Graduation Announcements!



  • thegrita
    thegrita Posts: 5 Member
    I finished my C25k program today with 30 min jog at a 3.8 pace and 2.06 miles, will continue to develop my endurance until I can run mu first 5k in the spring.
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    I posted in another thread, too, but I've been waiting to get to post in the Graduation Announcements!!

    On Sunday, I ran 30 min at 4.5 mph for 2.25 miles
    Today, I ran 50 min at 4.5 mph for 3.8 miles

    Prior to doing this program, I was able to run ONE mile and then I always stopped. I'm looking forward to moving forward from here and increasing speed and endurance! To me, if I could run five miles in one hour it would mean I achieved a certain level of fitness. Not a marathon runner or anything, but a better-than-average cardio health even though I'm still overweight.
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    I did it! Today, I finally did it! I started this in June, repeated a few of the early weeks and was definatly getting better when injury struck - Tennis Elbow caused by running with a large water bottle, Started again in Sepember on the treadmill this time (shelf for my water!), repeated a few, got a cold, did a few more weeks, told my friends, watched them catch me and then graduate while I plodded on - But today I Graduated!! I did 5.06K in my 40mins.
    Going to move on to C210K now - and I am moving it outside!!
    Going to start on Week 5 day 1 as very worried about the transition to outside :ohwell:
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I did it!! Today I completed W9D3! In the 30 minute jog, I ran 3.1Km. A good start and I'll work towards increasing my distance to 5K.
  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member

    Finished today, ran the whole thing at 6 mph which is fast for me (I have posted in a different thread about my attempts to increase speed from my base 5 - 5.2 mph speed)

    Not sure what is next. There is a 10km road race in late April that looks super fun since the entire run is down the biggest street in Toronto but so far all the work I have been doing is on a treadmill. Will perhaps train for that or just do 5 km jogs on the treadmill for cardio fitness.
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Congrats to all of you! Amazing! What incredible persistence and dedication! Yeah!!!
  • skinnygeekwithin
    skinnygeekwithin Posts: 299 Member
    Congrats to all the recent graduates and please add me to the list!!!!!!! Finished W9D3 this morning!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Congrats everyone!!! I finished my week 9 with my first 5K race. I ran the race in 26:42 and took 2nd in the 40-44 age group. Going to take it easy for a week or two due to some tendonitis and ease back into the running.
  • skinnygeekwithin
    skinnygeekwithin Posts: 299 Member
    WOW Congratulations on your 5K! Thats an awesome time! Hope you heal up quickly!
  • hlsc
    hlsc Posts: 66 Member
    Did W9D3 today - my fastest/furthest run yet...2.6 miles in 30 minutes. 11:30/mile. I was 'well impressed' with myself : )

    I've downloaded the next set of NHS podcasts which will hopefully keep me movin' on.

    Congrats to all of us who have gotten this far and to all who are working their way on up. This is a great program and I love all of the support from the boards here.
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Did W9D3 today - my fastest/furthest run yet...2.6 miles in 30 minutes. 11:30/mile. I was 'well impressed' with myself : )

    I've downloaded the next set of NHS podcasts which will hopefully keep me movin' on.

    Congrats to all of us who have gotten this far and to all who are working their way on up. This is a great program and I love all of the support from the boards here.

    Yeah!!!! Congratulations!!! I hope to join you on this board next week:)
  • skinnygeekwithin
    skinnygeekwithin Posts: 299 Member
    Did W9D3 today - my fastest/furthest run yet...2.6 miles in 30 minutes. 11:30/mile. I was 'well impressed' with myself : )

    I've downloaded the next set of NHS podcasts which will hopefully keep me movin' on.

    Congrats to all of us who have gotten this far and to all who are working their way on up. This is a great program and I love all of the support from the boards here.

    Awesome on your last run and congrats on finishing!!! Do you have any 5Ks planned?
  • hlsc
    hlsc Posts: 66 Member
    I've just found a 5k for the end of February, so I'm thinking of signing up for it!
  • skinnygeekwithin
    skinnygeekwithin Posts: 299 Member
    I've just found a 5k for the end of February, so I'm thinking of signing up for it!

    Go for it, HLSC!
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    I finished!!! Today I completed my couch to 5 k. 9 weeks. I finished 2.6 miles in 34 minutes. I still have a little more to go before I actually complete my 3.1 miles, hopefully before my first 5k in April. So, I now feel qualified to share all I've learned, ready:

    1. I'm pretty sure that runner's high is really just oxygen deprivation:)
    2. I can do more than I've ever thought possible
    3. After a morning dusting of snow on our linear trail, the sunrise melts the snow honoring the shadows cast by the split rail fence, leaving perfect "show shadows" of fencing along the trail path. Most of us took care to walk/run around it, leaving the patterns in tact for the next passerby.
    4. I need a massage! :)
  • RawTriGal
    RawTriGal Posts: 190 Member
    I graduated in the beginning of October 2011.

    My first 5K was September 5th and my time was 38:40
    My second 5K was October 29th and my time was 26:50 (second in my age group)

    My next 5K is November 24th and I am hoping to beat my PR.

    awesome and congrats!
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    I graduated today!!! Week 9 Day 3 complete :) What a great app. I never thought I could run 3 miles without stopping!!! My first 5k is March 9th so I have over a month to improve my speed. My goal is under 30 mins. Today my run was 11:24 per mile and I didn't try too hard so I think I will easily complete my goal!!! I also have a 10k May 4th and I'm just planning on adding .25 miles each week to my training.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Congratulations, clarkeje1! It's an awesome feeling, isn't it? Let us know how your 5K race goes.
  • skinnygeekwithin
    skinnygeekwithin Posts: 299 Member
    Congrats JessieKanga and Clarkeje1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    So excited for you, JessieKanga and Clarkeje1!

    Love your thoughts, JessieKanga and impressed by your speed Clarkeje1!