Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi all,

    Good news and bad news. Good news, my DH and I went stationary bike shopping today and we will pick it up tomorrow. Bad news, I got hungry before dinner and hit the corn chips we had around. I am down a little and hope to be at my 162 before New Years. I looked at reports and I have been gaining and losing the same 4 lbs all this past month, so that will spur me on in the new year. Out to friends for New Years and staying over night. Country partying, you always stay over. So, weigh in either tomorrow or the 2nd for me.

    -18C here and snowing. Happy New Year everyone!

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    It is 13 degrees right now. Brrrrr.... I have to walk over to our main offices soon.

    I still have 1/2 pound to lose by tomorrow, but I have my food already planned and I usually lose on my days off. Maybe because I sleep longer and better. Go to bed feeling less stress. Only bad thing is that I'm planning on Asian food tonight and that tends to be a water weight gain sometimes. I might rethink that.

    Problem will be working out today. Gym closes today at 5 p.m. so I won't make it. I think I will shut my office door at lunchtime, put on some fast music, and dance! Haven't done that in a while. It is a good workout and easy to accomplish. Tomorrow gym is closed entirely. Although it is to be little warmer, so unless it is too windy, I might be able to handle a walk in the woods tomorrow. Frankly, I can stand the cold better than the heat!

    Marney, great about the bike! I love using the recumbent stationary bike at the gym. I put on Hulu and the 1/2 hour flies. It is also great since you can usually adjust levels. I started at Level 3 last January. I'm at Level 11. It goes to 20. I keep track of my heartrate to keep it in fat burning level. If for some reason, my heartrate gets too high, I back off to level 10.

    Are we going to make it an Easter challenge? That would be 14 weeks. It is getting harder to burn enough calories to have a pound a week. (As Marney says, for a mini!) Oh, what the heck. I'll make it 14 pounds in 14 weeks. 140 is my goal!

    Have a
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    Hi Guys
    Last day of our challenge for 2014. Do a weigh in on January 2, 2015, as the starting weight for the 2015 Easter challenge, to keep it as a Friday weigh-in.
    Our last weigh-in for the Easter Challenge will be April 3rd, Good Friday.

    Sept. 5--205.6
    Sept 12--203
    Sept 19--202.8
    Sept 26--200.9
    Oct. 3rd--199.2
    Oct. 10th-198
    Oct. 17th-198.3
    Oct. 24th-198
    Oct. 31st--194.6
    Nov. 6th -192.6
    Nov. 14th-191.9
    Nov. 21st-191.1
    Nov. 28th-192.5 (up 1.4)
    Dec. 5th - 190.3
    Dec. 12th-188.7 (1.6 down)
    Dec. 19th-187.1 (1.6 down)
    Dec. 31st -187.5 (up .4)

    19.5 pounds lost during the challenge

    Happy New Year!!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    My last weigh-in for the year today because I am eating Moo Shu tonight and that can't be good for the scale. Marney I'm buying a treadmill this month, at least that is the plan. My son and I are both up for it.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    So, I didn't make 154. I came in today at 154.5. Close enough? Oh well, I'm happy. Last year at this time I was over 231! Could only walk 15 minutes at 2 miles an hour. I've come a long way baby!

    It is really cold but I'm going to bundle up later and try a walk in the woods. Should get up to 30 today and it is sunny. Wish the gym were open.

    Gayle, what a great job! That is over a pound a week!

    I still can't decide on Easter goal. 10 or 14? I'll let you know on Friday! I am slowing down and need to be realistic.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    Charlie, that is great!! Wow, 231 to 154.5, amazing. I hope when I get to my one year mark (in July) I will be the slender, fit person I've been visualizing. I've gone from 218 to 186. 6 so far (notice I don't record my bumps up). Today I feel so sick from staying up too late and eating too much. Man, just not worth it. Can't really believe that we are actually in 2015 now. Can't decide what to eat today to get back on track, nothing sounds good. Trying to find the directions for a one day protein fast I used to use. Chicken breasts and eggs, but can't remember the quantities.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    Oh, Mary is coming back for the next challenge. She's changed her user name though and still trying to figure out how to accept my invitation and get in. That will be great to have 4 of us in the challenge!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi all,

    Whooohoooo!!!! Charlie, you are amazing. What a look back! Easter here we come! And, Gayle, who knew 20 was realistic! I remember the doubts. Not 20 for me. Weigh in tomorrow for which I am grateful.

    NY party, ate too much, too rich, dinner was at 9:30pm so snacking on stuff all night. Stayed up too late. Only one glass of wine though. An being with a Caribbean hostess, garlic pork with a shooter of gin for breakfast. Both Peter's and my stomach are upset. But home and thinking about health plans.

    OK, week one goals for me. Post a profile pix and drink 8 glasses of water a day.

    Happy New Year to all!!!
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    Oh, Mary is coming back for the next challenge. She's changed her user name though and still trying to figure out how to accept my invitation and get in. That will be great to have 4 of us in the challenge!

    Gosh,I can't believe I have finally found this group.I called my computer guy and he doesn't know what happened.Thanks for helping me out.I didn't gain during Christmas,it was after when i was left with too many goodies.After sending it home with my kids and sharing it with others I still had enough to set me back because i'm so weak.
    I'm ready for the new challenge and i'm shopping for a new treadmill also.
    Gayle,love,love,love the picture.You are really talented.
    Talk later.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    I'll see all of you on the 2nd for our first weigh in for the 2015 first challenge. Talk about your goals for 2015.
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    2015.My goal is to lose 26 lbs and continue to exercise.Less sweets (or none)and more vegetables.Ask for help when I need it and give support when needed.Be thankful for each day and the people God has put in my path.I'm looking forward to reaching my goal this year and helping you reach yours.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Game on Mary!

    I too am 165.5 this morning. Race you down! 4 miles...... hummmm Did some snow shovelling this morning but I don't think it adds up to 4 miles.

    Away over night again. But I am cooking the final Christmas at another brother's so I have some control. (If I have control of myself!)

    This week's goals, post a pix on mfp and drink 8 glasses of water every day.

    I am going to repost my starting weight so it is easier to post weight trends over the challenge.

    Gayle, you are a star! And, Charlie, awe inspiring. Mary and I did get some weigh off, whooohooo, so that is a win. And we are all back together again.

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Jan 2 165.5
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    Wow! "and we are all back together again". Yes! Marney and Mary, can't believe that you two are at exactly the same weight! And you two are right about at my goal weight, by the way. Think I will almost get there by the end of this challenge. Charlie, I know we will see you later today since you are back at work, I think. My 1st and specific goal is to lose 20 pounds by April 3rd, 2015. My more general goals, which I will clarify and focus on as we go along are to take a lot more responsibility for my health. I will go to the chiropractor, the audiologist, the dermatologist, the optometrist and whatever specialist I might need rather than just worry about or ignore my concerns. My third goal is to establish a daily exercise routine. This last is something I have not done at all and it shows! I know that yoga and walking are two things that are doable and I have no excuse for not doing. My fourth goal is meditate daily. I feel better when I do, I have just been lazy. Lastly, and not related to this challenge but crucial for my sense of a meaningful life, is to work daily in my studio and be a more productive and successful artist. I mean to produce more work and sell more of it as well as produce and sell workshops and classes.

    1/02/15: 187.3
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited January 2015
    Great goals, girls! I will join you in meditating. Gayle. I'm getting better at it, but not consistent enough.

    Learning Tai Chi is a goal. (I start on January 7 and the classes go 12 weeks -- just the right timetable.)

    I am also going to "take the stairs" every time I leave my office. It is in the basement and I have to get to the ground floor to leave. Otherwise, I will take the stairs more often. Will start doing one and two flights, then will work my way up from there.

    I weighed in today at 155.5 (1 pound over my low and 1.5 pounds short of my goal for the challenge! Considering how I pigged out yesterday, I'm surprised that is all it was.) We have 13 full weeks. I will say 10 pounds or specifically 145 as it is getting harder the closer I get to goal.

    Starting Weight Jan. 2, 2015: 155.5 lbs.
    Goal Weight April 3, 2015: 145 lbs.

    We can do this!
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    I would like to lose at least 10 lbs during this challenge.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    Sounds good guys. Just copy paste your weight from today and add your weight for next Friday, list style, like we did during the last challenge. Charlie, love the graphic! We CAN do this!!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    You guys, I've lost 30+ pounds since last July. I went to try on new jeans and got a real gander at my legs--yikes! All saggy skin and varicose veins. I know part of this is losing weight without exercising and part is just getting another year older. Any suggestions, encouragement? Know I need to consistently exercise, but will my skin ever catch up with my weight loss? I've had turkey neck. But now I have turkey legs too!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I don't know, my problem is my tummy, although it is probably better than I thought. I have some saggy in my thighs, but, don't think there is much we can do. There are "firming" creams for the body. That might help some. I haven't used it, but I think that the firming cream I have used on my face and neck has helped, so worth a try.