Stage 1



  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    Is anyone using the incline benches for their step-ups? I go to fit4less so it doesn't have any boxes or step-ups so I'm using the incline bench with two 15 pound dumb-bells for now. I've only done Workout B once so far so I'm hoping I'll grow stronger but the incline bench seems pretty high.
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    Is anyone using the incline benches for their step-ups? I go to fit4less so it doesn't have any boxes or step-ups so I'm using the incline bench with two 15 pound dumb-bells for now. I've only done Workout B once so far so I'm hoping I'll grow stronger but the incline bench seems pretty high.

    I'm going to have use a bench when I do step-ups, too. My gym doesn't have the box or step, either. I tried using a little wooden platform they have there, but it wasn't high enough. I'm hoping the bench isn't too much. I'll find out tomorrow.
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    Is anyone using the incline benches for their step-ups? I go to fit4less so it doesn't have any boxes or step-ups so I'm using the incline bench with two 15 pound dumb-bells for now. I've only done Workout B once so far so I'm hoping I'll grow stronger but the incline bench seems pretty high.

    I'm going to have use a bench when I do step-ups, too. My gym doesn't have the box or step, either. I tried using a little wooden platform they have there, but it wasn't high enough. I'm hoping the bench isn't too much. I'll find out tomorrow.

    It's definitely doable. My only concern is that I'm going to look like a wimp because my weights will be a lot lower than if I was using a lower platform, lol. I'm just being silly. I shouldn't worry about something so stupid :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    fuzzy, you SHOULD worry about the bench height. Because, the HIGHER it is, 2 things:

    1. the more it works your legs/glutes; and
    2. "higher" can bother one's knees, so be careful.

    But, a 8"-10" platform, in my mind, isn't going to do to much of, I do a 20" bench, myself (I have long legs!) and so, depending on your height, you really want to make sure that the platform/bench IS high enough that you are REALLY working the muscles you are supposed to work.

    Meaning: someone with 35 lb DB on a 6" bench isn't working anything properly. Someone with 8 lb DB on a 20" bench is working the muscles much better.

    Go for proper form on the highest bench you can - and then increase your DB weight once you have the form down.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Apparently even with the log sheets to track what weights I used for each exercise, I still managed to confuse myself. Last night I did workout 5B and for the lateral pulldowns, I thought I was at 85 lbs. So I set it to 95 since I'm down to reps of 10 now. And I nearly got pulled off the seat! I barely finished the set and dropped it down to 85lbs for set 2 and 70 lbs for set 3. Well, it turns out I was only at 70 lbs for that exercise! A 25 lb jump would explain my issues, hahaha.

    Everything else in workout 5B went well though. I'm at 95 lbs for deadlifts. I'm hoping to break 100 soon! The weakness is my grip, even with the gloves. I could just eek out 10 before I had to put it down. I moved up to 20 lbs for the overhead presses too, that was a big step from 15 lbs. Lunges were with 25lb kettlebells in each hand and the ball crunches I held a 15 lb dumbbell.

    I'm hoping the scale might start to stablize and go down soon. I've been pretty much at 157 for the last 2 weeks. I was as low as 155 in the very beginning. I'm guessing my muscles are still adjusting and I've got water weight (it's also the wrong week in the month to be trying to lose weight, haha). We'll see how it goes, I've been doing well with eating enough at least.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    the main reason i don't like doing stepups on the bench is because of the padding. i do barbell stepups so its bad enough i have the weight on my shoulder that makes me have to focus on balance i hate adding stepping on a squishy surface to that

    i washed my gloves and accidently put them in the dryer. im hoping i can stretch them out or else ill need to get a new pair
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    fuzzy, you SHOULD worry about the bench height. Because, the HIGHER it is, 2 things:

    1. the more it works your legs/glutes; and
    2. "higher" can bother one's knees, so be careful.

    But, a 8"-10" platform, in my mind, isn't going to do to much of, I do a 20" bench, myself (I have long legs!) and so, depending on your height, you really want to make sure that the platform/bench IS high enough that you are REALLY working the muscles you are supposed to work.

    Meaning: someone with 35 lb DB on a 6" bench isn't working anything properly. Someone with 8 lb DB on a 20" bench is working the muscles much better.

    Go for proper form on the highest bench you can - and then increase your DB weight once you have the form down.

    Wow, I was just wondering about this! I wasn't feeling challenged on the low step (maybe 12"?) but I've also pretty much maxed the DB weight my arms can carry. I wasn't sure if moving to a higher step or trying to go for the barbell with more weight was better. I was worried about trying the barbell due to balance issues so perhaps I will try the higher step first. Glad this came up!
  • kag1526
    kag1526 Posts: 210 Member
    So today I did my second workout A.

    I did my squats with barbells because I wasn't sure about using the smith machine I have heard alot of bad things about it especially for knees. I think I'm going to have to though because even with 20 lb dumbbells I feel like my legs could do alot more, its my arms that are weak.

    I managed to go down in height a bit for my pushups so that was good, did my seated rows at a higher weight.

    Tried to do step ups on the bench this time (just used a stair before) but between the much higher height and the padding had a very hard time with this. Ended up only doing 5. I just didn't feel like I was doing them right or getting anywhere. I don't know what I'm going to do about these ones.

    I did reverse crunches instead of the prone jackknives as well because I don't have the arm strength needed to balance on the ball.
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    It's definitely doable. My only concern is that I'm going to look like a wimp because my weights will be a lot lower than if I was using a lower platform, lol. I'm just being silly. I shouldn't worry about something so stupid :)

    I'm still going to try with the 15's, but at 4' 10.5", it's definitely going to be a workout for me!:laugh:
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    It's definitely doable. My only concern is that I'm going to look like a wimp because my weights will be a lot lower than if I was using a lower platform, lol. I'm just being silly. I shouldn't worry about something so stupid :)

    I'm still going to try with the 15's, but at 4' 10.5", it's definitely going to be a workout for me!:laugh:
    We're height twins! I'm also 4' 10 1/2". I've also got an issue with the padding on the bench when doing step ups. When using a standard size step, I was using 2 25 lb dumbbells. When using a bench, I had to decrease my weight to 2 15 lb. dumbbells. Mostly cause the foam bench made me feel wobbly.
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    I'm still going to try with the 15's, but at 4' 10.5", it's definitely going to be a workout for me!:laugh:
    We're height twins! I'm also 4' 10 1/2". I've also got an issue with the padding on the bench when doing step ups. When using a standard size step, I was using 2 25 lb dumbbells. When using a bench, I had to decrease my weight to 2 15 lb. dumbbells. Mostly cause the foam bench made me feel wobbly.

    Oh, good! Someone who understands my dilemma!:laugh:

    I tried using the bench this morning for my first set of step-ups and was doing ok with 15's, then things kinda went sideways. I lost my balance and slipped off the bench. I wasn't hurt, but didn't want to take that chance again, so I switched to 20's and just used the first step of the stairs. It's not as high as it should be, but, at my age, I can't afford to break a hip!:laugh:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    fuzzy, you SHOULD worry about the bench height. Because, the HIGHER it is, 2 things:

    1. the more it works your legs/glutes; and
    2. "higher" can bother one's knees, so be careful.

    But, a 8"-10" platform, in my mind, isn't going to do to much of, I do a 20" bench, myself (I have long legs!) and so, depending on your height, you really want to make sure that the platform/bench IS high enough that you are REALLY working the muscles you are supposed to work.

    Meaning: someone with 35 lb DB on a 6" bench isn't working anything properly. Someone with 8 lb DB on a 20" bench is working the muscles much better.

    Go for proper form on the highest bench you can - and then increase your DB weight once you have the form down.

    Wow, I was just wondering about this! I wasn't feeling challenged on the low step (maybe 12"?) but I've also pretty much maxed the DB weight my arms can carry. I wasn't sure if moving to a higher step or trying to go for the barbell with more weight was better. I was worried about trying the barbell due to balance issues so perhaps I will try the higher step first. Glad this came up!

    I use a step bench from the step aerobics class, put five risers under it and use the 25lbs plate in my hands instead of DBs. I like using the step bench for the adjustable height. My gym also has some seating/benches around the outer floor. I've seen people using those too for step ups.

    I was a little bummed on Wednesday because I couldn't hit 100 lbs with my deadlift. I did 95, but just couldn't get 100 off the rack and hold it :( Gloves helped a little but they also pushed the weight more onto my fingers instead of my palm.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    And let me just say that Squatting 120 lbs is the most amazing feeling !!!:bigsmile:
  • kcfaber
    kcfaber Posts: 123 Member
    @samntha14: Squatting 120 lbs is AWESOME!!! Keep it up! Isn't amazing how much stronger you are than you think??
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I've read through this entire thread, and it's great to see everyone moving through the program so well! I learned a lot from all the questions. I started New Rules today, and loved it! I'm looking forward to getting to know all the other Stage One-ers here.

    My starting weights:

    Squat: Bar + 10 (okay, starting the dumb questions already--the Olympic bar is 45lbs? The weights I put on said 10, I'm assuming they were 10 lbs not 10 Kg--felt like 10 lb) So that would be a total of 65, right? I could have gone heavier, but was worried about balance this first time.

    Step up: 15 lbs. each hand

    Seated row: 40 lbs. (again, could have gone heavier)

    Push-ups: did them from step plus three risers (yeah, weak shoulders)

    Prone jackknife: Didn't fall off the ball! And, thought the reps were supposed to be 15, not 8, so did 15 for both sets.

    I warmed up on the elliptical and finished up with Tabatas on the stationary bike. The actual lifting part took abut 30 minutes (mostly because it took time to crisscross the gym a million times setting everything up) and burned about 200 cals--more than I expected.

    Can't wait for 1B on Monday!

    Nice to "meet" you,


    P.S. I'm 39 and am about 15 lbs from goal weight, just for context :)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Way to go Amanda!! To does feel quick in the beginning, but as you add warm up reps and and then three sets each in A5 and up it will take longer :)
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    Can I just say that I LOVE this program! I've been pretty dedicated to a healthy lifestyle of eating right and exercise for quite some time. However, this is one of the VERY few workouts I've done where I'm seeing such noticeable differences- both in my appearance and in my mindset. I can't even begin to say how long I've been trying to work on my midsection with different types of exercises targeting my abs. Man, only a few weeks of NRoL4W, and you see changes there QUICK.

    All of you ladies who post on this group are such an inspiration- keep it up!
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 832 Member
    Squat: Bar + 10 (okay, starting the dumb questions already--the Olympic bar is 45lbs? The weights I put on said 10, I'm assuming they were 10 lbs not 10 Kg--felt like 10 lb) So that would be a total of 65, right? I could have gone heavier, but was worried about balance this first time.

    Yep :o)

    Good job!!!
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Thanks for the bar confirmation, KareninCanada!

    And I'm glad to hear you're seeing results in your midsection KMorris--that's my major problem area...I'm really hoping this program helps.
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    Thanks for the bar confirmation, KareninCanada!

    And I'm glad to hear you're seeing results in your midsection KMorris--that's my major problem area...I'm really hoping this program helps.
    I really truly think you'll see results! I have not lost any weight on the scale, but my super skinny jeans (which are usually very super skinnily stuck to my hips and behind, are feeling quite loose today. I was walking through Target this afternoon and kept having to hike them back up :-) Best feeling ever ;-)