2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Oh, and I think I posted this somewhere, but unsure....I *did* post all my photos/measurements/stats to the 2 x fitness challenges I am in. I did this on Saturday. So, my 3-month challenge is DONE. My 6-month challenge is mid-way.

    Nothing too good about the measurements and, as you know, I don't even bother looking at the photos because I just end up crying. But, as I was posting up my photos, I thought I "saw" something....so, I took a GOOD look. And???

    While it *isn't* showing up in my measurements, there is a DEFINITE reduction in my bum/saddlebags form. As in I NOTICED IT - and I am HYPER-CRITICAL about this area of my body. So, I showed the pics to my husband and he said, "I TOLD you there was a difference THERE...."

    Wow, huh?? I guess all those squats and lunges are FINALLY showing some of their stuff on my photos!! Let's just say the next 3 months are gonna be my GLORY months.....I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited, it wasn't even funny.

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Is it time for new 2 week goals? I am going to keep with my starting strength program-lifting 3 times per week. Keeping up calories and protein and less drinking.
    My weekend was ok. Saturday, though, I ate a ton of food, I can't even begin to explain it, I stopped logging after dinner, I was at 2000 cals before ice cream, then drinks, then late night at Taco Bell.
    Reese, with Weight Watchers, did your mom gain the weight back? I just think it might not be very sustainable for her long term, but some of the principles and recipes are good.
    Kate, glad you can rest and not feel like you are falling behind, that is always nice and I agree you just need to rest and let your immune system devote itself to you making you well-and feed it as best you;)
    ChLoe, I am sure you can add some nuts or a greek yogurt to get your cals up a little bit? I have to say, I am not having a problem eating more, but it is scary.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Weight watchers is what she used years back. She isn't any more. We are just working on simple things. I don't get overly involved so that I don't come across as putting my nose in where it shouldn't be. Just make simple suggestions and offer recipes. Talk about what I've tried, etc. She's just working on incorporating those better foods that she was eating while on Weight watchers. But to be honest, even if she decided to go back to WW, I'd support her because it might not be the best long term solution but it is a step in the direction of doing something. And that group atmosphere is something that she enjoys. While I prefer the anonymousness of MFP world. :laugh: :laugh: To each his own I suppose.:smile:

    Beeps- SO GLAD YOU SEE YOUR PROGRESS!! That's awesome. So rewarding when you can finally say 'ah ha! there is improvements' Great job!!!

    Kate- Sorry that you aren't feeling 100%. Very smart of you to just get in to the Doc now and not wait. There is some nasty, long lasting bugs around this season it seems! I do hope you feel better soon.

    Chloe- Just listen to your body, I peeked at your diary...looks like yummy, healthy food...those clean foods don't always make eating at a higher cal level easy! If your full, your full...maybe after P90x tonight you'll be ready for something more though!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Beeps, sorry I missed your posts, so you did post pics? Here on MFP? I wanna see! Glad you are seeing improvement, that is great.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    omg, nope, I have NOT posted pics here at mfp....not ready for THAT, yet. But, I did post them on the forum that I'm doing the challenges with.

    Maybe after 12-months of weight-training I will be brave enough to show off something....but, I don't even know about that. I kind of feel like weight-training is a VERY. LONG. TERM. THING. So, my beliefs that I can do it in 6 months aren't very realistic (given that I am not eating super clean 100% of the time and my weights aren't increasing as heavily as they were in the first little while).

    Some people can do it, for sure - because they are putting the necessary time and effort into the pursuit. I'm into it for 60 minutes a day and for 1,800 calories a day. And that's it.....likely not enough of a "super-star" performance to get my body into tip-top shape very quickly, lol.

    But, I love it....I really do feel STRONGER than I did 3 months ago and I really do think my body is telling me that it *is* being re-shaped.....how-so-ever slowly!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    oh, ok, well, I think you have a very healthy realistic attitude that I could stand to take a lesson... I really thought 12 weeks would show improvement. 60 minutes a day and 1800 cals is great! certainly not nothing.
    I saw another thread of a "skinny fat" that did strength training for a few weeks-at home-and had noticeable results, lemme go find that thread...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Well, and bluefever did her transformation in 12 weeks, and AScheif's is about 16 weeks, I think....but, those ladies had EXTREME eating habits. (Well, "EXTREME" being relative, but, I highly doubt they had alcohol, chocolate-covered almonds, Dad's goodie rings, cheezies, Stacy's pita chips, hickory sticks, etc....and that list are ALL things I have eaten at some point in the last 30 days....)

    That's kind of why I budgeted that what they did in one week might take me one month....so, a 12-week transformation for a SUPER-charged person is going to = a 12-month transformation for a SEMI-charged person (like myself!).

    Amy, I'm going to go and read that thread, now....thank you!!!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes all! I am feeling better. still not great so I taking one more day at home, especially with exposure to pneumonia I don't want to take any risks! Waking up this morning I felt okay and decided to go a little while without meds to see how I really feel - not great. So back onto the meds for me!

    Anyways - on the progress. Beeps I think you have the right idea. I'm on board with that for sure - it works for me mentally and physically. There's an idea in economics called "diminishing returns" that I think applies here. Namely, in all productive activities, adding additional inputs (think eating better, lifting, etc) while holding other factors constant, will at some point yield lower per-unit returns. Our bodies hold most things constant for me (our metabolic rates, our genetic disposition, etc) so we can change diet and exercise. When we first change these things, we generally see great jumps, but those jumps tend to decline as we continue and depending on our fitness. This graph is a good explanation (sort of big - my first time posted a picture here!)


    We are all pretty along on that x-axis - no quick returns for us unless inputs are changed to an extreme :)
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Great visual. I'm terrible with economics (absolute truth!) but I can completely understand your point with the visual. After that initial jump start when getting back into this that causes the shock and initial loss, everything there on after is slow and steady unless we make extreme adjustments. I am fascinated by bluefever's results. Completed speechless, just as I am with Ashceifs. I am with Beeps though. At this point, I am ready and able to make X & Y adjustments, move along make a few more tweaks and keep holding steady at healthy and comfortable (for lack of a better adjectives). There are days that I say to myself- just go full bore-but then I realize what that means and the time that it requires. I will hold a huge 'BRAVO' & 'Congrats' to those that do it. I think it's magnificent. It's just for me at this point, 'no inputs are being changed to an extreme'. And I think that's why the support from the board and MFP in general is so particularly effective because even though there aren't those giant leaps/gains...that 'you are doing well' or 'what about this..' suggestions help us to continue to move along in our pursuits. Both are excellent approaches, we just all have different goals!!

    On another ntoe, I'm looking to cut carbs (as mentioned in my 2 week challenge post) for the next two weeks. Then slowly add small amounts of the good kinds back (my beloved quinoa) to see how my body adjusts and at what level of carbs my body stops appreciating the good carbs. (holy runon sentence Batman!) I'm coming to the conclusion that this carb issue (not a complete dismissal of all but a better level for my own body) and the darn Diet soda are what are my limiting factors right now. I may be wrong, but I am going to play with this for a bit to see whether this theory of mine is correct. I looked back at a post I made to Steve Troutman on another board and my weight is only 1lb less and that post was July. I took measurements to see where this experiment takes me and I need to compare them to my December Turbo Fire initial measurements to see if there was progress with that. With my head back on and in a better place, I can take a realistic look at where I'm at without feeling the need to beat myself up. Hey...I've had 2 kids, gained way too much weight, lost if all and now I"m just trying to get down to a 'what I want' weight. Regardless, I'm a whole heck of a lot more healthy and active than I was two years ago. My attempts may not be extreme but I feel pretty darn good about all of that ! End ramble. :wink:
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I need some advice.....So I have the rest of this week and next week then I am done with P90X and the plan is to continue with my running for cardio and do Chalean Extreme for strength. So my problem right now is that I am super burnt out with P90X so should I just be done with it and move on to Chalean next week or just suck it up and finish? I think I may feel guilty skipping the last week since I made it this far, but I am really ready to start something new.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I'm a big program girl. I love me a little completed program. BUT sometimes moving on to keep ourselves enjoying what we are doing and not just suffering through it is more beneficial than a check marked box on the last day. Plus, Tony can cause burn out for sure!! :laugh:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    I, too, really enjoy how supportive this atmosphere is - it is important in my fitness progress, FOR SURE!

    chuisle - LOVE that diagram! I think I am still on the upward curve (particularly when I really DO focus, laser-like, on my nutrition), but I would think in another 3 months I'll have rounded the corner and be on the slower slant of progression.

    mama - your (7:48 am) post is exactly the point - you are in WAY better shape now, than before, and you are continuing to "tweek" your performance to suit *new* goals which have cropped up as you've met old goals...

    Chloe - I know you're bored. But, my advice is to finish the 90X. Find SOME way to challenge yourself through it (i.e. work-out as if it was the LAST time, EVER, that you have to do the program and REALLY give it your ALL!) - and you'll be VERY proud of yourself that you finished!! (I'm VERY proud of you!!) And then you can move into Chalean Extreme with all the enthusiasm it deserves.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    I'm REALLY going to focus on maintaining a 200-250 calorie deficit throughout April. I think this week will be hard, for that....but, then I think it will become easier once I figure out my hunger cycle (i.e. late afternoon munchies.....must eat crunchy vegetables and NOT anything else, lol!)

    I saw there was a Mayday crop-top challenge and....shucks, I just don't think my midriff will be ready in one month's time. But, with SERIOUS calorie control, I think it *could* be ready in 2 months time. So, while I will NOT participate in the mayday challenge, I'd like to participate in one that's about 60 days from now.

    I'm also going to REALLY focus on my ab-work during my strength work-outs.....I'm usually so pooped by abs that I'm NOT really focused on it. I mean, I do it, but not with the laser-beam intensity that they require. I'll make that my April focus....making sure I'm not short-changing my abs!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    this is a supportive atmosphere, and it has been all along really. I remember someone came in with a different tone and cutmd was quick to let them know it wasn't appropriate. love that!
    Beeps, I think your abs (and mine) would be helped by the crunchy vegetables more than the crunches! I am not doing any ab work, just the deadlift, squat, bench press and overhead press for 8 weeks. and I remember the 90s, I lived in crop tops!
    Thanks for visual, Kate! trying to find that point where I expend little effort for major changes but the math (geometry? economics?) isn't working:wink:
    So last night the guys were hogging the bench press so I used used the Smith Machine, I know, not ideal. I feel like I should go bench press and make up for before my next work out!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I love how supportive this group is too and I also love how much I learn on here :smile:

    Beeps- I think you are right I just have to think of it like 2 more P90X workouts this week and 3 next and then I am done! And I really am kinda anal about completing things so I think I really would feel bad if I didn't. Thanks everyone for the input! I think I just needed that extra push.

    Just received my set of 15 lb dumbells in the mail yesterday! I am slowly increasing my weight collection. Now I have 5, 8, 10, 12, 15 and 20. I'm really pumped to do this round of Chalean, last time I got great results and that was when I only had up to 10 lb weights, so these heavier sets will hopefully make a difference! Doing well with my running also, my goal is to be able to run 60 minutes straight, which I should be at by the end of April and then I will start increasing speed. I love when I really get into running bc that is the best cardio for me and my butt looks so much tighter when I am running consistently :wink:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    oh, Chloe, I forgot to weigh in, but I agree you should finish. you might consider taking a week off too, you need rest too!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    also, Chloe, I love your pic, is it in Mexico? You look sun-kissed!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Yea I may just do a light cardio week in between. And yes that pic was from our Mexico trip, thank you!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    As always, Amy, I think you're 100% right about "cruncy vegetables" vs. crunches.....I don't do any crunches that I know of!

    To make sure "Abs April" is kicked off in darling style, on date-night tonight with husband, I will order the fish entree and substitute the starch with grilled veggies. Actually, come to think of it, I believe I ate fish for dinner about 25/31 evenings in March. So, somewhere along the line, that's going to count for something. I usually have grilled chicken with my lunch salad and I usually have a lighter variety of fish (often sole fillets) for supper.

    At the end of my work-outs, I'm supposed to be doing 3 x 90 second planks plus 3 x wood-chops (and other ab varieties!), but next week, in Stage 4, I think that moves up to 3 x 120 second-planks....so, yes, I have some WORK TO DO. (Lately I've been so tired at the end of my work-outs I've even had to split up my 90-second planks into 60/15/15....no more of that, I'm just going to have to menatlly tough it out!)

    Chloe, it's nice to read about "results" from some of the other programs....if it worked before (for you), I'm sure it will work again! I think you're doing FABULOUS!

    (Actually, everyone on this board is....sooooooooooo much effort put into our fitness - it's quite UPLIFTING, really!!!)