2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    A run sounds AWESOME!! The sun came out SO full today....double-digit temps (above zero). So, *yes*, I'm dreaming of running....knowing I cannot partake.


    chui, I think I finish up NROL4W at about mid-June. It's a lengthy program - which is fine with me because I don't want to spend one week of every month thinking, "what should I do next??"
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    Thanks for the link to the running form video. I've been a competitive runner for years but seeing things like that video are still helpful. You all have inspired me to buy the New Rules of Lifting for Women. I lifted in high school and was pretty strong -- I benched 145 lb (20 lb more than me) -- so I still have a fairly strong core, but I haven't lifted in a gym in 10 years! I can still do 3 chin ups, but would like to get to 10. Heck, I would like to be able to do the 3rd one without feeling like my arms are going to break.

    Kate? with the knees - yep, check your shoes. As mine wear out, I feel it first in my knees. Also, is running on pavement your only option? Are there trails somewhere or a high school track/soccer field you could run on instead?

    Beeps, it sounds like some of your coworkers may be waiting for someone like you to start a true fitness challenge. Maybe you could form your own group and set your own goals/challenges and be held accountable to each other. A friend's office did a fitness challenge and had rewards as well -- I think gift cards to the 2 most disciplined or something like that. The gift cards were paid for by her company, but they were pretty small (as an argument to your boss or HR as to why "2 cards worth $25 each will improve employee morale and decrease sick days because healthier employees means a healthier bottom line" blah blah blah). The employees didn't know the value of the Amazon gift cards until the end of the 6 week challenge.

    Still out of energy from being sick the last 2 days, but I must do something today b/c I've already scarfed down 2,000 kcal and haven't started dinner yet! Double sessions of 30DS, here I come!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    I'm not prepared to put in the time/effort to organize a fitness challenge here at the office. (There's 400 other employees who could do this.) So, while I was ready, willing and able to JOIN an at-work challenge (that somebody else, I thought, had organized), it doesn't mean enough to me to create this. I'll just have to continue to rely on mfp persons for support and accountability.

    Speaking of accountability, I took photos today and did my measurements (except the scale - I'll do that when I go to the gym, today). I haven't looked at the photos, not that they matter, at this point, anyway. But, the measurements are weird - not as terrible as they could have been, but certainly zero improvement, frankly. So, yes, that holiday (and the post-holiday lag) *did* have a negative effect on my fitness regimen, FOR SURE. I gained in my boobs - which is crap, because they are smaller than ever. So, I ended up having a loser discussion with my husband - he says, I "should" gain across the boobs because my back is developing. I said, "but, if muscle takes up less space then fat, I should be reducing?!?" And he says, "but you don't have back fat....so, you are building the muscle, so it is increasing." Anyways, I don't pretend to understand every friggin thing. Let's just say the measurement across my boobs is bigger, but it would HAVE to be because of back growth, cause these ittty bitty titties haven't grown one ounce (or inch!).

    My natural waist stayed the same. My belly button measurement increased by 3/4". Booooo.

    My hips stayed the same!! Gosh, for me, this is a "win". I'd like to lose 1" off my hips in April, 1" in May and 1" in June. And then I'll feel good about that.

    My upper leg stayed the same. Good enough. But, my mid-thigh increased. Booooo.

    Gawd. It is SCARY how ON-TRACK I have to stay in order to see even small changes. But, this is the plan I signed up for, so I shall soldier on.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I can see how muscle would add to your measurements if you didn't have any fat in that area, Beeps, that makes sense.
    I was feeling good lifting last night, I actually found this link to a "starting strength" calculator, you put in your max lifts and it creates the 24 workouts (I am set for 8 weeks!) for you-how much to lift and how many sets and reps, pretty cool if anyone wants to see:
    does that work for anyone?
    You know, I love to be told what to do:tongue:
    It is having the weights go up 5lbs every time, though, so I am not sure that is going to happen but I can try.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Amy, that's a great link to the "starting strength" calculator! I need to develop a more formal plan to weight lifting, so this is very helpful.

    Reese, you might want to see a doctor or sports therapist about your knee before the pain gets worse. I had some bad knee issues a few years ago and it sidelined me from running for a few months, which really sucked. For me, the problem was that my quads were too weak, so they weren't pulling their weight and my knees had to pick up the slack. The doctor recommended that I wear a pateller strap (this is the one I use http://www.amazon.com/Pro-Tec-Athletics-Patellar-Tendon-Strap/dp/B004AOGA56) and do exercises that strengthen my quads. I stopped running for a few months (I cross trained with the bike and elliptical instead), did the exercises for my quads, and then eased back into running while wearing the straps, and haven't had a problem since. However, if your knee problems are caused by something else, this solutions might not work for you. And if you haven't already, definitely go to a running store and get fitted for shoes, wearing the wrong shoes for your stride could cause or exacerbate the problem.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Thanks all for the thoughts on the knees. I've been off running for a few days now thanks to the weather and broken treadmill. Knees are fine through other workouts so I'll definitely look into some of the suggestions. I appreciate it.

    Amy- Great resource! I bookmarked it so I could refer back to it during the summer! I have some time to decide what path I want to take once I get back in the gym, so I'm compiling a nice resource list (thanks to the NTHG!!)

    Beeps-Measurements are quote "a good tool" but sometimes I find them just as confusing and fluctuating as the scale. I can see why DH is saying what he's saying..it makes sense. I can't imagine it's anything other than muscle especially in that area. As good/bad as it is, one of the first places on my body to respond to strength training is my shoulders and back. Now being a girl, I'd prefer it was my butt and thighs...but I didn't get to make that choice!!

    Solar-Impressive stats on those lifts!! Thanks for the tip too. Lots to consider!

    I am actually having some 'me time' this weekend that boils down to shopping out of town with my mom and sister. So there will be eating out. Pretty confident though that after feeling some progress that I can carry that good eats mentality through the weekend and avoid too much damage. (hopefully I won't have to negate that statement on Monday!!) Still have an evening workout to get in and then Saturdays...and then I'll be basking in the glory of my rest day. I look forward to it. :laugh: I've been trying to add something in since runs aren't happening. Last night it was a HIIT, night before a more cardio DVD. If the treadmills aren't fixed next week or the weather doesn't change, I am planning on going to the gym anyways to try the elliptical or other machine to at least work on the endurance part of running.

    As for the challenge, my challenge Monday was to pre-log main meals. That's been going well, and has made eating simpler. I cooked up extra dinner last night to carry over for tonight. It was intended to be my lunch but I forgot it and had to go with what was in the freezer. But I have it to look forward to tonight! I bumped my calories back down just a bit to 1450 from 1500 with eating back exercise calories (bless you Polar HRM for returning to me!) and this week I've really felt good so I'm sticking with that for a bit to see where it leads me. Scales been pleased. I'm pleased. Continuing on!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Okay girls...one more thought. I threw this out to one of my MFP friends and thought I should throw it out there. I realize some of you don't have kids so it might be hard for me to explain but here goes...

    I had this thought though today looking in the mirror. And this may be getting a little TMI so forgive me. But I always HATE my stomach. I get so frustrated with it. I was looking at it today and realized. The issue is really my belly button. Granted there's still a little layer of fat there. But my belly button stretched so much during pregnancy that it gives this terrible look to my stomach. I had a belly button ring when I got pregnant with my first, I'm not sure if that's what did it. And I'm not sure there's anything that can be done about it at all. I don't think you can shrink your belly button. As silly as it sounds, when I covered my enormous belly button up. My stomach looks decent and I can see the progress. But when I just glance in the mirror, my eyes automatically go to that belly button and that's all I can see. So I'm not sure I'll ever be bikini girl again even if I get to 145 but I sure can be short short girl. l:laugh: Any one heard of this? Lost cause? Not saying this sways my goals or anything, I was just pleasantly surprised but also irritated that this is an issue.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I think the belly button can get sort of herniated with pregnancy but I think they can fix it, although what you really need is to fix your mind set, huh? All we see is our flaws when we look in the mirror, and once we hone in on something we can just never be convinced otherwise. Maybe Jen can weigh in, she did a mommy tuck-did they do anything to the belly button?
    I saw an explanation of the surgery once, they really creted a whole new belly-button:

    But, you can save some money and wear a tankini, or a monokini:tongue:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Agreed Amy. Now that I recognize what it is about this 'problem area' that bothers me so much I can work on mentally adjusting my expectations for that part of my body. I just wondered if this is a common issue, an unfixable issue or if it is what it is. I hope it didn't come across as super negative. In actuality, I was impressed that I could note that progress once I looked beyond that post-pregnancy stumbling block.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Hmmmm, nope, I haven't heard of that particular "belly button" issue, mama....sorry that I cannot be of more help!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    PS - since I already did my weigh-in and measurements, and since I closed a pretty big deal at work, today....I am currently gobbling down chocolate-covered almonds!!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    It looks like I am not the only one who has experienced the constant workplace food temptations. Yesterday there were cake, dunkin donuts & pizza sitting on the table in the breakroom when I got there. Yikes! I must confess I ate half a maple frosted doughnut and a slice of veggie pizza. It was mid-afternoon and I was starving. I made up for it with a light dinner followed by a brutal 90 minute ballet class. It doesn't look like we are working hard since we are standing next to a bar barely moving, but we are all dripping in sweat and huffing & puffing. The window in the classroom gets completely steamed up - you can't even see through it. I love it!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Hi Ladies. I have been such a bad support lately. With extra hours plus stress at work and the hubby telling me I spend too much time on MFP, I took a slight break! Gonna try to catch up before he wakes up, lol!!

    Beeps - Don't even get me started on your corporate challenge! I am so mad for you. I have friends on FB and people talking to me about Body by Vi all the time!! Not even gonna go there, lol!!

    Measurements can fluctuate so much based on water retention, slight difference in where you are measuring, etc. It is a great tool but always take with a grain of salt. Honestly, just need to keep the overall picture in mind. I went on my vaca before you did and finally as of this Thurs, I just slightly surpassed my stats from Mexico, so just give it time. You are doing great...I will prob repeat this more than once - progress not perfection :wink: Just keep as you say, soldiering on!

    Amy - I took a look at that program and some of those weights look HEAVY and it says its for a novice lifter?!?! Let me compare:
    SS Squat = 100 lbs I squat between 115-135, SS Bench Press = 100, I press 95 and that was 1x4, SS Deadlift = 100 (this is doable) I DL 155, SS = Press 100, I do 75, SS Power Clean = 100, I think I've done 75. But then again, I'm kind of little, so maybe I'm totally off :tongue: But I'm like you. I like things laid out so I know what to do. Those are GREAT exercises to perform though. My workouts typically have some variation of all of those every workout :happy:

    Solar - those are definitely impressive strength stats!! Congrats! :drinker:

    Reese - I am sorry to hear about the knee. Def look into shoes and inserts of needed. I also take Glucosamine for my joints. Has made a world of difference. I was having issues with my knees when lifting and they went away. Also, when I started running, my knees hurt initially, but it went away. One tip I can offer, some women tend to have weak knees because they focus workouts on their quads and forget their hamstrings, so there is an imbalance and more stress is placed on the knee. Maybe try to incorporate some hamstring exercises to see if that helps. As for the belly button thing. Before my mini tummy tuck, my focus always went to my "pooch". Now that the pooch is gone, guess where my focus goes to?!?! You got it, my belly button and I didn't even have a belly ring :ohwell: It can be surgically fixed I'm sure. My surgeon said my belly button would point down slightly, but when I look at it, I actually think he could have removed more skin, but it's too late for that now. Maybe I had unrealistic expectations. If I get a chance, I'll upload a pic and you guys can see what I mean about my belly button.

    I got measured Thurs and it went well. My forearms and biceps went up, hips, thighs and waist went down, and here is the interesting thing. My weight was up .4 from Mexico (109.6 vs 109.2) but fat % was down .2 (19.6 vs 19.8 which is down from 2 weeks ago 21.8) So my trainer's explanation is that my muscles are getting bigger :bigsmile: hahaha!! we"ll see. I just think it's crazy that it has taken me all of Feb and March to get where I was because I was so inconsistent :grumble: But then what I do, I totally gorge on carbs the rest of Thurs and completely fell off yesterday. Needless to say, I am back on today!

    Have a great weekend ladies!!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Let's see if this works...this was Monday...sorry bout the cleavage, gotta love my Zumba bras ;)

  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    I resized the pic and now I'm not sure you can see what I was referring to with my belly button :ohwell:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Yeah, Jen, but you are supposed to enter your max weight and it does the calculations for you. The default is just 100 on everything.
    Sunday- time to get ready for the week!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Well weekend wasnt as on par as the week but I stayed within calorie target even after making an 'eh' lunch decision while STARVING. LoL. It's an imporovement on just eating because I"m bored on the weekend. I spent all afternoon prepping meals for myself and for my husband. There was a lot of protein being fixed. LoL. Egg muffins and chix with asparagus for me. Chix, rice, and broccoli for his lunches. Plus just our regular Sunday meals and brownies for hte kids. It was a busy kitchen day.

    My mom is really trying to get back on track with eating. I'm going to pull the reigns in with her to see if together we can't knock out some goals. She did AMAZING with weight watchers with my Dad a couple years ago. I'm glad to help in any way I can so if my tightening things back up for myself and it helps us both. More power to us.

    So my goals for this week (keeping my last 2 week of pre logging and sticking with the workout program) I'm adding to get my runs in, even if it means being creative with the broken treadmill. My DH hnaded me down some underarmor run gear that I can use to run outdoors. So time to suck it up and push forward. I'm aldo gutting back carbs for the next 2 weeks. I've been to lax on this, been so focused on protein that I haven't paid attention to how high I've been letting this get. So that's where I"m heading! Already prelogged tomorrow. :-) Have a great Sunday night!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    I hope everyone had a good weekend...ROCK CHALK! I spent most of it first pretending I wasn't sick then miserably accepting I was . Sinuses, yuck. I am staying home from work today and about to head to the doctor for antibiotics. My mom had the same thing last week didn't rest enough and now she has pneumonia! so I would like to avoid this little issue. My eating wasn't great but bf insisted I not worry about macros/cals when sick so I ate what I was hungry for. Back on the train today.

    I don't think this would should throw off training for much, thankfully. Each stage has two bonus workouts where you go back to the weights you started with and that's all I have left for my second stage. I figure I can definitely get those in at some point this week then next week will my rest week...perfect since I will be going to Austin for a mini adult spring break with my college besties. Then onto to stage 3 three in April.

    Okay, off to the doctor! Keep it up ladies!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Good morning everyone :)

    Reese- great 2 week goals!

    Chuisle- hope you feel better!

    I had an ok weekend, Saturday night was not great, but kept on track the rest of the weekend. I've attempted upping my cals from 1270 to 1425, although I logged everything I am going to eat today and I still haven't even hit 1200. I really don't think I can eat anymore than what I have planned. So we will see how this goes. So I guess that's my 2 week challenge :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    I was off-track all weekend....I'm not going to bother to write down any "excuses"....I just was. It all started with having to miss my Friday work-out and it just sort of went on a wild ride from there.

    I didn't late-night snack Fri or Sun, so there's SOME good news there - and I "had" given myself permission to late-night snack on Saturday night because we were at a "games' night" with a whole bunch of my husband's work colleagues....so, yep, I LNS ALL OVER THE PLACE Saturday night.

    Anyway, my 2 week challenge is to eliminate the LNS - which I think is do-able this week - and maybe I'll give myself a "permission LNS" sometime next week. And, of course, to eliminate bad snacking at work. I was pretty successful last week (Friday being the exception) - and I feel pretty revved up to GET 'ER DONE this week.

    I also finish up Stage 3 of NROL4W this week - so it's onto Stage 4 next week. I am booked in with personal trainer next Mon and Wed to walk me through the 4A and 4B work-out.