Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hungry Girl is devoted to Miracle Noodles (she calls them Shirataki noodles) and has lots of recipes with them. Even the Wallmarts here have them in the tofu section. http://www.hungry-girl.com/go-to-guides/show/2157-hg-salutes-tofu-shirataki-low-calorie-low-carb-pasta-swap
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    Friday 131.4
    Staying in goal despite eating a wonderful Turkish dinner on Monday. My friend's mom doesn't speak English but we had a great time cooking together. I was reminded how much better dried/cooked chickpeas are compared to those in a can. I really have no excuse when they cook so quickly in the pressure cooker.

    In our area it's been showers/snow/cold.... but I see the first green leaves of bulbs coming up - spring is coming in four weeks!
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Thats great news Gayle!
    I am excited for you!!!
    And sweet potatoes are yummier than white ones
    Where have they been all our lives? (Except at tg with marshmallows, as if it needs it!)
    Ha! "Zoodles" sounds like pasta made from zoo animals, but zucinni more likely.

    Weekly report
    Mistyped last week - should have been 182.2
    This week a new low!
    2/19/16, 182.0
    Loss of 13 lbs since June.
    Glacial speed, but it is my speed :-)

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Lill, that is so terrific! 13 pounds!!! They say one keeps it off if it comes off gradually. I believe it.

    Still trying to find a good balance with the high carb/low addictocarb diet. Have learned I feel better with a smaller fruit shake to start with. Man, I have eaten most of a 13 lb turkey since I baked it Tuesday (I couldn't resist .68 a pound). How is that even possible? Even made a turkey soup with sweet potatoes. "Dieting" but eating like a crazy person. Just eating somewhat different things. I'll tell you how it goes.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Great going Lil and Gayle, these losses are terrific.

    Pam, great on maintaining your weight after your turkish dinner Monday.

    Congrats to everyone for a great week. :)
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    My son turned 19 today and I might have eaten a little chocolate lava birthday cake ;)
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    My son turned 19 today and I might have eaten a little chocolate lava birthday cake ;)

    Gayle, you have been doing great, that little chocolate lava cake is not going to hurt, Keep up that great work!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    What a cheerful and positive bunch of news! Pam, you are an inspiration to us all. Lil, your speed is your speed but it the right direction!

    Gayle, I am with you in experimentation. I am experimenting the other way though. I am still trying to go from Very low carb to low carb. I think I have settled on adding a bowl of oatmeal in the morning and keeping everything else the same. However, through this experimentation period, I have gained 3 lbs! It is so discouraging to see those pounds back since I was within a lb of a new low! However, I had to up the carbs for health reasons, and I know it really is water weight so it will be off soon. Maybe not so good for this challenge though.

    I am off on Wednesday for our drive south and will be in a hotel Friday morning. I will try to find a scale and the internet on Saturday when we arrive, perhaps report in Sunday.

    Happy Birthday to your son, Gayle. And lava cake, well, I understand and it was a birthday!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    My x-husband and I were on a high fat low carb diet and we both ended up losing a little weight, but he ended up with 8-bi heart surgery. By the way, he is doing amazingly well some 10 years later, but really watches his fat. Probably in response to his high fat related issues, I know my diet is probably a little too low in fat and have to remember to eat an avocado every once in a while and enough fish. Getting all my carbs from fruit, vegis, beans and low fat dairy seems to be working for me. But who knows. You are so right, it is (I am) an experiment in progress.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    edited February 2016
    January 1, 2016 Challenge

    January 1 - 178.0
    January 8 - 177.6 = -.4
    January 15 - 177.2 = -.8
    January 22 - 176.6 = -1.4
    January 29 - 176.2 = -1.8
    February 5 - 176.0 = -2.0
    February 12 - 177.6 = - .4
    February 19 - 178.8 = +.8
    February 26 - 178.4 = +.4

    Going back down, baby steps! Better luck next challenge starting next week!
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    Jan. 22- 191.5
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    1/01/16: 180.4
    1/09/16: 178.6
    1/15/16: 174.3
    1/23/16: 176.4
    1/30/16: 176.8
    2/06/16: 178
    2/13/16: 182.8
    2/19/16: 178.5

    Well, that's progress! Finding my way with what I can eat without the main addictocarbs. I read a lot online and looks like the Dreamfields pasta works for some, not for others. I'm one of the others. But, Marney, I love spaghetti squash, and will try making the zucchini noodles. I've tried the miracle noodles but not in love (see how I talk about food, jesh). After a lifetime of unhealthy "American" eating it will probably take more than 6 days to figure it all out. I least I have recovered from my bread and potatoes cravings.

    That is AWESOME!!! 4 lbs in a week is a great accomplishment.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Gayle, Great going, this is an awesome loss.. :)
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    1/01/16: 180.4
    1/09/16: 178.6
    1/15/16: 174.3
    1/23/16: 176.4
    1/30/16: 176.8
    2/06/16: 178
    2/13/16: 182.8
    2/19/16: 178.5
    2/27/16: 178.8

    Feel like I got out of binge carb mode, and that's what I've been looking for. Have not been keeping a food diary but paying attention to what I eat. Still experimenting with what I can add and not and still have a downward trend. Only one more week of this challenge!! Everyone, think of what you want to gain (and lose) during our next challenge.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Gayle, looks like we are still stuck in the 170's again...Let's see if we can get out of it, (or at least close) during the next challenge. That will be my main goal for the challenge. :)
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Quick Report:
    Last week 182.0 New low
    Mid week a surprise new low 181.6!
    Then bounced back up per my pattern
    Which no longer torments me because i expect it.
    This week, 2/27/16 , 182.8
    My goal next challenge is to keep on keeping on.
    And add probiotics to my diet
    Maybe they will speed up my metabolism to climate change glacial speed.

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    hi guys

    not reliable internet yet and no scales. I am really tired after all the driving and had family guests on the first day here. Golf today so not much catch up on rest yet. Tomorrow is a day of rest and I will try to find a scale.

    Good reports from all. Well done ladies. it is glacial isn't it? But the trend is down for all of us however slowly. And we are all still here working on it. That is a win!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    My x-husband and I were on a high fat low carb diet and we both ended up losing a little weight, but he ended up with 8-bi heart surgery. By the way, he is doing amazingly well some 10 years later, but really watches his fat. Probably in response to his high fat related issues, I know my diet is probably a little too low in fat and have to remember to eat an avocado every once in a while and enough fish. Getting all my carbs from fruit, vegis, beans and low fat dairy seems to be working for me. But who knows. You are so right, it is (I am) an experiment in progress.


    I suspect we will meet in the middle somewhere about carbs and fats! I do find it very confusing at the moment. The Canadian dietary guidelines have changed with a re-examination of cholestrol foods like eggs being taken off the 'no go' list and back on the 'go-list'. In my research, I believe the US also has recently said that eating cholestrol in foods does not raise your cholestrol but ..... fats are a different issue. Again, in Canada, the research is showing that as long as carbs are low, then fats can be higher but the contraversy seems to be around the saturated fats. Some say only unsaturated and some say not to worry about saturated fats. And the consumer (or in my case - dieter) is left confused in the middle. There is also research to say that high carbs are the problem. ARRRRGGGHHH. The only thing everyone agrees on is added sugar. I find that easy since I never added sugar to anything when I lived alone and we cook from scratch, so again, no added sugars.

    So, I am trying to find the middle moderate road and still lose weight and not be hungry because I cannot sustain if I am hungry.

    Peter is doing well on Atkins. Blood sugar is dropping. My body does not seem to like it long term as much. So I am trying lower carbs but not very low carbs. And moving them to veggies. I love veggies and they love me. Once I get home and can get my lactose free and no added sugar yogurt, I am adding that back in as well. The one thing I cannot add back in easily is fruit. Peter likes fruit too much to have it around and not be tempted and he just cannot until his blood sugars are lower. So I might be 'sneaking' fruit when I am out without him! And if I up my carbs, I have to lower my fats. MFP macros should help keep the balance for me.

    As I said, I think we will meet in the middle. And who knows with all the experimentation, and with success, maybe we can add our version to the myriad of diet books out there! I am sure the others here can add their insights to dieting too! Roller coaster anyone? Linquist (sorry cannot look back in the conversation thread easily) the author you are following is a speaker on lower carbs circuit so it appears he had a more moderate approach than Atkins but still in the same general direction.

    Sorry for the long winded post. But the internet is stable! Now to find a scale.


  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    So interesting! I've also looked into the blood type diet and, it is interesting, I tend to like the foods recommended for my type, in general. I'm an A positive type and we tend to be high cortisol. Just posted a grocery list in the links thread (Dr. Oz) for foods that help with reducing cortisol. http://www.doctoroz.com/slideshow/cortisol-reduction-grocery-list?gallery=true
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    March 4 - May 6 Challenge

    March 4 - 178.4

    Starting out my challenge .4 higher than I started last challenge Boo to me! This challenge I have made a goal to myself to go to the gym at least 2 to 3 times per week. Weather is going to hopefully start getting warmer soon and I will be able to walk outdoors more (two new parks have been build around me, so I have no excuse). Gardening weather is coming up, and I will be gardening/yard work which is not only good therapy for me, but also will help get rid of these lbs. Good Luck to everyone on this new challenge. I hope you all achieve your new goals! :)