


  • lulukittie
    lulukittie Posts: 340 Member
    Today I did TJ Fat Blaster (instead of Burn It Off!) and Recharge. Total burn was 491 calories. I'm doing almost all of the high intensity on the TJ now-- yay!
  • prettytothinkso
    Today was a rest day, but I felt like moving so I did TJ Fat Blaster (twinsies!) and then Just Dance on the Wii (50 minutes). 752 calories.

    lulukittie, me too! It makes it more fun knowing how far you've come, I think :happy:
    Today was Week 3 BC1. And while I can look at my log sheet and see that I have increased my weight on almost all exercises, I cannot seem to increase it on anything with a posterior fly! It's so frustrating!

    I'm still at 5 lbs. (Please don't laugh.) I tried 8 lbs. today, but could only get 4 in before my form got sloppy, so I dropped back to 5 lbs. I can do 12 reps at 5 lbs and feel like I could do a couple I think to myself, "that's my cue to move up". But I just CAN NOT do 8lbs. ARRGGG. Any advice?

    Also, I don't have an HRM (wish I did, but it's just not in the budget) so it's hard to determine my calorie burn, but following the NROLFW formula, on days that I lift, I should consume an additional 227 calories. Should I just create my own exercise "ChaLEAN Extreme" with 227 calories burned?

    And finally, I just want to say, this website -- and especially these forums/groups -- have been an immense source of motivation and education for me. Thank you.

    First, I love this group. I'm fairly new, but I love coming here to ask questions and get some added motivation to work out!

    Second, I can only do flys with 7 lbs (I still don't have 8 lbs dumbbells for some reason.) That is, I am using a 5 lb dumbbell with a pink 2 lb dumbbell :laugh: They're hard to hold, but if I try 10 lbs, I can't keep good form. You can try adding small dumbbells, or weighted gloves to increase to 6 lbs, then 7 lbs. Good form is more important than a high weight.

    Third, I agree with philosohoe (sorry if your username was butchered) and use the 227 calories for your workouts. That's pretty much the average burn here, I believe.
  • prettytothinkso
    Week 4/ Burn circuit 2 - 410 calories. My hands are toast from holding the dumbbells. And I'm supposed to go heavier?! :huh:
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Today was Week 3 BC1. And while I can look at my log sheet and see that I have increased my weight on almost all exercises, I cannot seem to increase it on anything with a posterior fly! It's so frustrating!

    I'm still at 5 lbs. (Please don't laugh.) I tried 8 lbs. today, but could only get 4 in before my form got sloppy, so I dropped back to 5 lbs. I can do 12 reps at 5 lbs and feel like I could do a couple I think to myself, "that's my cue to move up". But I just CAN NOT do 8lbs. ARRGGG. Any advice?

    Also, I don't have an HRM (wish I did, but it's just not in the budget) so it's hard to determine my calorie burn, but following the NROLFW formula, on days that I lift, I should consume an additional 227 calories. Should I just create my own exercise "ChaLEAN Extreme" with 227 calories burned?

    And finally, I just want to say, this website -- and especially these forums/groups -- have been an immense source of motivation and education for me. Thank you.

    I'm in the same boat. I can only do flys with 7.5 lbs. I tried 10 lbs. Did the first problem. 2nd one my arms was like jelly. Hopefully one day I will make it to that 10....hopefully.

    I didn't get my CLX in today. I will in the morning. I worked over-time tonight and my feet are killing me. I hope everyone had a nice day today.
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Third, I agree with philosohoe (sorry if your username was butchered)

    No butchering. You got it just right:bigsmile:

    Today was Hip Hop Abs Fat Burning Cardio in the morning and CLX Week 2 Burn 3. I was able to go heavier on a couple of exercises this week, and overall just felt stronger. That makes me happy because I feel like my back is finally recovered from my flareup from a couple of weeks ago.

    Have a great Wednesday everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Burn Circuit 1 Week 4 - done - 308 calories burned.

    Ok so I attempted 10 lbs flys this morning and I was able to do them up to 10. I had to really concentrate. Feeling stronger is awesome isn't it?
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Burn Intervals: 460 calories

    Desirai--Congrats on moving up to 10lbs! That IS an awesome feeling! :bigsmile:
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    Push circuit 1 today AWESOME!!! I used 8,10,15lbs. I will need to use the 20lbs though for all future leg workouts. Didn't quite reach failure on the standard squats using 15lbs. Loving the dead feeling in my arms right now.
  • prettytothinkso
    Week 4/Burn Intervals - 522 calories. My hamstrings are sore from yesterday's workout, which just goes to show I wasn't using enough weight for my dead lifts before.
  • clowermom
    clowermom Posts: 52 Member
    Today is my 100th day on MFP. Yay for me!!

    It was also Week 3, BC2. I increased my weight from 8 lb to 10 lbs on a couple of moves, like BICEP CURLS. I'm so thrilled with myself right now that no one around me can stand me! heehee

    I actually have visible baby muscles in my arms now!

    And....the big news....I was FINALLY able to do 3 Triple Threat Pushups on my TOES before I collapsed to my knees and sniveled. I quickly manned up and finished on my knees. I swear I could do more of these if they weren't at the end of the workout where my arms are toast (or jelly, however you want to look at it.)
  • lulukittie
    lulukittie Posts: 340 Member
    Way to go on the pushups, clowermom! I'm still doing knee ones and not all of them at that. (I am busty and I keep crashing to the floor...embarrassing.)

    Today was Push Circuit 1. I forgot to wear my HRM so I just plugged a previous workout into MFP-- around 225 calories or so. I'm up to 25 lbs. on one of the squats but my hands are barely strong enough to hold the dumbbells! I'll get there eventually.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    We are all doing awwwwwwwwwwwesome!!

    Clowerman you are doing an amazing job. Keep it up. LuLukittie I'm in the same boat as you when doing the squats. Sometimes I think the weights are going to slip out my hands as well. Prettytothink how much weight are you using now?
  • prettytothinkso
    Clowerman, that is very cool!! I'd be telling EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE :bigsmile: I am just so out of shape, regular push ups just aren't happening. Yet.

    Desirai, I'm using 20's for my squats, but definitely need to go up to 25's. I have been too cheap/lazy to buy them :blushing: I find that I'm fine resting the dumbbells on my legs, and mostly hanging down for regular squats, just not when I have to keep them up by my shoulders for whichever exercise we do that for. That is torture on my wrists.
  • prettytothinkso
    Okay. I just started logging my exercises for my circuits in my exercise diary. I will paste here in case people would like to compare.

    Week 4/Burn circuit 2

    Sumo Squat w/ bicep curl - 15# 12 reps
    Lunge w/ 1 arm tri ext - 10# 12 reps
    Dead Lift Row - 20# 11 reps [increased from 15# last week]
    Squat w/ Overhead tri ext - #15 11 reps [hate hate hate overhead tricep extensions. claustrophobic? lol It feels uncomfortable] I think my head is too big....
    Deadlift w/ double row - 15# 12 reps [instead of 10 reps]
    Bowler's Lunge w/ single arm row - 15# 10/10 [less wobbly!! = more reps]
    Bicep curls w/ abductor balance - 15#/12# 6/5 reps respectively [increased weight from 12# to 15# did 6, failed, then used 12#]
    Forward lean lunge w/ double row - 20# 12 reps [increased weight from 15# to 20#]
    Triple threat push-ups - knees 3 each [ change. these are evil..]
  • prettytothinkso
    Third, I agree with philosohoe (sorry if your username was butchered)

    No butchering. You got it just right:bigsmile:

    Have a great Wednesday everyone!:flowerforyou:

    Good! I was worried, and I didn't want to go back to check lol Also, I hope you had a great Wednesday! I never remember to say it back, but I always mean to :smile:
  • prettytothinkso
    Week 4/Burn circuit 3 w/ Ab burner - 403 calories

    [ ] = last week
    Sumo Squat w/ Overhead press - 15# 12 reps [15# 12 reps]
    Lunge w/ Calf Raise - 20# 12 reps [20# 12 reps]
    Squat w/ Lat Raise - 10# 12 reps [7# 12 reps]
    Lunge w/ Frontal press - 15# 12 reps [12# 12 reps]
    Squat w/ Calf Raise - 20# 12 reps [20# 12 reps]
    Sumo Squat w/ Delt Raise - 10# 12 reps [7# 12 reps]
    Squat w/ Double Overhead press - 15#/12# 4/6 reps [15#/12# 10 reps]
    Lunge w/ Lat Raise - 10# 12 reps [5# 12 reps]
    Sumo Squat w/ Calf Raise - 20# 12 reps [20# 12 reps]
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Tonight was Week 3/Burn 1--500 calories, which is pretty insane for me for that circuit, but tonight was the first time that I bumped up to 12 lbs on about half of the exercises. Seriously WORE ME OUT! I think the worst is trying to balance the weights on my shoulders for the Sumo Squat with the Hip Lift. I can handle the weight for the squat and the lift, but my wrists are used to holding that much weight yet, and the shoulder just makes it awkward for me. Oh well, progress is progress :tongue:

    Great job everyone! Keep up the awesome work. Such a dedicated crew in here. It's truly inspiring! :drinker:
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Cardio day: Hip Hop Abs Fat Burning Cardio--293 calories :happy:

    Happy Friday!:flowerforyou:
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    Push Circuit 2 today my buns are on fire. Wish I knew how many calories I burned but I know that my heart rate gets so high and my breathing labored so who know.
  • prettytothinkso

    Week 4/Burn It Off & Recharge - 433 calories