Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • xxevey71
    I hope I am posting in the correct place. I lost 500grms this week - quite surprised as I dont seem to be able to eat all the calories. No doubt I will find things to eat as i go along.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    xxevey71 wrote: »
    I hope I am posting in the correct place. I lost 500grms this week - quite surprised as I dont seem to be able to eat all the calories. No doubt I will find things to eat as i go along.

    Funny! I never have trouble finding things to eat along the way. LOL well done on the loss!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi Guys, here are my Friday stats:
    Sept. 5--205.6
    Sept 12--203
    Sept 19--202.8
    Sept 26--200.9
    Oct. 3rd--199.2
    Oct. 10th-198

    :) indeed! A 9 lb drop. And Mary is steaming along too. I am so glad to be with this group. Inspirational, both of you!
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Wow Mary! I'm not the best at math but looks like 7.5 pounds lost since the challenge started! Fantastic! You are currently at my "goal weight". What is the weight you are going for?

    Gayle,my weight goal is 140 lbs.I have 24 lbs more to go.I think everyone is doing fantastic on this challenge.Everyone keep up the good work,you are so inspiring!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Found a good book by Yoni Freedhoff The Diet Fix. Good practical advice.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    xxevey71 wrote: »
    I hope I am posting in the correct place. I lost 500grms this week - quite surprised as I dont seem to be able to eat all the calories. No doubt I will find things to eat as i go along.

    Evey, good for you! Could you translate into lbs. and ounces for this American?

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hi Guys. I'm thinking about Thanksgiving, mostly because of Canadian Thanksgiving.
    Turkey! I really love it. Fortunately it is a lean meat. I found that Ore-Ida has frozen chucks of potato that you steam in the bag in the microwave for 10 minutes then mash. I use just a splash of non-fat milk, the zero calorie can't believe it's not butter shaker, salt and pepper. Love homemade gravy but the Swanson jarred turkey gravy is zero fat. Found a recipe for low-fat pumpkin pie tartlets. think I'm set.
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Hi Guys. I'm thinking about Thanksgiving, mostly because of Canadian Thanksgiving.
    Turkey! I really love it. Fortunately it is a lean meat. I found that Ore-Ida has frozen chucks of potato that you steam in the bag in the microwave for 10 minutes then mash. I use just a splash of non-fat milk, the zero calorie can't believe it's not butter shaker, salt and pepper. Love homemade gravy but the Swanson jarred turkey gravy is zero fat. Found a recipe for low-fat pumpkin pie tartlets. think I'm set.
    It sounds like you have Thanksgiving all planned out and it sounds healthy.I always have several people here and a variety of food.I'm the only person who has to watch what they eat.Usually by the time it's time to eat i'm too tired to eat much.Surely a day to have control.I send a lot of leftovers home.I love the holidays when family comes over and we can enjoy the day together.

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi Guys. I'm thinking about Thanksgiving, mostly because of Canadian Thanksgiving.
    Turkey! I really love it. Fortunately it is a lean meat. I found that Ore-Ida has frozen chucks of potato that you steam in the bag in the microwave for 10 minutes then mash. I use just a splash of non-fat milk, the zero calorie can't believe it's not butter shaker, salt and pepper. Love homemade gravy but the Swanson jarred turkey gravy is zero fat. Found a recipe for low-fat pumpkin pie tartlets. think I'm set.
    It sounds like you have Thanksgiving all planned out and it sounds healthy.I always have several people here and a variety of food.I'm the only person who has to watch what they eat.Usually by the time it's time to eat i'm too tired to eat much.Surely a day to have control.I send a lot of leftovers home.I love the holidays when family comes over and we can enjoy the day together.

    I am glad Thanksgiving is over here in Canada. I did enjoy it. We made everything from scratch because .... I am lactose intolerant, my husband is a newly diagnosed diabetic, my brother doesn't eat eggs and my nephew is gluten intolerant. Oh, and I forgot the one needing to watch saturated fats. Boy, do we sound like a bunch of crocks! So pie is off the list; gravy is a no-no for some and I made sausage stuffing and a separate bread dressing all topped off with lots of veggie choices and salad. I made the same choice with the mash as you, Gayle, and did not add butter. Lots of choice and no sweets and we made it by. I could not find a low fat, no egg, no milk product and no gluten pumpkin pie recipe so I gave up. No one seemed to mind. If you hear of one for next year .....?

    We will be in the states for US Thanksgiving so maybe I will have more turkey!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    You guys are making me so hungry for the Thanksgiving meal I may not wait until the end of November. Saw that one of the super-markets had turkey breast on sale. Wanted to share this quote that mfp Frances shared: "It's more productive, I think, to think about changing your lifestyle to be healthier, and let weight loss be a consequence of that. If you're excessively focused on the scale, it's easier to become discouraged." Good to break that obsession on the scale and have more focus on health being the real motivator.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    yeah. A book I read recently said "reward the behaviour, not the result". Got me thinking.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Wow Mary! I'm not the best at math but looks like 7.5 pounds lost since the challenge started! Fantastic! You are currently at my "goal weight". What is the weight you are going for?

    Gayle,my weight goal is 140 lbs.I have 24 lbs more to go.I think everyone is doing fantastic on this challenge.Everyone keep up the good work,you are so inspiring!

    We have about the same to go. Yes, this challenge is successful this far I think. I going for around 165 but we'll see where my weight wants to settle during the maintenance process. I tend to have a bony face and hands so don't want to go too low.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    yeah. A book I read recently said "reward the behaviour, not the result". Got me thinking.

    Is that quote from Yoni Freedhoff The Diet Fix? I think it is a real stretch (but a good one) for me to think about thinking that way.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    yeah. A book I read recently said "reward the behaviour, not the result". Got me thinking.

    Is that quote from Yoni Freedhoff The Diet Fix? I think it is a real stretch (but a good one) for me to think about thinking that way.

    yes. my sister in law had it at her place and I speed read it when I was there. It wasn't revolutionary but it made its points well. I think the idea that good eating and exercise as a way of life, is absolutely necessary as well as the idea of doing your best to adhere to that way of life. However, I agree with you. It is difficult particularly when life either hands you roses or lemons. Either direction presents difficulties for me. The 'every day', is hard enough when I am only 5' 1, since us 'shorties' have less room to maneuver. Five pounds on a small frame versus five pounds on a large frame and all that. But I keep thinking of that quote so it certainly challenged me.

    And speaking of which, my weight stayed the same this week, 167. Behaviour not scale, remember, Marney.
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member

    Sept 5th-168. 3.5lb loss
    Sept 12th-167. 1 lb loss
    Sept 18-166. 1 lb loss
    Sept 27-166 0lbs lost
    Oct 3-165 1 lb loss
    Oct 10-164 1lb loss
    Oct 17-165 1lb gain

    Quote · I'm not happy about this but i'm not going to let it get me down.I realize there were things I could have done different and my goal this week is to make better choices and decisions.I hope everyone has a good weigh-in.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hi Guys, here are my Friday stats:
    Sept. 5--205.6
    Sept 12--203
    Sept 19--202.8
    Sept 26--200.9
    Oct. 3rd--199.2
    Oct. 10th-198
    Oct. 17th-198.3

    Oh, thanks for reminding me--it's Friday, time for my report. Up this week but, like Mary said, an opportunity to make better choices this next week. I stayed in calories and did fast one day but on my non-fast days was kind of carb heavy. Think I ate almost everyone one of my favorite foods including pizza, pumpkin muffin top, peanut butter and jelly, and a baked potato more days than not, for example. So will watch my carbs and salt this week and really MUST exercise, something I've been putting off until tomorrow for some time.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Reward behavior, not scale. Reward behavior, not scale. Need to acknowledge myself for staying in calories, drinking my water, recording my food everyday.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Reward behavior, not scale. Reward behavior, not scale. Need to acknowledge myself for staying in calories, drinking my water, recording my food everyday.

    Yup. Same here. You did well. Funny that we all reached the same point at the same time in terms of attitude and scale. Maybe we needed a break at this point. But within the context of loosening the reins a bit, we all still did well on a number of fronts. Yeah team. A new week.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Happy with a new low today: 197.7. Hey, think I can both celebrate scale results and focus on acknowledging the behaviors I've been working to make into habits that enable the scale to be my friend. I'm going for 197 or better by next Friday! Know that being a little bit more active yesterday and today helps.
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    I'm having a difficult time getting back on track.I've added another lb to my 1 lb gain.Not good.I'm thinking today i'm going to cut my calories way back and try to make healthy choices.I haven't exercised since Thursday so I need to make myself do that too.I need a good pep talk!HELP!!!