2 week challenge



  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    New thread, fresh start! :)

    Well, sort of! I have a CRAZY month coming up so I am going to bend the rules and make my challenge for "until May 1". I am to Austin, Boston, and New Orleans between now and May 1st so my goals are as follows:

    1. Everyday not spent on the road should be "on" nutritionally and I need to stick with my scheduled work outs - no excuses.
    2. When traveling for fun (Austin and New Orleans) I want to log to keep me in check, but I don't need to make goals. The ultimate goal coming out of these weekends to have indulged but only like a bloated manatee, not a whale :)
    3. When traveling for business (Boston) my nutrition needs to be in line, everything logged.

    I've already scheduled my NROL workouts between trips so I should keep to schedule there. Then I can come back strong in May to get ready for official summer :)

    EDIT: To add, Welcome back Jen! I am sorry so much is going on in your life, I am thinking of you! You'll get back into a routine once things calm down. I have NO doubts. *hugs!*
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I like this new thread.....it does feel like a nice fresh start!!

    My 2 week challenge is:

    1) To be 100% clean except for one cheat meal and some drinks either on Saturday evening or Friday evening. All other meals need to be spot on.
    2) Finish up P90X this week and have my rest week next week which I will do some cardio- either running or cardio dvds and also mix in some yoga....but NO lifting.

    Those sound like very feasible goals!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Thanks ladies!! Onward and upward. And like you said Beeps, I need to get a handle on the things that I can control, not what I can't.

    and btw, Beeps, you crack me up!! Yay for new starts!!!

    Kate and Chloe, those look like marvelous plans!! My new goals:

    1. weights 3x week (I've only been doing them 1-2 times a week and half *kitten* at that).
    2. log everything especially on the weekend
    3. CLEAN eating as much as possible.
    4. No mindless eating
    5. Stay under cal goals to get rid of this gosh forsaken bloat!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Yey for a new thread!! I'm glad you're back Jen, you definitely have been going through some tough stuff!!

    Kate - When are you coming to Boston?? For how long? That's only 45 minutes from me :) Those look like great goals though!

    Beeps - Thanks for rolling the thread girly :)

    Chloe - Great goals, and so awesome that you're finishing p90x! Did you take before pics??

    I've taken a break from logging my food as I was becoming too obsessive and unhealthy with it, so I'm going to try to keep off of logging the food for another week or 2 to get my mind in a healthier frame! Last night my Jazz teacher did the class as a circuit class so that was interesting... not sure if it was harder or not though.. I'm still waiting to go to the gym.. maybe this Friday? I'm so nervous to go! Which I know sounds silly, but I've never done weight training and it's what I'll be going there for, I feel like I'm going to make a fool out of myself :/ I do want to get going though!! My new goals though:
    1. Keep from logging until healthier mind frame sets in
    2. Keep nutrition in check while not logging
    3. Work out 3-4 days a week

    Happy Tuesday everyone! <3
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Kate- Great pre-planning with all you have going on. I think that your balance between 'work and play' is excellent. And I loved the analogy of 'manatee and whale' Too funny! :laugh:

    Chloe- Great job closing in on the end of P90x. And smart move planning the cheat meal, the more I read about fitness professionals the more it seems I see this mentality used. Love it! :drinker:

    Jen- Glad you are back in action, I am sorry to hear the reasons for your absence. But so glad that you are moving forward with a good frame of mind and your determination!! We've missed you!!

    Shander- Way to take a step towards what feels healthy for you with not logging. It can definitely become too much sometimes to do this day in and day out. A little break for our mental sake is sometimes exactly what we need!!

    My challenge is this: (a little off from the 2 weeks as well)
    1) For the next 5 days, I'm going to follow the Turbo Fire Inferno Plan of eating and exercise. Essentially it's lower calorie with alternating two of the TF workout discs back and forth. Sort of a spring board to getting on the right track. Easter was good for me, the day after was not. So I want to follow this for the set 5 days and move forward...
    2) I am going to continue prelogging. The planing aspect of this helps to keep me off that 'fail to plan, plan to fail' road. So even though it was in my last 2 week challenge, I need it to stay on as a priority until it becomes more 2nd nature.
    3) After the 5 day Inferno plan, I have created a mix between TF & P90x that better suits my life. Last time, I just took the one off the internet and because of traveling certain days and kids baseball, I'd be moving and mixing things. This plan was set in accordance to MY life so there's no excuses for not doing. I also named it 'The Stop F&#*ing around Plan' :bigsmile: I have running sub-days weather permitting. So this workout plan should meet the 2 big goals I have of getting in awesome shape for turning 30 and completing my 5K. :glasses:
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    I must detox from Easter weekend so - no sugar at all for two weeks, some form of excercise every day, whether it be lifting, aerobics, dance, running, etc. At the end of two weeks I'll get on the scale, do some measurements and set some new goals.
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    Jen, I am so sorry to hear you've had such a bad thing happen at your school. Is your school involved at all with NCMEC?
    Thanks ladies!! Onward and upward. And like you said Beeps, I need to get a handle on the things that I can control, not what I can't.
    and btw, Beeps, you crack me up!! Yay for new starts!!!
    Kate and Chloe, those look like marvelous plans!! My new goals:

    1. weights 3x week...
    2. log everything...
    3. CLEAN eating as much as possible.
    4. No mindless eating
    5. Stay under cal goals to get rid of this gosh forsaken bloat!

    Exactly what I would write! Except make #4 No protein bars and #5 Stay under calories (by eating more veggies) so I actually lose the 7 pounds I gained last week and then lose more...
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    Notice my ticker has a 10-lb loss as my goal, yet I have 14 pounds to go... NROL4W arrived yesterday - YAY!!! And I finally bought a HRM so hopefully I'll have a more accurate calorie-burn count now and see some progress in all areas over the next 2 weeks.

    Happy week to everyone!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Kate- traveling is always rough when it comes to eating well and exercising, I think your plan sounds great! Good for you!

    Shander- Thanks! And no I did not take pics, too nervous :) Maybe I will before my next round of Chalean! And don't be scared of the gym I really don't pay attention to other people at all when I am there. After a couple weeks of going you will be totally comfortable.

    Reese- I am adding that to my challenge as well....to prelog as much as possible, I think that is where I have been going wrong on my weekends since I've been back from vacation.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    For pete's sakes, Chloe, TAKE THE DARN PICTURES!! I promise, you will LOVE yourself for doing this!! You will. DO IT.

    My goals for April are:

    1. reduce/eliminate protein bars from my nutrition plan;
    2. focus on what I'm 'feeling" prior to eating....am I REALLY hungry?? When/where am I "emotionally eating" that I could CURB;
    3. pre-log my daily calories;
    4. continue with exercise regimen - laser-beam focus on abs for April; and
    5. DO NOT STEP ON THE SCALE (until April 30).
  • julezy
    julezy Posts: 6 Member
    I'm afraid to get on the scale after a disastrous weekend.

    My goals are:
    1. Log all meals using a scale. I find myself entering in estimated amounts and then editing them. I need to start being honest with myself.
    2. To stop binge eating on the weekend.
    3. 1 cheat meal per week! Not a cheat day (for me this can easily be 3,000 to 4,000 calories)
    4. EAT CLEAN.
    5. No sugar (fruit sugars are okay)
    6. Continue to exercise daily with an added focus on my core.
    7. Drink more water and green tea.
    8. No more weigh ins until April 24th (two weeks)
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Beeps- Yeah I know....alright in addition to my other goals I will take pics this weekend as my "before" Chalean Extreme program. No promises on posting them on here though :wink:
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    Editing my 2-week goals (already):

    1. Weights 3x week
    2. Log everything
    3. No protein bars or dates
    4. Stay under calories by eating more veggies and making sure none of my 5 meals is over 500 kcal
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Hi ladies, just wanted to check-in and say hi!

    Hope you are all doing well and getting back on track with your nutrition and training after the Easter weekend!!
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    Welcome back to you, too, AScheif!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    wow, so much to catch up on. I read it all but won't comment on how awesome everyone is doing and their great goals! I am taking a break this week, I think. My whole body aches for cleaning out my deceased grandpa's house this weekend (round 2) and sleeping on an air mattress. I want to take a week off, regroup and renew my focus.
    I am feeling discouraged with the Starting Strength, I am not upping my weights, or haven't for a couple of weeks. Some days are harder than the workout before. I was really hopeful about the plan and making good gains for a "novice". I am eating more and not gaining, though, so that is good.
    I don't know what to do, though, should I stick with it or try something different? I am three weeks into this plan.
    I guess I see other people getting better results in less time. I know I shouldn't compare myself but I do.
    So this week I am just going to think about it, decide what might help me most.
    I had a massage therapist last night and she told me I should be doing cardio-she said it is most important for cardiovascular health and stress relief. I haven't been doing any cardio for the three weeks.
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    Asjerven - sorry about your grandpa. I hope you feel rested soon.
    As for me, I HAVE to do cardio -- it feels great and keeps me happy by keeping my stress levels low. I lift because sometimes I enjoy it but really so that I stay strong and that my clothes fit.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Great goals all!

    Amy - I find it curious you're not seeing any progression. My instincts are as follows for possible reasons why: 1. you started pretty heavy to begin with, making it harder/slower to progress 2. you aren't inching up in weight (by 5 lbs say on a deadlift) 3. you aren't resting enough to be "fresh" on the lifts 4. you can lift heavier but hesitate to do so (concern of injury, have never done so, etc).

    I'm not sure if any of those are true but I would guess it is one of those. If I were you I would stick with it (though going on 4 weeks is a sufficient amount of time) OR switch to a similar program - NROLFW or strong lifts.

    And on your massage therapist...she's a massage therapist, not a trainer! Now, if you personally that cardio helps to relieve stress then by all means, do it! But don't do it because she said so. Also, cardiovascularly, you get benefits with most any exercise. I know when I lift my heart rate peaks higher than when I do any cardio activity except for HIIT and often I average the rate of moderate exercise.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Kate- Thats what my husband says, he just lifts and says that his heart rate is up so high that he doesn't feel the need to do cardio also. Unless its nice out and he feels like going for a run, but he doesn't feel required to do cardio.

    I on the other hand totally disagree for me personally strength training workouts never feel as good to me as getting in a really good run or other cardio workout. I think its the whole sweat thing, I sweat alot more when I run then weightlifting so it makes me feel like I got a better workout and I just feel stress free after.

    But, I totally agree that its a personal choice and I think you would get the cardio benefits when lifting as long as your heartrate is getting up.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    yeah, I was sort of thinking to myself, ok, massage therapist, what do you know.
    I have been reading so much anti-cardio propaganda lately, well, for awhile now, starting with the final nail in the cardio coffin, and seeing the results of the strength training ladies her on MFP. I think, if I looked better at a muscular 140 than I do at 112 and could eat that much more, that would be great. I just wonder if there is some reason I have difficulty building muscle.
    Kate, I don't think I started very heavy but maybe I did move up too quickly, the program called for 5 lb increases on everything except deadlift, which was 10 lbs. I do MWF, which should technically be ok.
    And maybe I am scared but also, I know I try and the weight is too heavy to squat, I can't get parallel/"*kitten* to grass", so I end up reducing the weight until I can do it properly.
    I saw Troutman's strength routine, it's for two days per week, maybe I should try it:
    Workout A:

    Primary squat movement (such as barbell squats) - 3-5 sets of 6-8 reps
    Secondary hip hinge (something single leg such as single leg RDL or Hip Thrust) - 2-3 x 8-12
    Heavy Pull (such as barbell or cable rows) - 3-5 x 6-8
    Light Push (maybe single arm db bench press or pushups or maybe single arm push presses) - 3 x 8-15
    Core (something like planks)

    Workout B:

    Primary hip hinge (conventional deadlift for example) - 3-5 sets of 4-6 reps
    Secondary squat movement (such as a lunge variation or RFESS) - 2-3 x 8-12
    Heavy Push (such as bench press) - 3-5 sets of 6-8 reps
    Light Pull (maybe pulldowns) - 3 x 8-15
    Core (maybe pallof presses on this day)