2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Last night after lifting the yoga class was starting so I decided to stay. It was quite unlike any yoga I have ever seen. You know, some are about strength and holding poses, some are about flow and matching movement to breathing, but this instructor, with his BO and giant pit stains, said yoga was first about meditating, then about relaxing, then about stretching. So it was not much of a workout and only minimal on the stretching! and it was an hour and 10 minutes! oh well...
    Beeps, like you I have my salad in the fridge, just like all week, I have been having it with some goat cheese and pecans. I have that rotten banana sometimes too, don't even know what the ad is for!
    Drank the detox tea all day yesterday and really did feel less bloated. It might be in my head because I have been drinking every night which I need to knock that off...
    Jen, you are a rock star. I bet you are the only one who notices when you hit a wall:tongue:
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Wow that took me awhile to catch up just from being gone a week!!

    Needless to say I definitely indulged on vacation. I actually ate pretty well though. Usually some fresh fruit with fat free yogurt and granola for breakfast (sometimes a couple pieces of bacon). Lunch was a large salad with vinegar and oil and a few sushi rolls (had a few chips and guac a couple days) Dinner was awesome fish and veggies with some rice usually. And had dessert a couple times. It was the drinks that killed me for sure though!! Never ended up hitting the fitness center, but did do long walks on the beach in the morning most days.

    Sad to be back, but glad to get back into routine for sure. Made some yummy southwest breakfast muffins with egg whites and ground turkey yesterday, so I have breakfast for awhile. I'm really going to get serious about following the eat clean diet and eating 6 small meals a day with a protein at each. I think I am just going to focus on cardio until Monday and get this water weight off, then I will finish up my final 3 weeks of P90X. Also going back to no alcohol during the week and really trying to keep it minimal on the weekends.

    Glad to see everyone has been keeping up the good work!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    welcome back, Chloe! How was Puerta Vallarta? I never saw the fitness center in Mexico either! sounds like you are back on track. Breakfast muffins sound good, you do that on an english muffin? or just baked into muffins?
    I have been doing a good job logging but I never close it out at the end of the day because I am over, which is silly, I set my goal to 1800 for non-workout days, 2000 on workout days but the strength training doesn't techinically count.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    They are just lean ground turkey, red pepper, and onion cooked in a pan with some seasoning and then add in egg whites and cook in a muffin tin. First time I've made them, found them on the clean eating website, pretty good and filling.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Oh and Puerto Vallarta was great, I just love that town and the Dreams resort was AMAZING. Best that we have stayed at especially the food and drinks. This was our second time to PV, so it was nice to already know the great places to go. My husband went to the gym almost everyday, but my friend and I (we went with another couple) just walked the beach most mornings, which was actually a decent workout. I would've run, but she's not a runner.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Chloe- Glad the vacation was good and that you enjoyed yourself. You are back at it with the cardio and that water weight will shed right off!

    Jen- I agree with Amy, I'm sure no one notices you puttering out but I can see why you would with your go go go like the Energizer bunny!! I apologize for missing a post earlier to tell you that I'm sorry to hear about your student. I hope that everyone is able to grieve in a way that helps them. It's a terrible thing.

    Amy- Loved your description of the yoga teacher. Too funny. I do love Jen's detox tea. It's great to grab as a switch up from water.

    I know I missed others and I apologize. Works bonkers and we've been running like crazy. Don't you all know it!! Things are going fine for me. I've got an active rest day planned with just outside activities with the kids. I'd like to fit in some Turbo Fire Stretch too. My muscles need it. We'll see...

    Tomorrow's a run day. I found a good website that gave me a 6 week plan that included upping mileage and included some intervals. So I'm hoping to get to our local track this weekend to fit that in. Speed type work is what I did in high school (a good 12 years ago *cough cough*) but I think it should be fun to get back on a track!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Chloe - Welcome back ! Sounds like a wonderful time! Your plan to get back to it sounds like it should do the trick!! I know what you mean about being sad to be back but on a routine again :) I'm sure your body likes the change up and will do fine getting back to it!

    Amy, that is too funny about the stinky yoga teacher. Sorry to hear it wasn't what you were hoping for though. When school is out, I will be adding yoga to my rest days!

    Beeps, I believe in you!! "You can stay away from the almonds"...sending the willpower your way!! As for all the eating, because of what I've been eating, it's been hard to meet my calorie goals. But I try.

    Mama, So glad you found a program to guide you! It helps when it's all laid out for you. Have fun with your kids on your active rest day :) Also, thank you for the kind words.

    So I trained today and got 2 personal records! I chest pressed 80 lbs ( all by myself for 2 sets) and also did 2 of sets of deadlifts at 155 lbs!!!! Woot!!! My trainer was amazed! I so love lifting heavy :bigsmile:

    Hope you all are having a fabulous day!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Welcome back, Chloe! Your vacation sounds AWESOME! I dunno, Amy, I read your description of the yoga class and it reminds me why I just. Don't. Like. Yoga. mama, I think you are gonna ROCK the RUN! You'll see.

    I pulled something at the gym, today....actually, it's part of the same muscle group that I had that BIG pull in August. Hurts like hell and I'm having difficulty turning my neck in certain directions, etc. Ouch!! Too funny, too....it was an HIIT day, which I did on the bike, and then I went for my long stretch. BUT, I remembered that I had *also* started that 100-push-ups thing prior to my trip to Hawaii and hadn't gotten back into it. So, I decided to do some push-ups in between certain stretches. And, on my 3rd and last set, POP went my trap/shoulder/neck region.

    Geez. It better be fixed by tomorrow because I do NOT want to sacrifice a lifting day for 4 friggin push-ups, that's for darned sure!!

    PS - I am chewing on gum to avoid choc-covered almonds....
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Beeps! I Did something that sounds EXACTLY like that today doing push ups. Right at the base of the neck area? Argh. For both of us it better be better! It's still a little sore, but I am really hoping it's okay...I get so scared of injury! I spent way too much injured during sports...no thank you!

    So got my bf done with calipers today and I was up again! This can definitely have to do with bloating the trainer said (which I am right now...does anyone else get a little bloated start about 10 days before their period? I feel crazy but I swear that happens to me). Either way, I know I have been good lately and I think once I finish stage 2 and take pictures I'll see it too! Plus I have the bod pod tuesday which is just shy in accuracy of water testing...woo hoo!

    Chloe - welcome back, vacation sounds awesome!

    Jen - WOOO HOOOO! That's amazing! Go you!

    I spent ALL day messing with a code I thought was going to take an hour to tweak this morning. It's running now and hopefully well! #researcherproblems.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Ooh, Dreams resorts do look nice, and good for you for gettin away from the all-inlcusive and seeing a bit of the town.
    Reese, have a good run, and hey, at least you used to be a runner, even if it was 12 years ago! Muscles have memory:wink:
    Kate, I can't believe you BF went up, I really don't know how accurate they can be, but I definitely bloat a week before my period. I am curious to see what they tell you at the bod pod.
    Beeps, I hope your neck heals, that sounds bad and all for a pushup?!
    Jeno, way to go on the 80 lbs. bench press and 155 lb deadlift, that is awesome! Remind me what is your strength routine? I did something online (http://www.strstd.com/) where I entered my stats and it gave me a 5/3/1 routine, warm up, sets and reps for Starting Strength. I just wonder how it compares to your plan/training. I don't know how most people know what to do.
    I felt a little silly last night, it occurred to me, there are two bars for the "cage" and one bar is 35 lbs and it is shorter than the 45 lb bar but I use them both, I wonder if they are supposed to be used for the same thing or if I am looking crazy using the long bar for deadlifts?!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Beeps and Kate - I do hope you're injuries arent' too serious and that they get better quickly. Push ups huh?!?! :huh: I wonder if your shoulders were shrugged and not back??

    Kate - Several q's re: bodyfat testing. Did the same person do it? Was it at the same time of day as last time? And did you have more sodium yesterday?? Can very well be the pms thing too!

    Amy - depending on the exercise, my sets/reps change all within the same workout. I.E., all my exercises are supersets to kind of keep my hr up. Today, balistic step ups step ups w/10 lb ball 3/15, 1 leg 10lb ball scoop 3x10/leg; bench press 8/6/4/4 with weights going up 3/4 sets, kettle bell single arm row 10/8/6/6 - 30lbs, 35 lbs, 40lbs, 40lbs; Overhead squats with the long bar - 45 lbs 5x5 (I was using the 55 lb barbell on Sunday) Deadlifts 3x5 - 135 lbs, 145 lbs, 150 lbs, 155lbs x2; went up to the blue band for face pulls (upper back) 3x15, landmine twists 3x12 and landmine shoulder press 3x15. I was drenched!

    As for not knowing what to do...when I work out on my own or plan my client's workout, I just make sure to hit all muscle groups (combo of push/pull, I like to do two leg as well as one leg exercises). Also, as a rule of thumb, typically you start with the biggest muscles and barbells and work way down to smaller muscles and dumbbells. I will have to check out the site your workout is on!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Amy and Jen - on the bf testing, it was the same person, same time of day but my sodium was definitely high yesterday! (catered food, yikes!). The trainer said milimeters on my stomach (due to bloat) can make all the difference. I didn't realize that! Oh well. Onwards and upwards! I'll keep to keeping ALL my measurements and at the end of the day I remind myself that I track success based on what I'm doing NOT what the numbers say and in that regard I know I am doing well.

    Just a point of iritation in general - we put so much stock in these numbers but they are SO variable! So easy to underestimate food/exercise, TDEE, scales weigh differently, body fat is tough to measure etc. etc. They are all GREAT tool but its important to remind myself not to get too caught up in the numbers. Thinking about these things it seems to me that measurements and pictures are best...they're also the ones most slow to show progress :)

    PS my neck is sore but okay. The discomfort feels very muscular which I take to be a good sign. I am just going to warm up well tomorrow and listen to my body. Jen, it might have been shoulder position, I will have to pay attention...I daresay my neck will make me :)

    Also on full body...I see SOOO many people "doing arms today." From what I've read for women these sorts of workouts are not ideal and just from doing multiple good routine I agree that Jen's description is right on. Like, really? you biceps are so developed you need a day to train them? This may be true of *some* people but unlikely to be true of most.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    well, starting strength is all full body lifts for two weeks-
    Workout A: squat, deadlift, overhead press Workout B: squat, deadlift, bench press
    so you alternate 3 times per week, nothing very specialized. After a couple of weeks there is more variation.
    I am not familiar with the "push-pull" distinction but I have heard of it.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Beeps, I also am having back issues. I may have done it at the YMCA or at work. I don't really know. But, I have missed two days at the gym because of it.:grumble:
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    I wonder if that was my issue a few weeks back when I hurt my neck? Because I was doing push ups the day before, I will have to be mindful of keeping my shoulders back. As far as the whole upper body and lower body on separate days.....I personally enjoy doing dvds for weightlifting, right now I am doing P90X and next I plan on doing another round of Chalean Extreme. P90X does it separately, while Chalean tends to work legs in every workout and then a couple upper body workouts. I like Chalean better personally and cant wait to get back to that.

    So against my better judgement this morning I decided to weigh in. Before I left for vacay I was at 143.2, the day we got back I was 153.6!!!!!!! Today I was 146.4. So down 7.2 pounds in 2 days. I know there was a discussion awhile back that it takes 3 days to bounce back so I'm hoping tomorrow I will be back down or at least close to pre vacation weight!

    My foot was really bothering me last night and still is today, so I had a short run last night, and I'm not sure how today will go. I had a stress fracture when I ran the marathon a couple years ago and it still gets weird sometimes. I am thinking it was from all the walking around barefoot on the beach and in flip flops over vacation. So I may take it a little easy today, but I will try to get something in, even if its just a walk.

    Keep up the good work ladies!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hey Ladies! Happy Friday, just a quick check in before I get busy for the weekend (aka don't spend 9 hours a day at a desk)

    Amy - that's similar to NROL...the push/pull thing is probably incorporated just not by name (think late pull down vs military press). NROL outlines it a bit, I'll have to check on the specifics.

    Chloe - hope your foot feets better! And yay on the 7.2 lbs :) I'm sure the rest will be gone in no time. Oh and I didn't mean to diss your programs, I am sure they are good! Or for people like Asheif who are training more seriously I think it makes sense. I just mean that if you're 20 lbs overweight and working your back and triceps today something is off :)

    I did my NROL workout and was really happy with my performance today. I really felt like I was progressing and working hard and finally felt like I was owning the front squat to push press. People kept looking at me (it is a dramatic movement). It's amazing what confidence does for your lifting. My neck didn't bother me much at all either, yayyy. I also lifted without gloves for the first time in forever since I just read and saw on the NROL forum its better without them. Poor hands :(.

    No meat today, so lots of eggs, fish and whey :)
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Kate- I have no clue which is better. Full body or separate workouts. I think, like everything else, there's a differing of opinions. Like Chloe, I do P90x which breaks it up to things like chest/back, shoulders/bis, etc. When DH did my strength plan, he'd combine 2 major body parts for 1 workout. But he'd also set up full body days in different plans. Personally, I prefer the full body routines. But with homeworkouts, following P90x is just easier since it coordinates with what I have on hand.

    Chloe- The body is a fascinating thing. And it does incredibly crazy things like you said, up 10, down 7...no clue. I'm sure you are back at it 100% and will only continue to see positive changes!

    Jen- I might have to steal your workouts once I get back into the gym. June can't come soon enough!!

    Todays P90x chest/back day later on before the kids soccer practice. Active rest was good yesterday, but after my 5 year old attempted a wheelie on his bike and landed himself with road rash...I had Mommy Duty so TF stretch got pushed to the wayside. I'd still like to try and fit at least part of it in before my run tomorrow. It's supposed to rain here so it looks like my out door track adventure might turn into tread mill. But it must be done regardless!!

    Monday is my PHC body fat testing appt. It's been a month (on Monday) since I saw her. I have been avoiding the scale. And it's hard to tell if things are changing since the weather has been so nice, I've dug out capris and shorts (which are loose but I can't remember if they were/werent last spring). So we'll see if there's any changes. It'll be my first weigh in in about 4 weeks. Not too concerned because I feel good and like the programming I've set up for this 5k training/strength. So just keep plugging away. DH will start working at the gym at the beginning of June and then I can really concentrate on strength with my free membership there. Looking forward to it!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    My injury is 100% because I was hunching my shoulders doing the push-ups....and then when I realized it and tried to snap them back into place (by pulling my shoulder-blades together) - POP!!

    Ugh. Sleeping last night was UBER-PAINFUL. Who cares.....all I could think about is how I have to tailor my work-out, today, because I am NOT missing it and I am NOT going to lose any momentum. That holiday just about killed it. And, I just don't want that.

    So, lower body should be fine - and as I move through the upper body, I'll just do the best I can. Lower the weights as necessary and switch-things up. I hope I can still do planks....hadn't thought of that until just this second! And wood-chops, too.

    I could go back to the chiropractor, but I'm going to try and just nurse it with ice and ibuprofen.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    This board moves so fast. I'd really like each of us to post an "update" on:

    1. the 2-week-challenge we are working on.
    2. how progress is going relative to that 2-week-challenge; and
    3. how progress is going overall (towards whatever OVERALL goal you have).

    I think, as the "not that heavy" group, we attract ALL SORTS of folks and I like reading updates. Helps motivate me. Helps me feel better when I'm injured.


    Good luck to you all!!

    PS - ultimately, I'm still too afraid to do the body caliper test, even though I PROMISED myself I'd do it at end of month 3 (which is end of March) and then again end of month 6 (which is end of June). I mean, what if I find out I'm over 30% body fat, or something?? That would CRUSH me. (I'm trying to get to 20% and I know I'm not there, yet, so why measure????)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    1. the 2-week-challenge we are working on: logging everything, lifting 3 days per week (starting strength)
    2. how progress is going relative to that 2-week-challenge: will get in the three workout this week, pretty good about logging everything.
    3. how progress is going overall (towards whatever OVERALL goal you have): overall goal to lower body fat and reveal abs. I am not sure, I will get body fat measured on Sunday if I can.

    Reese, your 5 year old is doing wheelies? impressive:wink: glad he is ok! little boys...
    Beeps, hope you feel better and the ice a ibuprofen do the trick.
    Kate, I don't know the front squat to push press, maybe I should google it! I never had gloves either. I was reading that doing the alternate grip on deadlifts, you should underhand your non-dominant hand, it actually tricks your brain into lifting more, though I don't understand how that works...
    chloe, you will be back to baseline in no time. I retain so much water when I travel, I can feel my feet swelling in my shoes. Be good to your foot, maybe too much walking without proper support.