


  • prettytothinkso
    Week 1 of Push/Burn Intervals - 519 calories. I am knackered. Yesterday's workout (Push Circuit 2) was good, but I thought I needed to work on my hamstrings more (I didn't though). Woke up this morning and HELLO! What was done yesterday was just fine, thank you. Yikes.
  • lulukittie
    lulukittie Posts: 340 Member
    Ha-- funny how that happens, eh? Today was Push 3--247 calories. I went up in a lot of my weights this time, which felt good.
  • prettytothinkso
    Week 1/Push Circuit 3 - 300 calories (ish = I forgot to start my HRM until several minutes in :laugh: )

    I liked this one, but used weights that were too light for half the exercises. Live and learn.

    Almost forgot Ab Burner (since I didn't do it yesterday) - 66 calories
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    I tweaked my right rotatory cuff earlier in the week so I had to rest for a few days. I ended up doing both Push 2 and 3 today. It was tough. I had to force myself through them yet I burned more calories than I usually do. Strange. I love how I just keep getting stronger.and lifting heavier.

    I FINALLY did a full push up! Two actually. They were tough but I am so glad that goal was met.
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    I FINALLY did a full push up! Two actually. They were tough but I am so glad that goal was met.

    Woohoo for the push-ups.
    I did Push circuit 2 and extreme abs today. Loving the increase in weights every week and the inches that keep coming off.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I tweaked my right rotatory cuff earlier in the week so I had to rest for a few days. I ended up doing both Push 2 and 3 today. It was tough. I had to force myself through them yet I burned more calories than I usually do. Strange. I love how I just keep getting stronger.and lifting heavier.

    I FINALLY did a full push up! Two actually. They were tough but I am so glad that goal was met.

    Yeaaaaaaa!! Congrats on reaching your push up goals. Isn't it exciting to be able to do them?!!

    Yesterday I did PC1 and burned 269 calories. I up'd my weights a little. Hopefully I will continue to do it. I had some issues with holding heavier weights as well but as time went on the strength in my hands have grown. Using the hand squeezing things should work. My hubby got some from Walmart in the fitness section. He just sits around squeezing them building up his hand strength.
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    Week 2 Push phase Burn Intervals.
  • mamamadonna
    Bump for later:wink:
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Finally got back on track & did Week 3/Burn 3 on Thursday night--418 calories
  • lulehlu
    lulehlu Posts: 87 Member
    Hi all.

    I just started Chalean Extreme today. I did Burn Circuit 1 and worked up a sweat. According to my heart rate monitor, I burned 300 calories. Aside from the actual exercising, I think the trickiest part will be figuring out the right weights. I felt like I was at least pretty close with most of the exercises, although on one exercise 5 lbs felt too light while 8lbs was too heavy. Do they make 6 lbs weights? :tongue:
  • prettytothinkso
    Week 1 of Push/TJ Fat Blaster - 318 calories. Anyone else getting crazy calves? My husband pointed out how muscular they're getting - I'm not complaining, btw. I wish I could lose a bunch of this body fat that is hiding all the other muscles! :laugh:

    Kincar - awesome job with the push ups!

    philosohoe - welcome back!

    lulehlu - welcome to the fun! I had the same problem, too. I decided to use 2 lb dumbbells I had laying around. I held them with the 5 lb dumbbells. It was a pain since it was obviously not comfortable, but worked until I could go heavier. Perhaps you could get some 1 lb dumbbells.
  • lulukittie
    lulukittie Posts: 340 Member
    Today I did Burn It Off! and Recharge -- 484 calories. Also walked on a nature trail earlier today, so it was definitely a cardio day! I can't believe I only have one more week of Push left.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member

    lulehlu - welcome to the fun! I had the same problem, too. I decided to use 2 lb dumbbells I had laying around. I held them with the 5 lb dumbbells. It was a pain since it was obviously not comfortable, but worked until I could go heavier. Perhaps you could get some 1 lb dumbbells.

    Some of those weights that wrap around your wrists might work as well. I know they make 1 lb ones, there might be 1.5 or 2 lb ones to choose from as well. It would take an extra moment to put those on but there should be enough time between exercises or you could pause. and it would be easier on the hands since you wouldn't have to grip 2 separate dumbbells.

    I'm going to start using this thread too - I'm on week 3 and I started on a Wednesday I think, yesterday I did Burn Intervals and Ab Burner and burned 426 calories. Today is Burn Circuit 3. I'm still using 8 lbs for lateral and delt raises, 10 lbs for overhead presses, and 20 lbs for the squats with calf raises. I love that I'm starting to see definition in my calves. I wish I could go higher on the upper body exercises but I feel like my form will suffer if I do. Maybe next week. I'll have to see how today's workout goes.

    I also think I might start adding the Ab Burner workout at the end of most of my workouts. I've been using 10 lbs and I love the cru Che's with the weight. Might try 12 lbs soon. I want some strong Ab muscles for when the fat comes off. :-)
  • clowermom
    clowermom Posts: 52 Member
    Today marks the last day in my Burn phase.

    This last week has been very frustrating for me. I didn't get in as much cardio as I would have liked (only 1 day versus 2 or 3). I look at my log sheet and think I should be going up in weights more. But when I do, my form is terrible. I could go ahead and do 10 reps at a higher weight with bad form, but that's just cheating -- right? So I stick with the lower weight, doing 12 reps and using additional resistance...but then I wonder, is THAT cheating? Am I taking the easy way out?

    On top of that frustration, I've really felt like I wasn't making any "visual" progress. I look in the mirror and don't see changes.

    This morning I took all my measurements and had the hubby take a new set of pics. Well, let me tell you -- I feel SOOO much better now!!

    I didn't lose any weight, which is fine because I'm pretty much at goal. But I did lose a total of 2.75 inches. That's good, right?

    Waist: -1"
    Hips: - .75"
    Adbuctors: - .25"
    Right Arm: - .25"
    Left Arm: No loss
    Right Thigh: - .50"
    Left Thigh: No loss

    At first, I was concerned over the loss in the arms. I'm building muscle, I can SEE the muscles. They should measure bigger, I thought. Then I remembered that I've lost fat. Whew. But it was also interesting that my right side lost inches that my left side did not. Does that mean I'm carrying around more fat on my right side? I'm lopsided!! :laugh:

    Can I just say again, that this group is an amazing source of motivation and information for me? Really -- you people are awesome!! I'm doing this "on my own" with virtually no real-life support. I mean, my hubby is supportive, primarily because that's his job and I MAKE him support me. (Just kidding -- he's a great guy and loves me. :heart: ) But other than that, there isn't anyone close to me that I would consider my support group. That's what you ladies here are. I can't thank you enough. I read every message and all the replies and while I may not have any input, your knowlege and support for others encourages and motivates me. Thank you all. :flowerforyou:

    Monday starts the Push phase. Any advice? Wish me luck!
  • kyunda
    kyunda Posts: 340 Member
    So i'm a little down. This week i started the lean phase and i'm happy that i have made it this far and i know that i am for sure stronger than i was when i first started, but i havent lost any weight :cry: I know that muscle weights more than fat ( so i bought a body comp scale so that i can see my true measurements and body make up to make sure) but i have been at the same weight since i started the program. I have heard that this is the the phase where you truly begin to see a change in your body. I hope so! I only have about 20-30lbs that im trying to lose. But my body fat is still high (32%).

    What changes did you see after the push phase? Is whats happening to me normal? HELP!! LOL
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Hip Hop Abs Total Body Burn--379 calories

    I missed Saturday's Chalean but will be back on track tomorrow. Have a great week everyone!
  • prettytothinkso
    What changes did you see after the push phase? Is whats happening to me normal? HELP!! LOL

    I can't help you seeing as I'm only in the beginning of my second week of Push. Gained muscle? Yes. Gotten stronger? Yes. Lost inches? Some. Lost pounds? Nooooo. And I have so, so much to lose, too. Please let us know if things change for you as you get further through Lean.
    I look at my log sheet and think I should be going up in weights more. But when I do, my form is terrible. I could go ahead and do 10 reps at a higher weight with bad form, but that's just cheating -- right? So I stick with the lower weight, doing 12 reps and using additional resistance...but then I wonder, is THAT cheating? Am I taking the easy way out?

    I think you did right with sticking with 12 reps with additional resistance. You want to do the exercises correctly, without compromising your form and possibly risk injuring yourself.

    This is really my source of motivation, inspiration and support, too. It's a great group, I think.

    Advice for Push - Push yourself! You will be surprised at how heavy you can lift when you need to fail by 6 - 8 reps :happy:

    Today I did NOT want to work out. At all. Yet I did Week 2 of Push/Circuit 1 - 337 calories. I had to use my husband's 35# kettlebells for the squats (except single-leg squat) and I swear I almost dropped one on my foot. :ohwell: And, I really, really do not like that my left arm is weaker than my right for curls. The right one still wants to keep working, but the left one is like, 'Hey buddy, I reached failure a rep ago."
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member

    Which exercises did you decide to do two sets of? I am curious?

    In general, I do two sets of any exercises that target the overall muscle group. I don't do two sets of posterior flys because they target the back of the shoulder while the frontal press focuses on the anterior deltoid. The overhead press engages all of the deltoid so I will do two sets of that.

    I do two sets of all lower body work except for the single leg squat (I use two 25s for that so my legs are finished by the 8th rep). I don't double the single leg dead lifts because I don't feel I get a good workout from them. Instead I do an extra set of regular dead lifts. I love dead lifts. They can really lift your bottom if they are done correctly.

    There are others I don't do two sets of, but those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. Doing extra sets doesn't greatly increase the time it takes to work out. I simply pause the dvd, take a minute or two of rest, and then do the extra set. As I said, my muscles were truly fatigued after PC 3 yesterday. It reminded me of the old days. Loved it!

    Wow this is such a great idea. I always wished there were more lower body work in CLX so doing doubles on some of the lower body moves sounds like a great idea. Thanks for suggesting that.
  • lulehlu
    lulehlu Posts: 87 Member
    Just finished Burn Circuit 2. My arms feel like jello. Didn't quite get those bowler lunges. I think I need to try them with a lighter weight first. I felt the exercise in my lower back rather than in my hip/butt area.

    For those well into the program, how long did it take you to gauge your level of failure? I'm still unsure if I am reaching failure.
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    So i'm a little down. This week i started the lean phase and i'm happy that i have made it this far and i know that i am for sure stronger than i was when i first started, but i havent lost any weight :cry: I know that muscle weights more than fat ( so i bought a body comp scale so that i can see my true measurements and body make up to make sure) but i have been at the same weight since i started the program. I have heard that this is the the phase where you truly begin to see a change in your body. I hope so! I only have about 20-30lbs that im trying to lose. But my body fat is still high (32%).

    What changes did you see after the push phase? Is whats happening to me normal? HELP!! LOL

    Yes I would say it's normal. I finished the whole program and in 3 months only lost about 5 lbs. I was totally okay with that because 1) I looked smaller, more toned and better than I did before 2) I felt stronger 3) I lost fat and inches and just felt damn good about myself. Don't get yourself down about the weight loss. It's not the most important thing.