Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    edited January 2015
    I posted on Saturday, or thought I had, but must not have hit "post."

    Marney: Love the picture! Finally get to see who we are talking to.

    Great losses. The pounds are melting and some melted on to me. Last Friday I was at 159.5. That was a 4 pound gain, although it was at 161 on Thursday! I hadn't had a big gain in a while. It is my water retention and cortisol levels. I didn't start on the lasix right away, but did finally as I was having some swelling and water retention is bad for me.

    Starting Weight Jan. 2, 2015: 155.5 lbs.
    January 9, 2015: 159.5 lbs.

    Today I was at 156 so I'm getting closer to a loss, but that is how I go. Down, up, down, up! We all fluctuate, so don't worry, as long as we are on a downward trend! Let's face it, Gayle, your trend has been a pretty steady downward one!

    Love the 33 miles, but did you know that MFP doesn't figure calories burned on miles? It figures it on steps. Because of the difference in strides (and I know you have a short one like me), we burn more calories in a mile if we are short. MFP and most calculators figures a mile at about 2,000 steps. That is about how many steps the average stride is. The 2,000 steps is very accurate if you count steps. So, I look at a step-mile and a distance-mile as very different things. Bet if you counted step miles, you would have way more than 33!

    Yesterday and today I walked 7.20 distance miles, but I walked over 21,000 which would be 10.5 step-miles. My stride is only 21" compared to the average at 31".

    That realization really helped me allow myself not to over-stride. At first I kept trying to complete that mile faster so I tried to take longer steps. Consequently I got shin-splints. Now I take shorter steps just faster so more of them. No shin-splints and I burn more calories and I enjoy the walk more!

    Have a good, rest of the week, ladies! Gayle, I hope everything works out for your cat. Tough when a pet is ill.


  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Hi Guys your daily exercise is so impressive. I will try to catch up with you when I finally get that treadmill. Our kitty is doing the best she can. We are taking one day at a time. My cats are all getting elderly (I had three and lost one last year) so just grateful for the good years they have been with us. Sorry that it is my son's cat who is failing this time. Very hard to know what to do and when.

    Tip for the day: don't know if you guys have noticed in my food diary, although of course you probably know already, but important to get in those prunes (I eat three a day) and the activia yogurt as well as all your water. Sure makes a big difference I think!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Just remembered that my Grandma was always pushing prunes to us grand kids (she used to stew up a big pot of them) and we always turned up our noses. Many years later they taste so good!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Good advice, Gayle. I had to up that though. I like fiber gummies.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi there,

    Charlie, I was a great hiker and in the early days suffered from shin splints a lot as I tried to keep up with the longer legs in the group. I still do not like organized group hikes because they walk too fast for me. I need a good 1/2 warm up before my feet can go round fast enough to keep up easily and I found it works only with some groups. I took awhile to put 2 and 2 together about longer stride and shin splints. I found, though, if I sort of though of water skiing and lean a little back and walked from the hip instead of my usual bouncy step from my knees, I could go longer and faster with less effort. But, yes, I think all of us shorties get some leg problems trying to keep up until we figure it out. (JUst though of the poor carriage horse in Black Beauty who was a problem because she had a skip in her step every third step because she had been paired with a larger horse for too long. They weren't sure she was 'redeemable'!)

    I also gave myself rotator cuff issues using an elliptical. I avoid the arm thingmies now because when I was new at the gym, I tried to do it with my hands on the HR monitor pads and, although it did not hurt at the time, boy, did all that over extension do a number over time to my shoulders! Never again!

    Gayle, I am onto prunes too. They are good. Stewed prunes my mother tried to pass off as dessert, are not!

    Older pets. Been there too many times. My thoughts are with you and your son, Gayle.

    Still working on those same 5 lbs here but it is going down at the moment!

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Black Beauty! Wow, my parents read all those books to us. I've stayed away from stewed prunes but am fooling myself, these days, that those individual prunes (each wrapped in their own wrapper) are dessert and/or a sweet treat. LOL
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    I posted on Saturday, or thought I had, but must not have hit "post."

    Marney: Love the picture! Finally get to see who we are talking to.

    Great losses. The pounds are melting and some melted on to me. Last Friday I was at 159.5. That was a 4 pound gain, although it was at 161 on Thursday! I hadn't had a big gain in a while. It is my water retention and cortisol levels. I didn't start on the lasix right away, but did finally as I was having some swelling and water retention is bad for me.

    Starting Weight Jan. 2, 2015: 155.5 lbs.
    January 9, 2015: 159.5 lbs.

    Today I was at 156 so I'm getting closer to a loss, but that is how I go. Down, up, down, up! We all fluctuate, so don't worry, as long as we are on a downward trend! Let's face it, Gayle, your trend has been a pretty steady downward one!

    Love the 33 miles, but did you know that MFP doesn't figure calories burned on miles? It figures it on steps. Because of the difference in strides (and I know you have a short one like me), we burn more calories in a mile if we are short. MFP and most calculators figures a mile at about 2,000 steps. That is about how many steps the average stride is. The 2,000 steps is very accurate if you count steps. So, I look at a step-mile and a distance-mile as very different things. Bet if you counted step miles, you would have way more than 33!

    Yesterday and today I walked 7.20 distance miles, but I walked over 21,000 which would be 10.5 step-miles. My stride is only 21" compared to the average at 31".

    That realization really helped me allow myself not to over-stride. At first I kept trying to complete that mile faster so I tried to take longer steps. Consequently I got shin-splints. Now I take shorter steps just faster so more of them. No shin-splints and I burn more calories and I enjoy the walk more!

    Have a good, rest of the week, ladies! Gayle, I hope everything works out for your cat. Tough when a pet is ill.


    I'll be so glad to get in the 150s.it seems like it's taking forever.(sigh)
    I use Leslie Sansone walk at home tapes and she tells how many miles they are.that's what I go by.I get a very good workout using them because you use every part of your body.Even some jogging.And lets not forget the sweat.When I log in my exercise I may be burning up more calories than I post but haven't quite figured out how to post it so I put it under brisk walk.

  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    I posted on Saturday, or thought I had, but must not have hit "post."

    Marney: Love the picture! Finally get to see who we are talking to.

    Great losses. The pounds are melting and some melted on to me. Last Friday I was at 159.5. That was a 4 pound gain, although it was at 161 on Thursday! I hadn't had a big gain in a while. It is my water retention and cortisol levels. I didn't start on the lasix right away, but did finally as I was having some swelling and water retention is bad for me.

    Starting Weight Jan. 2, 2015: 155.5 lbs.
    January 9, 2015: 159.5 lbs.

    Today I was at 156 so I'm getting closer to a loss, but that is how I go. Down, up, down, up! We all fluctuate, so don't worry, as long as we are on a downward trend! Let's face it, Gayle, your trend has been a pretty steady downward one!

    Love the 33 miles, but did you know that MFP doesn't figure calories burned on miles? It figures it on steps. Because of the difference in strides (and I know you have a short one like me), we burn more calories in a mile if we are short. MFP and most calculators figures a mile at about 2,000 steps. That is about how many steps the average stride is. The 2,000 steps is very accurate if you count steps. So, I look at a step-mile and a distance-mile as very different things. Bet if you counted step miles, you would have way more than 33!

    Yesterday and today I walked 7.20 distance miles, but I walked over 21,000 which would be 10.5 step-miles. My stride is only 21" compared to the average at 31".

    That realization really helped me allow myself not to over-stride. At first I kept trying to complete that mile faster so I tried to take longer steps. Consequently I got shin-splints. Now I take shorter steps just faster so more of them. No shin-splints and I burn more calories and I enjoy the walk more!

    Have a good, rest of the week, ladies! Gayle, I hope everything works out for your cat. Tough when a pet is ill.


    I'll be so glad to get in the 150s.it seems like it's taking forever.(sigh)
    I use Leslie Sansone walk at home tapes and she tells how many miles they are.that's what I go by.I get a very good workout using them because you use every part of your body.Even some jogging.And lets not forget the sweat.When I log in my exercise I may be burning up more calories than I post but haven't quite figured out how to post it so I put it under brisk walk.I joinedWalk100 miles in January which is why i'm keeping track of my miles.I'm half way there.I didn't quite make the challenge in Dec.so trying again.
    I hope everyone is having a good week.

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I am with you Mary about wishing for the 150's. With me it is the same 5 lbs, up and down, up and down. I am wondering if there are such things as set points of weight. Logically, I don't think so, plateaus, yes, but set points, not so sure. It is just that I weighed 165 for about 10 years, a few years ago, and I just cannot seem to get away from the number very far. Sigh.

    But water is happening more easily now so I am thinking of a new goal next week. Progress.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Mary: Since Leslie Sansone is walking "miles" in place, she must also be using the step-mile system. I bet if you counted your steps while doing her video that it would be about 2,000 for a mile. They are more accurate for calorie burn and you can count that they will pretty much match MFP. I think her tapes are great and I have used them on raining vacation days away. I'm lucky to have an indoor track at my gym. Most don't. I don't use treadmills for fear that if my defibrillator went off, I might get thrown off and hurt. You are right about the whole body moving. I probably look like a joke walking the track. I alternate punching my arms in front or above me with each step. When I get too tired, I still move them in an exaggerated way. I started doing this when just fast walking wasn't enough to raise my heartrate.

    As for the 150's, nothing magic about it. I still haven't reached that 154 that I wanted by January 1! It will come for both of us. I do think that our body settles in, like Marney suggested, and then we lose. I tend to usually have a large gain, too, but then I lose it gradually and whoosh! I lose two or three pounds in a day or two.

    Gayle: I love prunes. Plain or stewed. It is funny as my mother was very, very, very thin, but she would always use artificial sweetner (saccharine) when she would stew prunes or apricots. For some reason, we all liked the taste better. I still do. I love stewed apricots. Cook them way down so that they make a great spread on toast!

    Marney: When I walk now, I never totally straighten my knee. My stride is mostly behind me. When I step down, my step is almost under me and then as my foot goes from heel to toe, the step has moved behind me. I never get shin-splints and think it is probably a lot better for my knees, too, that I don't straighten/lock them. Sounds like you and I learned the hard way how to avoid the shin-splints.

    animated-thinking-smiley-image-0018.gifI think I really realized today that weight loss takes a long time and then in takes forever after that! I imagine when I get to my goal that I will eat pretty much like a eat right now as by then I will burn a lot less with exercise and my body will be used to the exercise, too. That is why I never counted calories as moderate housework or cooking; those everyday chores. I did that while I was 238 pounds. Didn't help me lose back then.
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Today I wanted to eat constantly,I don't know why.I know tomorrow is another day,hopefully a better one.Friday weigh in will be interesting.
    as you lose weight do you need to change your calorie goals since you don't weigh as much?Just wondering.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Forever and a day. It does seem like a long haul. I'm hoping I can maintain my weight, once I get to goal weight, but eating fairly healthily and doing 1/2 the calories one or two days a week to keep my loss. Who knows. I don't really want to stay at 1200 calories for the rest of my life, although they do say it is healthier for seniors to eat less, in general. You guys are talking 150's but I still am struggling with getting out of the 180's. Know I will someday. I wonder what my "comfortable" weight will be.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Going to try the stewed apricots. I lost to eat dried apricots but can imagine what a great spread they would make.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Mary and Charlie, I just ordered a Leslie Sansone DVD. Don't need a treadmill, right? So you just walk in place?
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Do you need to change your calorie range as you shrink? Yes, but only if you are eating above your calorie range for your new weight. Those of us, minis and Gayle, eating at 1200, no. 1200 is the minimum for any body. Gayle will be at a higher maintenance level than I will be because she is taller. My maintenance is usually at 1400 range at 130lbs and moderate activity. (Have I been there before????) However, that may change because of age.

    So, calorie range for current weight (adjusted for age and activity) should be checked now and again as you shrink (often why people plateau for long periods) but only if you are eating above 1200.

    Which is why being a mini is so unfair!!! (insert tantrum here) With fewer calories needed, nutritional needs must be met within those calories (read protein, veggies) and there is not a great deal of room left over for the fun of empty calories. Larger bodies need more calories so they can eat larger portions and more carbs, sugar and fat. Booohoooo!

    But as we age, it is so easy to add weight no matter what your size. So, I know it is difficult at any size to resist the chips.

    Tantrum over. I hope everyone has a less hungry day tomorrow. I was really good with water today so not so hungry.
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Mary and Charlie, I just ordered a Leslie Sansone DVD. Don't need a treadmill, right? So you just walk in place?
    Gayle you don't need any type of exercise equipment.My first DVD was Walk Slim.Fast&Firm 4 really big miles.It came with a firm band.Since them I've purchased 4 more of her DVDs so I can switch around.

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member

    Which is why being a mini is so unfair!!! (insert tantrum here)

    I'm with you about being a mini, as you say, it is unfair. (However, I have always used the word "petite" as I think everything sounds better in French!

    Mary: Rather than adjusting my calories as I have been at 1200 right along, I have had to adjust my expectations! Started out easily losing 2 pounds a week. Now, it is more difficult to lose even one. If I spend a day just sitting and reading all day, I only burn 1209 calories in a day according to my fitbit. 4.2 calories every five minutes. I wouldn't lose anything, in fact, I would gain because I'm sure my diary is never exact. I really have to walk fast and often (not just exercise walking) to burn enough for a 500 calorie deficit.

    I imagine that if I can continue to exercise when on maintenance, I will continue to eat 1200 and maybe allow myself a little splurge once a week! Not much though -- not cake and ice cream, but maybe a baked potato!. My BMR will only be about 1000 calories so I have to at least get 200 more in activity in a day and we will burn way less than we do now. My daughter is tiny and will walk with me and she burns about 1/2 the calories I do for the same walk. Also, every year, our metabolism slows a little more. Me, I just want to get down so that I can make up for the poor metabolism as I get even older and in case my RA flares and I can't exercise or my heart degresses enough that I can't again.

    Gayle: Also check youtube. Most of her videos, if not all, in their entirety, are on youtube. I have put them on my computer and done them in front of it when on vacation! There are a lot of workouts on youtube and sparkpeople. They are great because they are whole body.

    There are a lot of exercises routines on-line. One of my MFP friends was discouraged and had quit logging because she is blind and couldn't exercise like everyone else. I googled "exercises for the blind" and found several sites with routines that they talked you through and you could do in-doors and in place. Sent her the links and she was very excited. Don't you just love the internet? Without it, I wouldn't know all of you, nor would this journey be successful!

    I did Tai Chi last night. I do like it but you feel so awkward! I was the only one there last night so I had a private lesson, but we only went 45 minutes rather than 1.5. Tonight I will go again for the same class with my daughter since she couldn't go last night. It is nice because you pay for a 4 month membership rather than for so many classes. You can go to as many classes as you want.

    Everyone have a great day!

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    You guys are making me feel like a giant! I am only 5.5 (used to be 5.5 and 3/4) so not really much taller than you all are. Maybe I'm dreaming but my future plan is to eat healthily, walk every day, do yoga and quit obsessing about my body. But last night my body hurt all over, especially my legs, and I realized that I better appreciate how relatively "good" I feel today. Marney, I will never forget about allowing for friends with shorter legs as walking companions in the future. Funny, my two best girl friends in high school were both 6' tall so I have often felt like the petite one.

    I'm glad to find out about the indoor walking tapes. When I was looking at them on Amazon I found a ton of scenic tapes for walking on a treadmill--forest, mountains, lots of options. Oh, those look so good!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    edited January 2015
    Caveman_walks.gifI once took a pattern design course. One classmate was 5'11" and another was 4'11". I had a longer torso than the 5'11" woman and shorter legs than the 4'11" woman. Think I have some Neanderthal DNA!

    Interesting on the scenic tapes. I had to do a stress test once and they had a picture of a path going under a bridge and ending up on the other size at a lake. I used it as motivation to keep going!

    I get very bored working out. To walk I play really fast music (I play current pop music that keeps my speed about 4 mph in what I call step-distance). If you are looking for some fitness music, there are all kinds of "channels" on Pandora. I every once in a while I play the Pop Fitness Channel and if they have something new I like I make a note of it. I then buy it from Amazon and download it onto my phone in a workout playlist. I know they have Latin, zumba, country, good fast music.

    On the stationary bike, I watch episodic TV on Hulu on my smartphone. Have I told you I have a "secret" pleasure? I'm hooked on Korean TV and some Taiwanese. Yes, I have to read the subtitles, but I love their TV! Usually about 16 one-hour episodes. They do romantic comedies so well! So I look forward to my next workout just so I can see what happens next! I watch some that are completed and archived and some in "real time" so I have to wait a week for a new episode. I'm usually watching 2 at any one time. (An MFP friend is also hooked on them and we tell each other what ones we finished and liked. She watches hers on the treadmill and takes really long walks!)

    I cool down and stretch to the Pandora Rat Pack station or a Stevie Ray Vaughn channel. Nice and mellow.

    You have to find what works best for you. I get real excited to workout if I've downloaded some new songs or if I have a new episode to watch on Hulu.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Wow, my cousin, who has lived in Taipei most of his adult life never told me about the romantic comedies. I will have to check those out. You are making exercise sound better all the time! Here's a link to those virtual walk DVDs, looking forward to getting some of these. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_13?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=tony+helsloot+virtual+walks&sprefix=Tony+Helsloot,aps,365