Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    1/01/16: 180.4
    1/09/16: 178.6
    1/15/16: 174.3
    1/23/16: 176.4
    1/30/16: 176.8
    2/06/16: 178
    2/13/16: 182.8
    2/19/16: 178.5
    2/27/16: 178.8
    3/04/16: 179.7Lean into Spring Challenge beginning weight.

    Ended up with a .7 loss over this last challenge, but bouncing all over the place, for sure. Don't feel like I have my pace in this race (OK, not a race, a journey to improved health). Did get my bread and potatoes addiction under control, greatly reduced the use of grain, upped vegis and fruit. Started walking around the lake again yesterday.

    Struggling with finances and my stress belly is puffing. But looks like I will have 4 mornings a week to do some exercise and in July I will have Silver Sneakers.

    Goals: get into the lower 170's or better. Manage my stress more effectively. Get my finances in order. exercise with other seniors. establish a consistent meditation practice. Work in my studio daily. Stay away from white potatoes, most grains, bread (allowed a multigrain thin bun a day). focus on lean meat, some low fat dairy, vegis, brown rice, fruit. More exercise and clean eating should = improved health/weight.

    Beth your goals sound great and yeah for us for keeping with it and not giving up. Looking forward to hearing about the goals everyone else has!
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    March 4th: 132.2 In my yellow flag zone, though I know it is perfectly healthy weight for me. I have a strong spring cleaning urge, despite the snow we got this morning, and will be upping my activity along with the usual treadmill/kdrama.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Gayle, You are going to really like the "Silver Sneakers". I am not on it yet, (4 more years) but Mike is on it and can go to almost any gym, not just the ymca..... :)

    Pam, Your spring cleaning urge sounds like a great idea, I know that there is snow outside, but may as well start now and add this activity to my daily exercise, spring is just around the corner so I better not put it off much longer. :)

    Everyone have a great day and great week!
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    Jan. 22- 191.5
    March 4th-196.0
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    I have found my old account using a different browser so i'm going back to merrygrannie.I can use MFP using it.I've been having a hard time logging in on it so happy i can now.If I can't find the group on it i'll just get on here using this browser.
    I bought me a used treadmill yesterday.Hopefully i can get back on track.I've got all the tools,i just need the mind set.
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    New low 2/25/16, 181.6
    Last week weigh in, 2/27/16, 182.8
    Loss since starting in june, 13lbs.
    This week to start spring challenge: 3/4/16, 182.4
    Starting this challenge heading into danger zone, visiting my mom for two weeks.
    My mom has always eaten sugar in everything
    but has never suffered the effects.
    I have asked her to hide her treats from me.
    I hope she remembers, because though she is fun,
    i still tend to comfort eat just because im out of my comfort zone.
    Good luck everyone!

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi guys,

    So good to have the check in from so many of you. I am feeling guilty being here in Florida sunshine with all of you managing snow and waiting for spring. But I am still not well and so off track. Trying hard to get back on track with veggies bought today. This is the point last year that I went away and gained 10 lbs. So I am trying really hard not to do that this time. Tomorrow I am going to the activity centre to try to find a scale. And at least for the next 3 weeks, my goals are get back to veggies and stay on MFP. Hopefully that much will keep things in control. I will set new goals when I get home.

    Good luck to all and I hope spring puts a spring in steps and less weight around the middle.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Jan 8: 167.5 -1
    Jan17: 169 +1.5
    Jan 22: 166 -3
    Jan 29: 166
    Feb 4: 166
    Feb 12: 165.5 -.5
    Feb 19: 165 -.5

    Adjusting for clothes and breakfast, the resort scale said 168

    So, I too am back were I started this challenge. But I am still taking it as a win because I have been travelling, vacationing, and fighting with health and diet.

    Week by week, this week I am going to stay on mfp, eat for health and continuing doing mindful eating, which I find tough to do but rewarding.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Today I put my current weight into "check in". Yikes, I've gained 11 pounds since my early December low. I hate to admit it but I must start recording every bite again. I've been neglecting that for months, hoping I'd graduated to some sort of early maintenance. So good-bye illusions. Hello serious tracking. Guess I had a little vacation. Mary, glad to see your check-in! Marney & Lill, hang in there on vacation despite temptations. Remember: 80 perfect, 20 percent a little imperfect. I have that "imperfect perfected! Pam, you continue to inspire!! I'll get there someday or at least improve my health on the way. Beth, I am so glad that Spring is really here! Might have a snow yet but it has been so nice and sunny here. Already returned to my lake walks.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Just because I am often gumbling here.

    Yesterday was a great day. I ate well with lots of veggies. I tracked everything. We played golf so I got some exercise and, although not yet totally A OK, I am feeling better.

    So today, eat well, track everything, play golf, feel better and tomorrow, I will try the scales again.

    Glad to hear spring may be coming. A little early still for my home town but by the time we make it back, it will be around the corner. And Florida weather is pretty nice in the meantime,
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Noticed daffodils at my son's college this morning, just about ready to bloom. An hour later it snowed, but gone now, and needed the moisture. I logged every meal today, it has been a while! Good for you Marney!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    There was an interesting post about stress on another group I belong to that I I thought was worth sharing.

    The is one poster who is very knowledgeable and keeps saying that it is very difficult to lose weight while under stress. Everyone nods and agrees but really, what do we do about stress?

    She has a T1D daughter who has been getting her blood sugars under control quite well. The daughter had good BS readings in the morning but had a minor fender bender on the way to work. By the time she arrived at work, her BS was so high she needed more insulin. And it keep on all morning as she dealt with re-telling the story until she had used all her daily insulin before noon and had to appeal to mum to bring more. Her BS did not drop back to normal for 24 hours. And of course with blood sugar so rises insulin which is the fat storing hormone. As a T1D she has the means and the need to monitor this. But it happens to the rest of us too, just not as high but elevated for us, none the less.

    My take away was to pay more attention to what stresses me and work out ways to deal with it. Somehow.

    Mindfulness is helping. Think about my food and enjoy it without distractions. Recognize when I have had enough and do not keep eating just because I like the taste. Think about those daffodils dancing in the wind, or that hawk soaring over my bay at home. Exercise certainly helps but then I turn it into a challenge which is not de-stressing. Even if I am reducing glucogen in my blood by exercising, my stress levels are rising because of my mind and its measuring and counting.

    Just some random thoughts.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited March 2016
    Actually, some very good "random" thoughts, Marney.

    Stress is a killer in more ways than one. Meditation. Self-pampering. Tai Chi. Deep breaths. Those all help me.

    I am here believe it or not. Just super busy. Once again, I have staffing issues. My foreman is retiring the end of the month, leaving me with only one staff member of 3 and he has only been here 6 weeks! I have one in the hiring pipeline, but we are government so it takes months to finally get them on board. Then I will need to interview and hire a foreman to oversee them directly. I have someone I want from the maintenance staff, but he isn't sure he wants to work Saturdays.

    I have been having some HF problems right now . Has been tougher exercising though. 30 minutes at moderate at a stretch is about it. I'm trying to break it up. Also, making me go to bed very early.

    Consequently, I have gained a pound. I'm now 11 pounds over my low. :( This will pass. It has before, but it does make this journey more difficult.

    Leaving work early today to read at granddaughter's kindergarten class. That will be fun. Otherwise...back to it...
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Great to see you Charlie! I am, coincidentally, 11 pounds above my low as well. Got myself to at least record my food all day two days in a row (over) and that is progress. Have fallen pretty far away from the routine that helped my lose my weight. Yes, this will pass. Hope your staffing issues improve soon!

    Reading about the Blood Type diet I am reminded that my type tends to be high cortisol (the stress hormone) and does make it so easy to pack on the pounds, especially the stress belly. I am off the strick addictocarb diet but have given up white potatoes and cut my smoothie size in half, which is also progress. Still can only go about 4 hours without feeling like I need a nap but at present my life mostly allows that. End of the term at school tomorrow and behind on grading. At least I have the final printed out.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I went to the gym to weigh myself again. I am not sure what to adjust for clothes etc but the number was less by a lb than last time. So this week, a 1 lb loss.

    Tomorrow we are off in the car so I cannot weigh myself in the morning. I could do the saturday check in though.

    Yesterday, I decided to handle a stressful situation a little better and it worked. Timeshare salesmen. BOOOOO!!!! But I keep smiling and saying 'see the value, cannot afford it', and keep smiling. Far less stressful than getting mad at them for stretching truths, talking fast, arguing about how I am spending the money on travel anyway, and all the other tactics. "Thank you but no" worked. Had to say it 200 times or so it felt but came out on an even keel in my own emotiions. "Not my circus, not my monkeys" helped too.

    Now to conquer the stress of being a passenger in a car with Florida driving habits all around us!

    I hope all you working ladies get through your stressful time! Gail, I am going to have a look at the Blood Type diet. I am doing much better healthwise. Eating every above ground veggie I can find and no sugars, no starches. That and some B vitamins and probiotics seem to have turned the tide for me.

    Oh, and the elderly lady who got on the scales ahead of me (shorter than me, I'll admit) was pleased she had lost weight. 122.5 fully clothed with shoes! I worry about them because they become so frail. At some point in my life, I hope to be at a mind set where weight isn't the issue.
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member

    March 4, 2016 11:49AM


    maryschwartzroby Posts: 95Member

    Jan. 22- 191.5
    March 4th-196.0
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    I had eye surgery yesterday.Everything went well.hopefully will have surgery on my other eye soon.Dr.told me to not read or strain my eyes using the computer so making this a quick post.no exrercise heavy lifting etc.i go back next week,hopefully things will be back to normal.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    March 4 - May 6 Challenge

    March 4 - 178.4
    March 11 - 178.0

    Looking at my small loss, looks like I am gaining muscle. I can feel it in my clothes that I am loosing inches. That's ok with me. I have gone to the gym every other day since my last weigh in and really been good on the diet. Going to continue it as much as I can this week again, and I look for a better loss next week.

    Mary, Glad that everything went well with you eye surgery. I have my eye surgery in two weeks, not looking forward to it, but I know it needs to be done.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    I went to the gym to weigh myself again. I am not sure what to adjust for clothes etc but the number was less by a lb than last time. So this week, a 1 lb loss.

    Tomorrow we are off in the car so I cannot weigh myself in the morning. I could do the saturday check in though.

    Yesterday, I decided to handle a stressful situation a little better and it worked. Timeshare salesmen. BOOOOO!!!! But I keep smilihereng and saying 'see the value, cannot afford it', and keep smiling. Far less stressful than getting mad at them for stretching truths, talking fast, arguing about how I am spending the money on travel anyway, and all the other tactics. "Thank you but no" worked. Had to say it 200 times or so it felt but came out on an even keel in my own emotiions. "Not my circus, not my monkeys" helped too.

    Now to conquer the stress of being a passenger in a car with Florida driving habits all around us!

    I hope all you working ladies get through your stressful time! Gail, I am going to have a look at the Blood Type diet. I am doing much better healthwise. Eating every above ground veggie I can find and no sugars, no starches. That and some B vitamins and probiotics seem to have turned the tide for me.

    Oh, and the elderly lady who got on the scales ahead of me (shorter than me, I'll admit) was pleased she had lost weight. 122.5 fully clothed with shoes! I worry about them because they become so frail. At some point in my life, I hope to be at a mind set where weight isn't the issue.

    Marney, Good work on your stressful situation. Timeshare salesmen can be as stressful as used car salesman..LOL

    Hope you conquer your stress as a passenger in Florida, that the worse state to drive in. I lived there for a year, and I hated driving anywhere. You got people from all over the country visiting Florida and they all have different driving laws and it can be a nightmare.

    Have a great time on your trip.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    What type of eye surgery did you have, Mary? Glad it went well. What are you having, Beth? I had cataracts removed two years ago -- two weeks apart. Was a breeze. Went back to work the day after the first. Went on vacation the day after the second. First time since I was 5 years old I didn't have to wear glasses or contacts. I didn't have it done for the reading, so I do throw on readers then, just like I did over my contacts.

    I lost the one pound that I had gained, so I'm still 10 pounds over my low. I'm at 151.5.

    Sometimes you just have to be rude to sales people. You must be too nice, Marney! A couple of weeks ago, I was dealing with a "macho" sheriff's deputy. He didn't like the answer I was giving him, so he kept looking at the male mover I hired as if, "what does she know?" she is just a woman. He would ask him a question, and I would answer. He would ask him again. I finally looked at him and said, "Either you talk to me or don't talk at all. He works for me. I make the decisions." Being nice just wasn't getting through. Honestly some men just don't understand that woman rule the world!