2 week challenge



  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    1. the 2-week-challenge we are working on.
    2. how progress is going relative to that 2-week-challenge; and
    3. how progress is going overall (towards whatever OVERALL goal you have).

    My two week challenge has been to complete my 3 days of running and 3 days of strength. I have gotten in all the workouts that needed to be done. Chest/Back is tonight and 2 runs this weekend. Hopefully with a longer run Saturday and Track work (fingers crossed no rain) Sunday. I'll start a new 2 week challenge this coming Monday. This weeks was focused on setting up my training plan for the 5k.

    The progress is going fine. I'm disappointed that I can't just pick up and run. But that comes with being a novice at steady state cardio. Intervals, circuits, speedwork- I'm there. Steady state and I have never been friends. :laugh:

    My overall goal has been to decrease BF% and drop some weight. However, part of my initial challenge earlier on was to avoid constant scale check ins. So I've been off the scale for weeks. Monday is my weigh in day and will hopefully keep me inspired to avoid weekend derailing.

    In thinking of the 2 week challenge, I think I'll set up a mini weekend goal for myself to not only net my 1500 calories. But two get both my 2 runs in and 1 other workout (be that just active play with the family- tennis or walks or an actual workout DVD)
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    1. 2 week challenge: eating healthy, daily exercise & logging eveything
    2. progress - doing well with one exception - I have recently discovered the deliciousness of Nutella, I fear it may be my downfall
    3. over all progress: 3.5 lbs to lose to get back to where I was pre-holidays and then setting new goal (not sure yet)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    I love how very *compliant* this group is!! Ask and ye shall receive....

    Amy - what method are you using to measure 'body fat %"?? I'm always interested in this topic!

    mama - sounds like you are right-on-track if you ask me. So, good for you!!

    Abigail - nutella is like liquid gold for my tummy, too. I simply have to say, "no" (and my son has it on a bagel every single morning for breakfast....so, I actualy say "no" every single day!).

    I'm thinking I am over-complicating my goals, again....trying to do too much, too fast. Next week would be a good time for me to focus on diminishing late-night snacking. Period. Once I get that down, everything else tends to flow better....
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    mmm, nutella. I keep talking myself out of buying it;) I do find I need a little something sweet. My cube neighbor keeps chocolate and this week I didn't want any til Thursday so that is something.
    Beeps, I am going to have someone at the gym use the calipers on me. I haven't done that for about a year-it was 24%. I did the handheld device though, at a health fair and said 19% but she admitted it could be inaccurate by 5% in either direction.
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    Hi all, I've been off the boards - stressing out over an insanely insecure and crazy neighbor who (albeit indirectly) threatened me last weekend... I'm trying to take it as a compliment that she thinks I'm SOOOOO attractive that no man can resist me...hahaha. Ha. (It's just not funny to be threatened.) It sure motivates me to get stronger and be religious about working out, but I've been really stressed all week about it and so tempted to chow down on CF ice cream!

    From last week:

    Jen - I'm sorry you lost a student and and had a rough evening on top of that. It does remind us to keep things in perspective.

    Amy, I am soooo sorry.
    Thanks for the link to the protein muffins. Cool website - those pictures motivate!

    1. the 2-week-challenge I'm working on: Staying under my calories and eating at least 2 cups veggies daily
    2. how progress is going relative to that 2-week-challenge: Not bad, but could certainly be better in both areas
    3. how progress is going overall (towards whatever OVERALL goal you have): I FINALLY lost some weight! I effortlessly gain 5 lbs every T.o.M. then lose it afterwards. My weight varies from AM to PM by 3 pounds every day. This time, though, I can see a difference in my abs so I went to the mall and bought a bikini last night - my 3rd one ever!!!

    If I'm feeling brave later this weekend I'll take some pics and post them...
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    I gave homemade Nutella to a vegan friend for Christmas: cocoa powder, agave syrup, raw honey and superfinely ground (pulsed in my coffee/spice grinder) hazelnuts - all mixed together. *Slightly* healthier than the original though it became a bit...thick b/c I didn't add any oil.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    1. the 2-week-challenge I'm working on: logging everything especially on weekends (thats where i need the most improvement), not cocktails monday-thursday, workout 6 days a week- 3 days of p90x strength training and 3 days of running, sticking with my clean eating plan of 6 small meals a day and protein with every meal

    2. how progress is going relative to that 2-week-challenge: well since i just got back from vacation i am just working on getting back into full gear which has been easier than in the past and weight is dropping right back off and i have been sticking with it pretty well so far

    3. how progress is going overall (towards whatever OVERALL goal you have): my big goal right now is working on clean eating and i have been pretty proud of myself and also working on my running which is going pretty well also :)
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    This board moves so fast. I'd really like each of us to post an "update" on:

    1. the 2-week-challenge we are working on
    2. how progress is going relative to that 2-week-challenge; and
    3. how progress is going overall (towards whatever OVERALL goal you have).

    Hi ladies! I promise after March I will be posting waay more - I have been working insane hours (yes even working this weekend) so have had no time to keep up! One more week though then back to normal!

    1. So I realized I haven't set a two week challenge since work madness - so tomorrow I am starting a new 2 week challenge and that is go get 100% of my workouts in these next two weeks. Because I have been so busy at work I missed a couple sessions this week... I have now had to split my cardio into 2 session because I am doing 80 minutes a day. So I do 40 in the morning, and then another 40 + weights at nights. So my goal is to get 100% in.
    2. Tomorrow I am going to do a stairs workout which will allow me to cross my cardio and leg workout off the list so that will be a good start!
    3. So in terms of overall progress. I am halfway into training! 8 weeks in, 8 weeks left! Its pretty exciting!! I know I promised pictures, and I wil be having my fiance take them Thursday when he is home so I can post them.

    In terms of measurements - I always like to post my progress from January 1st because that is when I set my "overall" goal for the year... But my actually competition regime started on January 28.

    Jan 1 - 144.6 lbs, 229.5 inches
    Jan 28 - 140.8 lbs, 225.5 inches
    March 24 - 133.0 lbs, 219 inches

    So I am super ecstatic! 11.6 lbs and 10.5 inches in 3 months! I honestly cannot remember the last time I weighed under 145 pounds let alone the 130s! This journey has definitely been a struggle at time but so amazing also! I am learning so much about myself, my strength, and my body. I get excited to see the changes every week, and knowing I still have 8 weeks is awesome! I am getting more and more nervous though however for the competition and getting up on stage - that is a huge fear of mine and I know I am going to have to face it soon - I waiver back and forth on whether or not I want to/can get up there....but I know I HAVE to.. I know I will regret it if I don't....mind over matter!

    Anywyas back to the grind....Have a great weekend friends!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    1. the 2-week-challenge we are working on. - Log everything, stay under cals, good nutrition

    2. how progress is going relative to that 2-week-challenge - excellent!! I haven't finished logging last nights stuff, but I will right after I post this. Been under cals all week (quite significantly on 2 days, so if I go a little over on Fridays, overall it balances out). And my food has been much cleaner this past week and I feel such a difference!

    3. how progress is going overall (towards whatever OVERALL goal you have). To get to 17-18% bodyfat and around 107-108 lbs. I get measured and bodyfat this Thurs, so I won't know where I am til then. 2 weeks ago it was 21.8% Since I had been taking weekends off, I haven't been at 110 since Mexico and I am now at 110.4, so ALMOST there!!!

    Ladies, you are all doing amazing and keep me motivated!!! I know I've said it before, but I am so happy to have this group :love:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Everyone is doing just GREAT!! So nice to read!!

    My 2-week-challenge is going to be eliminating late-night-snacking....yep, I started tracking, again, after I got back from Hawaii and, since that time, I've LNS 6 times!! This is inappropriate. I was down to 4 times A MONTH (mostly around TOM) when I left for Hawaii. So, LNS 6 times in 2 weeks is simply WRONG. I'll work on that in the next 2 weeks.

    I don't know how I'm doing with my "overall" goal....because, I haven't had my body fat % measured. And, I've just made the mental decision NOT to measure it for the time-being. I think it would just be counter-productive, to me, to know how far away I (might be) am. So, it rests until, perhaps, June.

    I do think I'm doing well in the work-out department. It is the nutrition part that always throws me off - I have good weeks and bad weeks and, maybe to propel myself a little further, I should just try and have MORE good weeks than bad weeks. Even that, as they say, is progress!!

    Okay, off to the gym, now....just light cardio and major stretching, today. My shoulder/upper back is still a royal PAIN and my foot hurt like the ****ens, yesterday, after my long-steady-state cardio workout.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hey Ladies! Hope everyone is having a FABULOUS weekend! Great goals for all...and way to go Ashief! Your hard work is definitely paying off :) What do you do for cardio? I am thinking about stepping it up in the gym with some more cardio but not sure what/how much to do.

    1. the 2-week-challenge we are working on/ 2. how progress is going: Yesterday I finished my 4 weeks 6 days a week compliant challenge. Here is my self-evaluation:

    1. I stayed in my limits and managed to create consistent caloric deficits each week. I logged 6-7 days a week each week and went overboard much less. I only drank 1 per weeks, and not at all this week. I *feel* good.
    2. I dropped 1.5 lbs (though don't know how much was water) and about 1% according to my omron (none according to calipers...as I explained was disappointing!)
    3. I stuck to my workout plan and feel good about my progress in the gym. A guy came up to me Friday to tell me I was ripped (okay, confession, the other ladies in the gym with me were about 70, give or take).

    New Goals:
    1. Log everyday and EVERYTHING (no snacking!) and hit my macros. I am eating at 1800 cals everyday regardless, but will eat more or less depending on how I feel. I just want to hit my weekly deficit goal.
    2. Do all my NROL workouts and 2-3 cardio sessions per week.
    3. Drink once per week.

    3. how progress is going overall (towards whatever OVERALL goal you have).

    I am on the right track but disappointed in my lack of body fat drop according to the calipers (I know it could be water weight). I looking forward to the bod pod testing and that will give me a better feel for it. After Stage 2 ends I will take detailed measurements and pictures again which is wear I think all this hard work will really show :) But overall, I am most happy with progress towards a new normal...I am eating better than ever. April will be crazy with lots of events that throw me off my calories and health. That's okay! I just want to keep things in a space where I am in control and know how to get back.

    I second Jen...you ladies are WONDERFUL! So glad to have you!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Kate- I think your goals and thoughts are awesome. Very non-scale oriented. Just focused on being healthy, getting fitter and listening to your body. Excellent job.

    Beeps- I think anything that throws off our schedule can lead us back down goals we've already conquered. I'm sure you'll get it back down to where you have it in no time.

    Jen- It's always amazing (and shouldn't be because we know it's true) how quickly we just feel better when we get ourselves back in line! Don't I know it! So close to that 110- it's just around the corner!!

    My new 2 week goal is to pre-log my main meals. I had been doing this and then let it go by the way side. I find it helps me make sure I'm prepping and not just winging it. Especially with snacks. My 2nd goal will be to get 4 runs in this week. Which my knees aren't looking forward to but they just need time to recognize a change in routine and I"m sure they'll adapt (fingers crossed!!)
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey everyone! Happy Monday!

    I didn't do so great with my 2 week challenge of doing well on the weekends. I had some drinks I didn't even log. But, its still better than I used to be. I am happy to be full force back to it starting today! Back to strength training and no drinking during the week.

    Everyone's challenges sound great and are very inspiring....I do love this thread, definitely feel like it keeps me accountable and I have all of you to thank for that :wink:
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Hey Ladies! Hope everyone is having a FABULOUS weekend! Great goals for all...and way to go Ashief! Your hard work is definitely paying off :) What do you do for cardio? I am thinking about stepping it up in the gym with some more cardio but not sure what/how much to do.

    For cardio I try and do lots of intervals.....I usually do intervals all week and then a long run on the weekend. I prefer the treadmills, so I do lots on there, and then some on the elliptical.. A typical workout looks like this.

    Warm up - Walk at 3.5 mph for 5 minutes
    2 min walk at 4 mph
    2 min sprint at 9 mph
    2 min walk at 4
    2 min sprint at 9
    2 min walk at 4
    *then jump off the treadmill and do 2 sets of 30 jump lunges*
    2 min walk at 4 mph
    2 min sprint at 9 mph
    2 min walk at 4
    2 min sprint at 9
    2 min walk at 4
    *jump off the treadmill and do 2 sets of 30 jump squats*

    I repeat this for as long as you want your cardio session to be - anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour usually.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    That's a tough cardio work-out, AScheif....good for you!

    Can I ask you something (because I am doing lunge-jumps and squat-jumps in the body matrix part of NROL4W)? How "deep" do you go into your lunges when you are jumping?? (Meaning, is your back knee stil just about touching the ground?) And, how "deep" do you go into your squats when you are jumping?? (Meaning, do you still go below parallel?) When I add the "jump", I end up sacrificing a LOT of depth - and I am wondering if that is a good thing - or if I'm doing something wrong in the movement and there's a way to help me improve??
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    mama, I think I'm going to try to pre-book my calories for the day, too. I ended up NOT tracking this weekend, because I was too busy beating myself up on the BIG goals. I think it's probably more important (for me, at least) to focus on small goals. Small measurable goals. And let the big stuff take care of itself.

    So, for this 2-week-challenge, I will:

    1. pre-track my calories (except supper ... I only have half a clue as to what my nanny might show up with - she cooks fish for me, but the sides are a 'surprise'!). But, I think even pre-tracking my snacks will put me in a much better calorie position, long-term.

    2. No LNS. Sometimes I do plan for a LNS. But, I think, for awhile, I just have to say "no". Or, if I plan for a LNS, it has to be at the cost of a celebration meal - cannot do both.

    3. Drink a protein shake right AFTER my weight-training. This will be a true habit-change....I usually do a protein shake (if I do one, at all....) in the late afternoon. To try and stave off the hunger for my supper. I'm going to try, instead, to give my muscles their protein right after I work-out. And, I'll eliminate it from late-afternoon. Not sure what I'll do if I get super-hungry late-afternoon (which I normally do), but I have plain almonds, sugar snap peas and yogurt in my fridge, so I'll track that.

    That's it! 3 things. Narrow my focus and hopefully feel good about myself succeeding at these 3 things.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Wow, it is great to read everyone's challenges and how well everyone is doing!
    I have been logging really well except Friday when we went to a nice dinner, it's an asian fusion place and I don't know how to log most of what I ate. I never finish my entries though, because I don't like it when it says I will weigh more in 5 weeks:tongue:
    Also, I haven't weighed myself since upping cals, and I did not make into the gym for the body fat testing.
    On Friday when I was working out it got to the point where I was by myself in the weight room. I wanted to see how close I could come to a chin up, so I jumped up and grabbed the handles and I could pull myself about halfway up, so that was exciting-someday...
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Beeps, I saw what you said about late night snacks, but I know on the Eason plan she had us eating protein at night. Maybe if you account for it you could have, say, a chocolate protein drink with a little peanut butter mixed in?
    Also, my protein drink says to drink before a workout. I get confused! Someone posted this on another thread about what to eat for cardio and strength training and circuit training.

    Oh, and Aschief, that is intense intervals if your "recovery" walk is at 4, that would kill me!:noway:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    That's a tough cardio work-out, AScheif....good for you!

    Can I ask you something (because I am doing lunge-jumps and squat-jumps in the body matrix part of NROL4W)? How "deep" do you go into your lunges when you are jumping?? (Meaning, is your back knee stil just about touching the ground?) And, how "deep" do you go into your squats when you are jumping?? (Meaning, do you still go below parallel?) When I add the "jump", I end up sacrificing a LOT of depth - and I am wondering if that is a good thing - or if I'm doing something wrong in the movement and there's a way to help me improve??

    when I do the jump lunges I come down so that my back knee touches the ground before I pop back up, and with the jump squats same thing - I go all the way down to parallel before I pop back up.