2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    jen - you're *always* my inspiration....it's okay to take breaks - really, it is!

    AScheif - can't wait to see your progress....and, can't wait until I see SOMETHING in the mirror that makes me go, "okay, yes, I can now see MUSCLES..."

    I'm too sore to work-out today. My quads freezing up, yesterday, has them super-seized today. Actually, it feels more like my IT band than my quads. Anyway, I was going to go do a little cardio and a stretch, but I'm still jet-lagged (I think?), so, it's a rest day, with high hopes for my lifting, tomorrow.

    PS - my little son woke up vomiting this morning. And hasn't stopped. So, I'm on the phone with my nanny every hour because I'm soooooooooooo super-worried about him! Our whole household has just been knocked DEAD with the jet-lag and the time change, I tell you that!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Shannon - from NROL4W:

    1. Step 1 - weight in kg
    2. resting metabolic rate - run this equation: 795 + (7.18 x body weight in kilograms) = resting metabolic rate
    3. Step 3 - body mass index - there's a table in the book, so if you don't know your BMI, give me your height (imperial measurements) and your weight (in pounds).
    4. Daily activities multipliers - If your BMI is under 25, your multipliers are: a) no workout = 1.6, b) active workout day = 1,8, c) strenuous work and active workout day = 2.0. HERE IS WHAT YOU EAT: on a non workout day, multiply your Step 2 number by 1.6 and on a workout day, multiply your Step 2 number by 1.8. Those are your calories (for non-workout and workout days, respectively).
    5. Eat like that for ONE MONTH. Then, you can add in a small deficit, perhaps 300 calories per day.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Thanks, Beeps, that is crazy, 1872 on no workout days and 2106 on strenuous days?! I bet I would have a hard time getting up there eating clean for sure! Jamie Eason said your weight x 10, then 200 for low-activity days and 400 for strenuous workout days.
    Now I can't see everyone's comments to respond but Almond Butter=yum. I would think that just almonds in a food processor would turn to almond meal, not almond butter, but it is so expensive, maybe I should try making it. the last jar I bought said all-natural but then I realized it included sugar in the ingrediants!
    Good job everyone! Welcome back, arwens, just focus on what you can do and don't beat yourself up about the ice cream.
    I am taking my week off, feeling pretty lazy, I cleaned out the closet and watched Desperate Housewives last night.
    I get my borrowed dog tonight and look forward to walking him the next couple of days, his mama will get him Friday.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    I think if you are upping your proteins sufficiently, for weight-training, it's fairly easy to get to 1,800 - 2,000 calories a day (even clean-eating proteins!).

    When I started weight-training, I couldn't figure out HOW to get all my proteins in...which is where protein bars/shakes took over my life. Now that I've figured out how to add a hard-boiled egg to my salads (or grilled chicken), have an extra piece of fish with supper, etc., I have easily ditched my protein bars/shakes. And, for me, THIS is "clean-eating".

    I actually re-did my calculations from NROL4W, today, because I've lost some pounds since I began the program. And, I'm supposed to eat 1,824 on non-workout days and 2,084 on workout days. I've just basically been aiming for 1,800 everyday (regardless of work-out), because I do much better if I just plan my meals out, in advance, and they are roughly the SAME everyday. It just makes it easier for me. And, it means I'm eating at a slight calorie deficit....which explains the v*e*r*y slow weight loss.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    If I could give up alcohol I have a feeling those last few pounds would come right off, between the empty calories and the fact that I eat way worse when I'm drinking... it's not in the cards for me either, but I think I am going to make my next 2-week challenge to give up drinking during the week and to stick to (relatively) low-cal drinks on the weekend. At the end of the day I like to have a beer or two with dinner, and it's not doing my waistline any favors.

    I am so glad to see you post this. I am experiencing the very same thing. I like wine with my dinner or maybe right before bedtime. But, I am finding that I can't lose weight if I indulge.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Hello everyone, just catching up on people's posts as I have been MIA. It has been a rough past couple of months, but I am back into an excercise regimen and starting to eat healthier and get back into logging. It is time consuming, but it always helps keep me on track. Unfortunately I have not gotten in as much lifting as I would like. I have been nervous about my back and shoulders now that I don't go to the chiropractor anymore.

    Anyways, I was looking to get into a yoga class. I am so not flexibile and I think it would really help with my modern and ballet classes. Have any of you taken it - thoughts?
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hi Ladies! So many people to respond to, I love how active this board is!

    Jen - way to get back to it, everyone needs some breaks. I'm sure you'll get your weight training in!

    Becky - glad to see you posting! Good luck with your workout schedule, that's a lot! What sort of weight routine are you doing?

    Ris - SO true on the drinking! I agree with Reese, I'm glad we can be honest here. I am too young and social to not drink, even if its not good for me. I've cut drinking to once a week over the last 3-4 weeks and I think that's helped the diet immensely. Basically I pick my night for drinking, don't worry too much about it and I only get one day of loose eating whether I am hungover or not. I also stick to the low cal drinks (vodka water then light beer after midnight to avoid being completely wasted :)

    Reese - way to go on the training! Don't rush to up your mileage too fast if you're hurting, you have plenty of time. Sometimes its mental too...maybe try running 1 mile then walking for 2 min then another mile, walk, another, walk. then you can ease up your mileage a little easier. (or even with shorter run times and walk times).

    Shander - I know what you mean about the clean plate club! I have to work to make sure I leave some on my plate if its too much like at a restaraunt. Its tough though when you've been trained to eat what's in front of you!

    Beeps - I know what you mean on the protein. I still do whey protein after workouts for recovery but can usually make goal without it on nonworkout days now that I've really focused on it. I've found it also keeps my carb intake in check without even having to check. If I eat 6 ounces of chicken and my vegetable then I don't have room for a ton of rice, only a bit!

    As far as my calorie level I have decided to keep it where it is for the moment and up it in 2 weeks when I am finished with my 4 week challenge (bod pod here I come!). I started stage 2 today and struggled a bit with the logisitics of the front squat/push press but felt the rest went well. My heart rate stayed up and I had a high burn so those are good signs! I also took a new picture for MFP since I all my other pictures were way old.

    I took NROL progress pictures yesterday. I couldn't tell much of a difference but my sister swore she could. My abs did look tighter! Though I am still a bit bigger in the waist than when I started :/ I also had to temper expectations in that I knew I didn't do all that well eating for the first 4 weeks so we'll what difference that makes in stage 2.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Love the new pic, chui!!! And, LOVE THE GUNS!!

    Welcome back, abigail....I have had lower back issues for YEARS - so moving back into heavy lifting was *worrisome* for me, too. Because I've FORCED myself to focus on form, form, form, rather than adding 10 lbs every time (or whatever), I am getting MUCH more comfortable that my back will be able to handle the load. My weaker back muscles have been working out, terribly hard, to try and catch up to the back muscles that are already in good shape. And, that's all good!

    Re: giving up alcohol isn't a hardship for me. I actually don't drink very much. BUT, on holidays, I was indulging in ALL SORTS of cocktails. Cocktails with ice cream in them (kind of like milkshakes, actually!). Cocktails with fruity bits in them. Cocktails with tasty flavours from exotic locales. Soooooooooo, I kind of feel liquored-out. That's why it's easy for me to give it up, actually, lol.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    nice pic, Kate! could ab muscles make your waist bigger?
    Beeps, I will have to check your diary, I think it is hard to get enough cals eating protein and veggies.
    tonight I am making cashew chicken!
    abigail, I used to go to yoga all the time, I want to get back in the habit! Were you going to go to a class or get a video? I think it helps to have a good instructor at first, so you can feel the correct poses, then you can do them yourself or with a video at home. We have yoga Wednesday nights at the fitness center here but I have never gone because it's my night to get together with friends and watch Dexter.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Kate- Great new pics!! Thanks for the advice on running. I think that'll be a good start, I'll hit the mile, catch a break, and then hit another one and so on..so forth for the next few runs. Appreciate it. I'm sure the progress pictures show results! I finally can look back on my Insanity before and afters and recognize the gains. It's hard when your there in that moment to see it, but you've been working out hard. And your making some great adjustments to your diet!!

    Abigail- I always want to love yoga...but can't ever get into it. We live in a small suburb and none of the two gyms that we have offer those types of classes. Maybe with the right class I could learn to love it, I definitely think it's a great addition to a program.

    Being back on good eats has gotten my tummy back to normal- thank goodness. And upping my water just plain feels better!! The weather was so beautiful yesterday that even though I had my morning run, I took the kids for a walk and got some more moving in. I can't wait until the weather stays like this for good...it makes just being more active so much easier!! :happy:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Good gosh, Amy, if you are looking at my diary, you'll have to look back to the last couple weeks of Feb, I guess....I only tracked breakfast when I was on my holiday! And, this week, I've been under-eating quite a bit (due to jet-lag, i'm guessing??).

    Yoga. Hmmmmm. I have tried yoga 5 or 6 times in my life. And, quit every time, I just find it SO boring. Then, about 3 years ago, I got COMPLETELY hooked onto bikram hot yoga. Because of the heat, I was able to mentally tell myself I was getting a REALLY GOOD WORK-OUT in. I quit that - but only after 2.5 years. The constant *sameness* of the routine eventually got boring. Plus, the TIME commitment is WAY TOO HUGE for me (at least at this stage of my life).

    I still think the *optimum* work-outs for me would be weightlifting M/W/F and bikram Tu/Th/Sat. But, that ain't gonna happen for the next, say, decade. So, instead, I lift M/W/F and do cardio/stretching Tu/Th/Sat. Sunday is supposed to be a rest day, but sometimes I do more stretching.

    I made it to the gym, today. Which was good - my muscles feel WAY better after the stretch! Whew!! I was kinda worried....it isn't just my quads that are tight, my hammies are SCREAMING, too (which I didn't notice until I tried to STRETCH them, lol!)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I'll take that under advisement, Beeps, I just need some examples of what a good day looks like at 1800-2000 cals. I want to set my macros so it doesn't say I am going over all the time! should I say I want to gain a pound per weeks?! or can you custom-set cals?
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    OK, I've been lurking here since I joined MFP last month. It's really nice to find a group of fit and health-minded women who have similar goals and difficulties. I feel so lame when I see how many pounds and inches the women are losing in one of the other groups I joined when I haven't lost any weight or inches, despite healthy eating and serious work outs. But reading through NTHG threads reminds me that it does take longer to lost once you are near a healthy weight.
    Thanks for the posts on HIIT. I hadn't heard of that. I was a competitive runner and triathlete years ago and instinctively used a version of HIIT, but had never seen a truly formalized version. So, in the hopes of actually improving my strength and speed as well as actually losing some of this fat I'm still carrying around, I'm embarking on a new training program incorporating HIIT (and fewer calories) into my running schedule.
    Thanks again, mamaris and others for your motivating posts!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Thanks everyone! I still have a lot of work to do but I have noticed a lot more muscularity compared to last year so I am happy with that! Also, my strength is so much better, when I started MFP I struggled with push ups, now I can do 15 in a row. Woo hoo. Pull up, I'm coming for you!

    Abigail - I meant to respond earlier. I like yoga but the sort makes a huge difference. Most hatha types tend to be low key and I would consider them more of a rest day/easy day activity. Similar to Beeps, I loooove bikram or hot yoga but haven't done it much over the last year since I started focusing on strength training (I really want to get back into it but 90 minutes is a big commitment).

    Amy - its possible that muscles are doing it. I think I just need to wait it out and be patient. Also, you can check my diary for the 40/30/30 macros. While my cals are lower than that you can get an idea and before the last 2.5 weeks I was at 1700. and you CAN custom set cals on the same page you custom set macros.

    Reese - thanks! That's probably true. Like I said, I know diet is hugely important and I am finally making that part a bigger priority - consistently! Keep up with the runs. Remember, a lot of it is actually mental. Sure, there are days when you feel like you can run forever and others where you hit the pavement feeling tired but most are somewhere in between. Your body is capable of doing this - you need train it so that it's used to it and train your mind so you know what to expect. You're on the right track :)

    Hi Solar! Welcome to posting! It's really hard to get fitter when you are already relatively fit but its also rewarding :) HIIT can do you wonders but are you also doing any strength training? If not, then I think most everyone would recommend starting. I was also a competitive runner when I younger and even at the height of my training I was not as toned as I am now from lifting heavy. I also find, even though I don't run often or train for running, that I am fit enough through mostly lifting to run pretty decent times. It's been a while but my last times races were 28 minutes for 5k and 16.30 for a 2 miler. Just some food for thought :)
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    We are a busy board lately! Hard to keep up!!:laugh:

    Solarpower- Welcome!! Glad to have you posting!! We do a little brainstorming on here and a lot of supporting! Definitely helps when you've got to keep your body guessing at this point and with those last 'XX" pounds being so stubborn it's great to be able to relate!! I have a love/loathe relationship with HIIT. I absolutely love what it does and how I feel so I incorporate it, I just loathe when I wake up at 5am and know that not only do I have to get moving...I have to get moving @ 110%. :laugh: But its pretty amazing stuff.

    Kate- Pull ups will be checked off that list in no time! :bigsmile:

    Beeps- Hope the jetlag and legs are getting back to normal! I can relate to you on the legs! Yowser! :noway: I planned on running this morning but as I hobbled my tight quads into bed, I decide strength today, run tomorrow. These babies need a little rest!

    I wish we had this 'hot yoga' in our area. I've read a lot of people love it, even those who aren't big yoga fans. I've read a few blogs and thought 'ohhh I'd love to try XXX class' Great idea in theory but running a paved nature trail is about as exciting as it gets around these parts!! :laugh:

    I saw an AMAZING transformation on the Success Board last night. Bluefever (I believe) who actually stopped in to the NTHG board a while back. Holy smokes! Heavy lifting and a strict diet do wonders!! Congrats to her- she looks amazing.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    For me, bikram yoga was a 3-HOUR COMMITMENT. 3 hours!! I had to drive 20 mins to the studio and be there 1/2 an hour early to get a spot. That's 50 minutes right there. The class is 90 minutes. And you are soaking wet afterward, so I'd drive home (20 minutes) and quickly do a blow-dry (10 minutes) and then drive back to work (20 minutes). So, that's 190 minutes....it just became TOO much to justify in an average day.

    Plus, the "soaking wet" thing became a drag, too. If I had nowhere to be or noplace to go (mostly stay-at-home moms in my class - who did it while their kids were in school), bikram yoga would be a totally awesome choice.

    Anyway, that's enough said about that.

    One of the reasons I'm focusing on strength-training is because it is *supposed* to be shorter work-outs, overall. As a cardio-gym-rat/bikram yogi, I was spending about 15-16 hours, a week, doing work-outs. I actually do *not* have that kind of time to devote - and 7-8 hours is more realistic for my lifestyle.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I feel like taking the week off has been bad for my diet. I never went to the store, I have nothing for lunches, ran out of milk and almond milk so no smoothie for breakfast, but I get to work and there is coconut cream pie!
    I am going to make dinner tonight, though and will have leftovers for lunch Friday. Then Sunday I will get groceries and make a plan for the week.
    I did walk my borrowed dog around the lake last night. We jogged a little bit but I forgot to put on sports bra so that kep me from running very much!
    Here's a question-how much time do you all spend "working out" each week?
    When I was doing the Eason Plan it was about 5-6 days per week and most workouts were 1.5 hours. So that was about 7.5 hours per week.
    My new plan will only be strength training for awhile. I want to see what happens.
    Welcome, Solar!
    and I will look up Bluefever, Reese!
    Kate, I did set my goals for 1800. kinda scary when it says maintenance is 1490.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hot yoga definitely makes you a sweaty mess! I only did it once, and I did enjoy it, but I agree with Beeps that it's quite a committment. All of the classes are the same, so they're ALL 90 minutes.

    Amy--I'm so jealous of your borrowed dog! I used to borrow my friends' dogs some weekends to go runnng or to take to the dog park (even when they weren't traveling :tongue: ), but both of my friends with dogs have moved away.

    I spend much less time working out these days, mostly because work gets in the way. It used to be about an hour a day 5-7 days a week, so 5-7 hours, now I do a lot more 30 or 45 minute workouts, so I'd say it's probably around 3-4 hours a week. But every once in a while I get in a 2-3 hour weekend session which brings the whole week up.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    If only there would come a time when my workouts were 10 minutes long. Done. Wouldn't THAT be awesome??

    I *did* get my workout in, today, although I had to go in late. No matter, it's done, now, and I'm back at the office cramming my salad into my face.

    I am *still* feeling jet-lag, I think?? Gosh, who knows?? It's kind of this "floating" feeling that comes over me. If I was on a boat, I'd say it was kind of like that "notice of motion"....but, I'm on dry land, and have been for over 5 days, so I don't know WHAT the problem is. Anyways, it's kind of freaking me out, but I'm getting my sleep, now, and I'm eating properly, so I'm hoping my body figures it all out and regulates by Monday.

    I am soooooooooooooooo glad it's Friday tomorrow, I cannot even tell you!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Beeps, it sounds like maybe an inner ear thing from traveling. I would try a decongestant to see if that helps. We had daylight savings and I have terrible allergies so I have been feeling a little off, too.
    ris-if you volunteered at shelter there might be dogs you could take on hikes and jogs!