2 week challenge



  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    OMGoodness we are busy beavers in here!!!! :happy:

    Have had a busy week at work and I've been spending my evenings preparing the playlist for our Shake Your Shamrocks Zumba event tomorrow night. I started the week off great nutrition wise and stress from work got the best of me yesterday and I have been off since :grumble:

    I went to a Wellness Training today and it got me all motivated to kick things into gear at my school and made my mood better. Wish I could just do that kind of stuff for a living!

    Then, I had one of THE BEST workouts with my trainer today. I loved the workout! And to think, I almost cancelled my appt because I was so tired and overwhelmed from work! There were supersets of 3x15 supersets of balistic step ups/3x10 1 leg medicine ball RDL's, 10-8-6 bench press/12-10-8 kettle bell rows, 3x5 deadlifts/5x5 overhead squats and 3x15 cable face pulls/3x10 landmine twists/3x12 landmine 1 arm press. It was Fantastic!! So the day kept getting better.

    Tonight I had a fantastically fun and high cal burning class. And to top it off, a co-worker at the gym said some guys were asking about the "Little Zumba Instructor" and how she is "Cold" (I had to ask, it means "hot" lol). So that just topped my evening. Sometimes we need the re-assurance :blushing:

    So I would like to leave you with a thought that stuck with me from my training: "Wellness is not being perfect but being aware of your health and either maintaining it or striving to improve it." Lots of times we put pressures on ourselves to be perfect - whether it be with exercise, nutrition, what have you. But really, nobody is perfect...I'm happy just being the best me I can be :)
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member

    Fabulous weekend ahead: Tonight, making Irish soda bread for tomorrow and salmon with chipotle rub for dinner AND watching my alma mater play in the NCAA tournment for the first time since 2000!

    Tomorrow: waking up early to cook Irish breakfast for 35 (and toss back a few) then onto the parade and then to see my favorite Irish band play!

    Got my NROL workout in this morning and overall feel good about my week! Next is my last week of the challenge, if I get through it then I'm going to do the bod pod :)

    Jen - crazy week but that sounds like amazing workout! No wonder the guys are checking you out :) Though, I have to admit, I had no idea "cold" was a thing...and I'm supposedly relatively young and cool!

    Beeps - I hope you feel better! I think Amy might be onto something with the inner ear thing. Sounds like the symptoms associated with it!

    As far as my workout times they vary depending on the schedule. Usually, I would do 3 30 min- 45 minute strength sessions, and maybe 2 intervals sessions....soooo as little 2 hours to 4 hours.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Nice to see you back, Jen, and so positive! Cold is hot and hot is cold, who knew?! You are right, we do get discouraged because we aren't perfect but awareness is important, and improving, right, our idea of perfect is changing all the time. I am even trying to adjust my idea about how much to eat. I think you decided not to do a real "bulking phase" of eating over maintenance? I decided to try and follow the NROL eating guidelines, for a month, and see what happens, but I am going to try and eat good things, not beer-haha.
    Kate, how'd your team do? Both my alma maters played last night! I went to CSU undergrad and CU for graduate school CSU lost but CU won!
    Happy St. Patty's day tomorrow. I won't be drinking too much green beer-we're celebrating my grandparents 40th wedding anniversary at a dinner theater performance of Oklahoma:)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    jen - I really like your message about "perfection". Because I'm a PERFECTIONIST, of COURSE I aim for PERFECTION, even in my exercise! I'm far from it....which explains a lot of my "beating up myself". I am going to make that part of my next 2-week-challenge....just to keep moving forward and trying to do a little bit better than the day before.

    chui - it sounds like a PERFECT St. Paddy's day, to me!! good for you....I'll be stuck in an ice hockey arena - my daughter plays 4 games in the next 2 days. Sheesh. But, then it's done and we can move onto spring sports!

    Amy - how old are you?? Good gosh, if it's yor GRANDPARENTs 40th?? My PARENTS are on their 49th!! Are you 13????

    Today is cardio/stretch day. Which is fine. With hockey schedule, I don't think it's realistic to aim for heavy-lifting until Monday. So, Monday is NEW start. NEW energy. And, I'm going to incorporate some back-squats into every weight-training day, even though it's not part of the "program". I miss them and I REALLY want to work my glutes/legs MORE.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I am 36 but, this is actually my grandma and her husband, but since she was married to him before I was born, he's always been my grandpa, ya know? BUT my grandma had my mom at 18, my mom had my sister at 21 so my grandma was a grandma at 39!
    Sunday or Monday will be my new start day with the Starting Strength, I guess it is a 3x5 plan:
    The Routine:-

    Workout A

    3x5 Squat
    3x5 Bench Press
    3x5 Deadlift / Power Clean 5x3, alternate every workout ''A''

    Workout B

    3x5 Squat
    3x5 Incline Bench Press / Military Press, alternate every workout “B”
    3x5 Chin-ups / Lat Pull Downs, alternate every workout “B”
    3x8 Weighted Hyperextensions / Good Mornings
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Amy, I'm really interested in "starting strength" program, too....so, I'm REALLY interested to see your progress with this program! good for you!!

    Oh, and YAY for grandma and grampa's anniversary - SO MUCH FUN!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I need to get done reading this book, though, or I won't even know how to do anything but squats, and I'm not even done with that part. He talks about squats for pages and pages. It's an e-book and I am about 1/8 done.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    hehe, you better get to reading Amy!!!:tongue:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    I've re-dedicated myself to my personal fitness goals. That means my 2-week-challenge is simple: 100% on-nutrition plan. If I want a celebration meal, I have to plan for it. Currently, that would mean Tuesday night for this week - and that's it.

    My exercise plan is right-on-track. My focus on nutrition will help me get where I want to go.

    PS - despite all the hype about the body matrix, I *love* it. It is VERY challenging....and my glutes are VERY sore today. This is the FIRST time I have had sore glutes (and I mean S-O-R-E) since I started weight-training. My glutes are SO very lazy and even my trainer worked, hard, hard, hard to fire them up - without success. So, whadda-ya-know?? That body matrix did IT. As such, it will be impossible for me to perform the body matrix on my days-off of weight-training....it would be overtraining and be the opposite of REST.

    That means I have to do it right after weight-training, and I"ll have to (secretly) extend my lunch-hours on weight-training days. Hmmmmm....I'll seriously have to sneak back in the office, but I'm willing to accept this risk. Given that my glutes FINALLY got some kind of message and are FINALLY gonna start carrying the load they've been doffing off on other body parts from the START.

    The body matrix. Rocks.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Beeps, that is awesome when you find something that targets what you want!! That matrix at the end of your session are killer!!! I remember dreading them because they hurt so bad, lol!! Go you!

    I am with you on this one Beeps! I have been too wishy washy on the weekends since coming back from my trip and it's not doing me any good! If I am to indulge (birthday party next Saturday), I too will plan for it. On my statud update, I officially declared, it is time to start bringing my abs back!!!! GAME ON BABY!!! :devil:

    So my 2 week challenge (starting today) is:

    1. Log everything
    2. Stay at/under calories

    So, today I am making my egg muffins, mini meatloafs and baking some type of protein bar or muffin. I am upping the veggies because I am so ready to start stripping this fat!!!

    Let's Do This!!!:bigsmile:
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hello everyone! Happy Monday!

    Recovering from the weekend still, a bit tired! But I got up and got my work out in spite of the fact I didn't sleep well. I feel better for having done it but ready to go to bed early tonight already!

    Saturday was a total nonadherent day - I ate and drank whatever I wanted! I also walked a TON and did quite a bit of Irish dancing so between the two I think I ended right around my deficit goal for the week :) Sunday, unfortunately, was also nonadherent with basketball to watch etc. That's okay though! I getting back on it now and that just means I have to be good this weekend so I can finish my 4 week challenge. Feeling strong so I think I can do it!

    Beeps - good for you! It's getting to be time for the summertime push (unfortunate for all those people who just realized this and want to go from sedentary and overweight to toned and fit and in 10 weeks) but not bad for us ladies who have been working at it a while :) Glad the matrix is giving you a work out! I did a similar one on a Cosgrove workout. Not going to lie, sometimes I skipped out on it.

    Jen - good for you too! I like your goals. I need to start doing some protein muffins for mornings at work. I have been cutting back on my half bagels and only eating whole gain ones but I feel like those would help a lot!

    Also - NSV. I was wearing a white tank Saturday and everytime I looked in the mirror I was surprised at how tone my arms, shoulders/shoulder blades were! Sure, I knew I had made progress and I was liking what I saw in the gym but to wear the same thing as last year and really notice it was a great feeling :) Plus I wore my bright green skinny jeans without even a thought of looking fat.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Glad everyone sounds so positive today! I need it. I must have PMS or something.
    I did get to the store and I have salad and coconut chicken for lunch, yogurt and apples and nuts for snacks. This morning I had an almond milk smoothie with frozen banana and strawberries.
    I did not get my book finished but I am going to do the workout today anyway.
    I think my challenge is sticking to the workout, which should be easy because it is only 3 days per week, and I want to log everything and eat at the NROLF calorie-levels (for the month, really).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    I'm up for the challenge, jen....so, do me a favour and KEEP ME HONEST, ok?? Just check-in with me, every now and again, and make SURE that I'm doing what I said I would do.

    I feel that if I HAVE to be accountable to someone, I do MUCH better at a challenge.

    I am also going to pay myself $20 for every day that i stick to my nutrition plan. I'm not sure if this method will work because, well, it's my money anyway, but I'm just going to set aside $20 every day that I'm right on plan and then I'll see what I can do with that money at the end of, say, 2 months or maybe 3 months??

    What I *really* want is that when I get to the goal that I have set for my % body fat, I want to splurge on some new wardrobe items and, more importantly, I actually want to have my "colours" done so that, when I splurge on new pieces, I will KNOW that they are the right colours to REALLY make me look good! I have NO idea how much all this stuff is gonna cost, but if I pay myself $20 to "JUST DO IT", then I'm getting closer to my goals, all around.

    What do you think?? Is $20 a day enough? Should I be aiming for something a little higher to REALLY motivate me??
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Happy Monday!

    chuisle--great NSV! Your arm's definitely look buff in your picture. We're having a BBQ in a few weeks and I'm hoping do have a similar NSV when I break out the tank top.

    Amy--nice job on picking up some healthy food for the week! I usually try to cook on Sundays so I have some home-cooked leftovers for the week, but it didn't happen this weekend. Though I did manage to eat fairly healthily over the weekend if you don't count the beer drinking....

    So I'm back to no alcohol for week two of my challenge. I did slip up last Tuesday and did have one glass of wine at a work happy hour (I just couldn't think of a good excuse fast enough that wouldn't require explaining MFP to non-MFPers), but I only had one drink on Friday night, so I think that makes up for it.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Beeps, I like your idea about the $20 a day. Only you can say what is the right amount. I have a reward planned for every week that I stick to my workout, and my rewards cost about $30 each-a massage (well, with a groupon it is, not including tip), a manicure, an item of clothing or makeup, etc.
    Maybe you should get a personal shopper or stylist with your money, they could do your colors but also coordinate items with the stuff you already have to maximize it. That's what I would do if I had the money to spend...
    Good luck with the no alcohol challenge, Ris, you can do it!
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I know I was MIA over the last week - still working crazy hours at work - but I did check in every day even just to read peoples' posts!

    I am offically down to the single -digit week countdown for competition - 9 weeks to go, with only 8 of those working out - as the lastweek is all about the deplete. Surprisingly I am getting more and more excited! (although still nervous). I am absolutely loving the changes in my body!

    Yesterday my fiance and I went shopping - I have finally worked up the courage to trade in my sweats for a pair of running tights (yikes!) so he said he would get me a pair as a reward for my hard work! :happy: Then I went and bought 3 new shirts (all xtra smalls!) and I also went to VS for a bra fitting - down from a 36DD to a 34C! so happy!! I didn't go too crazy because I am still planning on losing more weight before I hit my "maintenance body" as I am referring to it. So I am going to suffer through the next couple months with my clothes that are too big.

    Yesterday was really great because it definitely showed me in real tangible terms that my hard work is paying off - and it has remotived and re-energized me for the last half of this journey! I am going to take halfway pictures this weekend and will post again!

    Sorry for tooting my own horn....happy Monday! :flowerforyou:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    That's great, AScheif, you have a lot to be proud of! 9 weeks til competition! how exciting. I am looking forward to your halfway pictures, but I can't believe, is it really "halfway"? you accomplished all this in 8-9 weeks?
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Amy great planning! Sounds like you are set for the week. Go get 'em!

    Beeps - let's check in on each other! I will not make any more excuses!!! Everything will fit into our nutrition goals/plans. I am also holding alcohol to the weekend and not during the week. (My sister and I have wine/movie night Fri and I have a bday party downtown Sat...so the drinking will have to be within my caloric goal). Also, I think your reward system is great! A big shopping trip/treat at the end will be so fun!!!

    Ris, great job on just one drink last week!!! Keep it up!

    Kate- that is a fantastic NSV! I bet you just felt awesome! And your green jeans sound cute!!!

    Aschief - I am so excited for you!! I could only imagine the changes! Can't wait to see your pics!! Very inspiring!

    Yesterday and today have been great so far...Wednesday always seems to be the turning point...not this week though!! Hope everyone's week is off to a great start!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Well....I just ate a bunch of chocolate-covered almonds....which weren't in my meal plan, that's for sure. But, I was getting a headache at work and needed something FAST.

    I did log them, so I'll just have to make sure I have fish and veggies only for supper - no starch for me!

    I should be okay. Tomorrow I have a breakfast meeting, which isn't fun to sit through, either, with everyone and their muffins and scones and donuts. But, I'll manage. I have to figure out *where* to stash my $20 on an ongoing basis!

    On another GOOD note, a colleague of mine left my employer on Friday - so I bought her FRIDGE. And, they delivered it to my office, today! So, now I've got my yogurt in there - and my nanny went grocery shopping, today, so I can pop in my carrots and sugar snap peas, tomorrow, too. That way, instead of chocolate-covered almonds, I will ACTUALLY have some healthy stuff to snack on! This makes me feel very excited.

    I'm not going to get there in 8 or 9 weeks, like AScheif (who is AMAZING!), but I think I'll get there in 8 or 9 months, anyway. Which is fine....that's still 2012, right!!??!!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Wow this topic moves so fast!!

    Beeps - At least they were chocolate covered almonds and not chocolate covered potato chips or something ;) haha.. Thats good that you logged them though and you still ended up under for the day, so fantastic job! The $20 challege sounds awesome! I don't think I could afford that :( Then again I'm still just starting off in work and am paying off loads of student loans haha! I think whatever amount you choose is great! Maybe you can buy a lock box or something and slip the money in every night and give the key to your hubby or hide it in a drawer? Just an idea! Awesome news about the fridge as well! Many more snack choices now :)

    Jen - Your challenges look great! I agree with you about the weekends for sure, I'm terrible with them!! Hopefully after this weekend things will turn around though! What egg muffin recipe do you use??

    Amy - Your challenge sounds good as well, and good job on picking up the healthy food for the week :) I hope you're feeling better now! I like the sound of your rewards as well... I'm thinking I might have to create some for myself!

    ASchief - wow! only 9 more weeks?! You are going to kill it :) I can't wait to see more progress pictures! Congrats on the smaller bra size as well! I'm thinking I need to get resized again, but they always try to tell me I'm a 36 band and I wear the 34 on the second fitting!! Not very useful if you ask me haha.

    Ris - Awesome continuing with the no alcohol! I think going from drinking a beer or 2 every night to just 1 glass in a few days is great for the first week! You're doing great!

    Kate - I hope you're fully recovered today :P Congrats on your nsv of toned arms! They look AWESOME in your pic!! I wish I had a pair of green skinny jeans too!! I think a shopping trip is in order for those :)

    As for me, this is a very busy week!! One of my best friends is getting married this weekend, so I will have to make it through rehearsal dinner (I think they said it's family style chicken... I hope they have a veggie option!) Dinner with the other bridesmaids and bride Thursday and then the wedding friday!! I was hoping I could find out where we were eating Thursday so I could prelog.... but my most feared phrase when going out to eat was said "we'll make a game time decision" about where to go.... AHHH! I need to know my options!! I will be good earlier in the day though just to be sure.... On Saturday I'm going to a dinner & comedy show fundraiser for my bf's cousin... so again, no clue what the meal will be... I'm being very good so far this week though! I was around or just a little above cals on Sunday *didn't log* and I didn't have a glass of wine Sunday night or last night! I'm not planning on having one tonight either, so yey! I'm hoping I can make it til Friday without a drink, but I guess I'll see how the rehearsal and Thursday go! I'm going to think of what I want my next challenges to be for next week... the rest of this week will be to just make it through alive and not as big as a whale :P Wish me luck!!

    Happy Spring to everyone as well! :D