Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Thanks for the status boasts from everyone. The walk today was hard going. And I had a blow out pork roast dinner. My Hubble is a great cook. But one meal doesn't define my diet. Tomorrow is another day.

    Exercise is difficult when everything hurts. Stairs are hard because they involve strength, aerobic training, balance and endurance all at once. The idea of water training is great aerobic training and easy on the joints. Squats are the easiest to build leg strength but we have to do them the senior's way. Sit on a hard chair, slide forward and stand up. Sit down and do it again building up the reps. It makes a big difference. If you need it easier, I have more but I will stop. Can't you tell, I have been missing teaching my classes!

    Working towards the Friday reporting! Again, thanks for this challenge, all of you!

    Yes, I thought squats were out, period. I like the chair squat you described. How many reps do you suggest to start. I would love your class, right here! Or start a discussion in the group with workout for us.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Any exercise you can suggest to strengthen the knees? Also need to do some sort of exercise for this belly of mine.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    OMG, no one said anything about giving up coffee!! The coffee acid is not always agreeable to me so my favorite is a "grande, non-fat latte with 2 splenda and a single shot". I also make myself protein smoothies with sugar free chocolate syrup and coffee added. I am a big black tea drinker too. I also drink diet cranberry juice. I gave up alcohol years ago but that is about family addictive issues for the most part. And after years of "giving up" alcohol, rec. drugs, etc. I realized that it was not what I was giving up that was important but what I was HAVING and DOING most days, in terms of health. So less processed, chemical laden foods. More whole grains, vegetables and lean meats. But I am not taking monastic vows (not yet, at least, lol). I will have my cheat food and my frozen dinners and occasional bacon or hotdog (or bacon wrapped hotdog on a white bun). But mostly I eat the occasion turkey or chicken dog on a multi-grain bun. And it will get more and more fun to challenge yourself to find yummy low fat, low carb things to eat, and to find healthy, satisfying substitutes for your killer (literally) favorites.

    I'm going to start listing things that I eat that I supposed to be on the no-no list that are surprisingly OK. Eating out. I like going to Panda Express because their chicken dishes (chicken mushroom, chicken kale, chicken green bean) are surprisingly low in calories (around 170 per entry serving). Get a side of mixed vegis instead of the chow mein or rice. I also like going to Smash Burger because I can get a big classic smash grilled chicken with lettuce, tomato, pickles on a multi-grain bun (no mayo), only 310 calories.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Happy Labor Day to all of you. Well, I decided when I joined this group that I was going to be perfectly honest with you and more importantly myself. I went off the deep end last night, but today is a new day. I am going to concentrate on this day. Today I WILL plan my diet menu early, because no plan is a plan to fail. It's a holiday, so the challenge will be somewhat big, but not bigger than my plan. Hope you all have a great holiday and I wish health to each of you.

    Hi Pattye,
    Yep, today is a new day. Appreciate your honesty! I sometimes put in all my meals for the day then make adjustments as the day throws me curve-balls. Put in my predictable snacks right away: 4 prunes and my evening toast with butter. You are SO right that planning ahead, like looking at the menu online if I know I am eating out, or charting the calories of items I know will be at a family gathering. Today I'm going to eat 1/2 a pizza! But it is a medium Digiorno thin and crispy crust garden vegetable pizza (around 300 calories). Also planning a baked potato with butter (land of lakes light whipped butter) and sour cream (Kraft simply light sour cream) for lunch. But best thing I've tasted/eaten last week? Mixed berry light activia with fresh raspberries.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Thanks for the status boasts from everyone. The walk today was hard going. And I had a blow out pork roast dinner. My Hubble is a great cook. But one meal doesn't define my diet. Tomorrow is another day.

    Exercise is difficult when everything hurts. Stairs are hard because they involve strength, aerobic training, balance and endurance all at once. The idea of water training is great aerobic training and easy on the joints. Squats are the easiest to build leg strength but we have to do them the senior's way. Sit on a hard chair, slide forward and stand up. Sit down and do it again building up the reps. It makes a big difference. If you need it easier, I have more but I will stop. Can't you tell, I have been missing teaching my classes!

    Working towards the Friday reporting! Again, thanks for this challenge, all of you!

    I think that having a good cook in the house is its own unique challenge. I had the advantage (ah, so to speak) that I can cook/control my own food for the most part. Ideas anyone? Is your Hubby on board with your weight loss goals?
  • pattyebricker
    pattyebricker Posts: 149 Member
    No husband to consider, but 2 sons. We all cook and that is a blessing. We have all decided that eating healthier is what we need. I'm so glad because it sure makes life easier . I think they want mom around to do the laundry lol.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    No husband to consider, but 2 sons. We all cook and that is a blessing. We have all decided that eating healthier is what we need. I'm so glad because it sure makes life easier . I think they want mom around to do the laundry lol.

    I just have one 17 year old son. We are dealing with the laundry thing little by little. Now if he doesn't give me his laundry (including the sox under the bed) I don't wash it. Next he will wash. Going to teach him to make smoothies this week. He likes different food than I do (he likes spicy, fatty) but he has learned to nuke (I know, I'm such a bad mom) his own chicken tenders, etc. We do eat spaghetti together (me with spaghetti squash) and turkey burgers. He's gotten used to multi-grain buns and pasta. I do make him homemade pepperoni pizza (the pizza, not the pepperoni) and I eat nary a piece. Helps that I don't like pepperoni. I like fish, he doesn't. I could live on vegetables, he will sometimes drink V-8 Complete. I have never seen him touch a salad. You get the picture.
  • pattyebricker
    pattyebricker Posts: 149 Member
    I am sorry to report that I went way over my calorie goal once again. 2 days of literally binging. I feel really discouraged, but not near ready to give up. So once again, new day, new chance to get it right. New resolve to plan the meals ahead and stick with it. I feel so much better, even after 1 day when I eat the right foods and exercise.
    Gayle-just thought again about, what I will gain when I lose. I have just gone over those thoughts in my head once again, thanks.
    Dasher-my legs are really weak, can't just stand from sitting position. You said you had another exercise for weak legs.
    I know I will report tomorrow of a successful day today. I am keeping in mind the 20lbs by jan 1. Health and happiness to all.
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    I am sorry to report that I went way over my calorie goal once again. 2 days of literally binging. I feel really discouraged, but not near ready to give up. So once again, new day, new chance to get it right. New resolve to plan the meals ahead and stick with it. I feel so much better, even after 1 day when I eat the right foods and exercise.
    Gayle-just thought again about, what I will gain when I lose. I have just gone over those thoughts in my head once again, thanks.
    Dasher-my legs are really weak, can't just stand from sitting position. You said you had another exercise for weak legs.
    I know I will report tomorrow of a successful day today. I am keeping in mind the 20lbs by jan 1. Health and happiness to all.

    Today's a new day and I know you're ready for a healthier day.I'm going to a funeral today for my cousin and afterwards they're having a meal for the family.Not sure if we're going to that or not.If we do i'm going to try to be very careful on what I eat.Knowing I'm going to report to you guys will help.Have a good day and a healthy one.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    I am sorry to report that I went way over my calorie goal once again. 2 days of literally binging. I feel really discouraged, but not near ready to give up. So once again, new day, new chance to get it right. New resolve to plan the meals ahead and stick with it. I feel so much better, even after 1 day when I eat the right foods and exercise.
    Gayle-just thought again about, what I will gain when I lose. I have just gone over those thoughts in my head once again, thanks.
    Dasher-my legs are really weak, can't just stand from sitting position. You said you had another exercise for weak legs.
    I know I will report tomorrow of a successful day today. I am keeping in mind the 20lbs by jan 1. Health and happiness to all.

    Just keep recording your food and exercise, keep on checking in with this group and your other community support. That's "on the path" by my way of thinking. It has made such a difference for me to begin to make what I eat conscious rather than unconscious. I know there have been studies (here's a link) that find that people who record what they eat lose weight. http://health.usnews.com/health-news/family-health/articles/2008/07/08/4-ways-a-food-diary-can-help-you-lose-weight
  • pattyebricker
    pattyebricker Posts: 149 Member
    Hurray, I made it! I am so happy and it really wasn't that hard. Just sticking to the plan. I know that it is not always going to be possible (life happens). I think I will take it slow and get on track with my diet before starting back to curves. You know how awful you feel after binging a few days. Feeling better this morning though and ready to tackle this weight.
    Gayle-- thanks for the link, it was helpful. I believe that it's true.
    Planning a small walk with my schnauzer this morning. Going to get the car washed and a quick trip to the store for some fruit.
    Dasher- I was able to do a few of those chair squats yesterday and like Gayle would love more exercise for seniors ideas. My legs are so weak, but its hard to lift all this weight. I'm sure it will get easier with even a few lbs off.
    Mary-Sorry for the loss of your cousin. God's blessing and peace on you and you family.
    Thanks for the encouragement. Health and happiness to all.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hurray, I made it! I am so happy and it really wasn't that hard. Just sticking to the plan. I know that it is not always going to be possible (life happens). I think I will take it slow and get on track with my diet before starting back to curves. You know how awful you feel after binging a few days. Feeling better this morning though and ready to tackle this weight.
    Gayle-- thanks for the link, it was helpful. I believe that it's true.
    Planning a small walk with my schnauzer this morning. Going to get the car washed and a quick trip to the store for some fruit.
    Dasher- I was able to do a few of those chair squats yesterday and like Gayle would love more exercise for seniors ideas. My legs are so weak, but its hard to lift all this weight. I'm sure it will get easier with even a few lbs off.
    Mary-Sorry for the loss of your cousin. God's blessing and peace on you and you family.
    Thanks for the encouragement. Health and happiness to all.

    Good for you Patty! Yep, just keep on writing it down. The last couple of days I have been away from home during the day and I've noticed how it was much harder to maintain control of my calories. Absolutely ideal when I can write things down as soon as I plan them and/or eat them. I did the chair squats about 4 reps but my knees have been sore since. Also not going to make it to the senior center this week, too much going on with labor day on one end and the workshop on the other. My goal is to not gain during the weekend.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Sorry for the delay in reply. 10 up and down is a good place to start. If you can do more, then rest and do more. If you slow down it is harder particularly on the way down.

    Happy squats! One of my 80 something year old could do 2 sets of 10 reps with 10lb weights in each hand. It was inspiring.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Keep trying the food part. It is very difficult but so much to gain for better health. Everyday is a new start. Do not restrict yourself too much. I just try to make better choices. I ate most of my exercise calories today with guests for dinner. But dinner guests happen and we just do our best. My husband is a great cook and a relatively newly diagnosed diabetic so he is on board. We eat well, I just eat too much but we don't police each other. It keeps the peace.

    I refuse to beat myself up over slip ups. As long as the trend is eating properly for my age and stage, I am good. You guys keep me honest and encouraged.

    For those who have trouble with sit to stand exercises: two ideas. One: in a hard seat chair, straighten your leg out in front on you and then bend it so that your foot is on the floor again. Do 5 or 10 each leg to start. Or, if you can get up, put another chair in front on you with the back close to you and using the back of the chair for support for some of your weight, do the sit to stand. Of course, both chairs must be solid chairs.

    If 5 sit to stand hurts, then do 2 and build up gradually to 5. If there is something truly hurting, check with your doctor. Or remembering that weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise, start with the diet and then work in the exercise.
  • pattyebricker
    pattyebricker Posts: 149 Member
    Great day to all of you. Day 2 went on schedule and so I feel as if I'm off like a "herd of turtles"' lol. Looking forward to another day and planning a small walk with the dog and lunch with both sons. I have been thinking this morning of how blessed I am to not have any significant health issues at my age, considering how much I have abused this body with poor food choices and lack of exercise. How blessed I am to have such an abundance of food at my disposal and that the only real issue is making the right choice and not taking advantage of that abundance.
    Gayle-thanks for the link,. Hope you enjoy your work shop.
    Dasher-thanks for the exercises. Please keep them coming. I couldn't do them at first, but realized the chair I was using was too soft and low.
    Reminding everyone about our Jan 1 challenge and "what you will gain when you lose". Won't it be wonderful?!!!!!!.
    Health and happiness to all
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Good thoughts about abundance and the strength of these bodies we have. And yes, too low a chair, problem for the knees. Thanks for the encouraging thoughts. Have a happy day.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Keep trying the food part. It is very difficult but so much to gain for better health. Everyday is a new start. Do not restrict yourself too much. I just try to make better choices. I ate most of my exercise calories today with guests for dinner. But dinner guests happen and we just do our best. My husband is a great cook and a relatively newly diagnosed diabetic so he is on board. We eat well, I just eat too much but we don't police each other. It keeps the peace.

    I refuse to beat myself up over slip ups. As long as the trend is eating properly for my age and stage, I am good. You guys keep me honest and encouraged.

    For those who have trouble with sit to stand exercises: two ideas. One: in a hard seat chair, straighten your leg out in front on you and then bend it so that your foot is on the floor again. Do 5 or 10 each leg to start. Or, if you can get up, put another chair in front on you with the back close to you and using the back of the chair for support for some of your weight, do the sit to stand. Of course, both chairs must be solid chairs.

    If 5 sit to stand hurts, then do 2 and build up gradually to 5. If there is something truly hurting, check with your doctor. Or remembering that weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise, start with the diet and then work in the exercise.

    Thanks for the exercise ideas! Little by little!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi Everyone, preparing for the out of town workshop today and tomorrow morning--then gone til late Sunday night. Wish me support for staying with the plan. Know I will be active although mostly sitting on my bottom but will try to get a walk in.

    Have a great Birthday Patty!

    Today I had a breakthrough and it was a breakthrough for my son as well who used to be a cross-country runner and stopped and got a bit out of shape. Today he and I went for a 45 minute walk and it was so beautiful out, not too hot and the trail was very nice. We both really enjoyed it and intend to walk most mornings before he goes to classes. I've been trying to get him to walk with me but he wanted to just start running again. We are both learning to start slow to get active again.
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Hey everyone, be sure that you have friended everyone and set your profile to viewable by friends so we can look at each other's food diary and exercise reports. If this is not comfortable to you we will support you in other ways. Looking at food each other's food and exercise logs will help us all stay accountable to each other. Let's also have a rule to encourage, not criticize, and keep the focus in the group on where we are with our goals including both challenges and successes.
    Here is what I have so far:

    Mary is at 171.5 pounds and is committed to losing 20 pounds by Jan.1, exercising 4 X a week and going to Curves 3 X a week.
    Marney is committed to losing 20 pounds by January 1, is going to complete her food log every day and exercise 4 X a week.
    Pattye is at 212.8 pounds and is committed to losing 20 pounds by Jan. 1; upping fiber and protein, reducing carbs and fat
    Gayle is at 207 pounds and is committed to losing 20 pounds by Jan. 1, and starting senior yoga next week 2 X a week.