Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Actually, forgot I'm wearing my size 16W dress pants to work now. Guys, you inspired me to look at my BMI, still in the obese range. Decided to lower my goal weight from 165 to 154. So not quite to half way after all, but really close.
    155. 69227731.png
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Gayle, didn't mean for you to lower your goals. After what you posted, I'm thinking of raising mine. Actually, I think I'll keep it the same and then decide when I think it is time to quit. I'll know.

    Congrats on the 2-size loss. I agree with the confidence part, too. Has anyone else found that they are also more conscious of things like skin care, etc. I had gotten so that I never would put on makeup. Now I put on a little everyday. Same with a little jewelry. Moisturizer, etc. Think I had gotten to the point where I felt my weight was the only thing people saw, so who cared. Good to feel good again!

    Why not post that picture your son took?
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    yeah, I am definitely feeling better about myself. I did buy clothes when I was away because I really needed them having neglected my wardrobe for a long time.
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    I'm sorry I've neglected getting on here.Between having company for several days and Christmas shopping my days have been hectic.I have gotten so far off track,it's pathetic.I turned to my old comfort,food.I literally ate what ever I wanted.Sad but true.I was just going to throw in the towel.I haven't had time to use MFP or check up on this group until yesterday.My grandchildren sure kept me busy.
    Reconnecting with this group and reading your posts has inspired me to try again.Gayle,thank you for the messages.Thank you for caring.
    I've been struggling with up and downs for awhile now.I started eating sweets again which is so bad for me.Just be patient with me.I want to reach my goal ,140.I'm making it my goal to exercise everyday this week because I haven't been able to do this with company.
    I weighed yesterday and was up 5 lbs from last weigh in.I'm going to work really hard this week to take care of that.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Anything we can do to help, Mary? I know I had a friend who would every once in a while remind me to do my resistance bands via a private message. She always made a joke of it. When she did, I would do them. She hasn't been on MFP for a few months. I have gotten really bad about it. Sometimes we can actually help.
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Anything we can do to help, Mary? I know I had a friend who would every once in a while remind me to do my resistance bands via a private message. She always made a joke of it. When she did, I would do them. She hasn't been on MFP for a few months. I have gotten really bad about it. Sometimes we can actually help.

    I challenged my sister to a challenge this week which was exercise 30 mins everyday this week.I was busy all day helping my husband paint our kitchen and dining room and puting things back in order and didn't want to do anything else.Then I remembered my challenge.I put in a exercise tape and got in my 30 mins.I just need to get refocused and I know I have a great support system here.Thanks!!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    glad to have you back, Mary. It is hard with company. I suspect painting the kitchen and dining room was a lot of exercise!

    I am struggling too. A friend, who made it through stomach cancer two years ago, was just diagnosed with bone cancer in the spine. I have been doing a lot of comfort eating myself. They are coming to visit tomorrow.

    Also I think getting home and not having the gym and dealing with our cold weather has thrown me for a loop too. No exercise.

    Mary, your determination to keep at it and keep exercising inspires me every time. I will do some exercise tomorrow. Thanks!
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    glad to have you back, Mary. It is hard with company. I suspect painting the kitchen and dining room was a lot of exercise!

    I am struggling too. A friend, who made it through stomach cancer two years ago, was just diagnosed with bone cancer in the spine. I have been doing a lot of comfort eating myself. They are coming to visit tomorrow.

    Also I think getting home and not having the gym and dealing with our cold weather has thrown me for a loop too. No exercise.

    Mary, your determination to keep at it and keep exercising inspires me every time. I will do some exercise tomorrow. Thanks!

    I'm sorry to hear of your friends battle with cancer.Sending prayers.
    It's cold here also ,which is why I use exercise tapes.I can't make myself bundle up and get out there.I don't know why we find ourselves turning to food for comfort.We always get mad at ourselves when we lose control.
    I found a page that are challenging people to get in 100 miles in Dec.Roughly a little over 3 miles a day.Even if I don't succeed at it I'll be trying to.
    Wishing you willpower this week and a weight loss Friday.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Charlie, yes, now that I look a little better I am caring more about taking care of my skin and wardrobe. Just beginning with that. Marney, sorry about your friend, bone cancer in the spine sounds so painful, I am so sorry about her continuing suffering. So hard to not turn to food, our past go to for dealing with stress. But be strong! Mary, so glad to have you back! I understand about sugar addiction, eating it creates craving for more! But seems it's something we all fall prey to and get ourselves separated from again and again. For me it is easier to recognize faster when I am going down that path but my solution is not to try to eliminate sweets completely (I'm just not that discipline) but to substitute less damaging ones. Weight watchers treats, that sort of thing.
    All , I made a miscalculation and now will have internet at home until some time next week. So you will find that my participation is more spotty. Sorry.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited December 2014
    Marney: I, too, am sorry to hear about your friend. Half the battle for your emotional eating is recognizing it. I know it is difficult right now, but laughter is the best medicine to overcome emotional eating and to fight the depression you are probably feeling. Stick in a funny DVD or watch a favorite comedy. Lose yourself in it! It may help.

    Mary: I'm going to offer the same advice to you for your cravings! Of course, being active should help, too.

    Gayle: I have been wondering where you've been. Gotten used to seeing you here every day! Try to make it or it is noticed!
    animated-trumpet-image-0013.gifI did it! I am now "overweight." No longer morbidly obese, or any kind of obese. As I mentioned in my newsfeed, it is all relative. I'm so excited to be overweight. There was a time that would have been awful to say that! So BMI is now 29.9; I'm right on the edge. A little water and I'm obese again. But...since I always claim my lowest reading, I will no longer be obese in my mind! Also, if I count from my highest weight, I've now lost 80 pounds! Nice, round number!

    This was also a goal for me! I had given myself a reward after every 15 pounds. This was only 11 1/2, but a big enough milestone for a reward, I think. Since I am really concentrating on "relaxation" right now, I think a massage is in order!

  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Marney: I, too, am sorry to hear about your friend. Half the battle for your emotional eating is recognizing it. I know it is difficult right now, but laughter is the best medicine to overcome emotional eating and to fight the depression you are probably feeling. Stick in a funny DVD or watch a favorite comedy. Lose yourself in it! It may help.

    Mary: I'm going to offer the same advice to you for your cravings! Of course, being active should help, too.

    Gayle: I have been wondering where you've been. Gotten used to seeing you here every day! Try to make it or it is noticed!
    animated-trumpet-image-0013.gifI did it! I am now "overweight." No longer morbidly obese, or any kind of obese. As I mentioned in my newsfeed, it is all relative. I'm so excited to be overweight. There was a time that would have been awful to say that! So BMI is now 29.9; I'm right on the edge. A little water and I'm obese again. But...since I always claim my lowest reading, I will no longer be obese in my mind! Also, if I count from my highest weight, I've now lost 80 pounds! Nice, round number!

    This was also a goal for me! I had given myself a reward after every 15 pounds. This was only 11 1/2, but a big enough milestone for a reward, I think. Since I am really concentrating on "relaxation" right now, I think a massage is in order!


    You started at around the same weight as I was when I started on this weight journey.I started at 237.You are doing so good!!I am back to exercising again.I wish I could get in the habit of exercising first think in the morning but that hasn't happened yet.
    A massage sounds wonderful.I've never had one but may need to try one.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi all,

    Today was better, thank you all for your support, prayers, best wishes and practical advice.

    Thinking about things, I have never thought of my overeating as emotional eating but you are correct. I get to a place where I just don't care to put the effort in, since nothing really matters. And eating is something to do that stops me from thinking too much. Certainly emotional eating. Saving grace is that I have never had a sweet tooth so my eating is too much of a good thing. Still too much.

    But I am back on track now. And glad we are all here celebrating the successes of being back on track and shrinking.

    Talk tomorrow.


  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member

    Sept 5th-168. 3.5lb loss
    Sept 12th-167. 1 lb loss
    Sept 18-166. 1 lb loss
    Sept 27-166 0lbs lost
    Oct 3-165 1 lb loss
    Oct 10-164 1lb loss
    Oct 17-165 1lb gain
    Oct 24-166 1 lb gain
    Oct 31-162 4 lb loss
    Nov 7th-162.5 .5 gain
    Nov 14th-167.5 5lb gain
    Nov 21st-163.4lb loss
    Started out171.5-8 lb loss on challenge.
    Dec 5th-163.5
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Sept 5th-168. 3.5lb loss
    Sept 12th-167. 1 lb loss
    Sept 18-166. 1 lb loss
    Sept 27-166 0lbs lost
    Oct 3-165 1 lb loss
    Oct 10-164 1lb loss
    Oct 17-165 1lb gain
    Oct 24-166 1 lb gain
    Oct 31-162 4 lb loss
    Nov 7th-162.5 .5 gain
    Nov 14th-167.5 5lb gain
    Nov 21st-163.4lb loss
    Started out171.5-8 lb loss on challenge.
    Dec 5th-163.5

    I am DETERMINED to get down in the50s .Enough of this lollygaggen.I need to gain back control of what I eat instead of it having control over me.Last week I had gained 5 lbs,was really discouraged ,ready to just give up.You ladies gave me support and got me back on track.Thank you!!!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Started this challenge at 172
    Sept 5th 171 - 1 lb lost
    Sept 12th 169.5 - 1½ lb lost
    Sept 19th 168.5 - 1 lb lost
    Sept 28th 168.5
    Oct. 4th 167.5 - 1 lb lost
    Oct. 10th 167 - .5 lost
    Oct. 17th 167
    Oct. 24th 166 - 1 lb lost
    Oct. 31st 164.5 - 1.5 lb lost
    Nov 7th 166 - 1.5 gain
    Nov 14th 165 - 1 lb lost
    Nov 21st 162 - 3 lbs lost
    Nov 28th 162.5 - .5 lb gain
    Dec 5th 164 - 1.5 lb gain

    Not too bad for all my troubles this week. But I get home and start gaining. Shows what lack of a gym and winter weather will do. Back on the bandwagon thanks to you guys.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I am DETERMINED to get down in the50s .Enough of this lollygaggen.I need to gain back control of what I eat instead of it having control over me.Last week I had gained 5 lbs,was really discouraged ,ready to just give up.You ladies gave me support and got me back on track.Thank you!!!

    This!!!! Me and Mary.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited December 2014
    Starting weight Nov. 21 - 159 pounds -
    Nov. 27 - 161 pounds - 2 lb. gain
    Dec. 5 - 158.5 - 2.5 lb. loss

    My goal is 154. Oooh, it is going to be tough! 4.5 lbs. in 3 1/2 weeks. :\ I am doubting myself now. If I hadn't had that gain, maybe.

    Oh well, no matter what, I will be less than I was last New Year's Day! Isn't that what counts?

    Hope you all have a great week. I am down to the wire on a huge project that will culminate next Sunday.

    In the meantime, our town's tree lighting tonight with dd, her SO, and his mom. Wine and pizza after. Tomorrow morning work and then leaving for Breakfast with Santa with my ds, dil, and granddaughters, and back to work. Tomorrow night dinner and community theater with friend. Sunday, a classical holiday chorale performance (no, I'm not singing!) Got to watch the food and try to get workout in there. Tonight will be my night off from exercise for the week.

    I'll find some way to exercise tomorrow before evening. Sometimes I shut my office door, put on music and dance!

    Have a great week!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Sept. 5--205.6
    Sept 12--203
    Sept 19--202.8
    Sept 26--200.9
    Oct. 3rd--199.2
    Oct. 10th-198
    Oct. 17th-198.3
    Oct. 24th-198
    Oct. 31st--194.6
    Nov. 6th -192.6
    Nov. 14th-191.9
    Nov. 21st-191.1
    Nov. 28th-192.5 (up 1.4)
    Dec. 5th - 190.3

    I was actually in the 180's (189. somethings) on Wed. and Thursday but ate a ton of salt yesterday. Down from last week's feast though. Things going well except for finances but will get that sorted out soon! I'll check in with you all tomorrow afternoon.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Wow, Gayle! Nice loss. Even with last week's gain, you are lower than your lowest! Yea!

    Everyone chickened out because of a little rain. My pet peeve is people canceling plans. So, instead of going to the tree lighting ceremony and out to dinner (it was originally their idea), I did workout. That's good though as I had a great workout tonight. Went to my max and it seemed easy tonight. It is funny how somenights it is so much harder than others!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    yeah Gayle!

    And, Charlie, nice to get a workout in even if it wasn't the original plan. Exercise is funny that way isn't it? And often, nothing to do with how you are feeling going in, either.

    I shovelled a path to the BBQ so that we could cook dinner. My Aussie put on winter coat and boots and grilled (with only a few mutters about the uncivilized climate!)

    I am trying to sort out potassium. I read in the DASH diet as well as elsewhere, that 4700mg in a 2000 calorie diet is the target. But nowhere can I find the target for 1200 calorie diet.

    So, I asked a online dietitian how much it scales back for smaller calorie counts and she said it doesn't! I have been trying,particularly, the last two days to eat as close to 4700 mg of potassium a day. Impossible! Only potatoes at every meal would get me close! Or if I ate alot of beef each day.

    I have decided to not fuss about it and just go with as much fruit and veggies as I can. Besides calories, do any of you watch other things like fibre or sugar? I wish MFP would separate natural sugars from added sugars. That is another area of confusion for me. The Canadian Health authorities have come out with new guidelines for added sugars. Much lower than before. But there doesn't seem to be any information about total sugars.

    Too much analysis! Fruits, veggies and other complex carbs and exercise. Done.