


  • prettytothinkso
    Is it bad that I'm not looking forward to Lean? I just remember how... difficult it was to do the combo moves. And now it's longer? :noway: I am interested in learning if people go heavier than Burn, but less than Push for Lean. I think this is probably what it will be like. I should pop in the DVD for some insight.

    Oh, and I did Week 4 of Push/Circuit 2 - 365 calories. My weights haven't really increased too much this week since I don't have 30 lb dumbbells, and 35 lbs is too much for some moves. I'll remedy that when I do my next round!
  • lulukittie
    lulukittie Posts: 340 Member
    So did you continue to use the same weights from Push or do you need to go back down in weights for the Lean phase?

    I definitely went down in weights from Push. I would say heavier than Burn (mostly because I hadn't lifted in a long time before I started CLX) but lighter than push. For the sake of argument, I was up to 25-lb. weights (and could probably have gone to 30 or even 35) for exercises like sumo squats in Push. But Lean will combine a bicep curl with those squats, so I could only do 12 or 15 on those.

    As far as the time goes, I've only done Lean 1, so I'm not sure if the other two are longer.

    Today I decided to do a little Turbo Jam-- Learn & Burn and then the 20-minute workout. 428 calories.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    For most of the Lean lifting I started with my final Push weights and went up slightly from there.

    Word of warning: In Lean 3 you do one set of flys in your 3rd exercise, then AGAIN in your 8th. After you have laid down and are ready to pump Chalene THEN tells you she is going LIGHTER on that set than before b/c your body is already tired.

    I was so frustrated!! But round 2 I was ready ;)

    Lean 1 is the only one that uses the Chair (unless you need for balance in other days).

    And on my notes I would list what the "BD" (break down) would be so that I would know how to adjust my weights.

    On some exercises I was never able to go up in weight and I'm ok with that.

    Happy Chaleaning!
  • lulehlu
    lulehlu Posts: 87 Member
    Just finished my third round of BC3. I like this workout the least of the Burn workouts; too many lunges and squats for me! I didn't up the weights much but I really felt it this go around, probably because I took extra care to go slow.
  • prettytothinkso
    Week 4 of Push/Burn Intervals with my buddy, Skip - 515 calories. I really love how I find myself smiling when doing these workouts.
  • melcowenfitness
    melcowenfitness Posts: 221 Member
    Glad to have found this group! Finishing up 2nd week of the PUSH phase. Doing a hybrid of CLX and TurboFire - love Chalene Johnson!

    This is my 2nd round with CLX and I am amazed at how much more I'm lifting now compared to the first time around. Now... if I could only get my abs to cooperate and peak out a bit more! :)
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Week 4 of Push/Burn Intervals with my buddy, Skip - 515 calories. I really love how I find myself smiling when doing these workouts.

    we need a Skip Fan Club!
  • prettytothinkso
    Week 4 of Push/Burn Intervals with my buddy, Skip - 515 calories. I really love how I find myself smiling when doing these workouts.

    we need a Skip Fan Club!

    I just did Week 4 of Push Circuit 3 - 324 calories. I still need to do Extreme Abs.......................................
  • Bovaryoo
    Bovaryoo Posts: 1,374 Member
    Yesterday I did the Burn Interval workout that I'd missed due to being sick. I could barely make it through some of those exercises using 3 lb weights! I thought the Interval workout was really hard but I still enjoyed it. Hated the Ab workout though!
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Last night I caught up on my missed Thursday workout. Week 2/Push 2. I pretty much hate this one more than any of the others because it kills my back to do all the "bent over" and "dead lift" anythings. I made a decision to quit whining about what I couldn't do, do the ones that I know I can do, make adjustments for the ones that hurt, and just get through it. I did it! Got through the whole routine without crying and without needing to take any painkillers after. Yay!!!!

    BTW--Skip cracks me up all the time. Sometimes it's so cheesy how he says, "Now THAT'S Extreme!" right at the end of an extreme set, but cheesy still makes me laugh.
  • lulehlu
    lulehlu Posts: 87 Member
    Completed round 4 of BC1 today. I think I might have finally figured out how to do a dead lift properly. Tomorrow I'll do Burn it Off and I will try to get in one of the ab workouts (probably the shorter one!).
  • lulukittie
    lulukittie Posts: 340 Member
    Today I did Get Lean Intervals (one of the cardio session on the upgraded discs) and it was hard but awesome! I think I was getting burned out on Burn Intervals. Burned 433 calories.
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    I'm loving the Lean phase! Did Lean 2 today. 200 calories burned.
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    Today I did Get Lean Intervals (one of the cardio session on the upgraded discs) and it was hard but awesome! I think I was getting burned out on Burn Intervals. Burned 433 calories.

    Did you buy the whole deluxe set? I have been thinking about getting it. Is it worth getting?
  • lulehlu
    lulehlu Posts: 87 Member
    Burn it Off and (most of) Ab Burner. Phew. Burn it Off is really intense!
  • lulukittie
    lulukittie Posts: 340 Member
    Today I did Get Lean Intervals (one of the cardio session on the upgraded discs) and it was hard but awesome! I think I was getting burned out on Burn Intervals. Burned 433 calories.

    Did you buy the whole deluxe set? I have been thinking about getting it. Is it worth getting?

    I did get it-- I am usually pretty frugal, but we get a fitness/gym membership benefit with my work, so I figured, why the heck not! So far I've tried Get Lean Intervals (love), Dynamic Flow Yoga (challenging but good), Fat Burn Challenge (love), and I've Got Abs! (thumbs down, but I hate all ab workout so yeah.) It is really nice to have different cardio/interval workouts to rotate in. I was using some of the TJ workouts but these are more intense.

    Today I did Lean Circuit 3 for the first time. 300 calories. All I gotta say is dayum! My shoulders are just limp noodles right now.
  • DebRives
    DebRives Posts: 221 Member
    Burn Circuit 1 is done!
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    Holy wow!! So I am a few days behind and just started the lean phase today and it completely kicked my butt. I though you well I ended the push phase pretty heavy I can take what ever the lean phase can throw at me. I am currently sitting on my couch waiting for my arms to stop quivering. And I wasn't even able to go higher than 15lbs today for most of the moves I used 10lbs. And for the plank tricep move I had to drop down to 5lbs. And still wasn't able to hold the plank the whole time. Wow I guess we will see what lean 2 has in store.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    you guys are all doing so good. the part for me that hurt the most with lean (and i'm not sure why) is the muscle that runs from your armpits to your ribs. i didn't even know that could hurt!!

    and i was so hungry that month.

    can't wait to see your results!!

    Sooooul Tap!! (right on right on!) Lol ;)
  • lulehlu
    lulehlu Posts: 87 Member
    Complete Round 4 of BC2. I think this is my favorite of the 3 Burn videos; less squats and lunges!