


  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    Last week of lean. I did Lean circuit 1 today. I still haven't decided what to do when I finish---6 week 6 pack OR Ripped in 30 OR do another round of ChaLean:huh: ...
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    I have been checking messages from time to time, even though I haven't been posting! Everyone is doing such a FANTASTIC job!! Way to BRING IT !!!

    Push 2 last night - upped nearly all of my weights and I'm a feelin' it today! I can barely lift my arms to the desk to type this! :laugh: Gotta love a tough workout - gives you such a feeling of accomplishment and strength!

    Have a great week everyone and Keep pushing PLAY!!

  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    I'm back! I decided to do burn intervals this morning, then watch the push videos to see if I should just dive right in or do another week of Burn...

    Do Push! It's the best round! Very focused and intense - push yourself and you will be pleasantly surprised!! I can't wait to get to Push again!!
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Last week of lean. I did Lean circuit 1 today. I still haven't decided what to do when I finish---6 week 6 pack OR Ripped in 30 OR do another round of ChaLean:huh: ...

    Are you happy with the results you got from CLX thus far? Have you done measurements and taken photos so you can see the progress? At first I wasn't sure what to think...but the more I looked at my starting pics to what I looked like after, the more I realized that I loooove this program, LOL! I was going to do a different program after...just to change things up...but in the end, I'm doing another round of CLX. I just can't argue with the results and strength gains. This round I've vowed to lessen my calorie deficit (eating at maintenance or within 200-300 calories each day) in an effort to really build muscle (which also means I won't be seeing much weight loss on the scale, something that seems to be very frustrating for me, as a woman who is so tied up with her weight). Anyway...whatever you decide to do, take a good week or two OFF and let your body fully recover...and then go balls out in your next program!! :)
  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    Lean Circuit 2---last week of Lean. I think Lean 2 makes me the most sore out of the Lean Circuits. This circuit has a ton of shoulder work!
    Last week of lean. I did Lean circuit 1 today. I still haven't decided what to do when I finish---6 week 6 pack OR Ripped in 30 OR do another round of ChaLean:huh: ...

    Are you happy with the results you got from CLX thus far? Have you done measurements and taken photos so you can see the progress? At first I wasn't sure what to think...but the more I looked at my starting pics to what I looked like after, the more I realized that I loooove this program, LOL! I was going to do a different program after...just to change things up...but in the end, I'm doing another round of CLX. I just can't argue with the results and strength gains. This round I've vowed to lessen my calorie deficit (eating at maintenance or within 200-300 calories each day) in an effort to really build muscle (which also means I won't be seeing much weight loss on the scale, something that seems to be very frustrating for me, as a woman who is so tied up with her weight). Anyway...whatever you decide to do, take a good week or two OFF and let your body fully recover...and then go balls out in your next program!! :)
    I wish I had taken measurements or pictures before, but sadly I didn't. However, I know my body has changed---for the better obviously because I need smaller clothes now:love: . So, I definitely love this program. However, I still have a little pudge of flab on my belly and some on my back so I am wondering if I should do something with more cardio in it to get rid of it. I haven't tried Ripped in 30 or 6 Week 6 Pack so I don't know if either of those dvds would help me with those problems...
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    OK, finally got another good workout in, Push 1. I haven't been feeling that great this week and had a sore neck so I haven't done any strength since Friday, just easy cardio like walking.
    Feels good to be back!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    I wish I had taken measurements or pictures before, but sadly I didn't. However, I know my body has changed---for the better obviously because I need smaller clothes now:love: . So, I definitely love this program. However, I still have a little pudge of flab on my belly and some on my back so I am wondering if I should do something with more cardio in it to get rid of it. I haven't tried Ripped in 30 or 6 Week 6 Pack so I don't know if either of those dvds would help me with those problems...

    What will help you the most with the stubborn fat is a very clean diet. Seriously. If you are unsure what constitutes a real clean diet, check out "The Eat-Clean Diet" by Tosca Reno.

    Also, all of the recipes in the Fat Burning guidebook are clean. If you follow the guidebook, you'll lose that flab!

    Why keep a clean diet over more cardio? From everything I have read, when you feed your body clean food, it will use that food as fuel rather than storing it as fat. This means that when you exercise and your body is looking for that extra energy, it is going to use up your fat stores. You've also got to stay away from the excess sugar, which your body will store as fat because it can only deal with so much at a time. There is excess sugar in nearly EVERY processed food! I am a religious food label reader and my general rule is, the less ingredients the better and if the ingredients list reads like a science project - put it back on the shelf. In truth, I rarely go down the aisles. My shopping usually takes place in the produce, meat and dairy sections (and we only buy no-fat, skim or very low fat dairy!). If you are looking for a good resource for clean recipes, check out Clean Eating magazine, and generally, the recipes on are clean.

    I hope this helps! Somewhere on this site is a post by a woman who was trying to lose the stubborn pooch she gained after a cesarean section and she posted her pictures - she didn't kill herself with tons of cardio - she got rid of it by a clean diet!

    There is a saying, especially in the bodybuilding world where folks sport incredibly low body fat, that "abs are made in the kitchen". It really is true. The struggle is 90% diet.

    Congrats on all of your hard work so far!! CLX is a GREAT, great program! One thing to consider when you do finish the program - you have increased your metabolism by building up all of this great muscle. To keep that metabolism stoked, you need to keep the muscle. To keep the muscle, you need to keep doing some type of strength training exercise at least 3 times per week!

    Having said that - Push 1 is on my workout roster for tonight so I'm looking forward to some serious bicep work! Woot!!
    keep up the great work everyone!!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    I'm back! I decided to do burn intervals this morning, then watch the push videos to see if I should just dive right in or do another week of Burn...

    Do Push! It's the best round! Very focused and intense - push yourself and you will be pleasantly surprised!! I can't wait to get to Push again!!

    That is exactly what I did. I love PUSH!

    Push 2 plus 10 min elliptical - nice!
  • aeverton
    aeverton Posts: 359
    I start week 4 of Lean today. It's gone by so FAST! I need to figure out what to do next.

  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    I start week 4 of Lean today. It's gone by so FAST! I need to figure out what to do next.


    That's brilliant! I only just started. What sort of results have you had so far?
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hi all

    I have done Day 1 of Burn yesterday! I am so excited to finally doing it. I never had weights and didn't like it with the bands. I know I will have to buy heavier weights soon but I am ok for now i think.
    It would be great to share the jounrey with some peeps on here!

  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Push 3 today plus 15 min on the treadmill. Tomorrow is a rest day for me tho I think I will do recharge just for the heck of it.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Day 3 done! Today it was Burn 2! I really enjoyed it! The time goes by so quickly. I am feeling great and looking forward to see what results I will be getting. It just feels like I am doing something good or my body! I feel like that more than with other workouts.

    I was wondering if you do the ab work just once a week? Also I was wondering if anyone is doing any other workouts? I was thinking to might do C25K as well!

    Any input would be appreciated :smile:
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Uggh I already fell of the Push phase wagon. I got through the 1st week, then wasn't feeling good so didn't do it for a few days. Then got in Push 1 then slacked a few days. Boooo.
    SO, I'm just going to start it AGAIN because I want to get in 4 straight weeks of it. This is a great strength training phase.
    I'm not going to stick to all the CLX workouts in between the strength ones, just do whatever cardio I'm in the mood for whether it's CLX, TF, TJ, treadmill...
    My plan is to do the TF 5-Day Inferno Plan after Push phase before starting the Lean phase.
    I always have a plan, just gotta get through it.

    Keep pushing play ladies!
  • isys5
    isys5 Posts: 213
    I just realized I am supposed to post my workouts here, duh :) Nice to see such a motivated and active group! I am on Month 2 and just did Push 1 & HIIT 25 (doing a hyrbid)

    Man silly me, I thought this month might be a bit easier as only using 1 body group, wholly crap I have to put my arms down after each sentance I excited for the rest of the month....and not just to see Chalene's boots ;)
  • Exna
    Exna Posts: 96 Member
    Lean Circuit 2 - week 2.
    this circuit makes my shoulders so sore !! I guess I am doing a good job trying to trick my body by changing things up :) ....

    I do not want to loose what I have gained so far (muscles) .. so my next step would be to purchase turbo Fire mixed with CLX .. I made my schedule already ;) ... so excited,
    I think I will be ready for this summer :)
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Today I did Burn Intervals for the first time. It was hard but enjoyable. I have to say I really like the way Chalean motivates you. I think she is great! So far I am so happy with the program. Looking forward to the rest of the week.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member

    I was wondering if you do the ab work just once a week? Also I was wondering if anyone is doing any other workouts? I was thinking to might do C25K as well!

    Any input would be appreciated :smile:

    Right now my goal is to make sure I get the 3 strength workouts in a week, and do abs and cardio the other days, with 1 rest day. So those days may be ChaLEAN Extreme, Turbo Fire, Turbo Jam, Treadmill, Wii Zumba, or Leslie Sansone Walk at home. I was going to try to do CLX/TF hybrid but sometimes I just wasn't feeling up to doing what was scheduled so I think this way will work for me.

    Just finished doing Push Circuit 1, I'm feeling the burn in my triceps and biceps for sure right now!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Today was week 2 of push 1 then 10 min on the treadmill

    min - 51
    cals - 369
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member

    I was wondering if you do the ab work just once a week? Also I was wondering if anyone is doing any other workouts? I was thinking to might do C25K as well!

    Any input would be appreciated :smile:

    Right now my goal is to make sure I get the 3 strength workouts in a week, and do abs and cardio the other days, with 1 rest day. So those days may be ChaLEAN Extreme, Turbo Fire, Turbo Jam, Treadmill, Wii Zumba, or Leslie Sansone Walk at home. I was going to try to do CLX/TF hybrid but sometimes I just wasn't feeling up to doing what was scheduled so I think this way will work for me.

    Just finished doing Push Circuit 1, I'm feeling the burn in my triceps and biceps for sure right now!

    Sounds good. I think at some point I might use different cardio on the non lifting days. It is a shame that it is only two cardio workouts with that. I am sure I will get bored of them eventually so will change it up too.