2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Whoa. Well, that answers that, then, AScheif. I'm doing them wrong, for sure.


    They are hard enough the way I'm doing them....can't imagine doing them your way. But, I'll have to give it the good ol' college try on Wednesday when the body matrix shows up in my regimen, again.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Amy, if I still have calories to eat, in the evening, I won't choose a protein shake. I can't have any liquid after 6:30 pm or I'm up all night pee-ing. I have the WORLD'S smallest bladder.


    I get my 13 or 14 glasses of water in before 6:30 pm and then I just shut it down.

    And, I really don't count ANYTHING as "LNS", unless it is after 8:00 - 8:30 pm. What I am *really* trying to eliminate is my habit of munching, unnecessarily, between 8:30 - 10:00 pm. I just watched an interesting youtube video from the journalist who is making the latest rounds about "how to break a habit" and it had some pointers in there that I could use.

    I probably REALLY want some of my husband's attention, during the 8:00 - 10:00 pm hours, and I'm probably seeking food rather than asking him to just put down his computer and talk to me!! If I can break out of MY routine, for a few nights, I can probably work on having my husband break out of HIS routine.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    One more question then, AScheif - are you going very "fast" when you are doing lunge-jumps or squat-jumps?? (i.e. I am trying to speed up this part of the matrix, but maybe if I just go at the same speed as regular lunges and squats, with a jump, it might be do-able, for me.)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    I'll just keep hogging this board, today....

    GOOD NEWS: I just got an e-mail over the lunch-hour that my company is doing a "fitness challenge" for upcoming "corporate challenge". For me, having REAL LIFE people to help me with the "accountability" of all of this will SERIOUSLY improve my chances of success! So, this is VERY exciting, for me. The "meet-and-greet" is tomorrow at lunch. So, I'll sacrifice my cardio work-out to hear what it is all about.

    I'm VERY excited, now!!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Morning Ladies! Today I get my body composition tested...woo hooo! I'm a little nervous for what it will say but excited to have an accurate reading.

    So far so good this week. I did my NROL workout in the evening yesterday since I am on spring break from my class...I forgot how much I love hitting the gym after work! I had so much more energy than at 6 am so I did my intervals on the track rather on the elliptical and can feel it today!

    Beeps - that great about the fitness challenge! My company is in the middle of one right now. I find they don't help me hugely (the incentive are losing the most weight/body fat/inches as a percentage of your current stats, a competition which I have no hope in given I'm already relatively lean and most people here aren't) but I like the extra support and incentive! Its cool you do corporate challenge, I would love it if we got involved in something like that!

    Amy - that's awesome about the chin up! You'll be there in no time!!

    Shannon - how was the wedding and everything??
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Holy moly this board moves like crazy!! Everyone seems to be doing awesome though! Ok, so to answer Beeps earlier

    1. the 2-week-challenge we are working on. - I'm going to TRY not to drink Monday-Thursday at least (convincing my mom this is ok will be the bigger challenge!) and to eat a mid morning and mid afternoon snack to up my cals (I've been very bad with this)
    2. how progress is going relative to that 2-week-challenge; - Just started yesterday and so far so good
    3. how progress is going overall (towards whatever OVERALL goal you have). - Not good! I'm extremely nervous to weigh in on Thursday... I don't think I'm going to like what I see at all!!!

    My friend's wedding is over and it went very well! (thanks for asking Kate!) The bride looked stunning and everything went without problems! It even landed during that mini heat wave we had and was a gorgeous 70 degree day in March, perfect!! I'm definitely trying to recover from last week though, pasta and french fries for dinner at the rehearsal, Ruby Tuesdays the day after (had some spinach and artichoke dip with chips, but had the spaghetti squash which is healthy) and then wedding day was a wash... bagels and muffins split by the bridesmaids for breakfast.. pizza for lunch... fried ravioli(heavenly!) during the cocktail hour, and then butternut squash ravioli in a sage butter sauce for dinner.... I don't even want to know how much I consumed!!! I'm totally still feeling the bloated grossness today though, plus with TOM visiting next week I'm EXTRA bloated... bah humbug!! I really need to get back on track though, and lessen my drinking on weekends... I should pick just one day to drink, and I know I should, but in the moment I always just go for it anyways. I need to work on my will power for sure!!

    Kate - I can't wait to hear about your bod pod experience!! I wish I could find the paper from when I did it in college (soph year) and I want to find out if I can pay to do it there still! Let us know how it works out :)

    Beeps - awesome about the fitness challenge!! I wish we had something like that here! We have ShapeUpRI, but you need a team and no one would do it with me! You'll rock them all!! I get you with the LNS too... I gave those up for lent, so I've been pretty good, only a few slip ups (only times I have forgotten is when too much alcohol was consumed.. and that is only 2-3 times I think... gosh I'm bad) but you're so good with your goals that you can kick the habit! and if your cals allow it, then why not! What youtube video did you watch for breaking habits? I'd be interested to watch it as well!

    That's all I can see for now, but keep it up ladies!! I will hopefully be checking in here more now that wedding madness is over!!
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    One more question then, AScheif - are you going very "fast" when you are doing lunge-jumps or squat-jumps?? (i.e. I am trying to speed up this part of the matrix, but maybe if I just go at the same speed as regular lunges and squats, with a jump, it might be do-able, for me.)

    Beeps - You definitely want to do it with some speed, but not compromise form...the "jump" part of the movement should be explosive, and when you land it should be soft and controlled, bringing you all the way down to where your knee is touching, or you are paralle, and then explosive jump back up. It's better to do less with more form, then to do lots that are crappy.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Thanks, AScheif! I hear you loud and clear....I think my "jumps" the last time I tried body matrix were more like scissor-kicks and 2-legged jumps than TRUE lunge-jumps and squat-jumps. My form is very limiting...and needs consistent effort and work. It's a lie to say I could do 24-lunge-jumps and 24-squat-jumps with perfect form at the end of the body-matrix. Maybe I'll aim for 4 of each, for now.

    Shannon: This is the link for the journalist that wrote about changing habits.


    chui - I'm VERY excited to read about your body composition test!! Can't wait!! Yay!!

    I think it is true that this corporate challenge will be more about lost weight than lost body fat %. But, it's okay that I can't "win" this sort of competition - I think it's just better if I have people around me who are asking me if I'm "on track", etc., etc. That helps when the afternoon munchies strike. That helps when I'm thinking of skipping a work-out. So, for THAT reason, I think this will be a good month.

    I wrote off March. Fine. But, I cannot take that same approach to April or May or June....not if I'm serious about what I'm supposedly saying is my "goal".
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    I am on my second week of my challenge which got a little de-railed over the weekend between a trip to the movies Saturday night, rain keeping me away from my Sunday morning run and a pot-luck birthday party for my nephew Sunday night. I am working to get back on track this week, but I am definitely staying off the scale for a little while to avoid discouragement. I am planning a new challenge for the next two weeks.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    asjerven - My trainer said a protein shake either right before or right after the workout - either way is fine.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    thanks, abi, I haven't been doing the protein shakes much lately, I am just sort of sick of them at the moment.
    I did the lifting last night. Been good logging everything and getting up to those new cals.
    I am curious to see what happens at the bod pod, Kate. does anyone have the Body Fit Media? I have seen some MFPs that do and they are finding that they burn a lot more calories in a day than they thought, and I think knowing that would make me feel better about the higher cals. they are kinda spendy so I don't know that I have to have it.
    My husband used to have fitness challenges at work but it was about how many steps you took (they got pedometers) and they also got credit for every 30 minutes of exercise but that was self-reporting so he thought everyone just lied to win.
    Shannon, glad the wedding was nice, sounds like a good time and yummy snacks (well, maybe not pasta and french fries:tongue: ) but why is it hard to convince your mom about not drinking Mon-Thurs?
    I wish I could get away from the drinking every night...
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Amy - It's been such a routine since I turned 21 to have a glass with them every night that she thinks somethings wrong with me if I say no! She doesn't want me losing weight, which I'm okay with her saying that, but she doesn't understand me wanting to lose body fat!! Something I'll have to work on with her :) Plus, this girl I know who is big into fitness and is getting ready for a competition told us about the effects of alcohol and how it can hurt fat burn and it makes me not want it!! I'll have to find where she read it from, it's rather depressing though since I love my wine!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Kate- Amazing workouts You are killing them! Hope that bod pod goes well! Let us know!

    Shander- Glad the wedding went well. When we have a social life it can be hard to make good choices, but keep at it. You need to enjoy life just as much as you need to be healthy. You are finding a balance that works for you!!

    Amy- I've seen that with the Body Fits too. Lots of positive reviews. But I thought the same that they are expensive. I can see where it could help get a clearer picture. I'm sure I'd become more obsessed with numbers!!!

    I've been kickin' my workout programmings butt! Granted my runs still need A LOT of improvement. But I have 6 weeks to keep plugging away. Got two workouts in this AM at home. And feeling good. Had a delicious lunch of quinoa. It was yummy! Can't prelog my dinner since I'm eating at my mom's but I packed chix and quinoa that I'll have if dinner isn't a healthy option...if not, I'll save it for lunch tomorrow.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi all,

    I just have a few minutes so not enough time to comment on everything, but Beeps, I love your two-week challenge, and I think this is so true:
    What I am *really* trying to eliminate is my habit of munching, unnecessarily, between 8:30 - 10:00 pm. I just watched an interesting youtube video from the journalist who is making the latest rounds about "how to break a habit" and it had some pointers in there that I could use.

    I probably REALLY want some of my husband's attention, during the 8:00 - 10:00 pm hours, and I'm probably seeking food rather than asking him to just put down his computer and talk to me!! If I can break out of MY routine, for a few nights, I can probably work on having my husband break out of HIS routine.

    When I've gained (or failed to lose) weight in the past it's probably been 95% due to stuff like this--eating for the wrong reason. For the longest time I ONLY watched my favorite TV shows with pizza and a few glasses of wine, even if I wasn't that hungry and didn't really want the wine. If I was going to indulge in trashy TV, I wanted to REALLY indulge, and it just became habit. I make much healthier choices now, but I still have trouble watching TV without something to munch on. So my two-week challenge is going to be to not snack in front of the TV. I'm going to try to minimize eating in front of the TV in general, but our house isn't that big, so unless I can get my husband on board there will be at least a few meals when I'll have to either eat in front of the TV or eat in the bedroom, and I'm not quite ready to go that far.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Amy, which program did you choose - "starting strength", right?? Please post progress reports as you are going along....I just CANNOT get ENOUGH information about lifting programs!!!

    Shannon, I think it is HILARIOUS that your MOM is the one who would think you were *nuts* if you didn't have a glass of wine one night!! Wow!! That's pressure in a "reverse-world" sense!

    mama - you are RIGHT ON TRACK!! Good for you....6 weeks is gonna pass in the FLASH OF AN EYE!

    Ris - my husband would love me to switch the t.v. off. Period. He HATES it. I don't. Enough said. It is the tool that I use to de-compress....I have a high-stress, lots-of-hours job, I work-out daily, I am a mom of 3 kids, a wife, and my brain has little left to devote to "proper pursuits" between 8:30 and 10:00 pm (when I go to bed/sleep). Truth is, if I were to explain it like I did, here, to my husband, he would simply offer up sex for those same 90 minutes every night! Ummmmmm, sometimes yes and sometimes "no".

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I am doing starting strength, which I thought of as a 3x5 program, that is, three sets of five reps, and only a couple of compound moves to start:
    Workout A

    3x5 Squat
    3x5 Bench Press
    3x5 Deadlift / Power Clean 5x3, alternate every workout ''A''

    Workout B

    3x5 Squat
    3x5 Incline Bench Press / Military Press, alternate every workout “B”
    3x5 Chin-ups / Lat Pull Downs, alternate every workout “B”
    3x8 Weighted Hyperextensions / Good Mornings

    I warm up 5 minutes on the treadmill and then several warm ups at 25%. 50%, 75% of the working set.

    I have only done 4 workout, last week and last night, so I don't really have much to say. I was focusing on form but I do want to challenge myself.
    Where';s Jen?! she had the post that said if you don't challenge yourself you won't change yourself. I think that's a good little motivational quote.
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Those seem like great workouts! I'm getting so tempted to join a gym along with Jazzercise... I know I need to add weight training to get the results I want, but it would be more money per month... I feel like if I were to join a gym it would have to be a Planet Fitness so I could afford the $10 a month.. I might want to decide soon though because they have a promotion of only $10 registration... What are your opinions?? Think PF is worth it????
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    I think weight-training is worth it, Shannon. Period. You'll be saving money as you decrease your drinking and fitness is a GOOD place to part with it!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    So, I go to the "meet-and-greet" luncheon today, at work. As I normally work-out at lunch, I sacrificed my work-out to attend this meet-and-greet BECAUSE it was hyped (via e-mail from our President's Exec Assistant!) as a "corporate challenge fitness challenge".

    I arrive to be greeted by 3 x overly made-up plastic-looking women from a local spa. Holding cups with a "sample" of a shake (meal replacement).

    I then sit down with about 30 other women from my office and am treated to a 20-minute presentation on "Bodies by Vi" - some meal replacement program - AND, get this - a MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING SCHEME!!


    I was sooooooooooooooooooo pissed off, I cannot even tell you. At the end of the 20-minutes, I asked, very politely, but clearly, if the 'corporate fitness challenge' only applied to persons who were purchasing their products. And, the presenters said, "yes".


    Sooooooooooo, somehow it is "okay" for my employer to permit MLM scams to come into our office location and preach to stupid working women?? Moreover, instead of the 30-women saying, "hell, no, we can draw up our own fitness challenge to participate in - we don't need these damn meal-replacement schticks", nope, like lambs to the slaughter they lined up to PAY MONEY to these scammers.


    I walked out. I have a high enough position in the company I would have thought that would have demonstrated some kind of "leadership". But, nope. It didn't.

    So, now, I hate my employer for ALLOWING solicitations like this into my building. I HATE the Exec Assis who is NOW making $$ OFF HER CO-WORKERS by bringing in this b.s. product. And, I HATE my co-workers for being the fools that they are.

    Worst of all, I have NO "corporate fitness challenge" to participate in to help me with "accountability" (in real life). Dammit.