


  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    hi everyone! i'm actually finished with all 3 circuits but have 1 more session of Burn It Off and Recharge. I might just do the burn intervals instead.
    Lean Circuit is a BUTT KICKER! It is composite moves, where you are moving both your upper and lower body at the same time. This helps make sure you are using your core.
    I definately started to notice more definition and I HAVE ABS! Since I started I have lost 15lbs and none of my pants fit properly right now.
    Here is a link to the Public Photos I have on FB!/media/set/?set=a.3632696935553.173452.1218033211&type=3

    some other notes that might help are that I purchased a set of ProForma Selectable dumbells. you get 2 dumbells that go up to 25lbs each in 2.5lb increments. I purchased locally at Target but have seen them on Amazon.

    I also purchased a Timex Ironman HRM and it tells me my cals burned. I don't think i'm burning nearly as many as some of you guys :(

    I am a pushup hater. I do some on my toes, some on my knees. and some of the moves such as the Army Crawl and the travelling pushups I just have a really hard time with.

    I love Skip, he's my bff in the workouts. Mike looks like a guppy when he's practicing his breathing. I love that LaiLe sweats her butt off and that Donna makes angry face :)

    I didn't track my progress with Burn but did with Push and Lean. I definately am getting stronger!!

    After I finish my 2 mo of BBL, I may go back and do the CHX again.

    Looking forward to seeing your progress!!
  • prettytothinkso
    I love Skip, too! He's my absolute favorite. I love hearing his voice during the workout.

    I did Week 2 of Push/Circuit 3 today with Ab burner - 404 calories. I tend to burn more calories because I have 50+ pounds to lose and my poor, out-of-shape body works hard :laugh: I did my bench press with my husband's 35# kettlebells today (!!) and I did not enjoy it. They're huge and my wrists were not impressed, and I wasn't sure I could do it, but I guess I just pushed myself lol

    Still not able to do push ups....... :grumble:
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    Did Week 3 Push circuit 2 today and ab burner. I have been thinking about getting a step so that when I do the press and chest fly I can get a little more range of motion. What do you guys think?
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    Last night was Week 4 Burn 2 for 400 calories. I was so burnt by the end, I couldn't even attempt the triple threat push ups. One more Burn, then on to second round of PUSH!

    If I may be so nosy. Since you are on your second round of CLX what type of weights are you lifting this round?
  • prettytothinkso
    Did Week 3 Push circuit 2 today and ab burner. I have been thinking about getting a step so that when I do the press and chest fly I can get a little more range of motion. What do you guys think?

    This is a good idea. I feel almost cheated when I have to stop just above the floor. I miss my bench.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I just completed my first Push Circuit 3 today. I will take bowler lunges over single leg sumo squats any day. I just couldn't get the hang of it and I felt completely awkward the entire time. I even paused the DVD to try and get a better "feel" for how I was supposed to stand. Bleck. The bright side is I still have 3 more weeks of trying to get it.

    I'm also challenged with the fact that I only have ONE 20 lb weight. (Apparently my teenager used the other one as an ANCHOR in his canoe and somehow lost it. >shakes head< ) It's hard to hold a 15 lb and a 5 lb in one hand, I have tiny hands.

    I'm asking for a 20 lb weight for Mother's Day!

    Now, a question for all you experts: I don't have an HRM nor do I have plans on getting one, so I log 200 calories burned on days that I lift. This is based on the formula in the NROLFW book. It worked very well for me during the Burn phase. Should I just continue on with that same allowance, or do you think I need to increase the calories burned during the Push phase? Am I burning more calories in this Phase? What's been your experience? I'm in maintenance so I don't really want to lose any more weight, but I don't want to gain either!

    I'm burning a little over 300 calories but I'm still eating a %15 cut. I'm still trying to lose. You should be fine logging 200 calories at maintenance.

    Today was Push Week 2 Day 1. Ok yes those one leg sumo squats had me going this morning. I felt off balance for some reason or like I wasn't squatting down far enough. I bet I was looking crazy. Glad nobody was watching lol
  • Tigermad
    Tigermad Posts: 305 Member
    Burn phase week 2 circuit 1. Upped quite a few of the weights today so was very happy. Still feel like I am spending too much time changing the weights over but I am getting a bit quicker.
  • lulehlu
    lulehlu Posts: 87 Member
    I completed Burn it Off on Friday and my second round of Burn Circuit 1 on Saturday. Still trying to get the weights right but I worked up a good sweat so I think I am close.

    Today is supposed to be an off day but I think I will try to get in an ab workout and maybe the recharge workout.

    I think I am starting to see the tiniest hints of definition in my legs, maybe, maybe, maybe (I was working out with weights prior to Chalean, just not heavy weights).

    I will also investigate adjustable weights. My BF has expressed interest in splitting the cost. I plan to stalk Craigslist.
  • prettytothinkso
    Yesterday was supposed to be Burn It Off and Recharge, but I made it my rest day and did a fun Just Dance 'workout' instead. Today I did TJ's Fat Blaster (because I love the turbos) - 306 calories.
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Last night was Week 4 Burn 2 for 400 calories. I was so burnt by the end, I couldn't even attempt the triple threat push ups. One more Burn, then on to second round of PUSH!

    If I may be so nosy. Since you are on your second round of CLX what type of weights are you lifting this round?

    cclancaster--I started my first round of CLX literally just flexing my way through the exercises with no weights at all. By the end of this burn circuit, I'm now using 5, 8, 10, & 12 lbs for exercises. I'd like to go up to 15lbs for some of the Push exercises, but I don't have a lot of extra money right now, so I'll just stick with what I've got for now. I'll splurge for heavier weights after I get married in July, but for now, extra money is going towards the wedding. I'm sure I'll still be able to hit failure though. I started out CLX with a LONG road to fitness ahead of me. :wink:

    Finished Week 4 Burn 3 today! Starting Push on Tuesday. Have a great Monday everyone!:smokin:
  • prettytothinkso
    Monday, eh? Week 3/ Push Circuit 1 - 337 calories. My arms are toasty toast.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Good job everyone :)

    I think my favorite Skip moment is when Chalene says, "Who's crying back there??!" and skip yells, "I AM!!"

    Every single time with him I say, "I AM!" and it makes me laugh :)
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    Week 3 Push Circuit 3 and extreme abs for about a 300 calorie burn. So excited to be nearing the end of this phase so that I can measure the results. I know they are going to be good.
  • lulehlu
    lulehlu Posts: 87 Member
    I took a full off day yesterday but I just completed my 2nd round of Burn Circuit 3 today. I tried upping the weights by 2 lbs for a few of the exercises and my arms are feeling like jello for it. Still can't get the hang of those bowler's lunges!
  • prettytothinkso
    I took a full off day yesterday but I just completed my 2nd round of Burn Circuit 3 today. I tried upping the weights by 2 lbs for a few of the exercises and my arms are feeling like jello for it. Still can't get the hang of those bowler's lunges!

    You are not alone with the Bowler's lunges. They're EVIILLLLL!
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    I've been side lined with a bad cough. I swear if it's not one thing it's another lately. Today should have been my first day of Lean so I'm bummed. I am hoping to be able to do it tomorrow.

    I never do the ab workouts. I know I should but I hate them :happy:
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    I took a full off day yesterday but I just completed my 2nd round of Burn Circuit 3 today. I tried upping the weights by 2 lbs for a few of the exercises and my arms are feeling like jello for it. Still can't get the hang of those bowler's lunges!

    You are not alone with the Bowler's lunges. They're EVIILLLLL!

    They are evil even for the push phase it gets me. I can do 25lb DB for all lower body moves except those I can barely eek out all 8 reps and the Extreme reps using 12lbs. Totally lame!!!
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Did Week 3 Push circuit 2 today and ab burner. I have been thinking about getting a step so that when I do the press and chest fly I can get a little more range of motion. What do you guys think?

    This is a good idea. I feel almost cheated when I have to stop just above the floor. I miss my bench.

    I like this idea too because I don't feel like I feel these two moves the way I should when I do them.
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Week 1 Push 1 tonight. Only used 5lbs on the warm up and then 8, 10, & 12 for everything else. Yay for getting stronger!
  • prettytothinkso
    Week 1 Push 1 tonight. Only used 5lbs on the warm up and then 8, 10, & 12 for everything else. Yay for getting stronger!


    Week 3 of Push/Circuit 2 - 354 calories