Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi there all,

    It is great to see before and after pictures. I promise in the new year, I will put up a profile pic and some before and during snaps. (santa is getting me a camera this year - it is under the tree now)

    I do hope you get some rest Charlie. Those sort of hours just aren't good for you! However, it sounds like a job well done and I am glad you got to the open house. Please take it easier over the holidays and have a really good Christmas. You certainly deserve it after all the work to have done to get to your new size. Not counting the work you have done for others.

    I am again away from home. We celebrated one brother's birthday on Friday and then waved good bye and hit to road to spend Christmas with another brother. We are in a timeshare condo by Georgian Bay. Real winter here! The bad news is loss of control of the menu and lots of goodies. The good news is a gym, a fitness trainer and a pool. So I am hoping to keep some balance.

    Happy Holidays to all! (Are we really expecting a loss on Boxing Day, really??? Ok, I will try.)
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    A mini celebration: I'm finally, finally under 187! 186.8 today!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    9 days left in our challenge! I think everyone has their own personal goals. Me: get it 185. Marney and Mary to show an over-all loss since the start of this challenge, with a goal of getting into the 50's by the last Friday weigh in of the year. Charlie--you are a whirlwind and work so hard!! Who knows what you are capable of! You do not know what an inspiration you all are. Think that's the secret of mfp: recording, role models, accountability to self and others.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    9 days left in our challenge! I think everyone has their own personal goals. Me: get it 185. Marney and Mary to show an over-all loss since the start of this challenge, with a goal of getting into the 50's by the last Friday weigh in of the year. Charlie--you are a whirlwind and work so hard!! Who knows what you are capable of! You do not know what an inspiration you all are. Think that's the secret of mfp: recording, role models, accountability to self and others.

    Perfectly said. Thanks, Gayle, and CONGRATS on the new number!

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I can't understand why, but I've lost 2 pounds in two days! Last week I was not good about what I ate and never once got to the gym (although i was very busy at work). Two days back to the gym and two pounds! Maybe there is something to that "shock to the system" theory. Although, I tend to be a "whoosh"-type loser anyway.

    On November 20, when you were all nice to include me here, I was at 159. So, I only set a 5 pound goal. The other day I didn't think I stood a chance of making it, but, I just might. I'm not a cookie lover and to me Christmas is not a big eating day, although I will be making guacamole and that is hard to resist.

    Gayle, I can really tell the difference in your profile pic. I agree that recording, role models, and accountability are the key. So many people don't log on the day they screw up. Those are the most important days to log. That way, you know it. Everyone knows it.

    Every single friend on MFP is my role model. We each have our own weight-loss pace. We each have what works best for us, but in the end, when I see that you are all still here and all still committed to this, it keeps me going.

    It is almost a year for me at MFP. Some of my friends have come and gone, but so many are here fighting the good fight. I'm excited for 2015. When I first logged in I never thought I would be making such good friends and still be at it (and successful) a year later!

    I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy, safe, New Year!

    Hugs to you all,

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Really good to hear about your successes. And yes, friends, still striving on MFP, are huge motivators for me. I am certainly logging fully on the days that I am off course. And I am always surprised that the calorie count is lower than I expected when I am annoyed at myself.

    I was on the 'mantra' thread, and got a good idea. "You did not fail. You simply did not pass." I would add to that one, "Go on and pass this time". It would stop the all or nothing thought process for me. Got me thinking. Someone compared their relationship with unhealthy living to an abusive relationship that they were once in. They described the yo-yoing back and forth as similar. No personal relationship with that here, thank God, but their comment about "not caring" and emotional eating certainly hit home. I would not have realised that emotional eating with a problem for me, but for a comment by Charlie. If I hadn't logged and shared a little of what was going on, that comment would not have been made. That was a really good insight for this year and one I am grateful for because you cannot control what you haven't acknowledged or don't understand.

    Although I have been hovering at close to the same number for awhile, this year I have had good success. I was pushing the 200's when I started and am now down quite a bit. My friends here have helped the focus a great deal.

    Off to the gym so I can log it and then on to Christmas dinner tonight.

    Thanks to all of you!

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    Hi Guys, thanks for being there! I decided to let myself eat some traditional food today and tomorrow. Went to Whole Foods, with my son and had a traditional Thanksgiving meal, what I would cook for myself on Christmas if there was more family around and/or my son liked that food. He had an organic, made to order burrito. He's all about the hot salsa. Tomorrow I'm baking and eating some fruit cake. I'm recording both days, then back to the straight and narrow. Don't expect a good weigh in on Friday but I'll lose what I gain, soon enough. Have a fabulous Christmas and I will check in with you all on Friday!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I was up a pound today, but that was to be expected! I only logged a huge amount of guacamole yesterday. I really did eat reasonably otherwise, but guacamole is a downfall of mine and I decided to treat myself. I didn't really eat 4K+ calories of it, but...it was just to remind me that it is a treat and only for very special occasions.

    Had a wonderful, long day and was glad to get home. You get used to the quiet life living alone and spending the day with 10 people of which two are under 5 years old is exhausting. No what I mean?

    I got a new fitbit. My first one did not like the shower I gave it. This one is a Charge so I guess that means I will have to start upping stairs as it will calculate those. I got a little obsessive about my last one and will try not to live my life around my fitbit. Frankly, I think it will do me more good if, and when, I hit maintenance. Can adjust your food intake better on days you don't burn as much.

    I believe that a whole new battle will start when I hit my goal weight that will be even harder than losing for me. As I've mentioned, I'm very goal oriented, so keeping to a weight loss regimen is easier for me. Plus, being so short, my BMR will be very low and my TDEE not very high. Activity will be the thing that makes the difference. Yet, I don't want it to be my life, either. At this point, I think that I will probably eat about the same with maybe one day a week where I can allow a potato or dinner roll for a change.

    I also got my Community Center membership renewed by my family. In 333 days since I joined, I went to the Center 214 times. It might be a little higher, as I forget to scan my card once in a great while. I figure the remaining days were two one-week vacations. A few long-weekends away. 2 separate cataract surgeries. One week off because I was too busy at work. Trying to take one day off a week (which I'm not too good at) so these usually happen just naturally as I have other plans after work. Holidays. And, sometimes when the weather was nice, I would do all my exercise outdoors. I can really only think of a few times that I "just didn't feel like it."

    I got a gift certificate for a Tai Chi class that I want to take starting January 7. It is for 12 weeks. I'll see then how I like it.

    Finally, I got some new yoga pants (my favorite to work out in.) The last pair I got was for my birthday in the end of April. I was able to get two sizes smaller. Which in the SMLXL scheme is more like 4 sizes! Even a woman I sometimes talk to at the gym recently told me I needed new clothes. But working, I have had to try to keep my work wardrobe up to date, so workout and casual clothes aren't at the top of my list. I really need a new swimsuit. I haven't been able to go swimming because I finally bought a swimsuit when I hit 200 pounds. (Above that and for 14 years, I just didn't swim). Well that suit is way too big and again, I haven't been using the pool. Swimsuits are so expensive!

    Well, I hope everyone had a wonderful day. Gayle, your feast sounded great! I agree with your son and like a little spice, too! We are almost at our New Years' deadline? What next? I need a challenge! Of course, I still have to meet this one by next week.

    Hugs to you all,
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    Charlie, I so love your energy! I ate myself almost sick on fruitcake, at least it was homemade and fat free. But the scale is scolding me today.
    Hi Guys
    Sept. 5--205.6
    Sept 12--203
    Sept 19--202.8
    Sept 26--200.9
    Oct. 3rd--199.2
    Oct. 10th-198
    Oct. 17th-198.3
    Oct. 24th-198
    Oct. 31st--194.6
    Nov. 6th -192.6
    Nov. 14th-191.9
    Nov. 21st-191.1
    Nov. 28th-192.5 (up 1.4)
    Dec. 5th - 190.3
    Dec. 12th-188.7 (1.6 down)
    Dec. 19th-187.1 (1.6 down)
    Dec. 26th-190.1 (up 3)

    My goal is still 185 by January 1st, closer would be good. Still eating the fruitcake but logging every slice.

    So are we agreed? The January 1 weight is the end of this challenge and the beginning of the next one. I want to be at my goal weight by Easter, April 5th, 2015. I know everyone else will probably be on maintenance by then but REALLY need support for the maintenance challenge.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Naw, even if I readjust my goal (which I'm thinking about), I won't be there by Easter. But, I will set a goal for Easter. I will set it once I see where I am on the first. I'm still shooting for that 154 New Year weight!

    I'm slowing way down. I'm lucky to get 1 pound a week now. Just don't burn as much.

    You will lose those 3 in nothing flat! I have great faith in you, Gayle.

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Glad you had a great feast and a good Christmas with family. I am still 'away' so no scale to scold me yet. I will have weigh in on Sunday am.

    I enjoyed being able to get to a gym again. On my list of activity next week, community centre join. I can get too focused on exercise but the 'mini's sort of have to because of low BMI and daily calories. There is no room for extras at all, unless you exercise.

    Maintenance is tough. But I know you will do it and hopefully help me when I get there. I am struggling with the end of this challenge both because I think I am a long way off getting under 160 and that it is at an end.

    I am up for another from January if you ladies will stay with me, it will be easier. Thinking about what I want to do. I am thinking behaviour, not scale.

    Christmas was good to me with a camera and sewing stuff. Well spoiled. We have one more Christmas with another brother, so one more meal but that will be a home cooked one so a bit easier to manage than the large portion restaurant meals I have been facing. Lamb shanks were good but huge meal and even only eating a portion of it was too much.

    I am off home today and will check in with you tomorrow. Keep up the good work!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    Sounds like you are having a wonderful time Marney and glad you are thinking about your next goal for 2015. I'm back down to 188.3 (my mfp low is 186.6) so only 1.7 to go to recover from my holiday excess. I believe it is healthy (psychologically) to have these planned cheats.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Oh, I agree about the planned "cheats." I don't like to use that word though. Instead I just look at it as another form of mindful eating. I know what I am doing and choose to do it. I just reserve it for the most special times.

    Marney, I like your idea of a behavior change. I really need to do that to, but I know what it should be and I'm just not ready to commit. Okay...Strength Training! There I said it. Although I try to do it and know I should do it as part of my workout routine, I am not ready to commit myself to a challenge. Not yet. Maybe not ever. I hate strength training.

    I have been working on stress relief and techniques for my current behavior change. Still need to keep up with that. Hope the Tai Chi will help.

    I think we are all doing good. Sometimes I wonder how to get past a big gain or struggling with a bout of hungry days, but I get through it and then "whoosh", I will lose. However, I must admit, those bouts can last weeks and can seem very discouraging. That is why I like to go up to the "reports" and look at the chart for the past several months. Then I see a nice steady downward incline that doesn't feel steady at all. Progress photos help, too!

    Do you ladies do rewards? I try to do about every 15 pounds. I owe myself one from when I hit overweight; but, with Christmas expenses, I just haven't wanted to take the $$$$. I have said I want a massage, but I did get a B&B card and I have two restaurant gift cards for two upscale restaurants. Maybe, I'll just make those my rewards for the next few times. Won't be my dime, either!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    One of my goals for 2015 is to meditate by following my breath or using a mediation tape daily. Everything goes better when I do and I'm sorry I got out of the habit. Also want to work for at least an hour daily in the studio and write daily. I'm still working on my exercise goals, that is one of my inactive areas.

    I too look at the reports fairly often, a good encouragement! Rewards, that's harder--I am a desert first person sort of person and have never really succeeded at delaying gratification, although telling myself that I will "eat that tomorrow" has worked for the last few months. Wonderful that I rarely crave that thing the next day. If I want something (I usually want art supplies) I often delay no longer than the next payday. Childish, I know. So extra "rewards", no. But now that I think about it I should reward myself with a new pair of pants of the like, for the decade marks. So, change of plan--yes, I will reward myself with new pants each decade I lose, starting in 2015.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I love the "next day" strategy. Sort of how I quit smoking after 35 years of chain smoking up to 3 packs a day. This was now about 16 years ago. I couldn't do it day by day, but craving by craving, so sometimes it was only 30 seconds. The thought of never smoking again was overwhelming. So every time I would reach for a cigarette, I would say, "You are a grownup and can smoke if you want to. But you really don't want this one." I occasionally still want a cigarette and tell myself the same thing. I haven't yet had even one.

    I'm not a sweet lover, but sometimes I want sweets. I know. It doesn't make sense. For me I will walk around the bakery and then nothing looks good so I walk out. I don't think that would work though if I loved them. Would it?

    I didnt know you were an artist. Tell me about it.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    Exactly Charlie! I was a chain smoker too, my lungs remind me some times. I quit in 1986. Hypnosis worked for me with that, also taking a deep breath whenever I wanted a cigarette. Yes, and delaying the cigarette, knowing that that intense craving would pass. Both my parents smoked and my mother smoked during her pregnancy with me. I was never really smoke-free until I quit, all those years later. Yikes!

    Yes to the walking through the bakery and leaving. I am getting better at determining what I really want to eat, eating more consciously and mindfully. And not letting my taste buds run the show.

    I got my my bachelor of fine arts (drawing and painting) in 1988. It has always been a passionate hobby but now that I am retired I am going more professional. Run some art groups and constantly looking at art and thinking about it as well. Right now I am making painted paper collage (pictures created with snips of hand painted paper).

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Wow!!! Is that ever beautiful!

    I did not log my weight gain over Christmas. It was too discouraging and New Years is around the corner. I have really lost it on holidays. Too much food, too much salt, not enough water and guests for dinner tonight; our first day back. However, cleaning and doing 5 loads of laundry should help a little. DH cooking sausage rolls for lunch did not help! However, he is not responsible for what goes in my mouth. Need to get re-focused.

    Funny when I retired, I got really interested in handmade paper but I can only draw stick figures and I shortly realized that the interest was in texture and colour and I switched to fabric and sewing. There I stayed. Did not like sewing as a kid. It was frustrating to not be able to do the couture sewing that my mother taught me and seemed to expect. She knew the techniques but I never saw her sew??!!!! Now, I love it and I am relearning techniques I was taught as a child. I wish she was around to ask and share.

    Gayle, I still cannot get over how lovely the iris is! The purple detail inside the flower is gorgeous. And I love the scale-like pattern on the blooms. Even the background brown has interest. WOW!

    I have to get my new camera out and learn how to post pics.

    Meditation is an idea. I never smoked so I did not have that monkey on my back. I really, really respect people who have successfully quit. It is obviously so very, very tough and seems a struggle years later. An ex-smoker rather than me, a non-smoker and there seems such a difference.

    For me, only weigh gain. And not until my 40s which sort of screws up my thinking because I still think of myself as a small person, and I am not. It cannot be that bad, because I am a small person, sort of thinking. I think I will add good behaviour bit by bit and when I conquer one, I will reset for another. A different concentration each week or two. A bit strange and maybe hard to keep track in this blog but it might work.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    Marney, thanks for your kind words! You can see it looks sort of like a fabric piece and if I wasn't currently afraid of my sewing machine I would sew on my art pieces as well. I had the same singer for many, many years and gave it away when I got a newer brother machine but now this machine is a stranger to me and having a hard time starting with it. But will soon. I have never been one to sew something to wear but have made a few comforters and the like. Like the free stitching. Love texture, love color.

    I know what you mean about thinking about yourself looking a certain way--I think I still think I look the way I did when I was in my 20's, and started on mfp when I caught a glimpse of myself in a store window and finally realized how heavy I was. I have friends who never knew me when I was slender even though it has only been 15 or so years that I have been heavy. But almost back to my more slender self. My "real" self in my mind.

    I like your idea of focusing on various behaviors you would like to improve. I certainly would like to work on all my resolutions I'm thinking about for the New Year.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Still hoping to hit my goal. I have been hungry though the past couple of days. Worry that I will go on a food binge. When I say hungry, I really mean hunger. Stomach growling right now. Doesn't make sense. Had a huge dinner-sized salad with grilled bbq chicken, tortilla chips, cheese, corn, tomatoes, etc. And a slice of pumpkin bread with coffee for dessert (I never do that.) It wasnt early either. Around 7:30. I had a glass of a smoothie about a half-hour ago. Again, I seldom eat after dinner. It is only 10:30 and my stomach is growling again. I usually do 1200 calories. Did almost 1400 today and I'm still hungry. Makes no sense.

    Love the collage, Gayle. You are very talented. I too love the color and textures. How large is the piece? What is the base material.

    I have some talent, but little imagination. I do mostly portraits and figures when the mood strikes me. I like charcoal, but can't do color. More able to illustrate I guess you could say. I do sew, crochet, but mostly love to craft with my granddaughter now. She will call me on Sundays to find out what our Monday craft will be when I go over to visit.

    Like you, I am a huge art lover. I have a goal to visit the major art museums of the world. I have been to many, but more to go. Love the sculptures and paintings of the Renaissance masters and some of the French impressionists. Michelangelo has brought tears to my eyes more than once. I like glass artists like Chihuly and when it comes to abstract art, I prefer sculpture like Moore and Pomodoro.

    I understand the feeling thin, as i was thin most of my life. I found being overweight so cumbersome. No flexibility. No room to manuever. I surprise myself now as I don't hesitate picking something up off the floor or think of how I'm going to squeeze though a crowded restaurant. When I walk at the gym, I feel as light as air.

    Im yawning. Hope I can fall asleep being hungry.

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    Hello All! Hope you are staying warm. It is below zero here. Tomorrow it is supposed to warm up again, glad. Charlie, thanks your comments about my collage. Can't decide whether to do a lotus or a sunflower for my next one. Also working on a large one that will definitely take me awhile. I'm almost back to my pre-feast weight. Wow, tomorrow is New Year's Eve! A final weigh in and the new challenge begins on the first! I'm up for it. And Marney and Charlie, you definitely do not have to be good at drawing to be a creative artist. Everyone has their own form of expression. Know it gives meaning to my life and everyone has their own way of doing that (or should, I think).