2 week challenge



  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    WOW! I'm so behind! LoL. :laugh: So much so it's impossible for me to see everyone's plans and respond!

    I think we all are ready to refocus as we head into spring. And that 'just around the corner' swimsuit season. We've got some great goals set up, some awesome NSVs (Kate!!!) and progress to be shown! We just have to make a big push to keep plugging away and keep up our consistency! Whether it be the alcohol, the chocolate covered almonds, or in my case the 'I don't feel like making dinner...let's get a pizza', we've done it and we have a plan to move ahead! Let's do this!!

    DH and I were talking about my 5k. And although 5k isn't that 'far' to many runners, it is kind of a big deal to a non-runner who wants to work into being a runner! So he suggested I up my training to more than 2-3 days. And vary it with intervals and such. I'm going to do some research at lunch today. I take his advice, since he's my fitness guru in real life :bigsmile: . Plus he knows that he though I say it'll be okay if I 'just finish' that that is EXACTLY the opposite of what I want to do. So go big, or go home!! :laugh:
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    mamareese - Training for a 5K is a great way to get into running. Although I have always been active I only got into running about a year and a half ago and that's how I did it. It has been great for me. I like to eat and running is a great calorie burn for me and you can do it in a short amt of time. I think it's the most "bang for my buck" when it comes to cardio.

    aschief - I am so impressed by what you have accomplished in such a short amt of time. Way to go! I work at a fitness studio and the owner is a competitive bodybuilder and now a lot of his clients are competing so I am seeing them train. It takes a lot of hard work and discipline to get your body there. Best wishes as you prepare.

    There are more posts than I can keep up with this week, but just wanted to say to everyone keep up the good work. I am going on my second week of getting back into healthy eating and a solid workout routine and I am already feeling better and seeing results.

    Have a great week!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I did my Starting Strength last night. I was a little stronger than I expected, so that was good, I can bench press 45 lbs, I only did 45 on the squat too because I am really trying to focus on form. Deadlifts I did 65. Even with a good warm up on everything it only took 30 minutes! I am trying to eat at 1800 and more on workout days. Yesterday was pretty good except the wine at dinner. Not quite enough protein though.
    Reese, I think that's a good plan, but you can really improve at running with three days per week. The recovery is necessary. I remember when I did couch to 5 k and it was 3 days per week, the runs after two days rest were the better runs. Even the half-marathon training plan was only 3 days per week, so research it and let me know if there's a sweet spot between unprepared and over-trained-hopefully you can find it.
    Have a great time at the wedding, Shannon, celebrate your friends and enjoy the food you enjoy and ignore the stuff you don't need.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    shander - you have A LOT of events coming up - they sound sooooo FUN! And, you have a "mind" for making good choices, so I'm not worried about you.

    mama - I think you're going to surprise yourself with how EASILY you'll get this 5K training in-and-done. I *love* learn-to-run programs - and heck, who doesn't like exercising outdoors??!!

    abigail - it's true that it REALLY doesn't take that long, when eating healthy, to notice how much better one feels, sleeps, etc. After about 5 days of being off BAD carbs, I simply don't want them anymore. Chocolate-covered almonds aside, this is day 3 I'm off bad carbs and I'll be glad when the end-of-the-week rolls around, because I just KNOW it will be easier (for me) to NOT choose them.

    Amy, I *love* shorter weight work-outs. So, that sounds very promising about "Starting Strength". Mind you, in Stage 3 of NROL4W, I'm at about 75 minute work-outs....not my favourite, but Stage 3 is SHORT!

    Today my company is releasing its Q4 2011 results....so, I'm chained to my desk. And, I'll likely be here late into the night. I am making very good nutrition choices, since I know I cannot get any exercise in, today. I have lots of yogurt stacked in my fridge and I have some dried fruit. Of course, as a last resort, I also have protein bars and protein shakes. Oh, and as a LAST, LAST resort, I have chocolate-covered almonds, lol!!
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome. 8-)
    OK, I'm 2 days late on starting this 2-week challenge, but it's going to be this: Stay under my calories so that I actually lose some of this fat!

    Yep, I do lift as well. I have always lifted weights and did manual labor as a kid - plus do lots of manual labor (especially lately) like spending 5 hours digging a new garden and 3 hours using a pick ax to break up the rocks in my backyard. And more of that all this week... No more cushy programming desk job for me!! When I do the 30 Day Shred I started with 5 lb weights as everyone kept saying it was so impossible to do. I moved up to my next set of dumbbells that I hadn't used in a few years - the 8 pounds were SO MUCH HEAVIER!!! I realized after struggling through the first circuit that, DUH, my sleep-deprived brain forgot that EACH DISK is 8 pounds so I was using 16+ lb dumbbells! School for the gifted, here I come...

    Congrats ASchief on your amazing progress. Congrats to Ris on cutting back the -ol and to everyone else on their progress, too.

    I'm off to the store to buy more veggies to meet my minimum 3 cups per day, lean chicken to meet the protein needs and avocados to meet fat needs in a healthy way. Would also love to see the protein muffin recipe mentioned earlier (can't remember by whom)!
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    Well....I just ate a bunch of chocolate-covered almonds....which weren't in my meal plan, that's for sure. But, I was getting a headache at work and needed something FAST.
    I have to figure out *where* to stash my $20 on an ongoing basis!

    On another GOOD note, a colleague of mine left my employer on Friday - so I bought her FRIDGE. And, they delivered it to my office, today! So, now I've got my yogurt in there - and my nanny went grocery shopping, today, so I can pop in my carrots and sugar snap peas, tomorrow, too. That way, instead of chocolate-covered almonds, I will ACTUALLY have some healthy stuff to snack on! This makes me feel very excited.

    I'm not going to get there in 8 or 9 weeks, like AScheif (who is AMAZING!), but I think I'll get there in 8 or 9 months, anyway. Which is fine....that's still 2012, right!!??!!

    Hmmm, dark chocolate is good for you as are almonds (though we know, high in calories)... I liked the idea of a lock-box for your $20 rewards pool. When I worked in an office it was SO MUCH easier to eat really healthy when I had a fridge. Congrats!!!

    I was giving myself 4 months to meet my measurement goals, but I'm making so little progress that I'm moving the deadline UP to May 12. I have a big event that day so might as well make that my finish line (begin maintenance line). Plus, it is nicely before bikini season and I may actually wear one this year instead of my usual TYR or Speedo racing suits...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    I ate chocolate-covered almonds today, too. And, I logged them. I'm still going to accept the $20 since I'll be at my calories. Plus, tonight was supposed to be my "celebration" meal....but, I'm just going to go home and eat some fish and vegetables. Avoid the booze-question and avoid any other "temptations". I'm tired from this long work-day.

    $20. Pay up ma'am.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    You know what else is *funny*?? I used to HATE to see that chick on the right-hand-side of the web-frame with the killer abs in the navy blue top. But, now I just have to look at a boring GNC ad. So, I'm *missing* her. Despite my deep disdain for her absolutely PERFECT physique....I'd rather have something like that to motivate me than some supplement ad which doesn't motivate me in the LEAST.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Here's what I'd REALLY like to see on that border ad over there....a picture of ALL the great success stories that are posting on this forum!! Now THAT would really motivate me.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Solar, those muffins are a Jamie Eason recipe, here:
    I know Jen tweaks them a lot, adding veggies and mixing it up a little with different spices. I made meatloaf and I made some mini loaves and some meatballs to make with pasta and soup. They make a lot, so you have to make them your own and something you like!
    Pay up, Beeps! I thought you pay everyday? or just when you go over?
    My side right now ad is for a camry, no idea why...
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Wow, this forum does move fast! Lets see if I can remember everything...

    Shannon - your week does sound like fun, but looks like you have a plan and a good one at that!!

    Mama - I totally know what you mean about going big or going home!! When I decided to run my first (and so far only) 5k, I had 4 or 5 weeks to get ready for it. I trained on the treadmill and when I went for a trial run on concrete, I set a goal for myself and beat it. Then for the race, my goal was to beat my trial run. So I have total faith in you lady!!

    Amy - congrats on being stronger than you thought! That is awesome! Yes, form is so important, so I'm glad to hear you focusing on it! The short workouts are nice! My last one is only 40 min when I do it by myself. But 2 out of 3 days, I lift with someone else.

    Beeps - are they actually chocolate covered or cocoa roasted?? Either way, still a good choice, soooo much better than other things out there ;)

    Solar - sounds like you are pretty active! Lol, about the weights! Wow, yeah, 16 lbs for that workout is prob quite a bit of a challenge!

    Abigail - Congrats and getting back to it and feeling better!!

    Well, I already blew one part of my challenge - no alcohol. I've had quite a day. With the news of one of my students passing away and then my hubby being crabby, nobody wanting what I had planned to cook for dinner and then running around to pick up dinner and not getting to even start my dinner until almost 8 pm, I was pretty crabby and had a glass of wine. BUT, I did not give in to my emotional eating like I usually do!! I cooked my planned dinner and nutrition (aside from the drink) is still on track!!

    Today definitely made me hug my kids and husband a few extra times. Just a reminder that we are not guaranteed to see tomorrow. Not to be a downer, but this is really the only place I can vent. Thanks for listening. Have a great night ladies!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Yes, this forum is moving fast. Too fast for me to keep up with. Sorry that I am not here very often and have not been keeping up with everyone. I don't have internet at home so I am here only in the weekend day mornings while at work.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Jen, I have been having a rough time of it and have a glass of wine from a box about every night.
    But I agree, we have to be kind to our loved ones (even when they are crabby) life is short and we never know how much time we will have with anyone. I lost my little sister in a car accident when I was 12 and she was 7; it is a devastating thing for a family.
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Jen, I'm sorry that you had a bad day yesterday, that glass of wine was completely necessary, and congrats on not emotional eating, that's awesome! My thoughts are with you and that students family <3

    Amy, I'm sorry to hear about your sister, that must be so hard :( My mom lost her sister at 22 because of a car accident as well and it is devistating... Just remember to tell those around you how much you love them as often as you can!!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    To agree with everyone else we have been busy beavers! Taking a break to catch up while my computer is running through some code :)

    Beeps - I wouldn't sweat the chocolate covered almonds. Yummy snack! And like Amy said, SO much better than what most people snack on!

    Jen - I am really sorry to hear about your student. I am thinking about you all in this difficult time :/ One glass of wine after a day like that is a victory! Do you know many people would throw in the towel??

    Amy - I'm so sorry! That's so tragic. I can't imagine losing someone close to me like that. Shannon is right - its a reminder to not take life for granted (though we all do).

    Glad you like starting strength so far! Rippletoe always comes up as an expert in things I read so I am sure you are in good hands! Nice plan focusing on form over weight. I've been trying to do the same thing and several times have actually regressed my weight when I thought my form might suffer (which is to say, NOT like 90% of men in the gym).

    Mama - that sounds like a great plan! 3 days a week is excellent and intervals are a welcome change up from the longer steady runs. Sounds like you are definitely on the right track! I also know what you mean. My personal philosophy is that anything worth doing is worth overdoing - definitely a personality trait too ;) One of the reasons I avoid racing too much - I get too worked up!

    Solar - your story about the weights made me laugh, we all have those moments! It's great you are physical in your regular job. I love my job and wouldn't do any sort of other work but sitting all day can be a bummer. (hich is why in 8 weeks I should be getting a standing desk, woo hoo!) Way to go on the 2 cups of veggies - I don't always make it but I've been trying! As far as goals May 12th is a good timeline to have - soon but not too soon! I just always have to remind myself to manage expectations. I try to base my week to week success on whether I fulfill my plan, not whether my measurements necessarily go the way I want. That way, I am not beating myself up if my body decides to be slow or bloated.

    As for me, the week is going well! I made my bod pod appointment for next Tuesday - REALLY excited! It will be a great way to check the caliper measurements I am getting tomorrow and the estimated calorie level I am going to start next week (it give BMR). Beeps you'll be happy to know I am increasing my cals starting next week too :) I have an event at my fav local brewery tonight! I am going to stick to 1-2 drinks that I log and count it as a good day! Plus, its a friend's private party so it would be rude not to indulge!

    WHew!!!! All done! And my code isn't even finished running!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    thanks all for the sympathy :blushing:
    we have to take life for granted sometimes, if we lived everyday like it was our last we'd never get the laundry done:tongue:
    I brought my bag and I am going to lift heavy tonight, and going to eat my 2000 calories...
    Kate-Rippetoe seems very knowledgeable but I might need the DVD, the book is very hard get through, very technical talking about the body mechanics of the lifts. My eyes glaze over...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Hmmmm, that's very interesting about the book, Amy. One thing you might just try, presuming there is a daily break-down of the program you are supposed to be performing, is just going to youtube and watching rippetoe's videos on the moves he promotes. His videos are easy-to-understand. I (still) watch them all the time.

    PS - soooooooooo sorry to read about your sister. That sounds very sad. My husband lost his step-brother to suicide when brother was 18 and husband was 17 (I think) - and, yep, nobody gets over it. Ever.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    wine isn't my achilles heel....although I know it is the bevvy of choice for most women.

    Late-night snacking is my "danger-zone" - and obviously at work, chocolate-covered almonds cause me grief. Yet, I still buy them....they sit on a candy dish on my desk and then so many people pop by to partake - that's how I get my social contact during daytime hours, lol!!

    And, nope - these aren't cocoa-covered anything. These are the Costco brand of milk chocolate-covered almonds. Sometimes I just eat the almonds, and not the chocolate. But, not this week. I've definitely indulged myself. And yet, I've decided to stay within my 1,800 calories. Once I get through fye and a couple of transactions, I'll pay closer attention to what I'm munching on, I promise!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Thank you all for the kind words :flowerforyou: Today was much better emotionally!

    Amy - so sorry about your sister sweetie. I couldn't even begin to imagine what that was like. As for living life like it was the last day, my dishes would never get done :tongue: lol!

    Beeps - you make me laugh. Seriously though, I really can think of worse things than the choco covered almonds ( I know I think I said that already, but I'm just reiterating :wink:

    Kate - what a wonderful way to measure your success. We are hard enough on ourselves as it is, so to have such a great way to measure your success is awesome! Hope you had fun at the Brewery! The Bod Pod sounds so cool. I wouldn't even know where to go to get it done here. Excited to see what they say!

    Swiss Miss - log when when you can!! We'll be here.

    Nutrition is fantastic this week but unfortunately, after 3 workouts Monday AND 3 on Tuesday, my body hit a wall during my class tonight. I ran outta gas and was pooping out on my nursing students. Fortunately, because it was so hot, they were pooping out too, lol!! :laugh: Ok, gotta go eat my last snack because I haven't been netting enough. Trust me though, I will make up for it this weekend (but still at my cal goal). Fri, lunch with friends, dinner with my sis, Sat night, bday party at a brewery. I have some plans in the works to keep the cals at bay, like volunteering to be designated driver so I don't overindulge on drinks and then get the munchies :tongue:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    You work-out sooooooooooo much, jen....I cannot even IMAGINE how much food you have to stuff into your face. Which, if some of it was hamburgers and french fries and gravy, I'd say "yum!!", but I know it's all healthy stuff, so, nope, I cannot even IMAGINE how much chewing you have to do in a day!

    My new great "peeve" on the ads on mfp is the ROTTING BANANA that is showing up on my right-margin. Really?? Really?? THAT is supposed to attract me to *click* on something?? I doubt it, dudettes.

    I brought in fresh veggies and a sweet-and-sour salad - since I know I have to work through dinner tonight. I'm going to AVOID choc-covered almonds, like the plague. And, if I do that consistently, by Monday, I'll forget they are there. (I know this - it's worked this way before!!)