Hufflepuff Common Room



  • dj_phx
    dj_phx Posts: 115 Member
    Hi Hufflepuffs, I just found this group today and it sounds like fun. From what I read I just need to post here to become a Hufflepuff, is that right?

    Welcome. I am Karen, deputy head of house. Welcome to Hufflepuff
    Our weeks run Sun to Sat with OWL, NEWT, HP and weights are challenges are tracked in a spreadsheet. Weigh in is Sat-Mon every week If you can add your name to the bottom of the sheet, you can begin to record your data in week 3. Molly (our HOH) is our spreadsheet guru, and will tell you if something else needs to be done. I will post the link here for you.

    Challenges within the houses OWL=exercise challenge NEWT=food challenge. The are posted both in the great hall and within this thread. Two challenges between the houses House Cup amount of activity. House points (HP) are activity points and are 1 HP for every minute of activity and HP. Quiddatch match is total weight loss for the month.

    I know it is alot of info to take in. Feel free to post further questions and again welcome :flowerforyou:

    Thank you Karen. I think I understand. I added my name to the spreadsheet. Are the challenges just posted in this thread?
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Hi Hufflepuffs, I just found this group today and it sounds like fun. From what I read I just need to post here to become a Hufflepuff, is that right?

    Welcome. I am Karen, deputy head of house. Welcome to Hufflepuff
    Our weeks run Sun to Sat with OWL, NEWT, HP and weights are challenges are tracked in a spreadsheet. Weigh in is Sat-Mon every week If you can add your name to the bottom of the sheet, you can begin to record your data in week 3. Molly (our HOH) is our spreadsheet guru, and will tell you if something else needs to be done. I will post the link here for you.

    Challenges within the houses OWL=exercise challenge NEWT=food challenge. The are posted both in the great hall and within this thread. Two challenges between the houses House Cup amount of activity. House points (HP) are activity points and are 1 HP for every minute of activity and HP. Quiddatch match is total weight loss for the month.

    I know it is alot of info to take in. Feel free to post further questions and again welcome :flowerforyou:

    Thank you Karen. I think I understand. I added my name to the spreadsheet. Are the challenges just posted in this thread?

    They are posted in the great hall, and I reposted for the house here. They are located on page 8 of the thread 2nd to last post on the page. We are on Ravenclaw's challenge for week 3. I checked to see if there was a challenge for week 4, but it is not posted yet.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    my experiments with combining my six-inch step-bench and my Walk it Out game continue to be successful. I keep finding new features in the game I didn't stumble on the first time through.

    I resurrected a refreshing hot-weather quick and portable breakfast this week:

    1/3 cup All Bran Buds, mixed with 1 cup Astro 0% Plain Balkan-style yogurt, with some cinnamon to punch up the flavour factor. If it sits for a bit (like for the busride to work, the Bran Buds absorb some of the liquid out of the yoghurt, making it firmer, and the buds softer. I bet it would be tasty as a custardy dessert if you substituted 0% fat fruit yoghurt.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Here are the challenges for this week:

    Week 4 - Slytherin
    Food (NEWT) - Polyjuice challenge - 1 earned for every day you don't have a beverage that is over 50 cals.
    Exercise (OWL) - Flagrante challenge - 1 earned for every day you burn over 400 calories or more.
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    well, I have been a bit off track the last couple of weeks, only got exercise in once this week 8 ( This week has to be better. Last weekend my oldest daughter became engaged, and is planning on a spring wedding Yayy!!!! That should give me some extra motivation to move my behind. I am going to try to back track and fill in the spreadsheet as much as I can--sorry I have gotten off track. The weather cooled off nicely for a couple of days giving us a much needed break, but the mercury is climbing again, and today is quite warm Mid 90's. Stay cool and well hydrated everyone.
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Well, there was a couple of days that I did not fill in my journal --so ZERO Newts/Owls for those days, and week 2 I could not find the challenges, so ZERO Newts/Owls for that whole week 8 / EEK! Today starts anew--
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    I'll try to actually fill in the spread sheet for this last week of July (I haven't even been looking to see what the challenges were :blushing: )

    From what I can see, these two are definately doable - now .... where is the July Hufflepuff spreadsheet? Can someone quote the link to me?
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    BeeJ, the Walk It Out game sounds great! I looked online for it but it seems as if it isn't available here in the UK which is a shame

    I just discovered that they call it "Step To The Beat" in the UK. (not the first time that books/ movies / games have had differing titles in the NA ve UK releases!)
  • Molly_Louise
    Molly_Louise Posts: 503
    Hi everyone, once again I am sorry I haven't been around much.

    This Wednesday I will be having surgery on my throat. I am having my tonsils removed and a cyst removed too. It should be a simple procedure and my surgeon is hoping I will be home that same day. I am going to have a very painful recovery and I am not allowed to exercise for two weeks, or do anything strenuous in fact, so I'll be letting the team down with regards to house points etc. I hope you can understand given the circumstances, haha.

    Thanks so much for the link to the game, BeeJ. I'm definitely going to buy it after I get paid!

    We're now logging on week four of the spreadsheet and please can you have week 3 filled in by tonight for me. Thanks everyone! I'll post the link to August's spreadsheet later in the week :)
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    BeeJ here is the link to the spreadsheet...great job with walking

    Suzie sounds like you had a great time with your family

    Molly I hope surgery goes well and wish you a speedy recovery

    As for me...just plugging along. woke up with a swollen ankle yesterday, still getting HP with swimming and weights...I am sure I have done too much walking recently with some small jog intervals pushing it over the edge, but it always amazes me how an injury will always show up the next day!. I was going to sign up for a sprint tri this weekend...but now I think I have to focus on staying healthy for my races in Sept and Oct! I am so proud of my sister, she has overcome her putting her face in the water fear and she is going to race with me in Sept.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Since getting the Walk It Out game, I have logged a combined total of 122.7 miles to date :noway:
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Over the weekend, I finished my "second time around the island", and have started the third. I am also beefing up my time spent on cardio-aerobic step, but still getting a minimum of walking in per day too. So rainbows will keep happening without fail.
  • Molly_Louise
    Molly_Louise Posts: 503
    Sorry I've been absent yet again, surgery recovery is slow and painful. Here's the August spreadsheet. Please add your own name to the 'weigh in here' tab and continue like usual. Thanks xo
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Here are the challenges for the first week

    Week 1 - Gryffindor
    Food - One earned for every day you stay under your carb macro (feel free to do some research and set this macro as you see appropriate for yourself and your goals).
    Exercise -One earned for every set of 10 tricep dips!
    Spirit - One earned for every day you post in your house's Common Room!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    I have bookmarked the Aug spreadsheet, and will get back into actually logging what I do (especially as relates to Challenges) again.

    What goes under "House Points" and what goes under "Quidich Match" again? (Sorry, but it has been months since I was doing recording in the spreadsheet :blushing: )

    And what is the Hufflepuff equivalent of "Spirit"? We don't seem to have a collumn with that title ....
  • cowsstealmythong
    cowsstealmythong Posts: 173 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm back from a wonderful vacation. I never wanted it to end, and the only positive thing about coming home was I was able to sleep in MY bed again.
    I didn't get to go out and climb as many mountains as I wanted to, but I did manage to drag my mom out Wednesday and Friday to do some >serious< outdoors stuff.
    Wednesday we did Whiteside Mountain (2 mile loop mountain trail, did it with a 30 pound toddler strapped to my back), Whitewater Falls (1/2 mile paved walk up, then 150 stairs down to the viewing area. Stairs down in 45 seconds, and about 3 minutes to climb back up. lol), and Silver Run Falls (short off road walk.)
    Friday we climbed all over the Smokey National Forest. Did Clingman's Dome. That's no joke. Seemed like it was straight up, pushing a 70 lb stroller. I'm pretty sure going down was harder than up, took a TON of control not to just roll over everyone.

    Besides those two major stuff days, we took short walks, went swimming 3 days for about 1/2 hour before it got too cold (the fish in the lake liked to nibble on me, so I was constantly moving), and tried to do something physical every day. Although my food choices weren't ideal and could of been better, I didn't really do anything TERRIBLE. I didn't eat a half tub of ice cream like I could have, tried to watch portion sizes, and ordered salads when we went out.
    Over all a GREAT vacation. I want to move up there when I get my things straight. :)

    I hope EVERYONE had a wonderful week as well.

    And because I can... Whiteside Mountain trail.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    I have bookmarked the Aug spreadsheet, and will get back into actually logging what I do (especially as relates to Challenges) again.

    What goes under "House Points" and what goes under "Quidich Match" again? (Sorry, but it has been months since I was doing recording in the spreadsheet :blushing: )

    And what is the Hufflepuff equivalent of "Spirit"? We don't seem to have a collumn with that title ....

    All very good questions BeeJ...I I discussed with Molly. For now we are going to put the spirit as an OWL completed since we do not have an area to add in a spirit column.
    Houpepoints are your daily activity time. 1 minute of activity equals 1 housepoint

    There is no quidditch match column per se, however the quidditch match is the weight loss over the month. It is automatically calculated when you enter your weekly weight.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Lisa--love the pics they are great. Glad to hear you had a great time
    Molly--continue to get better. Uni is right around the corner...
    BeeJ keep making those rainbows...inspiring!
    Suzie no time like the present to recommit and a wedding as extra motivation...congrats on the engagement of your daughter!

    Is anyone else becoming sleep deprived because they are addicted to the Olympic games?? I know I am...Love it so inspiring...yet it makes me feel so lazy after seeing the hard work for training the athletes out in. Did you know I read (and not 100% sure if it is true) that Micheal Phelps can swim up to 50000 lengths a week in the pool (and I feel good about 160 per workout!)

    I plan to begin announcing prefects weekly starting next Tuesday. We will have up to two per week. It will be those individuals who have the most OWLS and NEWTS for the previous week. I picked Tuesday to announce them in order to give everyone a chance to post to the spreadsheet by Monday at midnight. There will no longer be the glory of deciding challenges for the next week...however you will still be honored and carry the title of prefect of the house!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Two additional rainbows, 2 new constellations (now Pisces, Taurus, Capricorn, Aires, and Aquarias are all up in the new (3rd time round) sky. Everyone is in the First Time Through skiy, of course. Abd I launched the Airship.

    3.8 miles yesterday puts me at 7.9 miles along the road to Rivendell. Hobiton is ALMOST hidden behind the rolling hills.

    I have found a worthy Boot Camp replacement here on youtube:

    Easy to see why everyone is calling it "the best of all time". Even if you did the entire thing on the flat (either marching in place or with a towel or pillowcase marking where step WOULD be) the cobmined aerobic / upper body workout would be awesome.

    I also found 3 seasons worth of Fit For Duty (from the Pentegon Channel originally) on youtube that I can mix and match my way through for "boot camp homework" days, and once it arrives, my Exerbeat (plus daily WIO rainbow making) will be my "active rest" days.

    If this doesn't mobilize the fat-burning, I don't know what will! :bigsmile:
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    With a bit of experimenting, I can now "walk with a buddy" on WIO, even though my DH isn't the least bit interested in even trying :grumble: (although he SAYS he likes hearing the music, so I can go for it as long and and often as I like at one end of the L-shaped room while he is on the computer at the other end :wink: ) and my son is 20, and not living at home - so no kidlets to share with. :laugh:

    Thing1 has the Rt-hand controller with the nunchuk in the back pocket, and Thing2 has the Lft-hand controller ( nunchuk optional) and is on either the balance board or the dance mat. Either walker can choose direction at intersections and "shoot the bubbles".

    The dance mat is better, because it doesn't care if you jump, jog, or use any old mat-button in any order. The balance board is more finicky about that kind of thing. BUT my mat plugs directly into the Wii console, and I noticed that I seem to unwittingly keep shifting the mat farther from the TV (almost pulled the console over once or twice :ohwell: So I will have to work on that.

    But Thing1 and Thing2 will be subsidiaries until my 3rd Time Round is complete, and then one of them will become Principle and rack up the majority of the mileage per day. And there is always Guest, if I want a carrot-topped buddy in a green track suit with yellow trim instead of one of the "regulars".

    What with all the experimenting, I racked up over 7 miles on Friday, and 3.3 on Saturday. So I overshot my Mile Challenge goal of 15 miles by the end of the week by LOTS ... and by doing 5.2 today (Sunday), that will put me at 30 for the week.