Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Thanks Gayle.

    I had a better day. No guests!

    I really appreciate the diary based likes and comments. I feels less alone in the struggle. The weekly weigh in and cheering squad when we lose helps too. When you and Mary like my diary, it is a real boost.

    And I am soooo looking forward to you getting into onderland! You are so close and a true inspiration.

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Thanks Gayle.

    I had a better day. No guests!

    I really appreciate the diary based likes and comments. I feels less alone in the struggle. The weekly weigh in and cheering squad when we lose helps too. When you and Mary like my diary, it is a real boost.

    And I am soooo looking forward to you getting into onderland! You are so close and a true inspiration.


    Think I should call you Marney, and not Dasher. Sorry. Thanks for the encouraging words. I'm incorporating 1 (or two) 5:2 style fast days in my week. Mondays when I feel like it, Thursdays my designated day. Something I've wanted to do for a long time. Today, after my Monday fast I was at 201.3. Hoping to keep that until my weigh-in on Friday. Thanks for your encouraging words!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Thanks Gayle.

    I had a better day. No guests!

    I really appreciate the diary based likes and comments. I feels less alone in the struggle. The weekly weigh in and cheering squad when we lose helps too. When you and Mary like my diary, it is a real boost.

    And I am soooo looking forward to you getting into onderland! You are so close and a true inspiration.


    Think I should call you Marney, and not Dasher. Sorry. Thanks for the encouraging words. I'm incorporating 1 (or two) 5:2 style fast days in my week. Mondays when I feel like it, Thursdays my designated day. Something I've wanted to do for a long time. Today, after my Monday fast I was at 201.3. Hoping to keep that until my weigh-in on Friday. Thanks for your encouraging words!

    Hi Gayle,

    I am not sure that I had signed anything before :wink:

    I tried the 5:2 diet before and just couldn't. However, I tried to fast it instead of 500 calories. I am really interested in your experience since many have had success and maintenance also sounds straight forward. My peeps about menu is particularly things not made from scratch. I live extremely rural so we never eat out (one Chinese and one pizza joint which both shut down between Oct and May) so we make from scratch. We are Travelling into the US in November and I find it very difficult to find low sodium/calories options on the road when we have access to only microwave or restaurants. And even in the made from scratch category, you are mentioning brands I haven't heard of and the knowledge may help when we are buying our groceries where we are staying. Of course, you may not live in the US at all, and I just don't recognize brands that are available in larger centres in Canada! Or you may be English or ......

  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Hello ladies,I've been on vacation and didn't have access to a computer.We went to Cumberland Gap and over to Frankfort,Ky.Had a fun time.Now it's time to get back on track.I wasn't getting all my water in nor keeping track of my food.i was trying to eat as healthy as possible though.Unfortunately I gained a half pound. :(

    I have no problem with resetting the weight goal.If everyone is more comfortable with 15 lbs instead of 20 then that's what we'll do.Anything lost over that will be fantastic.

    i hope everyone has a successful day.i'm going to get back to drinking my water and exercise.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Thanks Gayle.

    I had a better day. No guests!

    I really appreciate the diary based likes and comments. I feels less alone in the struggle. The weekly weigh in and cheering squad when we lose helps too. When you and Mary like my diary, it is a real boost.

    And I am soooo looking forward to you getting into onderland! You are so close and a true inspiration.


    Think I should call you Marney, and not Dasher. Sorry. Thanks for the encouraging words. I'm incorporating 1 (or two) 5:2 style fast days in my week. Mondays when I feel like it, Thursdays my designated day. Something I've wanted to do for a long time. Today, after my Monday fast I was at 201.3. Hoping to keep that until my weigh-in on Friday. Thanks for your encouraging words!

    Hi Gayle,

    I am not sure that I had signed anything before :wink:

    I tried the 5:2 diet before and just couldn't. However, I tried to fast it instead of 500 calories. I am really interested in your experience since many have had success and maintenance also sounds straight forward. My peeps about menu is particularly things not made from scratch. I live extremely rural so we never eat out (one Chinese and one pizza joint which both shut down between Oct and May) so we make from scratch. We are Travelling into the US in November and I find it very difficult to find low sodium/calories options on the road when we have access to only microwave or restaurants. And even in the made from scratch category, you are mentioning brands I haven't heard of and the knowledge may help when we are buying our groceries where we are staying. Of course, you may not live in the US at all, and I just don't recognize brands that are available in larger centres in Canada! Or you may be English or ......


    Hi, I live in the US in the burbs neighborhoods close to Denver, CO. The up side about living close to a city is that there are tons on grocery stores close buy including at least three health food grocery stores and an Asian market. Since driving around all the time taking my teen to school and working weird hours, and since he does not like to eat what I do I usually cook just for myself. Ask me about specific foods you do not recognize. But here are two resources
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Sorry, sent before I wanted to. Anyway, here are two resources: http://www.hungry-girl.com/ and also check out Amazon for 5:2 cookbooks. Even if you are not doing the fasting the recipes are great for staying in calories. http://www.amazon.com/Healthy-Filling-Recipes-Enhance-Health-ebook/dp/B00FEIZM88/ref=sr_1_7?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1411660546&sr=1-7&keywords=5+2+diet

    I just bought the 5:2 cookbook bundle for virtual kindle that includes a crockpot cookbook, a basic 5:2 cookbook and 5:2 cooking for one.

    I have not found these cookbooks in bookstores. The 5:2 is apparently much bigger in the UK.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cool Mary! Glad you are on board with the 15 pound goal.
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    September 19, 2014 7:29 AMStarted this challenge at 171.5
    Sept 5th-168. 3.5lb loss
    Sept 12th-167. 1 lb loss
    Sept 18-166. 1 lb loss
    Sept 27-166 0lbs lost
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    September 19, 2014 7:29 AMStarted this challenge at 171.5
    Sept 5th-168. 3.5lb loss
    Sept 12th-167. 1 lb loss
    Sept 18-166. 1 lb loss
    Sept 27-166 0lbs lost
    Considering i've been on vacation,not exercising ,drinking lots of water nor tracking my food,i'm ok with this.At least I lost the 1/2 I gained.I'll do better next week.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good job with eating healthfully (enough) during you vacation! I love that area of the country!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Sept. 5--205.6
    Sept 12--203
    Sept 19--202.8
    Sept 26--200.9

    Less than a pound away from Onederland! Next Friday for sure. So proud of us all for hanging in there and staying conscious of our health! Have my eyes on the prize: 182 lbs by January 1!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Wow, you guys, what achievement and yes, I include minor gains while on vacation. You both did great this week.

    I am weighing in tomorrow after a quick trip to friend which included two restaurant dinners and crossings for breakfast (warm from the shop).

    Lots of golf though.


    Thanks for the references. If I can get recipes and menus in eBook format, I would be very pleased. I will have a look. Thanks again.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Started this challenge at 172
    Sept 5th 171 - 1 lb lost
    Sept 12th 169.5 - 1½ lb lost
    Sept 19th 168.5 - 1 lb lost

    Despite visits and visiting!

    Sept 28th 168.5 - 0 lbs lost

    But I am happy because I did not gain with a really challenging week.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good for you Marney!!

    With company and lots of holiday treats being offered I think we are also facing the toughest dieting months coming up. Great to have the challenge to remind us of our goals: enjoying healthy food in moderation. Avoiding foods that set off cravings (high sugar, high fat). Having our "favorite" foods in controlled portions.

    Hey Guys, just have to shout from the rooftop: I'm in Onederland today! 199.4! So happy to be here, and I'm not going back!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi Guys, here is a link to low-carb holidays recipes: http://www.lowcarbfriends.com/recipereview/showcat.php/category/18_Holiday Recipes
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello All. I made it to Onederland but now bouncing a round a bit. Can't wait to leave this border town and actually inhabit the land of the 100's. 200.6 today. Doing my fast day tomorrow, seems to help me along, reset my appetite, and appreciate the 1200 calories I have most days. Trying to establish this as a life-long practice to maintain weight down the road. Not a true fast, just a 500 calorie day. Still get three meals in. Some people do a slim-fast day. Anyway. Have two friends on mfp who are going for the 5:2 regime: 2 fast days a week, eating normally the other five. Lots of 5:2 cookbooks on Amazon. I'm going to try to incorporate some of those low calorie entrees into my day to day. Been eating the same thing everyday pretty much and need to change it up a bit.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Oh! excited about finding this 100-calorie Pumpkin Pie Tart recipe: https://www.verybestbaking.com/recipes/143975/100-calorie-pumpkin-pie-tartlets/ Looks really yummy. I love pumpkin which is only 83 calories per cup always seems to end up in pumpkin bread or pumpkin muffins too high in calories for me.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hello All. I made it to Onederland but now bouncing a round a bit. Can't wait to leave this border town and actually inhabit the land of the 100's. 200.6 today. Doing my fast day tomorrow, seems to help me along, reset my appetite, and appreciate the 1200 calories I have most days. Trying to establish this as a life-long practice to maintain weight down the road. Not a true fast, just a 500 calorie day. Still get three meals in. Some people do a slim-fast day. Anyway. Have two friends on mfp who are going for the 5:2 regime: 2 fast days a week, eating normally the other five. Lots of 5:2 cookbooks on Amazon. I'm going to try to incorporate some of those low calorie entrees into my day to day. Been eating the same thing everyday pretty much and need to change it up a bit.

    I am still in the contemplation stage of the 5:2 eating plan. The rules seem simple and I do well with rules, but, when I tried to fast on it, everything went pear-shaped, including my body, LOL , because I ended up eating everything I could put my hand on in the evenings. Still sitting on the sidelines, but cheering you on. As long as I have control of the menu, or at least my Hubble does, my 1200 calories are working for me. As you say, this is a challenging time of year.

    Thanks for the book and recipe references, I love pumpkin pie. Never have it though because hubbie, an Aussie, just does not understand. Since he doesn't like it, and with my lactose problem and his Diabetes, we skip it. But like ice cream, I do press my nose to the shop window! Maybe this year, I will make my own tiny one.

    I hope you are firmly in onerland now. Being home, I am losing again. Today, cooking turkey one, tomorrow turkey two and ten for dinner. I figured two smaller birds were easier than a huge one since leftovers were requested. Then off to visit my sister in law for a week. Girl's activities and Girl's food so I should be good for food and exercise.

    We are picture perfect here with summer temps, a still lake, red and yellow leaves and a blue, blue sky. Who won't want to walk?
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello All. I made it to Onederland but now bouncing a round a bit. Can't wait to leave this border town and actually inhabit the land of the 100's. 200.6 today. Doing my fast day tomorrow, seems to help me along, reset my appetite, and appreciate the 1200 calories I have most days. Trying to establish this as a life-long practice to maintain weight down the road. Not a true fast, just a 500 calorie day. Still get three meals in. Some people do a slim-fast day. Anyway. Have two friends on mfp who are going for the 5:2 regime: 2 fast days a week, eating normally the other five. Lots of 5:2 cookbooks on Amazon. I'm going to try to incorporate some of those low calorie entrees into my day to day. Been eating the same thing everyday pretty much and need to change it up a bit.

    I am still in the contemplation stage of the 5:2 eating plan. The rules seem simple and I do well with rules, but, when I tried to fast on it, everything went pear-shaped, including my body, LOL , because I ended up eating everything I could put my hand on in the evenings. Still sitting on the sidelines, but cheering you on. As long as I have control of the menu, or at least my Hubble does, my 1200 calories are working for me. As you say, this is a challenging time of year.

    Thanks for the book and recipe references, I love pumpkin pie. Never have it though because hubbie, an Aussie, just does not understand. Since he doesn't like it, and with my lactose problem and his Diabetes, we skip it. But like ice cream, I do press my nose to the shop window! Maybe this year, I will make my own tiny one.

    I hope you are firmly in onerland now. Being home, I am losing again. Today, cooking turkey one, tomorrow turkey two and ten for dinner. I figured two smaller birds were easier than a huge one since leftovers were requested. Then off to visit my sister in law for a week. Girl's activities and Girl's food so I should be good for food and exercise.

    We are picture perfect here with summer temps, a still lake, red and yellow leaves and a blue, blue sky. Who won't want to walk?

    Where do you live Marney? Your man has that great Crocodile Dundee accent? You sure stay busy. Love turkey and mostly eat chicken, turkey, fish. I call myself a semi-vegetarian but real vegetarians disagree, lol. You know I ran into the 5:2 fast because I was searching for directions for the protein fast I used to do when I worked for Diet Center, many moons ago. Watched the videos, tried it out and it was a fit for me. Having a week with the blues but think today was the last pity party day I'm allowed. Doing something about my financial situation tomorrow. Problem is that I have gradually had my job downsized over about 5 years and suddenly, like the frog slowly boiled, I'm cooked! Feeling too old to make a change but must!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi Gayle,

    Yes, I live with that accent and we are in an area called the Kawartha Lakes outside of Toronto, Ontario. I lived in Toronto until 5 yrs ago so I am still getting used to rural living but being on the shoreline of a lake is wonderful. Yes, I am busy this time of year. No body wants to brave the weather in the winter and everyone wants to see our leaves in the fall. It all stops in about 10 days when Canadian Thanksgiving is over. Then in 2-3 weeks the ice comes on the lake and we all wait for spring. I am hoping to make some winter activity fun this year but my guy just doesn't like winter. So I will have to think of activities without him.

    I am sorry about your job woes. It is really tough when a job shrinks around you. I hope you can work something out and that it turns out better. I will be thinking good thoughts for you. Don't let it throw you off track. You are doing so well.