2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Then again....21.5% is WAY better than 28%!!

    LOL - okay....I'll be the "glass half-full" person, today....
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Thanks Ladies for your kind words!! The competition is on May 22nd so I still have 6.5 weeks left. When I look at the pictures I still see a lot of room for improvement in my love handles and thighs, so its a good thing my cardio has intensified!

    In terms of the carb-cutting - as part of Clean Eating it is recommended to cut out carbs containing gluten - so breads, pasta, etc. but most gluten-free carbs are good - so wild/brown rice, quinoa, yams, rice cakes,rice pasta, and whole grain oats.

    So depending on how extreme you want to go - you could just restrict yourself to gluten-free carbs?
    For my competition training I am cutting carbs (not the veggie and fruit kind) - so at the beginning I was eating carbs with 5 meals per day (everyone except the last meal), then it went down to no carbs in the last 2 meals (so 4 carbs per day) and now i am down to 2 carbs per day - which I eat within my first 4 meals. - Once I am done training however, I think I will probably go to 5 meals with clean carbs per day as I think my body functions best with 5.

    I was okay with 5 and 4 carbs - but the 2 carbs is killing me lol - I have less energy and am exhausted by the end of the day. So just based on experience I don't recommend completely cutting carbs.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Thanks everyone. And Ascheif thatnks for making it simple with your examples of gluten free carbs. That clears it up alot. And Amy thanks for finding that resource, those are links I want to check out. I would miss my quiona if I didn't eat it for too long. :laugh: But I'm pretty sure even the whole grains whole wheats etc in moderation aren't helping my progress. Will keep experimenting and hold steady for a bit to see the response in my body!

    May 22nd! Lots of time to finish your poses and walking in those heels!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I would do the calculations but it requires math.:grumble:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I would do the calculations but it requires math.:grumble:
    made me think of this:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Okay, I know this is a dumb question, but I'm going to ask it, anyway:

    Shander, what is a "fitbit" and why would someone want one??

    Amy - I'm actually REALLY good at math....but, I avoid it when it comes to my personal fitness goals because the numbers just don't MOVE FAST ENOUGH, for my taste, lol.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Can I just say that I expended EVERY ounce of energy I had on my work-out, today?? Every ounce.

    So, I *did* move up in all my weights from the beginning of Stage 3 to the end. That's progress! And, I *did* apply laser-beam focus to my ab work, today. Finally, I did complete the body matrix - but only with 6 lungejumps (each side) and 12 squat jumps. Again, from 0 (or, in some cases, from 12/24 but with less-than-stellar form), this is an improvement.

    I'm exhausted. I can 100% tell that I didn't sleep well last night and I still have to get through:

    1. my annual performance review; and
    2. my hair appointment.

    I can hardly walk. My right foot (as always) is REALLY bothering me, today (I think it's the squat/lunge jumps that did it in!). And, my glutes are sore enough that sitting is uncomfortable.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    as I understand it, fit bits measure a few things going on and are pretty accurate at measuring calorie burn, so people want to know how many calories they burn sleeping, taking the stairs AND working out, it uses more data than an HRM, as I understand it. Maybe it is mostly curiousity sake, but I see people who start recording house cleaning and gardening because they find out it's a pretty good calorie burn.
    I can't really justify the expense, but it would really help me up my calories, or eat readily when I am hungry because I would realize that I had burned a lot of calories that day.
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Amy explained it pretty well!! It tracks your sleeping so you know how well you're sleeping (that would help determine if you should change your night routine I'm assuming... and could explain if you're always tired!) and it's small and you can wear it in your pocket and it can be easily concealed. I would want it for curiosity sake for sure, plus I don't know if I'm eating enough... Actually I know I haven't been *Confession... ate way too little for a few weeks and am trying to get back on track* But I want to make sure I'm doing everything the healthy way! It's on par with the price for other devices ($99) and it can sync with MFP so when I start logging again (maybe next week or week after) it would sync calories burned with the calories I input on here. I'm still debating on if I should get it... I'm very very stingy with money, so it's a big expense to me! But I do think it's something I want! We shall see!

    http://www.fitbit.com/product/features This is the website for it to explain further :)
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    That looks fantastic, Shander! I might have to put it on my wish list! Looks like it does what my heart monitor does plus some, perhaps I should have just asked for that for Christmas!

    In other news I have lost over 2 lbs this week. This is happy because it's my lowest weight since before Christmas but I have a sneaking suspicion its just my body not retaining water like usual. Since I made this rest week I haven't worked out since Saturday and I think my muscles and breathing a sigh of relief. I hope it stays off but I can't be sure! Optimistically it could be the "whoosh" effect (best discussion I've seen to date: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/of-whooshes-and-squishy-fat.html)

    I also took pictures and measurements today. On pictures I can see small difference, woo hoo. On measurements the bigest change was 5/8 of an inch...I'll take! Like Beeps I had some interesting changes. My thighs were marginally smaller both at the thinnest/thickest parts. I lost 5/8 inch off my "pouch" and a quarter inch off my waist (I'll take it!) and a bit off my chest area. My arm, neck, butt and hips are bigger...I think this might be muscle since these are areas where I carry minimal fat (my hips hover around 34-35 inches and my butt around 38 inches). So overall I am happy! Time to carry on... this weekend should be relaxing them I am going to Austin, Boston, and New Orleans over the next three weeks...eeek!

    Beeps - sounds like you really dominated that work out! That is a huge improvement!! I hope your foot feels better and your performance review goes well.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    That is good Kate! I remember the whoosh effect, I read that awhile back. Could be the water on your rest week.
    My workout last night did not seem very good, but I am not sure why I did not feel very strong and I wasn't very sure about my form, especially on the deadlift, I had been reading about how to do it right and I am just not sure I am doing it right...

    I read about the fit bit too, I still don't understand how it measures calories burned if it is in your pocket? it's not measuring heart rate at all? I would like to wear one for a week! so curious to know.

    I have not been eating very well this week, and going over on cals even though I am eating so much more than before. Its all at night too, I am so good during the day, I bring my groceries to work, basically, and have had salad, quiche, chicken, greek yogurt, apples... I love this salad I make just using the greens, a dressing madde with olive oil and lemon, and then I put a tablespoon of trail mix on it-it's mostly sunflower seeds with some craisins and almonds. yummy.
    My next strategy should be to plan better dinners.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey everyone! 4 more P90X workouts left! I actually felt really good doing shoulders and arms last night. I have legs and back tomorrow and I like that work out.

    I love the idea of the whoosh effect!!! I hope that happens to me tomorrow...get on the scale and drop 4 pounds! My stomach is feeling much better since I haven't eaten any protein after dinner the past 2 nights, so weird that would cause such bad stomach cramps.

    I agree with you Amy, fitbit sounds so interesting, but I cannot wrap my mind around how the heck it works!

    Having some friends over for dinner tonight, and I am making tilapia tacos and some black bean salad. Pretty healthy. I will also be having some cocktails, I have a bottle of my favorite skinnygirl margarita waiting for me :drinker: and after this week of work boy do I need it!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    tilapia tacos sound good, I am having friends over tonight and I don't know what to make...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Congrats on the results, chuisle!! That is AWESOME!

    Amy, I think you are pretty hard on yourself....it sounds like you ARE very good at your eating!! (You said, at your day job, you're doing just fine!!) Sure, there can be "improvements", but it sounds like about 75% of your day you are "on top of your game"....you'll get the rest of it, I'm sure!

    Chloe - yay for the P90X!! You are ALMOST DONE! Woo hoooooo. PS - have a drink for me, please!

    I don't get the fitbit thing...I actually want to STOP measuring every little thing I'm doing, eating, whatever. I feel like some science experiment, some days! (I miss just "living life", unaware, actually....)

    Tonight is book club. At The Melting Pot....nothing that a little fondue won't fix, eh?
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    mmm, fondue. I really did enjoy it but then I realized I was paying $50 to cook my own food one bite at a time, and I was boiling steak:huh:
    but the cheese and the chocolate, mmmm

    Hey, Beeps, you should share this with your workplace:

    still mad on your behalf about the health challenge.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    On the fitbit, Amazon has a bunch of reviews, mostly pretty good: http://www.amazon.com/Fitbit-Wireless-Activity-Sleep-Tracker/product-reviews/B005PUONIK/ref=dp_db_cm_cr_acr_txt?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1

    I'm tempted to see if it matches up with what MFP says I'm burning every day. I have a good walk to and from work, and I try to take the stairs at least once a day (12 floors, so its enough to get my heart rate up), but then I sit at my desk all day.

    Amy I'm with you on the fondue, we usually go for just the cheese and chocolate part, those are the best parts. Enjoy it Beeps! We recently discovered "hot pot," which is a Chinese-style fondue. It's much cheaper than the Melting Pot, and when I looked up a veggie hot pot on MFP it was pretty low cal, but it's still a fun event.

    Nice work on the P90X workout Chloe!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    BOILING STEAK???????? Sheesh, up until this very moment, I had NEVER thought of it that way!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I think I won't do the cheese course. I will do the salad (which I think is a TERRIBLE salad, actually....but, I'll choke it down). And, I will BOIL all the stuffs except I won't eat the potatoes!

    I only ate half my lunch, today, skipped my morning snack....so, I have some extra 'calories' and I'm hoping I can have a LITTLE dessert, but unsure just now.

    PS - My BOSS IS A F*CKING DOOFUS. I just had to say that. I might say that quite often from now on....I'm seeking another job, but in the mean-time, am TERRIFIED at the hit my reputation is taking because MY BOSS IS A F*CKING DOOFUS.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    sorry about your boss, Beeps, mine quit today-well, announced he was taking a job somewhere else effective Monday.
    Ris, a Chinese hot pot? I have not tried that. Is it like soup? I will have to google it and see what comes up around Denver.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hot pot is basically like fondue, except that each person gets their own pot of chicken or veggie broth. Like fondue you pick out what you want to cook (beef, seafood, veggies, etc), but they have spices you can dip the food in afterwards. So really not that much different from fondue (you're still boiling steak, unless you pick a seafood one), but you're paying $15 instead of $50, and it's different flavors.

    Wow, bad day for bosses! Beeps, I'm sorry to hear yours is being such a pain! Amy, what's that mean for you that your boss is leaving?
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I work for the government so there will be a lengthy time of trying to fill the position, in the meantime it just means a lot of things are kind of on hold because we don't have the manager support.

    Any body doing anything for Easter? My sister is coming, so that should be good. Maybe I can take Monday off.

    But I probably won't be working out because I hate to take time away for that when I am working already. but I should be able to get back on track...