Hufflepuff Common Room



  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Work's been nuts, but at least I have been getting my walks in. I just hope I at least signed in (even if I didn't log any food) yesterday ... or else for the first time since Day 1 I have forfeited my accumulated Days in A Row total! :sad: I will let you know when my next "X days in a row" marker comes up.
  • cowsstealmythong
    cowsstealmythong Posts: 173 Member
    --yaaawn-- happy Saturday everyone. My darling child was up and ready to go at 6:30. :huh: Really, kid? I thought you loved me! LOL.
    Nothing new to really report. One more day of c25k week 1, but I'm seriously contemplating redoing week 1. Went jogging w/o the baby (she was sleeping) and managed to move my *kitten* almost 2 miles. I was pretty proud of myself. :)
    Leaving for the mountains on THURSDAY. I'm soooo excited! As it gets closer, I get more excited! Oh, and we're going to a cabin right between Highlands and Franklin. So we're about 30 mins away from Smokey Mountain National Park. I'm hoping I can lug my 2 year old around okay. I've got a "Jeep" brand kangaroo carrier that she doesn't mind, but I dunno how that's gonna be on my back. And she doesn't really do well away from me, so I guess I'll just have to deal in order to see what I want to see. Anyhoo, I'm rambling.

    BeeJ- Good job on at least moving every day. :) Hope you signed in, it really sucks to see "logged in 5 days" :noway:
    Christine- Welcome. :happy:
    Molly- Do all you can, but don't stretch too thin
    Tofitness- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :heart:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend. Keep up the good work. :D
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Hi everyone, I had a wonderful vacation visiting with my daughter and hubby in Virginia...very pleasantly surprised when I stepped on the scale this morning, as my calories have been over a lot this past week. I was able to sneak in a few workouts though. Two more parties this weekend, OY!!!! The scales probably won't be so kind next week. I refer to that as 'fat-lag' heehee. Will have to catch up on posts and challenges later. Have a great weekend everyone. Suzie
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Work's been nuts, but at least I have been getting my walks in. I just hope I at least signed in (even if I didn't log any food) yesterday ... or else for the first time since Day 1 I have forfeited my accumulated Days in A Row total! :sad: I will let you know when my next "X days in a row" marker comes up.

    :drinker: :drinker: Cheers! Huzza! I "logged in 110 days in a row" as of before midnight (it is how just after midnight) so I didn't miss a day after all :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I also have walked over 22 miles in 6 days :bigsmile: but have not logged food intake AT ALL for several days because things have just been toooooo nuts to get around to it.

    I SOOOO need to get myself a Round Tuit - I've seen them on the Net :huh: :laugh:

    Anywho, I will try to do better at that as of tomorrow. This coming week is supposed to be a bit more settled.
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Hello all,
    Welcome Christine, the Hufflepuff house is wonderful and I love being a part of it.
    Karen, thanks for posting the challenges.
    BeeJ, Great job on logging all those walking miles, game sounds fun!
    Lisa, congratulations on your run...and have a great vacation.

    I caught up on posts today, and will catch up on the spreadsheet tomorrow. 8 ) bye for now!
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    EERRRGH!!! Back to work, I had a wonderful time off, but it is never long enough. And....back to work logging. I have gotten lazy these last few days, Happy Monday everyone!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    I HAVE to get around to trying out my scheme for adjusting the settings on Walk It Out to let me use the music (with out penalty if not stepping RIGHT on the beat) while abandoning the balance board and using my step-bench.

    BUUUUTTT ... that ALSO means I have to abandon using the nunchuck as my "camera control" (as it will be in my back pocket as "step sensor") and learning a whole new way to "look around and target".

    no matter what, I gotta get back to higher percent exercise time at an aerobically challenging level, and I just DON"T want to only "up-up-down-down" any more.
  • Molly_Louise
    Molly_Louise Posts: 503

    Firstly, just a reminder that all weights and house points for week two need to be posted onto the spreadsheet by tonight, thanks!

    Christine, I have added you to the spreadsheet so you are welcome to add your information from this point onwards (we are now on week 3) and of course you can add information for weeks 1 and 2 if you so wish. For some reason, the row of cells between yourself and Vale don't work (well, don't recognise data) which is why there is the gap in the spreadsheet. Please log your information in the row with your name in it, not the row above you :) If you have any questions then please just ask.

    BeeJ, the Walk It Out game sounds great! I looked online for it but it seems as if it isn't available here in the UK which is a shame :(

    I haven't been logging consistently for the past few days so I am getting right back on track and not falling off the wagon as they say!

    We've had constant rain here in the UK for about 3 weeks now - and they say it is summer!! I hope you're all having much better weather than we are!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member

    BeeJ, the Walk It Out game sounds great! I looked online for it but it seems as if it isn't available here in the UK which is a shame :(

    The company that makes it is Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc, and Walk It Out is on Wii and Playstation platforms. If you have either, you can maybe order direct from the company. I VAGUELY remember seeing that it might be out (or soon to come out) in UK under a slightly different name, but can't find the reference right now. Maybe send a question direct to Konami about that?
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member

    We've had constant rain here in the UK for about 3 weeks now - and they say it is summer!! I hope you're all having much better weather than we are!

    PPPLLLEEEAAAASSEEE !!!!!!!!! Send ME that rain! there has been none here in my part of Ontario (Canada) for at least a MONTH (all the grass everywhere is dry and crunches when you walk on it)
  • dj_phx
    dj_phx Posts: 115 Member
    Hi Hufflepuffs, I just found this group today and it sounds like fun. From what I read I just need to post here to become a Hufflepuff, is that right?
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Hi Hufflepuffs, I just found this group today and it sounds like fun. From what I read I just need to post here to become a Hufflepuff, is that right?

    That's right. You will be getting an official welcome (with more details) from our Head Of House shortly, but I was on, so I thought I'd say "hi!" :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Love the dogs in your ticker, by the way? Who are they?
  • dj_phx
    dj_phx Posts: 115 Member
    Hi Hufflepuffs, I just found this group today and it sounds like fun. From what I read I just need to post here to become a Hufflepuff, is that right?

    That's right. You will be getting an official welcome (with more details) from our Head Of House shortly, but I was on, so I thought I'd say "hi!" :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Love the dogs in your ticker, by the way? Who are they?

    Thanks! Those are my dogs. Dewey is on the left, he is a 11 year old border collie, and Kaylee on the right a 8 year old black lab mix. I love that picture of them, because it captures their personalities almost perfectly.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member

    BeeJ, the Walk It Out game sounds great! I looked online for it but it seems as if it isn't available here in the UK which is a shame :(

    The manufacturer's european web-presence site. If you can get it new anywhere, it is probably through them. (I have since seen a reference that it MAY be relatively rare. I found mine second-hand in a video game trade-in store. Have you checked e-bay for a copy?)
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Well, that was a prime bit of idiocy! :noway:

    Not only did I (have to) do boot camp for the second night in a row, I walked 5.8 miles on top of that (never mind being stiff tomorrow - I'm stiff right now! :sad: ) but even with the 714 calorie burn, i STILL ended up over on total calories, no thanks to a Tim Hortons muffin :grumble: (The good news is ... i logged absolutely EVERYTHING today, for the first time is a while) :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Hi Hufflepuffs, I just found this group today and it sounds like fun. From what I read I just need to post here to become a Hufflepuff, is that right?

    Welcome. I am Karen, deputy head of house. Welcome to Hufflepuff
    Our weeks run Sun to Sat with OWL, NEWT, HP and weights are challenges are tracked in a spreadsheet. Weigh in is Sat-Mon every week If you can add your name to the bottom of the sheet, you can begin to record your data in week 3. Molly (our HOH) is our spreadsheet guru, and will tell you if something else needs to be done. I will post the link here for you.

    Challenges within the houses OWL=exercise challenge NEWT=food challenge. The are posted both in the great hall and within this thread. Two challenges between the houses House Cup amount of activity. House points (HP) are activity points and are 1 HP for every minute of activity and HP. Quiddatch match is total weight loss for the month.

    I know it is alot of info to take in. Feel free to post further questions and again welcome :flowerforyou:
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    My experiment was a success!! I have figured out how to combine the scenery of Rhythm Island (where I make my rainbows every day) with the high cardio of my step-bench. Only about 20 out of the 120 songs available in Walk It Out are in that sweet spot tempo range between 106 and 120 ,,, but that is still about an hour's worth, that can be played in random order.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Where is the weekend??? Crazy week indeed. I about cringed this morning when I realized it was only Thurs.

    BeeJ Walk it out sounds great, and now that you can add your steps in makes it even better. Great job with the logging---even with Tim Hortons (glad I left that place up north, as it would be an achilles heel for me here) Keep it up!
    Suzie Glad you had a great vacation always nice to see the scale going in the right direction
    Lisa Have a great time. That is the only part of NC I have not vacationed at yet, but comes highly recommended
    Molly glad to hear you found some time off to have fun in London. Are you going to see any Olympic events? BTW send some of the English rain our way!
    dj_phx Your dogs look so sweet and full of energy!

    Off to spin this morning...only 1 more week to decide if I will complete the sprint tri coming up next weekend. I am being a wimp holding out for the weather forecast d/t the heat this year.
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Welcome to the Hufflepuffs DJ, It is always exciting to have new members.
    This past week has been so crazy busy, (the story of all of our lives) -- both of my daughters were home, following my vacation--so my computer time has been limited, but will try to get caught up on the spreadsheet in the next couple of days. My oldest daughter became engaged this past weekend, sooooo excited. They are planning a spring wedding---so hopefully this will give me extra motivation to reach my weight goal 8 ) Have a great day all.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    My experiment was a success!! I have figured out how to combine the scenery of Rhythm Island (where I make my rainbows every day) with the high cardio of my step-bench. Only about 20 out of the 120 songs available in Walk It Out are in that sweet spot tempo range between 106 and 120 ,,, but that is still about an hour's worth, that can be played in random order.

    With the current exercise-related roadblock is cleared (see above) .... my next one involves overcoming inertia on the Food Front.

    It's all very well and helpful that I read posted lists of great snacks, lunches, breakfasts etc :flowerforyou: I may even find myself thinking "this or that looks tastey" :wink: ...... but do you think i make meal plans in advance, or even pack my lunch-bag the night before? :noway:


    :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: