Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    That is awesome, Charlie! You are much more organized than I am about this. I've gotten as far as looking up the calories before I go places (usually) and keep a mental list of what I can have for what calories. Starbucks and Panera are now labeling their food with calories included which I really appreciate. You are reminding me that there are probably restaurant calorie apps I can look into.
    Marney, that is so great that you are working with seniors!
    Guys, this has been a hard week, I just have not been feeling 100% and that hasn't helped me with the scale. Looking forward to Friday and the start of a new stretch of this journey.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Have a Great Thanksgiving All!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    That is such a great idea!

    I have been using recipes but when I got a number of them in, I could not search and they aren't in alphabetical order either. Never thought of doing it by calorie count. I am using meals but have seen the same thing developing so I stopped with my few favourites so I could find them easily. I am going to use the same method there too. I think recipes by principal ingredient and restaurants by calorie count might work.

    Thanks Charlie! Very, very useful tip which I will start applying right away. And yes, my food sensitivities would make it easier because the choices are narrower. A positive at last!

    I am sorry you have had a difficult week this week Gayle. It is hard when you aren't feeling well. And Charlie, I hope you are better too.

    I did not have your Thanksgiving dinner but racing home through rain and snow made for too many rice cake and peanut butter sandwiches, fries and not enough veggies. And I am now in winter with ice on the lake and snow on the ground. It is pretty but cold and not inducing me to head out for a walk. Today I am going to go join our local community centre because of their gym.

    Now to straighten up MPF. Copy, setup new title , paste, save and delete the old one. And to think I was a Business/Procedure Analyst for years and I didn't think of this one. Glad I retired. Hurray to Charlie!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Started this challenge at 172
    Sept 5th 171 - 1 lb lost
    Sept 12th 169.5 - 1½ lb lost
    Sept 19th 168.5 - 1 lb lost
    Sept 28th 168.5
    Oct. 4th 167.5 - 1 lb lost
    Oct. 10th 167 - .5 lost
    Oct. 17th 167
    Oct. 24th 166 - 1 lb lost
    Oct. 31st 164.5 - 1.5 lb lost
    Nov 7th 166 - 1.5 gain
    Nov 14th 165 - 1 lb lost
    Nov 21st 162 - 3 lbs lost
    Nov 28th 162.5 - .5 lb gain

    3.5 lb lost while on holidays with lots of car travel. I am not displeased even though a slight bump up this week.

    I wish loss was faster but it took some time to get where I am, it will take some time to get to a new place.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Thought you would understand.

    I just moved from having a BMI that was obese to overweight. Sounds better. But I have 30 lbs more to get to normal. Still a work in progress.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I just realised. I am at the half way mark!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Wow, Marney, congratulations half way and out of obese range! That is my next goal but think I just strayed further from it. I'm not weighing today, ladies. I was already two over my lowest 159 (158 puts me at "overweight"). By today, I'm probably at 165. Don't want to know. I'll wait until Sunday. Give me two days logging! Oh well, had fun with family!

    My goal was to lose an entire person. 1/2 my weight when started MFP. I'm over half way, but still 45 pounds (or so to go).

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Morning my friends!
    Charlie, your food diary (know you exaggerated) from yesterday really made me feel less guilty. I was only 1200 over my goal calories yesterday (or so). You have a good attitude. Can't wait to be at your dreaded weight of 165. I figure I will be there in the spring.
    Marney, Big Congratulations for being 1/2 way there--doesn't it feel great!! And realized that you are below my goal weight as well. Gee, what am I doing dieting with you skinny minnies? LOL
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    OK, now the truth:

    Sept. 5--205.6
    Sept 12--203
    Sept 19--202.8
    Sept 26--200.9
    Oct. 3rd--199.2
    Oct. 10th-198
    Oct. 17th-198.3
    Oct. 24th-198
    Oct. 31st--194.6
    Nov. 6th -192.6
    Nov. 14th-191.9
    Nov. 21st-191.1
    Nov. 28th-192.5 (up 1.4)

    Man that turkey/dressing/sweet potatoes/pumpkin bread/Caesar salad/green beans/mashed potatoes/extra gravy/1/2 slice of pumkin pie with whipped tasted good!!!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Yeah, but I've been here a lot longer than you, Gayle. And I started higher, so you are doing great!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Morning my friends!
    Charlie, your food diary (know you exaggerated) from yesterday really made me feel less guilty. I was only 1200 over my goal calories yesterday (or so). You have a good attitude. Can't wait to be at your dreaded weight of 165. I figure I will be there in the spring.
    Marney, Big Congratulations for being 1/2 way there--doesn't it feel great!! And realized that you are below my goal weight as well. Gee, what am I doing dieting with you skinny minnies? LOL

    Half way does sound great. The negative me says, "yeah, right and you know from experience that it gets harder the smaller you are and that to stay there is near impossible because you cannot even have an extra cookie a week or it goes right on again". The positive says, "This time will be different". The trouble with being a "mini" is that we really do not have any maneuvering room at all because of the low calories. But that is an excuse. Everyone gains if they go over calories, not just me. It just means the calories I do eat when I am my small size, must be nutrient dense.

    I can do this!

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Charlie I respect the length of time you have been at this and the success you've had.
    I wonder, Charlie, Marney, how tall you are? I'm a tiny bit over 5' 5" but know I will be a wrinkled prune, a bony wrinkled prune any lower than 160/155. Are you guys shorter that you are striving for lower?
    Marney, half way is a BIG deal!! That is about where I am as well. We've got our "avoid being a hippo" challenge going on now (OK, we haven't really called it that), results on Jan. 1, 2015. I am looking forward to setting a challenge for spring as well. Also going to need some help with maintenance. OK, back to the present. Hope to get back to 191.1 by Monday.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited November 2014
    I'm only 5'1". My ideal weight most of my life has been 115. With that said, they say you have about 10 pounds of loose skin after losing 100 pounds. I probably will. Also, my cup size is much larger than before and so far isn't getting smaller. They say a 38F (which I am right now) weighs about 5 pounds.

    So, my original goal was 130 and I lessened it as 130 is at the top of a healthy BMI for me. I'll see when I get there as 130 with the loose skin and the boobs might now really be my 115.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I am 5' 1 and a bit - not quite 5'2" anymore. So I too am aiming for 130 at the top of a healthy BMI (since I am shrinking with age, I suspect I should aim for the same as Charlie, at 115). I know in the past, I pick up every cold going around if I get much under 120. So, 130 is my starting goal and I'll see from there

    I am a completely opposite build from you, Charlie. I haven't measured lately but I started at a 42A bra. Very hard to find and was too big a cup! I know I need new bras so everything including cup size has been shrinking. At my small size, I was a 34AA. However, legs and hips big. I carry my troubles behind me! The lady at Chicos thought I was a size 1 in their pants. I settled in at size 2 much to her surprise. No drooping butt here. I was a 46 hip starting this and now am a little bigger than a 43.

    I am not looking forward to extra skin. I gather it tightens but more slowly as we are older. I hope so.

    So, yes, Gayle, you are in the land of the minis! Halfway is a big deal, you are right. It also marks the point at which I need to think about strength training since I don't want to be a weakling mini when I get there.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    OK, that makes sense now. I'm a Great Dane in a land of tea cup doggies. Well, might be exaggerating a bit, lol. Looked and up and see we are all setting realistic, healthy goals.

    Ideal Weight for Women over 60
    Height (Feet) Weight (Pounds)
    5'0'' 128 - 142
    5'1'' 132 - 147
    5'2'' 136 - 151
    5'3'' 141 - 157
    5'4'' 145 - 162
    5'5'' 150 - 167
    5'6'' 155 - 172
    5'7'' 159 - 177
    5'8'' 164 - 183
    5'9'' 169 - 188
    5'10'' 174 - 194
    5'11'' 179 - 199
    6'0'' 184 - 205
    Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/ideal-weight-for-women-over-60.html
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    I am really behind with the exercise. Walking a little but need to be more consistent and focused. Also need to get my butt to senior yoga. Marney, I'm with you with my upper half (and lower half). My bra needs to be replaced--I lose in my face, hands, upper torso first. My pants are getting baggy but my waist/belly is still big. Can't wait--in a year or so I will be at goal weight, walking 5 times a week, doing yoga and stretches daily. Right now it seems like staying within 1200 is all I can manage (and not perfectly).
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Thanks for the chart reference Gayle. Maybe 130 - 140 will do for me. BMI charts are pretty unforgiving and I find it so hard to maintain at 120 or below. Maybe I don't have to!
    I don't think Great Dane is it! Although they are pretty svelt. How about statuesque!

    Belly is so hard to lose. Mine seems to be easy there much to my sister in law's distress, since hers hangs around. And I am certainly regaining some hour glass shape. Again, a source of envy but I don't see much change behind me!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Marney, I'm shooting for 160 - 165 but know that maintenance is going to be a time when I lose more while I'm trying to get in a balanced place with food. 150 would be fine too, but not an ounce less, I think. Have you looked into the "Eat Right 4 Your Type" diet? I'm an A and a lot of the guidelines ring true. Wants me to let go of dairy (except mozzarella cheese and yogurt), use ghee instead of butter, eliminate white potatoes and tomatoes, oh, and black tea. It also recommends mostly vegetarian with some chicken, turkey, fish which is what i do already. Something for me to think about. I tend to have digestive problems and sinus problems and always looking for ways to improve that.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited November 2014
    Gayle: Thanks for the chart. Well, I think according to that, my original goal of 130 might be right. Especially if 15 pounds of that is skin and boobs!

    It is funny that I have lost my butt and hips the fastest -- I was ALWAYS a bubble butt even when I was thin. And my boobs, but that is much more back fat I think as my cup size hasn't changed but the band size has so, the ratio of radius to cup has stayed the same. My waist is what is really slow. That is why I'm really trying to work at keeping cortisol levels down.

    Jan. 2014: Bust 52"; October 2014: Bust 41"
    Jan. 2014: Waist 41"; October 2014: Waist 33"
    Jan. 2014: Hips 53"; October 2014: Hips 41"

    I was a 20-22WP in pants. Plus size 2X in tops.
    Now I'm a 12P in pants and a Large in tops. I'm long-waisted so I usually don't buy petite tops unless I can't live without them.

    I was always most comfortable at a size 6P and Medium top. That is what I've been using to set my goal, but...I do have a lot of stomach skin and it might not be realistic to think I'll get in a 6 again. Or if I do, I'll be too skinny in my face.

    I will say, I have never been much into clothes, but it has been fun to look at something cute and realize, "hey, that might fit me!" For a while, I kept walking past all the cute Misses sized clothes. I try to keep the new clothes for two sizes. So right now, I can wear a 12P. I have to dress up 4 days a week and I have 3 pairs of dress pants. 2 in a size 12P, one still from 14P. So when I can wear a 10, I'll just buy one pair and keep the 2 that are 12P. My current tops are now L and XL.

    I am in dire need of new yoga pants and jeans. I hate to spend the money on casual clothes though. I'm still wearing a Woman's L in yoga pants and jeans. They are so baggy! I keep looking in resale shops, but can't find the petite length or they are just too worn.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hi Charlie. I started (in July) as a 20W, 2X tops as well. Now my 18W fit but still snug in the waist. Can wear some tops I had put away though. Today my son took a picture of me that I didn't hate. I think I was a 10 or 12 most of my adult life but have gained in the last decade and 1/2, until now, that is. I would love to be a 12 again but we will see. I haven't bought any new clothes yet but will when I get into the 180's. Losing weight is making me feel more positive and has improved my self image. Today I got my hair cut and highlighted and feels so good.