this year! That will be a last resort when nothing else works :smile:
  • mpeters1965
    mpeters1965 Posts: 370 Member
    55 minutes of a workout written by Ms_J1. It was great! There were only two people in the pool this morning when I was swimming. Don't know where everyone else was. It was a beautiful morning so maybe they are off doing something else.

    Here is our outdoor pool.


  • mpeters1965
    mpeters1965 Posts: 370 Member
    AQ- I can't tell you how many times I have planned to swim while away and forgotten my goggles.