2 week challenge



  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Just going to "weigh-in" here (no pun intended :laugh: ) I still maintain my stance that you need to have both lifting and cardio in your program. I look at the changes I have seen in myself and I know I wouldn't be where I am today without cardio, and ALSO without my weight training.The weight training has allowed me to build that muscle and get the definition I have been looking for, but the cardio has helped me to shed the fat that has been hiding my muscle, and also helped me to build the muscles in my legs - which definitely needed all the help they could get.

    Either way though it is a personal choice, but I think the best of both worlds is where its at! :wink:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Do you REALLY want to know what I think??
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    I don't think you aren't doing ANY "cardio", Amy....weight-training IS a form of cardio. No, it isn't HIIT. No, it isn't long-steady-state cardio. But, your HEART *is* working.

    While I think AScheif is a very strong performer, I have read TONS of literature which suggest that what she is doing, is incredibly difficult for most MEN to do - and they have testosterone to help them out! So, good for her. For you, Amy, if you are wanting to BUILD MUSCLE, you need to EAT WAY MORE and LIFT HEAVY - HEAVIER EVERY SINGLE TIME!! (No pressure - but that's what I think.)

    If you want to LOSE FAT, you need to EAT MORE, but eat at a *small* deficit and LIFT HEAVY - HEAVIER EVERY SINGLE TIME!!

    I do NOT think 3 weeks is a fair assessment of ANY program. That's a whopping 9 dates - how can you possible TELL if you want to "marry" someone after 9 hour-long meet-and-greets?????

    Nah....give it its due. Are you following the appropriate diet?? I just think diet is SO key. Even watching AScheif's progress - her diet has been ABSOLUTELY INSTRUMENTAL in the phenomenal success of her program - she says it and she TELLS US TO DO IT.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Something happened to my stupid mfp app on my BB....the "mid-morning snack" and the "mid-afternoon" snack and the "evening snack" options have DISAPPEARED from my tracking???????????

    I log on at my computer - and everything is fine. But, on my BB app, it just has "Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks" - and it does NOT record "snacks" where they belong.

    This JUST happened!! (I've been using the BB app for about 6 months....)

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    thanks for weighing in, all, appreciate the two cents.
    I think I will take the week off, but I will try to remotivate and strategize on the eating plan. I have been eating more but eating right, maybe not so much.
    We are going to Vegas in July, so maybe I should outline a plan of lifting and building muscle for now, and then adding some cardio and cutting in June for bikini time.

    Don't know about the BB app, I have iphone, and rarely use the app, but WTF reminded me of this story about a girl who texted her mom about her good grade on a test. Her mom replied with a text "WTF" and the daughter said, "Mom, do you know what that means?" and her mom replied, "Why, that's fantastic!" so we were saying that all weekend when we meant Why that's fantastic! but generally, it doesn't work as a substitute:laugh:
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    ??? Just curious Beeps, what you have been reading and why you think what I do is so difficult? I am in no way offended, just wondering because a lot of women I know are able to do it as well - not to mention I in no way think I am a special case.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Aschief, I think what you are doing, we have been told is difficult-to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time-because you have to eat over maintenance to build muscle and eat under maintenance to lose fat, so doing both seems to impossible. I know Jeno does a lot of cardio with her classes and also gains strength and muscle, so it's obvioulsy not impossible, but the message from some trainers, and to quote them, it would be like slamming on the brakes and the gas at the same time.
    Certainly Beeps should weigh in about the message she is getting, but I think that was the message in the Jamie Eason plan-the first phase there is no cardio, you are just to work on building muscle and then the next two phases are intended to maintain muscle while burning fat.
    Obviously, there are differing opinions on this. Even in Starting Strength, Rippetoe says if you are overweight you will lose fat by strength training (no cardio in this book at all).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Amy described my thoughts on the subject, AScheif.

    I think, too, there has to be some realization that not everybody is going to put a whole lot of time into "training". I, for instance, can honestly devote 60 minutes a day to my pursuit. 75 minutes on some days. But, basically, I'm doing 60 minutes a day. If you add in all the cardio that would be required to LOSE FAT and all the lifting that would be required to BUILD MUSCLE, I believe it is more than 60 minutes per day.

    (I take a lot of my advice from the former competitive bodybuilder female who works in my office. She told me it took her 2.5 years of training to be ready for competition and that, while it might have STARTED out as 45-mins a day, or whatever, by the end, she was waking up, running for 45-60 minutes, doing 2-3 hours of weights during the day, and then doing another hour of cardio at the end of the day....um, that's a FULL-TIME JOB, PEOPLE!!)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    I hope to heck you aren't offended, AScheif....I am, in no way, here to offend anyone!! I think what you are doing is, admittedly, totally awesome. I also think that you have a very admirable ability to reduce your food choices (to ONLY CLEAN - as you have defined it) and to increase all of your exercise to meet the very goals you have set for yourself.

    Whenever I think of someone who has managed to do the things that I have not managed to do (like trim off body fat % AND build muscle in a very short period of time), I understand that it is ONLY because I am not willing to put in the time/effort that it would take to get there. Admittedly, that's it. You have put in the time/effort, etc. I have not.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Sheesh you women move fast! So much to comment on I know I will not remember everything.

    Aschief - when I am "on" I think what I do takes some discipline but what I see you do, I feel takes immaculate discipline! It is inspiring and motivating.

    Amy - I think what Kate outlined about possible reasons for your lack of progress was good. But like her, I find it hard that you weren't seeing any. A week off should really benefit you though. And trips are oh so motivating :) But yes, nutrition is SO the key!

    Mama - I LOVE the name of your program, lol :laugh: Your plan sounds wonderful and as you said, set around your schedule, so no excuses, you can do it!

    Solar - What is NCMEC? Today was our first day back to school since the arrest happened and it was such a somber day. I'm proud for not giving in to chocolate today because several of us started off the day in tears because it our first chance to speak to each other about everything. Glad you you will be joining me with similar goals for the 2 week challenge!

    Abigail - sounds like a good plan. I on the other hand can't stay off the scale. Sometimes that higher number motivates me to keep my motivation going. So, with that said...I wasn't very surprised to see the scale at 118.8 on Sunday morning!!!! I'm sure it was up more yesterday because of Easter Sunday's meal, but it was already down to 115.2 this morning. Me and my crazy weights swings!!

    Chloe - great goals and totally feasible ;)

    Beeps, I just love you, That is all!

    As for the cardio/strength fat loss/muscle build thing - I don't know if I'm one of those exceptions, or what but it seems like I've always been able to build some muscle and burn some fat at the same time. I have started giving up some classes and am looking forward to not having as many classes. I'm hoping to make even more strength gains. Time will tell.

    This is the only group I am active with and I truly am thankful for everyone's positivity and support in here!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I think things are moving along even faster lately-sheesh! :tongue:

    I think the issue Amy brought up about cardio vs no cardio has been covered. So I won't weigh in. I'm just glad everyone can voice their opinions and thoughts in such a supportive environment. I know sometimes these boards get carried away with people getting upset about X or Y but not us! We brainstorm, discuss, and come to our own conclusions about what will work for us. Love it!!

    I worked the booty this Am with my Mama in a little Butt Bible DVD but Turbo Fire is what's actually on my schedule. It's a late workout due to my work schedule today. So I'll be hitting that up hopefully around 730pm tonight. Looking forward to it. I recognize the TF program on it's own wasn't going to get me to 'goal' but I do enjoy it. So I'm loving this little week break of strictly TF before I jump into my little plan.

    DH just text me with another race date later in May, along with one in June. Looks like if I get into this and actually enjoy it there are more opportunities than I initially thought. So that's good news. Looking forward to knocking the first one out and seeing if this is something I enjoy, or just one of those bucket list things you want to do! :laugh:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    I am glad we support each other. It is very helpful, to me, to know there are cyber-people who have my best interests at heart!

    jen - you also dedicate an amazing amount of time to the pursuit of health. You instruct. You work with a personal trainer. You watch yourself very closely. It *is* very inspriational!! For sure.

    Everyone on this board, I find, is an INCREDIBLE inspiration to me because everyone is applying consistent effort towards self-improvement. I think that is AWESOME. Totally awesome. I cannot tell you how many people, in my real life, sit around and mope because they just don't even have the inertia to START down a better path. Here, all of us are ON THAT PATH - and just trying to tweek things a little further, every day, to continue our health evolution. It's GREAT!

    mama - when is your first race? My gosh, then you'll have 2 more to look forward to before summer hits!! I think YOU have also demonstrated tremendous growth towards the goals you have set for yourself. nice!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Wow you really can miss alot here in one day! I would like to agree with Reese in that this is the only board that I really actively follow and I feel like you are all me workout buddies, even though we don't actually workout together :happy: Like I know I will disappoint you all if I don't get in my P90X Back and Biceps this evening!

    I have been doing so far so good with my challenge this week. Have everything prelogged through Saturday and workouts scheduled. I am still trying to decide what to do when I am done with my rest week next week. I for sure want to do Chalean and I also want to keep up with running. But, a friend gave me the Insanity program and I was thinking of somehow mixing in at least one of those cardio workouts a week. I like to plan a calendar for workouts 3 months out so I know exactly what I have to do each day. I also plan for Sunday as my rest day so that way if anything comes up throughout the week I know I have Sunday to make it up.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Jen, I hope your first day back goes alright, sounds like a tough situation!
    I was seeing gains over the whole workout but I started out pretty light because I was trying to focus on form, so I guess my progress slowed dramatically. I was alternating ABA week one, BAB week 2 and so the monday workout and friday workout were the same and I didn't have any gains, in fact, the lifts seemed harder and I had to back off on the weight. for instance, on Monday I lifted 95 and by Friday, 95 was too heavy.
    I was reading Steve Troutman's blog, good stuff, kinda like what you were talking about Beeps, he said, in part:
    We're products of our daily choices and those choices are predicated, by and large, on the ideas of avoiding pain and gaining pleasure. What that means is, if you don't have things framed right in your mind.... if staying where you are isn't painful enough.... if missing out on the body you want isn't painful enough.... if attaining your goal isn't pleasurable enough.... and if leaving your current body in the dust isn't pleasurable enough....
    Maybe that is like the curve Kate demonstrated too.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Chloe, you are INCREDIBLY organized and I think you have your head on STRAIGHT!

    Good for you!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Amy, I don't follow Troutman's blog....but, the language you posted also reminds me VERY MUCH of Anthony Robbins....I was a HUGE Tony Robbins supporter in the mid-90's. Fanatical, actually, about him. And, I think the "pleasure/pain" principle really is at work in nearly every decision we human beings make.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Thanks Beeps- I am an accountant though and I think we are naturally a little anal and organized :wink:
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    Wow, out for a day and it seems like 3!!

    Jen -- NCMEC is the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. I volunteered for them for 5 years. They have the best programs for raising awareness and preventing exploitation of children. In most areas of the US, they will work with schools to provide kids with the tools they need to recognize when something isn't right and how and where to get help ASAP. Some of it is counterintuitive, but it's all based on decades of research and experience. They're a great organization that, even though there's no turning back the clock, they are usually better equipped than local law enforcement to educate schools about how to prevent it/minimize the risks in the future.
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Feeling very very low right now :( I was up in measurements yesterday... 1" up on my natural waist & 1" up on my pooch (also up 1" on my bum, but I'm ok with that one!) and then weighed in 2 lbs higher on the scale today :( I couldn't have eaten 7,000 extra calories this week, so it can't be real weight.. right?? I just want it to go away!! Down in the dumps today though :/
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Chloe- I'm with Beeps- your organization on planning the whole week out is amazing! I peeked at your diary and saw some awesome recipes (breakfast muffins, etc) that I'd like to try making this weekend. They look yummy! Love that we are all on similar paths so we can beg, borrow and steal from one another! Your diet is really looking clean!

    Shander-Head up!! :flowerforyou: Even though measurements are important for tracking, don't let them get you down. They are just one tool in our arsenal. I think in the past couple of weeks a few of us have been able to demonstrate how even with consistency and good plans, measurements don't always track the way we think. Keep in mind we all have human error with taking these measurements even with as much precision as we try to demonstrate when doing them! I understand how you feel though...with tape measurements not being on my side I often think of throwing that out the window as well. Have you been able to decipher a good strength program to start out with when you hit the gym? Just keep your balance between having fun and making good choices. You'll get there!! I'm sure of it!! :wink:

    Today marks day 3 of my 5 day plan of Turbo Fire Inferno. 2 more to go on Friday and Saturday than on to my 'Stop F'in Around' Plan. Looking forward to it. I've really liked incorporating the at home strength back into my workout so not having it the last 3 days has been weird. But it's just a spring board into my well set up home program! :happy:

    I contemplated begging and borrowing to get back into the actual gym early. Sometimes I wish I was a coffee drinker or 'eat outer' so I could take that money and use it for the gym. But I'm none of the above, so it'll just have to wait 2 more months when DH is working there and I can get in for free. I miss it more and more though! I can already feel the 'ah' feeling of actually getting out of the house and hitting the weights!!